Well, this is Doug. He was being posted in my local group all day yesterday, running around on the highway. No one claimed him from 7am until 10pm, so I went and got him. It was raining and there was no way I could leave him out in the rain all night.
To top things off, he has a broken leg. Today, he was taken to my vet and we found out his break is one of the worst my vet has ever seen. A splint most likely won’t help, but we’re going to try it and see. Surgery isn’t an option because of how it’s broken. If the splint doesn’t work, we will consider amputation.
Poor dude. I believe he was dumped since no one has come forward for him. He’s not microchipped and is just a baby, probably 7-8 months old.
He was so happy when I got him in the truck that he sighed of relief and fell asleep like “thank god.”
I would also like to take this moment to say that I am also a breeder and I hope this helps to see breeders in a better light. I breed, show, and health test my dogs, but I also help hurt souls like this guy and he will receive the best care, just like my others do