So apparently you can now record with audio playing in the background at the same time with iPhones 😌
Assorted Guppy tank at Imported Fish! Some nice ones. $6 + 20% off!
New batch of baby Snow White Bristlenose Plecos. I was not prepared for this batch and they were kicked out of the cave. So I had them hatch in a container with an air stone.
#sewellia #hillstreamloach #Gastromyzontidae It was such a pain to catch these from the outdoor tubs! 🥵 Check them out on the MAS Winter Auction. Tong@TongsFishRoom" rel="ugc" target="_blank">
Results for the November Twin Cities Fish Swap Post-Event Survey for Vendors. Thanks!
Results for the November Twin Cities Fish Swap Post-Event Survey for Attendees. Vendor results will be in another video. Compare and contrast the two. Thanks! -ignore my cam glitch at 13:01 😅
Thank you to Chuewy for donating a Pair of BOA and also 2 Pairs of Galaxy Fishbone/Snowflake Caridina shrimp to the November Twin Cities Fish Swap! We’ll be raffling these as well!
Thank you to Sue @ Imported Fish for always supporting local events! We received a gracious donation of Pearl Scale Goldfish that will be at the swap! They’re getting in a goldfish shipment tomorrow! Mention November Twin Cities Fish Swap for 10% off your order at Imported Fish!