Napoleon Tran

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Napoleon Tran In loving memory of Napo (2002 - 2017). Through his friends and family, may his memories live on fo

Thank you for remembering. I live on through all of you.

Thank you for remembering. I live on through all of you.

May a light always shine on you, dear Brother.

Because you are the light that always shines on us.

Napoleon Tran, May 13, 2002 - January 12, 2017

It's been nearly 6 years since I've left, but I knew my family would not forget me.

It's been nearly 6 years since I've left, but I knew my family would not forget me.

Baby brother Ramesses, baby sister Sheba, and Mommy and Daddy drove all the way from Chicago and they arrived just in ti...

Baby brother Ramesses, baby sister Sheba, and Mommy and Daddy drove all the way from Chicago and they arrived just in time today. With Grandpa, they were blessed to spend a few precious hours together with Grandma at her bedside.

At 8:10pm, they said their last goodbye to Grandma at the hospital.

And at 8:11pm, I said my first hello to Grandma at the Bridge.

Don't worry, she doesn't hurt anymore. And I promise to take good care of her, and we both promise to watch over all of you. Until we all meet again.


It's easy to remember the 5 Year Anniversary of Napoleon's passing when there are visible signs everywhere.12Jan22.

It's easy to remember the 5 Year Anniversary of Napoleon's passing when there are visible signs everywhere.


Daddy stood beside me and lit the incense sticks at 2:53pm today, exactly the moment I passed, exactly 4 years ago. He h...

Daddy stood beside me and lit the incense sticks at 2:53pm today, exactly the moment I passed, exactly 4 years ago. He held my Baby Brother Ramesses in his arms, and I got to see how big he is.

I am proud of all of you, and I am happy for all of you. Take care of each other. Until we meet again.



Thanks Bro. Roast favorite! I might come home for the 4 Year Anniversary of my passing. Or maybe I won't. Can'...

Thanks Bro. Roast favorite! I might come home for the 4 Year Anniversary of my passing. Or maybe I won't. Can't commit to anything. I'm super busy. Thanks and, just in case, and kiss Daddy and Ms. C for me.

Don't worry, Daddy. One day you'll be able to hold Elli again. Until then, I'll take good care of her here at the Bridge...

Don't worry, Daddy. One day you'll be able to hold Elli again. Until then, I'll take good care of her here at the Bridge.


I'll be here to greet you at the Bridge today, Elli.Although our families are very sad, this is a very good and happy pl...

I'll be here to greet you at the Bridge today, Elli.

Although our families are very sad, this is a very good and happy place.

So don't worry. You won't hurt anymore.

We will run through the fields like we once did.

And I'll stay with you until we're all reunited again.


Happy 18th Birthday in Heaven, sweetest Napoleon.  Please look over your family and friends until we are reunited again....

Happy 18th Birthday in Heaven, sweetest Napoleon.

Please look over your family and friends until we are reunited again.


Thank you, Baby Brother, for the delicious meal on the 3 Year Anniversary of my passing. Please pass the salt. Thanks.

Thank you, Baby Brother, for the delicious meal on the 3 Year Anniversary of my passing. Please pass the salt. Thanks.

Had to check on you guys. Thanks.

Had to check on you guys. Thanks.

OMG OMG OMG! Mommy, Daddy, and I waited all night to see if Big Brother would return and open the bedroom door on his 3 Year Anniversary.

Alas, the door did not open by itself some time in the night, like it had done so many times since he passed.

But Daddy discovered this early today when he came down to the basement. And it brought tears to his face.

The light in the Home Theater did turn by itself some time in the night, like it had done so many times since he passed.

We have never witnessed it happen. We only find it after returning from the City after the week or otherwise in the morning.

It is especially odd since it is connected to the other lights and cannot be turned on separately. Daddy has to reset the electricals there.

The first few times Daddy thought he somehow forgot to turn them off, but after repeated incidents, especially after not being down there, he realized it was something special.

It is the light right above Napoleon's favorite seat in our favorite room.

Thank you for visiting on this 3 Year Anniversary, Big Brother. Most probably won't believe, but we have been convinced your spirit is here with us and helps guide and protect us.

You took your final breaths here, but your presence is still felt. We will love you forever.

You guys made the right decision. Thanks.

You guys made the right decision. Thanks.

Dear NAPO, FB Friends, and Family,

As you are aware, we were looking at leaving Chez NAPO for a big, beautiful house farther away from the City (Chez NAPO Grande).

