Save Libby and Rainbow

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Save Libby and Rainbow This page is dedicated to the education, awareness and the advocation of our beloved Macaques.

Leo playing with his other big sister Lucie. They look so much alike as we're pretty certain they have the same dad (Pon...

Leo playing with his other big sister Lucie. They look so much alike as we're pretty certain they have the same dad (Pongo). Anyway, love seeing these babies play freely and peacefully. This is why we're fighting for these guys; to enjoy more times like this. Thank you to all of our friends who continue to report and reach out to various agencies and organizations for help. Your work is not in vain! Thank you!!! Keep up the great work! ❤🧡💛💚💙

-Save Libby and Rainbow 🌈

Ashley relaxing. Being groomed by Amanda after the loss of her baby. It's amazing how animals show love.

Ashley relaxing. Being groomed by Amanda after the loss of her baby. It's amazing how animals show love.

My friends, we sadly announce that our beloved Ashley was in fact pregnant; but lost her baby due to unknown complicatio...

My friends, we sadly announce that our beloved Ashley was in fact pregnant; but lost her baby due to unknown complications. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers. It was heartbreaking to see her cry for her lost child. 😣😢

Gio: Beloved son of monkey mama Gladdis has passed away. 😢  Always thought he and Mateo favored Brady. Anyway, the cause...

Gio: Beloved son of monkey mama Gladdis has passed away. 😢 Always thought he and Mateo favored Brady. Anyway, the cause of death is being blamed on motorcycles. We cannot confirm nor deny this info. However, if this many young monkeys are being killed in motor accidents, something must be done. There is no way, this many monkeys are dying in accidents and speeding enforcements haven't been set in place. Yet another very unnecessary death and safety precaution failure at Angkor Wat 😪

ATTENTION EVERYONE :THESE ARE PRIME EXAMPLES of manipulative headlines/titles! These VOs are up to it again. Libby was h...

ATTENTION EVERYONE :THESE ARE PRIME EXAMPLES of manipulative headlines/titles! These VOs are up to it again. Libby was harassed by VOs, hit, kicked etc., the entire time she mothered Rainbow. She was taken from Rainbow and the poor monkey was forced to fend for herself about 35% of her young life. They did this for shock value and to rally h×te against Libby. Eventually that same hatred found its way to Rainbow. This drove their views, as they fed the h*tred of their fanatics. We watched simple monkey watching activities, turn into real life, soap opera-level drama before our eyes. They've done the same with Luna and Lucie. Now they're at it once again with Libby and Leo. Please realize the games and tactics these VOs use to stay paid by way of these monkeys. It creates real life dangers for them in various ways

These monkeys aren't leaving their babies, they're being taken away. When they don't have the care and protection of their mom's this puts them in grave danger. Imagine how many times Rainbow was attacked by groups of monkeys. She wouldn't have survived half of these attempts, if she was not old enough to run and climb trees. Leo is defenseless and it's shameful and dangerous what the VOs are allowed to do. This behavior and manipulation is unacceptable and must stop!


Dear Friends of Save Libby and Rainbow:

Please be sure to share our last reel and post about Libby being hit with a Stick. It is time to take our call and cry for help, further than the scope of the few groups who monopolize the coverage of these monkeys. We've asked nicely for these gentlemen to stop mistreating these monkeys directly, We've constantly reported specific incidences (highlighting evidence of broken laws), We've reported to local and international agencies, but to no avail. At this point we're trying to rally support as well as capture the attention of gov't and other agencies who will help. Help us spread the word and highlight this ab*se of these monkeys. Together, we can do it! They deserve better!

Please share, share, share!

Your friends at Save Libby and Rainbow

The Tale of a Stick: Today the VOs were recording and I couldn't help but notice, that the monkeys who were once, peacef...

The Tale of a Stick: Today the VOs were recording and I couldn't help but notice, that the monkeys who were once, peacefully grooming, had all of a sudden began to move weird. As Luna had abruptly stopped grooming Libby and walked over to the VOs, Libby soon followed. Apparently, they were lured. Leo was left in the care of Rainbow, but had eventually walked over to his mother. As, Libby began to comfort her baby, all the while, paying close attention to the VOs. She was immediately poked with a Stick. So much so, that she immediately turned around to see who had hit her. She was then called away from her baby again...and Rainbow was once again left with taking care of her baby brother.

See the VOs are very crafty with the ab*se that they exact on Libby, Rainbow and all other monkeys under their control. They ALWAYS have been. Even the VOs that seem like "Good Guys" sit by and say nothing, because after all, they too benefit from the monkeys.

