Australian Shepherds Puppies for adoption.
Sex available Females and males Puppies are ready now for their new homes. They are microchip,first shot,worm till date and are pedigree. They will also come with complete papers. If interested click on the "LIKE" and "SHARE" and COMMENT button on our page.
Shipping Available:Home delivery(door to door delivery).
✅ Micro chipped..
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Australian Shepherds Puppies for adoption.
Sex available Females and males Puppies are ready now for their new homes. They are microchip,first shot,worm till date and are pedigree. They will also come with complete papers. If interested click on the "LIKE" and "SHARE" and COMMENT button on our page.
Shipping Available:Home delivery(door to door delivery).
✅ Micro chipped..
#dog #dogsofinstagram #dogs #puppy #dogstagram #instadog #doglover #love #doglife #dogoftheday #pet #doglovers #cute #puppylove #pets #instagram #puppiesofinstagram #doggo #puppies #dogsofinsta #cat #of #ilovemydog #petsofinstagram #animals #petstagram #dogphotography #doglove #hund #bhfyphttps