Heintzman Equine Training

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Heintzman Equine Training All-around horse training. Focusing on correctly developing horses to become safe riding partners.

My goal is to create a strong foundation so that horses can venture and thrive in various disciplines.

Kalani sold last Sunday and she is off to a wonderful new home . Thank you to all who were interested but I believe she ...

Kalani sold last Sunday and she is off to a wonderful new home . Thank you to all who were interested but I believe she found a great match .


Fabio will be my next project horse available in a month or so . He has been in lighter work 3-4 days a week simply because of time constraints …but he is still coming along beautifully . I would make a strong preference to a dressage based home that wanted a mustang with potential to be more than just a low level horse . If you enjoy a Morgan temperament and movement , then Fabio is your man !


Kalani is currently pending sale. She has come a long ways in her training and overall willingness as a partner . If you see how long I keep my personal project horses you have to realize that I’m not rolling in the profit . Factor in initial purchase cost, monthly feed, farrier care , hauling to trails/exposure and also my training time invested per month ….it slowly adds up . 😄 Project horses are a labor of love and finding the joy in watching their positive development in training . I accept my fate of not being a millionaire anytime soon 😉…but for the love of horses I’ll continue adding a few projects to my barn every year .

Monty….another awesome mustang in for “continuing education”. I took him out yesterday for a solo ride around the filber...

Monty….another awesome mustang in for “continuing education”. I took him out yesterday for a solo ride around the filberts ….it’s the perfect place to encourage horses forward and straight . The dogs running alongside are always an added bonus of motivation . When I asked him to really move out in he trot..he kind of gave me a look back like really lady? I’m like yea go Monty ! I was really pleased with how well he opened up his shoulder and started to lower his head in reach ..all with entirely loose reins . If riders try to cram and jam their horses heads down too soon …it can block energy flow up through the body and prevent proper top-line muscles from developing.


Wendell Stockdale rode Kalani and really got her to move out in that trot! He likes to say that he has fallen off more than he has ridden but I think he has a better seat than he realizes. 😅 Kalani has been great with all different types of riders and energy levels …really happy with how she has been handling the change!


I had this mustang here for 60 days to further his training . He needed to learn how to move straight , maintain consistent forward motion and eventually learn proper collection as a result . We also worked on riding outside alone , riding in groups whether leading /following /or being left behind entirely . This is a wonderful young horse with a great temperament. We had very realistic goals for the timeframe . Teaching a horse real collection and lifting the back takes time and muscle development that usually can’t happen in just 30 days .
I wish I could have an endless supply of these types of horses to train . 😂


I have the cutest little mustang mare in for “continuing education”. 😁I know she had a few rides a year ago but has been enjoying pasture life for the last year . She has been here less than a week but what a smart willing mare . I think she will be a great trail horse for her owner .


I have had barely any interest in this mare ….so she might as well start giving lessons until she finds her perfect home! Amanda Thayer has come a long way in her riding and is learning how to canter independently. These two did great last night .


How can you not love Fabio ? He is starting to get more consistent with collection and staying focused ! This horse really doesn’t argue…he is all try . Riding out in the open field is so beneficial for horses ….uneven ground , sloping terrain , random coyote popping out and plenty of traffic noise …win win for real world horse training . 😂
Fabio will not be listed any time soon …I have plans for this guy . However I have taken up training client horses again . Even though I am currently full …for future purposes I will be very selective on what I take in . I enjoy what I do …and I want to keep it that way . 😁 I realized though there are gaps that owners need bridged and outside exposure that they may not be comfortable putting the first miles on . I also enjoy helping owners that are truly invested in their horses .


Dogs ….make a better horse . Each horse I work with will benefit from these dogs . The best desensitizing training possible …jumping out of bushes , running up from behind , chasing coyotes off the trail ….just the element of surprise that young horses really need! However dealing with this part of training ..you as a rider need a good seat and steady calmness that can ride a spook and quickly redirect the horse back to work as if nothing happened . Eventually a horse “should” learn it’s not a “big deal” and you can reduce their reactions to a mere look in that direction or a small body shudder . 😅

This fun little WS reservation mare is still looking for her perfect match ! She is ready to hit the trail while we are ...

This fun little WS reservation mare is still looking for her perfect match ! She is ready to hit the trail while we are in the full swing of summer . She could easily do a LD endurance ride or hit a schooling show next week 😅. Currently being ridden by other riders so that she is not just used to dealing with me! Kalani is sound , currently barefoot , easy keeper , easy on fences , not mareish (no spacial issues ) , can be ridden off alone or in groups , easy to catch , knows how to collect and responds to weight aids well, crosses bridges/puddles/water …the list can go on but you get the point …! 6 yrs old 14.1 hands and stout ! Located in Mt.Angel OR upper x,### .


