Bring Pretty Girl Home

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Bring Pretty Girl Home Pretty Girl is safely recovered after 871 days & has a long journey of healing ahead. Donations may be made to. Paypal
Venmo -Hicks-6

If you can find it in your heart, we are depleted on supplies after several long & tough cases.

Please remember to mention Burlington Animal Services when ordering!

Please remember to mention Burlington Animal Services when ordering!

Attention, dear locals!

We are thrilled to invite you to reach out or drop by Nothing Bundt Cakes of Burlington this week to place your orders for their delightful holiday cakes (don't forget to mention BAS), available for pickup at your convenience throughout the new year!

What's even more exciting is that with every purchase, you will be contributing to our noble cause of supporting the medical fund, enabling us to save precious lives of our beloved animals. So, let's join hands and make a difference together!"


Looks like Leona is going to be one of Santa’s helpers this year. 😊 She is still available for adoption through Hope For Life Rescue.


November 29 is the date Mason’s foster has to bring him back to me (she’s moving out of state) and we have had ZERO foster offers for him. I prefer to not add another cat to my crew. Please apply to adopt or foster is 🐱 Mason has been fostering with another cat and 2 tiny dogs. He’s a little over a year old.

Our favorite floofy girl trying to take a nap in my office while I’m working ~ Kellie

Our favorite floofy girl trying to take a nap in my office while I’m working ~ Kellie


If you have no voice control over your dog, keep them on a leash.

Our fav floofy girl…trying to take a nap and mad that I’m in her face 😂🤷🏻‍♀️😍🥰❤️

Our fav floofy girl…trying to take a nap and mad that I’m in her face 😂🤷🏻‍♀️😍🥰❤️

How’s our favorite girl & what’s life like with her right now???….❤️She’s Fabulous! Steadily coming out of her shell and...

How’s our favorite girl & what’s life like with her right now???….

❤️She’s Fabulous! Steadily coming out of her shell and adapting to domesticated life.

❤️She has acquired a taste for snuggling & sleeping in the bed.

🏡She has decided she hates being outside…ever….and prefers being inside making excercise/potty time just a joy lemme tell ya.

❤️She runs to the door every time we come in with her fuzzy helicopter tail just a spinning.

🐾Her back feet are always straight out behind her when she lays or sleeps on her belly.

🦴She knows what toys are and loves them. Loves them right into a million shredded pieces.

❤️She loves plastic drink bottles more than toys and swipes every one she can get to or find.

😂She constantly steals her GSD sister, Kali’s, frisbee.

🏠She follows us to every room and hangs out with her hoomans.

🐕‍🦺She hasn’t barked yet.

🐕‍🦺She sh*ts like a horse.

💋She loves giving kisses.

🐾She takes stranger danger seriously and still bolts at the sight or sound of anyone new.

She surprises me every day with how resilient & curious & brave she is. I am beyond grateful to be with her on this healing journey. And most grateful to be her Momma ❤️ Keep the positive vibes and prayers coming. She’s doing great, but still has so far to go ❤️❤️❤️


Everybody’s favorite girl wanted to say Hi and let you all know she is doing well!

She has been decompressing in her very own quiet space. I’ve been spending much time with her there & sleeping in there as well. All meals are being hand fed at this point. She has been sleeping ALOT!! Which is wonderful as she is physically and mentally just exhausted. Each day she is coming out of her protective shell a little. Those tails wags just get me to crying every time!!

Her check-in at BAS went great!! She’s heartworm negative!!!! WooHoo!!! Tested her twice to be sure. All shots up to date. No apparent issues physically and she was already spayed. Microchipped & we are making the adoption official end of week ❤️😭❤️

She has a full vetting coming after her grooming which is already set up. Keep sending her lots of positive vibes and prayers. She is overwhelmed with all the change, but in true PG fashion, is taking it all in like a champ! She is one loved, amazing pup that humbles me to tears everytime she looks at me with those kind, soulful eyes ❤️😍🥰❤️😍

***PG would love for you to help her on her healing journey if you can find it in your heart. She also says she might need some cute shirts & sweaters once she is shaved down🤷🏻‍♀️. Her requested toys & treats list is getting quite long as well. She’s such a spoiled princess these days. Donations may be made to…
Paypal /
Venmo / -Hicks-6

 Been a tad radio silent about Miss Sassy Pants. However, she is doing well. We still have eyes on her every night, and ...

