Mels Cat Sitting Services

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Mels Cat Sitting Services Cat Sitting Welcome to Mel’s Cat Sitting Services! I have 2 ragdolls Bella & Lily and I am based in Renfrew. I am also fully insured.

I work full time so only really cover renfrew but if you are local to my area feel free to send me a message and I will see if I can help :) I know it can be worrying trying to decide what to do about your cats when your planning time away. Cats sometimes don’t do well being taken out of their home environment and put in a cattery. I can visit your home up to 2 times a day to feed your cats, do li

tter trays, collect mail and take out the bins if needed. I will update daily with how your cat is getting on and send photos. I have owned cats for the past 20 years and I am a huge animal lover. The main reason for me setting up this page is that I regularly donate to lots of different animal charities both in the U.K. and abroad but want to be able to do more so the money that I make from looking after your cats will be going towards helping other animals in need.


There seems to be a recent trend in cats being transported in backpack carriers 😕 No doubt there will be a surge in popularity again due to the new Argylle movie 😿

They may seem like a fun way to move a cat from one place to another, but I would urge caregivers to take a moment to think about their cat's wellbeing before purchasing a backpack carrier - the bubble carriers are particularly unpleasant for cats.

Issues with backpack carriers include:

😿They are usually too small for cats to turn around in and position themselves in a way they feel most comfortable

😿They move around a lot during transportation, which is stressful and uncomfortable for cats - most of these carriers are not very sturdy either

😿There is no opportunity for cats to hide, they are almost forced to look out through the bubble window. This means cats have to face lots of things they might find frightening during their journey, such as dogs, unfamiliar people and cars

😿The carrier is facing backward, which can be very disorientating for cats - some will experience nausea and vomit

😿 The carriers are not easy to clean, making them less hygienic

😿 Air circulation is poor, which can make cats overheat

😿Cats can arrive at their destination in a high state of arousal due to experiencing intense emotions of anxiety, fear, or frustration - this makes examinations by the veterinary team more difficult, which could impact the effectiveness of any care that cats receive (and need)

Although there are some differences in these types of carriers (ie some are a bit larger or stronger), cats can be trained to use different types of carriers and every cat and their caregiver is different, most backpack carriers are not cat friendly for the average cat. Unless this is the only way a cat can be transported to the vet in an emergency they should be avoided 🚑

😻There is plenty of useful information on what type of carrier to choose and how minimise stress during travel on this International Cat Care webpage👇
Or visit this webpage to access the International Cat Care guides, which includes a handy downloadable guide on taking your cat to the vet 👇

Cat protection Glasgow is looking for foster homes. 😻Even if you have cats of your own you can still do this as long as ...

Cat protection Glasgow is looking for foster homes. 😻

Even if you have cats of your own you can still do this as long as you have a spare room.

Fostering is so rewarding knowing that you have helped make a difference to a little life 💗


Hello there 👋🏻🐾 We currently have 2 different volunteering opportunities available.

We need volunteers on weekday mornings to help out at our Glasgow Adoption Centre based in Auchinloch 😺

And we are also on the lookout for volunteer foster carers who can take care of cats in their own homes 🏠

Please click the link below to find out more and about specific requirements 😊


Rescue has never been this bad for us - we are getting so many desperate requests for help. So many animals need us and we are full.
Saying that we have no space is crushing.
We are so sorry we wish we had the capacity to take in more right now but sadly we just don't. Those we can't help we are doing our best by making cat houses, giving them food and vet care till rescues are found. We are also supporting owners so they don't have to give up their pets. We are rescuing so many but it seems like as soon as one cat finds a home 100 need to come in..
We try to focus on feral and stray cats but are also getting a lot of urgent cats from vets who are due to be pts as owners can't afford their treatment (please insure your pets to avoid this) This delays us helping cats on the streets. The ones who need to come in are often poorly or tom cats who are lacking trust and need experienced foster or just people willing to put up with the smell of tom cat for a little while. Sadly we get little offers of help for these cats.