Working horses before the midday heat ! I may not be able to host as many groups rides …but I can still take out individuals or small groups on short notice . Still just $25 if you are simply tagging along during my training/conditioning rides with limited help . $40 for an actual lesson /working through problem areas. My rides can include arena work , riding in an open field , jumps , mini wooded trails , creek access , and safe areas for working laps and learning to safely ride together with speed! My goal is to help more people develop safe , sane horses that have been properly exposed to the real world…and in turn help boost riders confidence !


Glacier says he is prepping for fox hunting season .😂 This particular coyote has been very comfortable just hanging out while I do laps . I am purposely asking Glacier to walk and stop …then pursue further. Great way to build confidence in young horses ….no coyotes were harmed in this video . 😬


Ropes …flags …archery …Kalani is cool with it ! 😎 Also threw on a western saddle and she can ride around with a looser, one rein …no problem. This is a very versatile little mare !

Group Ride Announcement ! Sunday June 23rd 11-2 pm . Please message me ahead of time if you plan on participating. We wi...

Group Ride Announcement ! Sunday June 23rd 11-2 pm . Please message me ahead of time if you plan on participating. We will start out slow the first hour or so and then for those wishing to speed up (jumps optional) can continue to stay after . Warm up in the arena first ….followed by out in the field , mini trails , optional creek crossing . Still just $25 a horse/rider. Located in Mt.Angel OR


Flirt and Glacier cruising through Willamette Mission park yesterday …we had the place to ourselves ! Even though Flirt is getting up there in age ..he still enjoys hitting the trails ….at a brisk pace . 😅


Fabio is starting to carry himself correctly ….he definitely has potential to be a dressage star . Also spending a lot more time outside of the arena , walk/trot /canter out in the open field . He has been confident and happy to venture off alone…a horse that wants to go places !


What a great group ride ! We had a nice mix of horses today . There is something beneficial for everyone with these group events . ❤️


Kalani and my lesson student Etta! It’s been a joy to see my student go from starting on the lunge line to riding a young horse on her own walk trot canter !
….so is Kalani kid safe ? Well the answer for a kid that knows how to ride ….would be yes! I could see a young avid rider really thriving with this mare .

June 8th Saturday Group Ride! I’ll be starting up group rides again …every other weekend . A casual yet beneficial get-t...

June 8th Saturday Group Ride! I’ll be starting up group rides again …every other weekend . A casual yet beneficial get-together for horses and riders alike! We will start off with a warmup in the arena and then all head out to the field together . Drills , single file riding and some exposure to new obstacles in a friendly low key environment . I also have log jumps set up in the field for added thrills …but this is entirely optional . Your horse must be rideable at the walk /trot to participate . Green horses welcome! Planning on starting around 11 (show up between 10:30-11:30 - and the group ride may last between 1:30-2:30 timeframe . Riders that want to leave first may arrive early . I may allow some surplus parking in the field . I am keeping the price low at $25 per horse and rider combo ! Please message me ahead of time….no unnannounced drop ins ! Located in Mt.Angel OR


Courtesy listing ! I’ve been riding this sweet little mare once a week at my barn ….and here we are testing her out in the field/woods. She is not spooky and enjoys leading without any issues! Here is what her owner has to say below , please contact Mel for additional information

**Aspen is a Welsh Pony cross. She’s 19 yrs, 13 hands is a Great Child's or Shorter persons (5 ft or less) Dream horse. Healthy, great ground manners. Thick built for her size. Clips, bathes, loads, unloads perfectly. Great for the vet/farrier. Comfortable walk, trot, canter. Has a gaited trot when moving out, but safe. Rides alone or in a group. English, western, arena's, trails, crosses water, bridges, ok near dogs, tractors or mowers. No buck, rear, bolt, or spook. Low Maintenance, Full dental, Feb. 2024. All shots done, sound, no vices or bad habits.
Aspen’s experienced, dependable, well trained. She’s too small for me. Intermediate rider please. She’s a quiet, no drama horse, and a great addition for the family. Call for an interview. $4,300 Price Negotiable.
971-343-2073 Thanks, Mel
Video link below:
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_5KVS3Wi0U


Silver and I helped move cattle this weekend . Another experience in the books ….this horse has never let me down !