If you don't believe me believe your own eyes! Look at how sneaky this VO is. Most ppl never would have noticed. Notice the Stick on the ground, then that same Stick striking her in her back. The particular VO stayed out of frame so that his identity could not be known.Even Libby was confused on who and why she was hit. This is why the VOs cannot be trusted. They intentionally separate the babies from their moms, to make it appear that they're abandoning they're babies. This never happens like this, especially amongst mother who clearly want their babies.

It's horrific what these monkeys go through and this is precisely why we can't let up! We have to fight for Libby, Rainbow, Luna and all of the monkeys being mistreated by these VOs! They deserve better! We have to continue shedding light on this issue and by r*porting!

✔ check out the arrows!


🐒 Monkey fun Facts: Macaques are highly adaptable and can be found in a wide range of habitats, from forests to urban areas.

Guess who? Name this monkey 🐒

Guess who? Name this monkey 🐒


Monkey Fun Facts: Macaques are a type of Old World monkey not only found on the continent of Asia, but also in Africa and Gibraltar.

Mr. PONGO is the handsome guy believed to be the father of both baby Leo (Libby)  and baby Lucie (Luna)! What beautiful ...

Mr. PONGO is the handsome guy believed to be the father of both baby Leo (Libby) and baby Lucie (Luna)! What beautiful babies you have! May they continue to grow stronger and healthier by the day!

-Save Libby and Rainbow

The question of the hour: Is Ashley pregnant or something more serious going on? I absolutely love Ashley! I pray it's a...

The question of the hour: Is Ashley pregnant or something more serious going on? I absolutely love Ashley! I pray it's a baby and nothing else. She's dedicated so much of her time protecting and nurturing the abandoned babies of Sovana. They know how to defend themselves, because of her fearless and selfless dedication to their safety and wellbeing. She's such a sweet an honorable girl. She's believed to be around 19 or 20 years old, which isn't an age unheard of for macaques to still be reproducing. We know that it's been said that she's been spayed, but there's no official record of this. So what do you guys think about Mama Ashley's unique situation?


Libby and her new bundle ❤

Congratulations to Libby on her new baby boy!🎉🎊🎉 Apparently, he is a pigtail and looks a lot like baby Lucie (more than ...

Congratulations to Libby on her new baby boy!🎉🎊🎉 Apparently, he is a pigtail and looks a lot like baby Lucie (more than likely they have the same dad). Hopefully, the VOs leave her alone to raise her baby peacefully this time...or she learns to evade them, similarly to how Katrina has done. I really hope the best for Libby and the new baby. Please continue to report, report, report any and everything that seems abusive by VOs. Together we can help them! 🤝🏼

How beautiful my friends! Rest well tonight 😴❤

How beautiful my friends! Rest well tonight 😴❤

Under the Milky Way
Manistique, MI


One of the only times, I'll post them:

They're literally grunting to cause Angela to attack baby Lucie. These are eerily, the same sounds they used to get Luna to bite Rainbow's feet and to get other monkeys like Joyce and Rojo to attack her similarly, in the past. One could say, it's playing, but the "playing" only happens when they're grunting and whispering names. There's countless other examples of their rotten behavior.

I'm sad Lucie now goes through this on top of having her mom chased away and kept from her. They did the exact same thing with Rainbow. These ppl must be stopped and we won't stop our mission of bringing light to these behaviors, until we get satisfactory results.

This is Nori, laying asleep in the trees. She seems  like she could be drugged, per the video I watched a few minutes ag...

This is Nori, laying asleep in the trees. She seems like she could be drugged, per the video I watched a few minutes ago-I couldn't help but notice her legs dangling from the tree. She doesn't really seem like she's secured at all. This is one of the many concerns I have with them drugging them; They lose their nature about themselves.

It makes me wonder if she fell out of a tree. She was found deceased under a tree, bleeding around her head and mouth areas. It actually doesn't seem too far fetched that she may have fallen from a tall tree and suffered severe internal injuries/bleeding. I can't say definitively that this is what happened, but it is a possibility.


Hello friends and fellow Monkey lovers. A very warm welcome to all of our new friends! it's with a sad heart that we report the passing of little Nori 😭. The deceased little one was initially believed to be Angela, however, it has been confirmed that Angela has resurfaced and is doing fine.

Apparently, it's being reported that Nori passed by way of car accident. Did anyone see the accident? Because we can never be too sure with this group.

Anyway, I'm so saddened by this news. Nori was a sweet little girl, that survived some of the saddest circumstances already, from having a seeming skin Infirmity to being bitten in the head. This little monkey just wanted love. I hope she finds it in the afterlife as well as the protection she so deserved, but evaded her during her short life.