Please consider helping an older cat or a tom cat through rescue. Or if you see a stray we really need you to step up and do your best to help as all rescues are full. We need you to help even if you can just give them a warm place to stay then we could help you with care.
If you have a stray and you want to step up for them then get in touch we will support you. It's so rewarding to help a stray cat - there is no love like love from a battered old tom who has learnt to trust you.

Please consider opening your home to another cat, fostering, volunteering and most of all neuter your cats to stop this.

We are so drained but how can we rest knowing all these cats need us.

Below is Clyde a battered tom with fiv - he was on a trapping job of mum and kittens we couldn't leave him behind we trapped him and he acted feral for three weeks then one day he took a leap of faith and he became the most amazing loving lap cat. These cats just need a chance.


Happy New Year!! 😻

The team are back after the Xmas break with a new member on board!💙😻
Little Brodie will take his place as Chief Cat Consultant until he is big enough to start training in TNR!😍💙

We want to thank everyone for their support in 2023 and share our success in the last 6 months of 2023:

- 32 cats/kittens rehomed
- 126 feral cats TNR'd
- 3 cats reunited with owners
- 200 feral cats provided with ongoing food supplies

We are delighted as we are a very small team, covering a very large area!

Without your support and the amazing work of our volunteers, we would be unable to do this, so THANK YOU!! 🙏❤️

We have big plans to help more cats in 2024 and some exciting projects and events on the horizon! Our application for Charitable Status in PENDING and we hope that will help give us access to more funding to help us achieve this.

You can support us by donating here:

Feral Cats Scotland
Acc no. 15987765
Sc. 83 16 13

You can support the cats directly by donating items from our Wishlist:

2024 - Let's do this!! 👊😻

How cute are these two though 💙Charlie & Dexter 😻

How cute are these two though 💙
Charlie & Dexter 😻

Been looking after Olaf💙and Bessie💗 this week.

Been looking after Olaf💙and Bessie💗 this week.

Have donated the £ from my last cat sit to Ronald Behagan. He has helped rescue and adopt out cats in Dubai for the last...

Have donated the £ from my last cat sit to Ronald Behagan. He has helped rescue and adopt out cats in Dubai for the last 10 years. Every day he has a different case, another animal dumped or sick in the streets, I honestly don’t know how he does it 😇

Think wee foster fail shadow is enjoying herself 😻. My mums sending me these pics of her rolling about in front of the f...

Think wee foster fail shadow is enjoying herself 😻. My mums sending me these pics of her rolling about in front of the fire 💗.

😻 Up for adoption 😻This is Timotei and he is 6 years old . He was rescued in Saudi Arabia around 5 years ago. He has bee...

😻 Up for adoption 😻

This is Timotei and he is 6 years old . He was rescued in Saudi Arabia around 5 years ago. He has been in long term foster care but his fosterer is leaving Saudi Arabia and going back to New Zealand and she can’t take him with her.

Timotei is a lovely cat who is well socialised . He is not a lap cat but he does like to be around his human and loves chin and back scratches . He has lived with other foster cats his whole life and seems to be better with female cats although he could happily live as a single cat.

He likes his out side time so an enclosed garden or catio would be a bonus. He is neutered, chipped and fully vaccinated. He will be arriving in the UK on the 19 of this month.

Adoption fee would be £300 to pay towards his flight to the UK and vet costs. Home checks apply.

If you are interested in adopting Timotei please contact Louise Alexandra for more info 💙

😻 Up for adoption 😻This gorgeous seal point himalayan cat is Squeak. She was found in terrible condition wandering the s...

😻 Up for adoption 😻

This gorgeous seal point himalayan cat is Squeak. She was found in terrible condition wandering the streets of Saudi Arabia when she was about 8 months old and has been in foster for last 12 months.

