A special post for a special girl!🩷
This is Ellie and she found a home with her awesome pawrents thanks to my internet searching & excellent persuasion skills about 6 years ago. She has been a lovely addition to their family, and has brought them many years of happiness. It’s never long enough though.🥺
Ellie was diagnosed about 2 months ago with osteosarcoma, and since then, has been through some rigorous testing, drug protocols & support to help keep her comfortable for as long as possible. Amputation unfortunately isn’t an option due to her hind end being in pretty poor condition as well. Comfort with osteosarcoma pain can be so hard to achieve, but luckily she’s been living her best life with only a few medication adjustments.🙌🏻
When her humans contacted me inquiring about boarding for a pre-planned trip they had, I was a little bit hesitant. The last thing you want, is for the worst thing possible to happen when a dog is in your care. We agreed to tentatively book the dates as long as she was doing really well, and it seems she knew her parents deserved this trip, so she’s here with us for a week!🥳
We are so happy she’s doing as well as she is, and she’s promised us this will continue at least until she goes home! Welcome to the sispack for the week, girly!🐶