Good morning to all! 🙂
In order to protect baby rats Chimère from dishonest and/or ill-intentioned people, from now on, in order to complete the adoption process of a baby rat Chimère, potential adopters will receive a code that will be sent to their home address and this code will have to be entered in their personally dedicated member area on our website Élevage de rats here:
For French speakers
and here:
For English speakers
https://elevagederats.com/en/ .
A username and a temporary password will be sent to you so that you can connect to your member area to enter this code.
Personal Facebook account
Since rattery Chimère does not conduct phone interviews with potential adopters, it is necessary for me to make sure that the personal information (for example, your first name and your last name) you provide in the adoption form ( https://elevagederats.com/en/adoption-form/ ) corresponds to a real identity.
Your personal Facebook account allows me to do this verification.
Also, please take note that the fact that you are liking either of the two pages Facebook of the website Élevage de rats (french or english version) shows me your interest in the rattery Chimère and necessarily a certain level of involvement on your part. By the same token, this involvement increases your chances of being accepted as an adopter of baby rats Chimère.
Rattery Chimère
Élevage de rats
Rat Breeding