She is a well socialised kitty and very affectionate towards humans. She has lived with other cats while in foster so would be ok to be homed to someone with cats as long as proper introductions are done. She is spayed, chipped and fully vaccinated.

She is mainly an indoor cat with access to an enclosed courtyard so the ideal home for her would be someone with a cat proof garden or catio. She arrives in the UK on the 19th of this month.

Adoption fee would be £300 to pay towards her flight to the UK and vet costs. Home checks apply.

If you are interested in adopting squeak please contact Louise Alexandra for more info 💗

Luna 💗 Simba 💙 Nala 💗

Luna 💗 Simba 💙 Nala 💗

Absolutely disgusting. 4 adult cats stuffed into 1 cat carrier and 6 kittens in another. I mean honestly they probably m...

Absolutely disgusting. 4 adult cats stuffed into 1 cat carrier and 6 kittens in another. I mean honestly they probably made enough £££ breeding from them that they could of at least splashed out on a few more carriers! 😬😡

They were found in two pet carriers on the town's Blackstoun Road.

Animal rescues helped from our raffle:Petals Friends Cat ConcernWillows Animal Sanctuary & Animal Assisted Therapy UnitS...

Animal rescues helped from our raffle:

Petals Friends
Cat Concern
Willows Animal Sanctuary & Animal Assisted Therapy Unit

Soi Dog Foundation
Protect and Feed Rescue Cats
Sanctuary (Alexandria rescue cats shelter)

So we raised an amazing £390 from the raffle tickets! Me and my mum will add to this to put the total up to £500 😻😻We wi...

So we raised an amazing £390 from the raffle tickets! Me and my mum will add to this to put the total up to £500 😻😻We will work out 2moro what charities we will be donating too and update the page. Thanks to everyone for taking part 🥰 x

So on the 21st of October we agreed to foster seven feral kittens. And by we I mean I agreed to it and then put them in ...

So on the 21st of October we agreed to foster seven feral kittens. And by we I mean I agreed to it and then put them in my mum and step dads house🤣. These wee guys had spent the first 10 weeks of their life living outside so lots of hissing and hiding when they first arrived.

By the 11th of November the first 2 kittens felix (girl) and blaze (boy) were ready for their new home. In the 3 weeks that we had felix we had such a soft spot for her as she just made herself right at home straight away💗. She was always the first kitten to come out from under the bed to see what treats we had for her or to play with her squeaky mouse toy wand.

The next 2 to go were the boys Oreo and Mittens on the 17th of November. Oreo aka hissy pants, was the only kitten that had total catittude for his whole stay🤣. That then left 2 girls Shadow and Patch and 1 boy Davey. Patch and Davey left for their new home last week on the 18th of December after 8 weeks with us. These 3 had became so close and for days after they left Shadow would walk round her wee room crying for them😞. This week we have let shadow explore the rest of the house and meet my mums 4 boy cats. We still can't really touch her or pick her up, she's had us all in a panic a few times thinking we have lost her as she's hidden herself in the tiniest of spaces. She seems to love the other cats though and for the past few days has been running about playing with them 😻

This gorgeous boy is Angelo who was saved from the streets of Bahrain. He was supposed to fly to his forever home in the...

This gorgeous boy is Angelo who was saved from the streets of Bahrain. He was supposed to fly to his forever home in the UK last month but was diagnosed with wet FIP. Treatment is very expensive and needs to be done everyday over 84 days. Have sent his rescuer a wee donation from mels cat sitting services 💙

Details from his rescuer below:

✅ Fundraiser link:
✅ Benefitpay: ‪33505556‬
Pls mention "Ängelo" in reference.

We are finally in a position to post about Angelo & his recent health scare. After taking him to the vet & running several tests- Angelo was diagnosed with the wet form of FIP!

