Hi everyone,
I wanted to share with you that if Furbabies4You sells enough tickets for the raffles, a portion of money raised will help Babe. (Picture attached.)
A local shelter contacted me about Babe and said she needs a miracle because she was an owner surrender and is VERY pregnant. They feel she’s due any day.
The moment I was told she was pregnant, I knew she needed to be pulled ASAP so that she can give birth in a sanitary and less stressful environment. Needless to say staff is not at shelters 24/7 so the chances of anyone being there when she gives birth is highly unlikely. The shelter staff cares deeply but they are extremely limited.
Therefore, tomorrow Babe will receive her Freedom Ride so she and her babies will no longer be at risk. She will, however, need food, vetting (in case there are any complications during birth as well as Babe’s spay after birth), veggies and food for the babies.
Please consider buying raffle tickets (or making a donation) so I can help Babe as she prepares to become a Mom.
Donations may be made via PayPal at [email protected]. (Indicate “Babe” if you make a donation.)
Thank you. 🐷🐽🐷