Steve loves shoelaces 😂😂😂😂
Steve says, “Hi!” ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Just chillin with Steve. Watching some TV lol
Steve chillin in the sunshine. No friends came to visit him… yet. We will try again this week.
This is a long video (about 5 minutes) but it shows Steve’s personality 😂😂😂🐦🐦🐦💙💙💙
Day 8
Hi everyone! I’m Steve and I am HUNGRYYYYYY!!!!
Day 6!
Baby Steves have to eat every half hour until they are fully feathered! We had some errands to run so that means road trip for Steve!
Not much to report, he’s still doing great! Wanting to move more and more! He likes listening to music lol. Chirps a lot then stops when the music starts 🙂 🐦💙
Day 4! It’s wings are getting bigger and it’s starting to stretch them out more! The eyes are opening more too! It sing really loudly and then I put the radio on and he quiets down 😁 Big fan of 90s alternative rock LOL. Going to upgrade the living conditions and maybe do some jumping practice on the grass outside. 
Update on the nestling.
Day 3 (there was no post for day 2 because I was busy preparing for Steve!)! Pretty sure it’s a sparrow, not a robin. It likes to sleep in my hand lol. Great…. This just means that I may struggle releasing it but I will follow the steps to help with that. It’s eating and pooping really well. It sleeps all night and eats about every 30-45 minutes. 😊👍 I’ve been feeding it a homemade mixture through a syringe and it loves it. Using Emily’s old hermit crab habitat for a house with those under the tank heaters to keep it warm. So far so good.