#DoneSlidOffGrid #bottlefeeding Phenix
So, it happened again...sad face
#DoneSlidOffGrid #Houdoneit #flockofbabygoats Sooooo, this video clip is about a Nigerian Dwarf buck we have that is quite the ladies man. His name is Houdini, but, we call him Houdoneit. As close as we could count there are 15 babies in this video. The babies are from 7 different moms. He fathered all of these critters since last summer. I think we need to get him registered.
Houdoneit is in the pen with all of his babies "only for this video". We took him out straight away after the group video, just in case anybody was wondering.
#DoneSlidOffGrid #barnfullofbabygoats busy day on the farm today. Two does had babies. Jolene, had triplets and Cindy had twins....all girls. Cindy has her two cleaned off and dried. Jolene is still working on getting her three cleaned up.
#DoneSlidOffGrid #1930sWringerWasher So, the sun was full blast, temp in the mid 60's. Beautiful day to wash clothes using the Maytag 1930's wringer washer. This critter was alot of fun. My mother had one when we were teenagers. My 'lil sister and I loved to watch mother wash clothes.
Since we are off grid and depend on solar panels and batteries, we are always concerned about our energy budget and how much power everything uses. The washer uses 580-640 watts. Not too bad.
#DoneSlidOffGrid #morenewkids #babygoats sooooooo, Mae finally had her babies tonight. She had triplets, cute 'Lil critters.
#DoneSlidOffGrid #friskyturkeys #springisintheair So, we got to witness the mating ritual of turkeys today. Clearly more to it than with chickens. We have 3 Slate Blue hens that were all strutting around Mr. Ganzik. He is a Narragansett Standard Bronze tom. Kind of interesting to watch. We observed him mounting two of the three hens. He stood on their backs for quite some time. Crazy.
#DirtyDancing turkey style
#DoneSlidOffGrid #justkiddinaround So, here is the first baby kid born in 2024. Her mom , Bootsie Tootsie, was the first born in 2023. Baby's name is Tootie Fruity
#DoneSlidOffGrid making progress on the barn. West side roof is done.
#DoneSlidOffGrid baby Muscovy ducks. Two so far.
Had some help roll in while working on the South gable.
#DoneSlidOffGrid #timetoreboot #crazyhippiestuff today was a reboot kind of day. Ms. Annette and I went to the Ayres Natural Bridge just outside of Douglas, Wyoming and spent a few hours relaxing, taking a picnic and acting crazy on the Hang Drum and Didgeridoo. Enjoy the journey space fans.
#DoneSlidOffGrid #timetoreboot #crazyhippiestuff today was a reboot kind of day. Ms. Annette and I went to the Ayres Natural Bridge just outside of Douglas, Wyoming and spent a few hours relaxing, taking a picnic and acting crazy on the Hang Drum and Didgeridoo. Enjoy the journey space fans.
#DoneSlidOffGrid #4thplaguethisyear Soooooo, we have had millions of grasshoppers, millions of Mormon Crickets, millions of flies and now billions of red flying ants. Top this off with temps in the 90's. Argh
#DoneSlidOffGrid #MormonCricketInvasion2023 So, we finally got the invasion of Mormon Crickets here on the ranch. Thousands of these creepy, huge crickets. The live post from the other day was just the beginning on our ranch. They have gotten worse and we are taking revenge. We are going around collecting the 'lil fu$%#^@ in a pail and are feeding them to the hogs, quail, chickens, duck and turkey.