We indicated that we were pursuing the next steps, and indeed we have! We have our financing lined up with our Mortgage Banker, Ms. Jieming. We are happy with our ability to immediately submit an offer on Chez NAPO Grande. We met with our Real Estate Agent, Ms. Dalia. We are happy with the suggested listing price for Chez NAPO.

So, on the 3 Year Anniversary of Big Brother's passing, Mommy and Daddy and I would like to announce our decision.

We love the architecture, floorplan, size, acreage, and outdoor amenities of Chez NAPO Grande. Daddy gets giddy with excitement when imagining working on his laptop next to the pool while I run freely in the backyard. Grandpa picked out a new resting place for you, Big Brother: at the top of the stairs on the upper floor. At the epicenter of the house. We all wondered out loud how we could assist your spirit in following us there, so you could continue to be with us and look over us.

Chez NAPO Grande is an opportunity to (re)do all the projects that Daddy is so fond of, including finishing the basement, adding color, texture, and art to the walls and ceilings, and additional landscaping.

But as we thought through the various to-do’s, we discovered we were simply trying to re-create Chez NAPO—just on a larger scale. Even our Real Estate Agent, Ms. Dalia, said that.

We thought and thought, and have come to realize there’s not much sense in that. It’s not like we have to relocate because of work or anything. And we are so very happy here, and it would require so much more time, effort, and money over there. So why fix what’s not broken? And why create unnecessary stress?

Daddy’s been here for nearly 20 years and, if we are lucky, we will be here for 20 years more.

As you know, Daddy sometimes needs a cane to walk because of his back problems. So maybe 7,000 square feet of finished space is too much. It would be for Grandma when she visits, too. And, with the current, unfinished basement, it actually has 3 fewer rooms than Chez NAPO! What???

It has been very, very exciting to explore the opportunity of living in such a fine house in such a fine neighborhood. It is a blessing and we are grateful for all that we could have.

But living here, in our beloved Chez NAPO, is also a blessing and we are grateful for all that we already do have.

So ultimately we have decided to stay here with you, dear Brother. Our memories, the echo of your footsteps, and our love for our family fill these walls. Yes, there was a time when the house was cold and empty, just like there was a time when Daddy was cold and empty, but both of them are now made warm with the presence of Mommy and me. We look to the future and cannot help but smile.

We had actually been looking at homes for over a year and Chez NAPO Grande was the only one we really, really liked. But we are calling off the search now. Maybe someday we will revisit the idea of relocating if and when our circumstances change. In the meantime, it is good to know we have options, and it is also very reassuring to know that we are already in the “right” place, and in the “right” home.

Besides, and perhaps equally as important: Daddy likes the idea of being mortgage-free and debt-free. And retiring in 8 years and 10 months at age 55. He’s now going to shop for a rocking chair (and save the difference in $$$ otherwise spent).

Mr. Tom will come by Chez NAPO on Saturday to look at replacing our carpeting upstairs with hardwood floors. The Buddhist monks will come by on Sunday for your 3 Year Anniversary and to bless you. In other words, life will (happily) go on here in the comforts of our current home.

We love you, Napoleon. We love you too, our dear FB family. Thank you for all your input, and being there for us and joining in our adventures.


It's been 3 years already? Time seems to go so fast, and yet seems to stand still. I love all of you and will always wat...

It's been 3 years already? Time seems to go so fast, and yet seems to stand still.

I love all of you and will always watch over all of you.

Good luck with Daddy.

This Sunday, January 12, 2020 marks the 3 Year Anniversary of Big Brother's passing.

When the time comes, as it inevitably does for all of us, Daddy will have young, strong legs again and his back won't hurt anymore.

So he will take the bicycle down from that hook on the wall, dust it off, oil the gears, and spin those tires.

And, reunited, we will all ride again.

Over the Rainbow Bridge and into Forever.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.Good luck Baby Brother.

Heavy is the head that wears the crown.

Good luck Baby Brother.

My cousin Caesar lived a long life, and I am grateful he got to know my baby brother Ramesses.But yesterday he suffered ...

My cousin Caesar lived a long life, and I am grateful he got to know my baby brother Ramesses.

But yesterday he suffered multiple seizures, and he took his final breath last night at 10:40 p.m, surrounded by his family. And when he did, his 9 year old human brother, Ethan, cried out "Caesar is with Napoleon!"

I met him at the Rainbow Bridge. And that's where we will remain until we are all reunited again.

I left you exactly 34 months ago. And I miss all of you, too.12Nov19.

I left you exactly 34 months ago. And I miss all of you, too.