Friends on a side note, we see a lot of bullying towards these little monkeys and I ask you all to speak up against (fan) atics, who attack these small monkeys; simply because they favor others. Angela is the perfect example. I think when fans target these animals and make it apparent that they don't like them, it's very dangerous and I believe makes them targets. So please, let's keep an eye out for that please.

Condolences to all Monkey Lovers and/or real fans who are saddened by this loss...we surely are.

Libby relaxing and being groomed. I love seeing Rainbow get older and learning to reciprocate grooming. Such a nice way ...

Libby relaxing and being groomed. I love seeing Rainbow get older and learning to reciprocate grooming. Such a nice way to bond. It's special to finally get to see them relax and do what comes natural. They deserve it. Let's help them enjoy more moments like this!

*,P.S-please be sure to report and fan(atics) that are currently or have sent money to tamper with these monkeys. Please send names and screenshots (if you can), or any kind of proof.

Thank you!

As many of you know, Rainbow has been seriously injured. Her arm was hurt one day, she was bitten on the back another da...

As many of you know, Rainbow has been seriously injured. Her arm was hurt one day, she was bitten on the back another day and now, she has suffered blunt force trauma of some sort, to her face. This poor baby has been through so much.

Libby has been badly injured multiple times as well. It's like they are targets! We believe there is a direct correlation between the hate posts she receives and them being the only monkeys constantly injured. It is believed that an unknown substance has been rubbed on them to cause these attacks; as well as the VOs injuring them.

We must correct those who fixate on these animals and speak ill of them. These are animals and they don't deserve this grand miscarriage of justice. Join us in helping Libby and Rainbow. Your voice counts, your actions count. You are the voice that they don't have. We must unite to help them!


Libby has been attacked by the bullies of Amber. Rise helped attack Libby with absolutely no regard for baby Rainbow; who was clinging and I'm sure, scared out of her mind. I believe the Vos are responsible. Mixing a semi wild troop and a troop of abandoned babies are a recipe for disaster. Sovana has not been socialized to fully understand hierarchy. Therefore, if they feed them together, a fight will easily break out and can become dangerous. Libby was pounced on today and it was heartbreaking to see.


I often wonder about what happened to dear sweet and loyal Pixie. She loved Rainbow and Libby so much, then one day, she was just gone with no real explanation, both she and Libby's brother Logan. They've never resurfaced in another troop, like the VOs claimed. Plus, it just seemed very uncharacteristic of Pixie who always stuck so close by to her troop/group members...especially Libby and Rainbow. We need answers!

Who could hurt such a precious little one? These monkeys deserve a life of happiness and peace!

Who could hurt such a precious little one? These monkeys deserve a life of happiness and peace!


For the people spending money to negatively affect these animals (for your own entertainment and/or plan), why not donate your money to ppl or children who need it? Is your backyard perfect, for you to skip over it? There aren't better ways to utilize your resources to help ppl in your own backyard? I'm sure that within a 60 mile radius of your home, there's at least 300 families in need. Oh, my bad...the element of control isn't there 🙄 This is an outcry to stop using your money to exploit those in third world countries. It's a bad thing. Dangling money in the faces of those who are less fortunate, to do dirty work 🤦‍♀️. They aren't innocent, but neither are you


Effort must be made to hold accountable, the people who are sending in money to affect the outcomes of the monkeys, for their own selfish reasons. Americans (or anyone else), should not be exploiting animals and/or using their privilege and wealth to do so. These animals deserve better. Please gather and submit evidence of anyone known to be doing this, so that we can try to bring these actors to justice. Together we can do it! Thank you! Have a great and blessed day!

*if we don't do our part, who else will?

Where is Libby and Rainbow? That is the question. Some of the most horrific rumors have been circulating the internet th...

Where is Libby and Rainbow? That is the question. Some of the most horrific rumors have been circulating the internet the past few weeks, with no real way to confirm the truth. A few VOs have claimed that they are in the park, but have not gone live (near them), as to confirm this. One would think, that men with many cameras, could very easily dispell rumors, with authentic live video; using markers to indicate that it is a live video. However, they've relied on pictures that cannot be verified and word-of-mouth alone, to explain their whereabouts. We're feeling uneasy about this situation and must have answers. To anyone with insight, post below ⬇️⬇️⬇️. We will continue to look into this matter until we have sufficient answers.

The sad truth has recently been uncovered about Rainbow and Libby. They are being mistreated for money. We knew it, in a...

The sad truth has recently been uncovered about Rainbow and Libby. They are being mistreated for money. We knew it, in a way, but we never thought that it was this bad 😢




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