Kalani is a lovely 6yr old 14.1 hand WS reservation mare looking for her forever home ! She is a talented, athletic mare that could go in any direction . I’ve put the basics of dressage training on Kalani but she can also be ridden completely loose rein …responds well to seat aids . I’ve put extensive trail miles on this mare …she is bold and will move out when asked…crosses through mud , water , over bridges and downed trees , passes bikes /hikers . This is also the mare you can ride off completely alone and leaves the barn with zero hesitation . Does well with groups and has no spacial issues . Kalani has also attended cow sorting….she did amazingly well with a large group in the arena and enjoyed moving cows. I’ve also been recently working on jumping ….which she is showing great potential. As far as ground manners … Kalani knows all the skills a horse should perform …ties well , lunges , great for farrier , loads , easy to catch , bathes , easy on fencing and can be pastured with other horses . This mare is sound and a very easy keeper…can be kept out 24/7 (as she is currently) but is also used to stalling at night in the winter ….this is a smart young sensitive mare that deserves a rider that can take her places and reach her full potential ! $8,500 located in Mt.Angel OR
Thank you Carmen Heidecke for being the demo rider in the arena for this video …and her lovely dogs .


Fabio is such a fun young horse to work with ! I love how relaxed he has become with working and developing great focus . I am spending more time using limited contact and working with subtle aids , encouraging him to stretch more , and stay open in the shoulders . He used to be “bunchy” and often didn’t track up properly underneath himself . I really like how he is starting to elongate and reach ! We are also venturing outside …with work on riding past and leaving the horses . I often like to briskly trot young horses away from friends and the barn …then loose rein walk them back home . To ensure that heading home is relaxing…no need for anxiety and rushing . He is doing wonderful with these exercises .


When I take my horses out for a ride I feel joy and freedom ….fear doesn’t cross my mind . Part of this is because I have prepared my horses correctly …I know the relationship we have established is built on trust and respect . The other aspect is “experience”….we won’t overcome our fears if we don’t start taking the first steps to try !
Group rides will be a great safe environment to further your horses training but simultaneously your confidence . I plan to start the first hour with just light work /some group drills /walk /trot and venturing outside with little to no speed. (Perfect for green horses and riders just getting back into the swing of things ) 😅 around 12:30 on…those that wish to speed up and do more drills , field laps at trot/canter , and jumping can continue to stay . You must still come at 11 am …so I can gage the groups ability and ensure safety ! My goal is to always keep horses and riders safe to the best of my ability .
June 8th 11-2 still only $25 . Must be mounted no in hand for these group rides , walk /trot at minimum . This is not a clinic, I am providing guidance for our drills and can give some “assistance “ as needed.


A couple of the horses took a dip in the creek! They had a little bit of a drop to get to the center but did wonderful with it . Next group ride is Saturday June 8th (11-2 ish) ! Please message me ahead of time . Group riding is so beneficial for horses !

Silver approves of the cold water after a workout . The creek is crossable …but still fairly deep in the center. If you ...

Silver approves of the cold water after a workout . The creek is crossable …but still fairly deep in the center. If you have a green horse or just new to trails in general …feel free to reach out and come join us with your horse. Cost is the same as a normal lesson…but you can get one on one help at the horse’s pace . We have the open field with log jumps , dogs that love to rustle those bushes , and small little switch back trails in the woods with creek access . It’s the perfect prep for what to expect when you haul out to future trails.

I’ll be starting up group rides again …every other weekend . A casual yet beneficial get-together for horses and riders ...

I’ll be starting up group rides again …every other weekend . A casual yet beneficial get-together for horses and riders alike! We will start off with a warmup in the arena and then all head out to the field together . Drills , single file riding and some exposure to new obstacles in a friendly low key environment . I also have log jumps set up in the field for added thrills …but this is entirely optional . Your horse must be rideable at the walk /trot to participate . Green horses welcome! Planning on starting around 11 (show up between 10:30-11:30 - and the group ride may last between 1:30-2:30 timeframe . Riders that want to leave first may arrive early . I may allow some surplus parking in the field . I am keeping the price low at $25 per horse and rider combo ! Please message me ahead of time….no unnannounced drop ins ! Located in Mt.Angel OR

My two grey unicorns …..I mean mustangs 😂. Those actively involved in lessons can participate in off the property trail ...

My two grey unicorns …..I mean mustangs 😂. Those actively involved in lessons can participate in off the property trail rides . It’s a great way to put all those arena skills to the test and enjoy moving out down the trail . Janice Johnson on my trusty Silver .

This pretty lady is looking for a new zip code ! She has had a tune up and has also been used for lessons of riders at a...

This pretty lady is looking for a new zip code ! She has had a tune up and has also been used for lessons of riders at all levels . I’ll be posting a riding video later this week. A quick little description …18 yrs old quarter horse mare , sound , broke and safe( not spooky) , has had some fancier training but could use a little more of a tune up if she was to be shown , fairly easy keeper , currently barefoot .
She can be a little herdbound…would prefer to have friends ! Would be great for a couple/or family wanting to ride together or into another lesson program . She does wonderful on the lunge ..no funny business . 😉 please message for more information if you are seriously interested .


Mt. Angel





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