Thanks to this wonderful finder for releasing this big guy today! He was hit by a car and sustained multiple drag injuries. He was very painful and had not eaten for awhile. He moved very slowly when he first arrived but he's all healed up and back home again! ❤️Happy trails pond puppy! ❤️
When this emaciated groundhog arrived soaking wet on Friday evening I honestly thought she wouldn't survive the night. Groundhogs are some of the most resilient animals I've had in my rehab. After a full day of fluids, Oxygen, antibiotics, pain medication, deworming and skin care she started to show a little life. Fast forward to Sunday and this girl has decided she can eat on her own and would prefer I stop sticking her with needles! I love her ❤️. Fingers crossed she continues on her path to recovery!
Eastern Squirrel release day Lazuka's Landing Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation ❤️
Thank you to whoever sent the formula through Amazon! There was no note inside! Now that the babies are feeling better they are sucking it down like crazy!!!
This is NOT how you should respond when someone is bringing your dinner!🥑🍌🍓🥦🥚 #grumpyopossum #WILDLIFEREHABBER #WILDLIFEREHABILITATION #opossums
This peanut was discharged from Tufts Wildlife Clinic after treatment for some pretty significant injuries sustained by a dog attack. He's a baby born this season and has already had such a tough start! He is now here until he can grow back all the fur that was shaved for surgery. It's nice to see him act like a wild animal! He's eating and growling nicely. We are happy to have him for as long as he needs to be here. ❤️ #grumpyopossum
And then there were four... 💙💙💙💜
Just feeding the triplets breakfast. 💙💙💜
Someone is feeling better! He's consistently eating without being tube fed! Thanks to everyone who helped him out with your donations!!! ❤️❤️❤️
This Goober thought it would be fun to play in his water dish. His cage mate wasn't able to appreciate the amount of fun he was having. #littlestinker