Been a tad radio silent about Miss Sassy Pants. However, she is doing well. We still have eyes on her every night, and for that we are super thankful.

Since the last update, much has been going on behind the scenes. We have tried every variation of a missy trap we can think of…

Enlarging it up to super-sized.
Widening the door up to super-wide.
Different types of low-vis mesh tops.
Every type of lure.
Every type of high value treat.
Every type of conditioning.
Everything that myself and several other experienced trappers can think of.

Bottom line….If it has sides + a top….she isn’t going in it. She’s just not. Sides with no top or top with no sides…she’s good. It’s frustrating, but doesn’t shock me. I strapped a real-time gps tracker to a raw bone and tracked her for almost (4) days until she finally ate the bone enough, the tracker fell off. She never once took storm or nightfall cover in an enclosed space. She slept in the open for short intervals, then moved to a new spot. Sides + top is just not going to work.

The radio silence has been more to prevent any interference. We have an updated recovery plan and the success of that plan is contingent on us maintaining control of her feedings. Some folks that gave us heavy interference & increased great risk to the dog in a recent case, are asking too many questions about PG’s location. They’ve made zero progress on getting on top of her so far, and we intend to keep it that way. We hope the next update is the big news we all have been waiting for….but please know, in our silence, we are still working daily to get this girl in safely.

We are excited to announce and partner with Kevin Pence of BRATT (Beagle Recovery and Trapping Team). Kevin answered my literal SOS call and didn’t hesitate with an offer to deploy his drop-net trap. I could not be more grateful and humbled. With a 24’x24’ net mounted on (4) 8’ tall poles….it perfectly fits the bill of a “top + no sides”. We are currently working her from her previous feeding area toward the center of the net. Then it’s time to go live.

We have been after this girl for a long long time. We have met some amazing folks on this journey. Kevin and his BRATT team are just that…nothing shy of amazing, kind, compassionate folks and their hearts are truly in it for the dogs.

Keep sending PG, us and BRATT all the positive vibes, prayers and good energy you can spare. It’s time for this extraordinary warrior of a dog to come on in.

Xoxoxoxoxox…..PG & Kellie ❤️

 Hi all, I know its been awhile since we have given an update! PG is still hanging strong and coming to the trap on a re...

Hi all, I know its been awhile since we have given an update! PG is still hanging strong and coming to the trap on a regular basis! 🙌🏼

The top netting is on the trap to keep her from jumping out when trapped and the door gap has been brought down and the door is on. We will keep moving the bowl toward the back of the trap but little miss stubborn does not want to go past the opening 🙄. We will continue to get her through the opening with the right food combination! She does like viennas as she is guarding them in a pic below 🤣⬇️…… We have her back everyday she is out and will get her in safely!

Thank you all for the continued support! Your positivity & love keeps us going! She is such a survivor & an extraordinary dog🥰🥰🥰🥰

Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo…..PG, Kellie & Erica


Hiya from PGville! We are hopefully in the home stretch now🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻. Since her last update, we’ve made some changes & some progress!

Compared to the last video post, the gap on the front is now closed down almost to the width of the door panel. And we secured the entire top of the trap with multiple connected nets. Of course she ghosted us for a day or two, which was to be expected. We took away quite a bit of her “comfort zone”.

We compromised and gave her back some comfort to keep her coming to the trap by moving the food bowl back. We have a huge challenge in that with-in eyesight of the trap is a feral free-feeder not keen on the idea of elevating the food bowls. The food in PG’s bowl is always “higher value” food & treats, but she will ghost us and go eat that cat food if she feels too much pressure.

She has eaten 2 nights in a row as she is in this video. So it’s time to start moving that bowl again. As soon as she is eating with her front legs/head past those panels, the door gets attached (secured open). We will keep moving that bowl toward the back past where the ray-tripper is mounted. Then it’s “Go Live!” Time.

Keep those vibes and prayers coming. She and all of us need them for sure ❤️🥰😍❤️🥰😍

Xoxoxoxoxoxo…..PG & Kellie


I’ll take 2 more feet in over the last five days 💯 especially when she graced us with her presence in broad daylight today 🙀😍😍😍

Xoxoxoxox….PG & Kellie

⬇️⬇️⬇️Another video in comments


PG wanted to let her tribe know that she stayed safe & hunkered down during the festivities last night! She came out to eat dinner after everything had quieted down 🥰

We have gotten her thru the wide opening of the trap, which is great progess. Notice the positioning of the bowl on our last post and the position of it in the video. That’s about 3-ish feet movement in 6 days. This girl is ridiculously smart & hypersensitive to change.