I'm not always at the House anymore, but I do come back from time to time to check on you guys.

I'm not always at the House anymore, but I do come back from time to time to check on you guys.

Dear Diary, Day 757:

During the hot Summer months, we sleep in the downstairs bedroom. Last night it was just Daddy and me at the House.

Some time in the middle of the night, Daddy awoke to the sound of my barking. He then heard the pitter patter sound of small footsteps on the hardwood floor above us.

Daddy crawled out of bed to crack open the bedroom door just a little bit, and called out to Big Brother to come to bed.

He promptly went back under the sheets and we all slept soundly until morning.


As you know, I'm more into cycling. But if Baby Brother likes soccer...that's cool. May 2019.

As you know, I'm more into cycling. But if Baby Brother likes soccer...that's cool.

May 2019.

Happy Birthday in Heaven, Sweet Napoleon.  We hope you enjoy your meal, flowers, and gift.  You would have been 17 years...

Happy Birthday in Heaven, Sweet Napoleon. We hope you enjoy your meal, flowers, and gift.

You would have been 17 years old today. But, instead, you are ageless.

We will forever love you.

Wherever Daddy goes, he thinks of me.Wherever Daddy goes, I am with him.

Wherever Daddy goes, he thinks of me.
Wherever Daddy goes, I am with him.

Daddy lit a candle in memory of Big Brother at the Sacré-Cœur Basilica.


See you soon, Baby Brother. And Daddy too.

UPDATE:  Oh no!  After spending the late night / early morning at the Clinic undergoing tests and preparations, it turns...

UPDATE: Oh no! After spending the late night / early morning at the Clinic undergoing tests and preparations, it turns out the Donor's kidneys are not in good shape due to extensive renal fibrosis.

So Grandma won't be receiving a kidney transplant, after all.

We are so grateful to all the people who are willing to offer their organs after their passing, and will continue to hope and pray that there be an opportunity again someday for Grandma.

As an FYI, of course my Daddy has offered to be a donor, but Grandma doesn't want it. I wouldn't want his either. 😂 It is probably orange in color due to extensive consumption of Fanta.

We were making arrangements to visit them in Rochester today and tomorrow, but oh well. We will see them in April when they come to celebrate Baby Brother's Birthday!

Anyway, thank you for all your prayers and support.

With love, Team RAMESSES and Team NAPO.

The lovely staff at the Mayo Clinic, helping Grandma with her kidney dialysis!

After nearly 7 years of kidney dialysis and being on a waitlist, the Mayo Clinic has found Grandma has a donor! Please p...

After nearly 7 years of kidney dialysis and being on a waitlist, the Mayo Clinic has found Grandma has a donor! Please pray for her as she is currently at the Clinic awaiting the transplant surgery!


Hello? My name is Ramesses, and I'm looking for my Grandma!

Very nice, Baby Brother.  Glad you got your own Ramesses-Mobile.  I was afraid Cheap Daddy would make you ride in the ha...

Very nice, Baby Brother. Glad you got your own Ramesses-Mobile. I was afraid Cheap Daddy would make you ride in the hand-me-down Napoleon-Mobile for, like, ever.

Finally got around to taking some fairly decent pics of the new R-Mobile! Still a bit dirty from this winter weather, but oh well.

BTW, Chauffeur Daddy thought very long and hard about buying such a big ticket item. Expensive to buy. Expensive to maintain, even under warranty. But even he admits it is an exceptionally stylish and luxurious piece of automotive engineering. And unlike some of our previous vehicles, like the Maserati or the Jaguar or the Lotus, we can actually enjoy the stylishness and luxury in a practical, daily driver.

It looks and feels like a modern living room on wheels. But that doesn't mean you should wear your pajamas while driving, Chauffeur Daddy.

January 2019

Just make sure you guys gets me new flowers this week, Baby Brother.  Just like you've done every week for two years. Th...

Just make sure you guys gets me new flowers this week, Baby Brother. Just like you've done every week for two years. Thanks.

Here are pictures taken today of the same flowers, from the same store, purchased at the same time, exactly one week ago, for the 2 Year Anniversary of Big Brother's passing.

The vase on the left, with the wilted flowers, is in the dining room. The vase on the right, with the still beautiful flowers, is next to Big Brother.

Just 20 feet apart.

Daddy believes that, somehow and someway, Big Brother continues to enrich and bring life to those of us who still surround him and remember him.

There is enough room in Daddy's heart for me and Baby Brother!

There is enough room in Daddy's heart for me and Baby Brother!




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