Five days of not seeing these babies and they grew so much. They are 4 weeks tomorrow and they have teeth and becoming so ferocious.. 😂
These babies are sucking every possible drop out of her. Love the puppy noises..
The dog who hated men!!! DC needs a patient home of his own..
Comet went to the vet today and they are very pleased with how his wounds are healing. He is gaining weight, very active temp was a little low but no to concerning. He’s a little fighter!!!!
Comet is doing great. His ear is healing up amazing. He sucked from the nipple on his own for the last two feeding. He ate 10 ml, each time. :) He’s rocking it for now.
This boy came in 2 days ago. Finder couldn’t hold onto him because he was super aggressive. He had a leash around his waste as she couldn’t touch him. Look at him now. He’s a happy boy, still a little grumpy but it’s expected. Rescue dogs usually ALWAYS have some kind of trama. You as a foster, new adopter, finder, must give them time to get over that hump.
Foster needed for this little guy. He is good with other dogs, NO KIDS. He needs a quiet house to learn to trust humans. He’s doing amazing here and coming around fast but we have kids. He loves walks, and seems to be a picky eater. He’s eats more when he’s acting like a vacuum in the kitchen. He’s seems to be house trained. I would love for him to go to someone who wants to do a foster to adopt. He’s amazing when it’s just him and I home but for some reason the extra crazy from kids just sets him off..
Venus loves having her daughter (Piper) over for play dates.