We have managed to get a few vials of the GS & Angelo is showing improvement, he is slowly gaining energy & his appetite is coming back. Angelo will need to receive an injectable dose of the GS everyday for 84 days along with liver support supplements, regular blood work, and checking of liver and kidney function, all amounting to an exceptionally high amount. We simply don't have the funds needed to complete his treatment and so we are pleading for help in the form of donations to save Angelo's life..

Attached is his bill since last week- BD 123/ £300, pls help us in settling them so that we can continue his ongoing care at the clinic. We are also going to be needing help with funds to purchase the GS vials, each 7 ml vial currently costs us 38 BD (£80) one vial is enough for 3 days (as per his weight) & we already owe BD 114/ £ 250 for the three vials we have purchased until now. We understand that these are difficult times & it may seem like too much money is being invested in saving one cat's life, but Angelo deserves this chance. We treated another cat- Jewel last year also for FIP & she made a marvelous recovery, so we know for a fact this treatment works.

For more details on our rescue work. Pls follow our rescue account on Instagram:


How beautiful is this boy 😻😻

My mum bought this Michael Kors handbag in Las Vegas but it’s never been used so we have decided to raffle it off. All o...

My mum bought this Michael Kors handbag in Las Vegas but it’s never been used so we have decided to raffle it off. All of the money raised will be donated to help animals in need😻

£5 per number , 75 numbers
PayPal: [email protected] (family and friends option please)

Bank details:
Account no: 01112707
Sort code: 80-46-92

** If you aren’t within driving distance of Renfrew for delivery would ask for a £5 contribution towards P&P costs **

1. Allison millar ☑️
2. Jennifer ☑️
3. Julie Clark ☑️
4. Diane Rees ☑️
5. Agnes McMulkin ☑️
6. Jennifer ☑️
7. Julie Clark ☑️
8. Allison millar ☑️
9. Jennifer ☑️
10. Irene Forbes☑️
11. Lorraine Mathieson ☑️
12. Fiona ☑️
13. Carla ☑️
14. Wendy pownall ☑️
15. Agnes McMulkin ☑️
16. Jean bryceland ☑️
17. Irene Forbes ☑️
18. Pauline Buxton ☑️
19. Linda Forbes☑️
20. Jean bryceland ☑️
21. Wendy pownall ☑️
22. Nancy Wilkinson ☑️
23. Jean bryceland ☑️
24. Agnes mcmulkin ☑️
25. Jean bryceland ☑️
26. Tony malek ☑️
27. Jacki Wright ☑️
28. Jane Melrose ☑️
29. Nancy Wilkinson☑️
30. Allison millar ☑️
31. Norma McGinn ☑️
32. Mary smith ☑️
33. Linda McIver ☑️
34. Georgina
35. Linda Forbes ☑️
36. Tony malek ☑️
37. Tony malek ☑️
38. Jacki Wright ☑️
39. Diane Rees ☑️
40. Georgina
41. Andrene ☑️
42. Angela Scott ☑️
43. Mary smith ☑️
44. Diane Rees ☑️
45. Linda McIver ☑️
46. Georgina
47. Andrene ☑️
48. Julie Clark ☑️
49. Angela Scott ☑️
50. Norma McGinn ☑️
51. Carla ☑️
52. Georgina
53. Janet flannery ☑️
54. Linda Forbes☑️
55. Tricia ☑️
56. Irene Forbes ☑️
57. Janet Flannery ☑️
58. Jane Melrose ☑️
59. Georgina McGill ☑️
60. Tricia ☑️
61. Caroline Mcdougall ☑️
62. Agnes ☑️
63. Tina Roof☑️
64. Julie Clark ☑️
65. Irene Forbes ☑️
66. Tony malek ☑️
67. Jackie allan ☑️
68. Christine ward ☑️
69. Pauline Buxton ☑️
70. Tony malek ☑️
71. Jackie allan ☑️
72. Caroline McDougall ☑️
73. Jackie allan ☑️
74. Tony malek ☑️
75. Linda Forbes ☑️

Back seeing lotus this week 💗

Back seeing lotus this week 💗






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