Slow going & heaps of patience is going to win this game she and I have been playing for wayyyyy too long. But….the next steps are going to still take several weeks so keep sending vibes & prayers her way that she stays safe. Keep sending vibes & prayers our way (especially for my patience level lol 😫).

We will keep moving the bowl toward the back of the trap. We will keep closing the gap until the trap is fully connected. The top netting will go on the trap to keep her from jumping out when trapped. Conditioning her to all of this is gonna take a minute…but we have her back everyday she is out.

Thank you all for the continued support! Your positivity & love keeps me going on the tough days like last night. It was a tough & tear filled drive home leaving Hillsborough. She is such a survivor & an extraordinary dog🥰🥰🥰🥰

Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo…..PG & Kellie

 Y’all see all that sassy attitude right???Standing there. Staring at the bowl. 2 feet got me all that attitude. 2 feet....

Y’all see all that sassy attitude right???Standing there. Staring at the bowl. 2 feet got me all that attitude. 2 feet.

What was supposed to be happening over the last like 6 weeks was me conditioning her to the double-sized missy trap. I mean, it is all connected & in a horseshoe with a 10’ opening but it’s not even closed up 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄. PG is hypersensitive to change. She ghosted me for 2 weeks when it was all connected & standing. P**f. Just Gone.

She suddenly showed back up and stood 25’ away staring at the bowl. So I moved the food bowl 25’ away from that opening and put it right in her path. If she eats from get’s moved 1 foot. 1 foot per day.

1. Foot. Per. Day.

I suppose me gettin all Bold today & moving it 2 feet was a bad idea 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

***the closest trap panel is in the top left corner of the photo***

 Just a quick update on the way to PGVille to set on the trap tonight. Because this girl needs to get on in before the S...

Just a quick update on the way to PGVille to set on the trap tonight. Because this girl needs to get on in before the Summer Heat sets in. And because I cannot take her pouty stares 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️❤️❤️❤️ Send TeamPG some love vibes🥰


 Hiya from PGville!! Our girl has been a little unsettled & adventurous for several weeks. The nice Spring weather gave ...

Hiya from PGville!! Our girl has been a little unsettled & adventurous for several weeks. The nice Spring weather gave her a bit of wanderlust changing her habits up quite a bit.

The heat is setting in which will settle her and her super furry self down some. We are spending the weekend preparing to set up the rest of the new missy trap at her secondary feeding station which she is favoring right now. Wish us luck and send her bunches of good vibes!

We are so thankful for our tribe! I haven’t done a great job keeping you updated lately, but you all have been so faithful. 🥰❤️🥰

Xoxoxoxoxo Kellie & PG

Michael Busick
Cindy Becker

PG’s sisters & brothers have their paws crossed today!!! They are ready to see her again & said to please Raise ‘Em Up t...

PG’s sisters & brothers have their paws crossed today!!! They are ready to see her again & said to please Raise ‘Em Up today hoomans 🥰🥰🥰

 Just look at that beautiful girl that graced us with her presence in the daylight this morning 🙀😍😍😍It’s been a great we...

Just look at that beautiful girl that graced us with her presence in the daylight this morning 🙀😍😍😍

It’s been a great week for pet recovery...Michael Busick & I got in 4 for 4 and are sitting on the trap live tonight hoping for 5 for 5!!

Send us & PG all the positve vibes & prayers you’ve got. We don’t know what we would do without the PG Tribe 🥰🥰🥰

 Hiya from PGville!!! These are a few pics of Miss-Dog-Extraordinaire from her adventures yesterday. The black blur in t...

Hiya from PGville!!! These are a few pics of Miss-Dog-Extraordinaire from her adventures yesterday. The black blur in the 4:13am pic is her running out a fox.

These pics are from 3 “chunks” of her circle. We have finally zeroed in on a second area for another trap. The net trap will remain at the main feeding station giving us the option to “bag” her.

The second area is where the newest missy trap will be deployed. The newest one we built is 3 times as large as the “norm” built to switch between a ray-tripper & wireless trigger...and has mutiple width doors we can switch-out if needed.

We are gonna get her yet 😉 Keep the good vibes coming! We need all we can get!!!

****Stay tuned over the next couple of weeks as we will be featuring 7 of PG’s pack-siblings!!!!! 🙀🙀🙀 You are going to be blown away when you see how amazing they are and how far they have come. Not to mention...they are all quite stunning 😍

Xoxoxoxoxoxox....Kellie & PG



 PG wanted to say “Hi Tribe!” This morning! We’ve been getting lots of questions lately about what we’ve tried. For folk...

PG wanted to say “Hi Tribe!” This morning!

We’ve been getting lots of questions lately about what we’ve tried. For folks new to her tribe, I thought I would do a “cliff-notes” version since 450+ days is alot to go thru!

Our challenges....
-PG came from a hoarding case and is completely unsocialized except for the 8 weeks she spent at Burlington Animal Services where I was starting her re-hab.
-PG is built for survival & is brilliant. To the best of our knowledge she is a mix of Newfoundland, Aussie & GSD.
-PGville has a higher than normal amount of wildlife activity due to most of the land being hunted very very little & it is undisturbed by humans. By “higher than normal” activity I mean...on just (1) of the (12) cams alone nightly we see 1-3 coyotes, 10-12 raccoons, 2-4 foxes, 6-8 cats, 2-4 rabbits, 4-6 opossums, literal gangs of deer & during warmer months a mama bear with 2 cubs. Plus...we have had feeding stations out for a year+. Every critter knows we are food fairies.
-PG’s only established patterns are at night. We can’t find anyone certified to tranq her with night vision equipment.
-There are 2 houses backed up to PGville that feed 20+ feral cats & refuse to elevate the 5+bowls on tables we provided.
-PGville is 45 minutes from us so we can only “sit on the trap” live depending on weather & availability of us both.

What we have in our “arsenal” that we have tried & these are in order of how we progressed thru them since Day 1.

-(4) diff Traditional box traps of all sizes & makes...She won’t go near them at all. Disappears to go eat cat food even though we always ensure the food we use is “higher-value” to a dog than cat food.

-Missy Trap with Ray-Tripper. She would eat from in front of it, but wouldn’t go in it. She lays in wait watching all the other critters get trapped in it. With a ray tripper, you have no control of when the trap gets set off. She’s too smart for that.

-PG has a Vet on her team. We worked with him using safe (for wildlife as well) alternatives to try and slow-her roll to wobbly or get her to take a nap enabling us to catch her or at least catch-up to her. She smelled it everytime...every option...and would go eat cat food instead. She is isolated far in woods & not near any busy roads and we have K9’s to track her until she lays down. That is the ONLY reason this was used as an option. Most often it is NOT an option we would recommend.

-Currently deployed trap....Wirelessly remote triggered convertible net trap. Cindy Becker and I built this trap in order to have better control over when it is triggered considering the wildlife issues. This trap can be triggered from up to 100 yards away wirelessly while we watch on live Arlo-Go cams. The pulley system 12’ up mounted in the trees is built so the net can be dropped from the air or pulled up from the ground to “bag” her at the touch of a button. Up in the air didn’t work. She had such an aversion to seeing it for several days, we lost her for 10 days. We converted it to the ground option while she was gone. That is working much better. We have gotten her conditioned to walking on it and currently she is eating on it as well. She has a habit of grabbing a mouthful of food and walking off of it to eat it. As soon as she settles down enough to stand at the bowl, we should be able to “bag” her. The net will not lift her off the ground (to prevent injury), but closes 5’ above her head in less than a second. If that doesn’t work, our next option...

-We built another Missy Trap using the same wireless remote trigger system we used on the net trap.

We refuse to give up and will continue our efforts & continue creatively pushing the boundaries of traditional trapping to get this girl in safe. We are there every single day feeding, watering & changing cam batteries. We sit there weekly with the trap live for 10-12 hours each time. We will get her when the timing is right. I believe that in my heart. Thank you all for being so diligent in following her journey & sending her all the positive vibes & prayers. PG is truly an extraordinarily exceptional dog.

Xoxoxoxoxoxo....Kellie & PG




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Thank you everyone for sharing Pretty Girl’s lost post, we created a page to keep track better and if she is spotted you can find our info fast to notify us! 👍🏼

Page: Message:

Kellie Hicks - (336) 686-1425 Erica Head - (336) 214-6187