Kimberly Howatt - Raidho Canine

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  • Kimberly Howatt - Raidho Canine

Kimberly Howatt - Raidho Canine The Raidho Canine Way™, igniting & inspiring humans to live soulfully with their animal companions. Hi, my name is Kim, and I own Raidho™ Canine.

My passion is to guide and support dog guardians who desire a deeper, more soulful connection to their dogs. I have a place in my heart for those challenged by canine health issues with guardians who feel they could/should/need to do more. I have spent decades in this challenging space, and it has transformed my entire life as I am chosen to empower others through my experiences. As an animal comm

unicator, I am able to truly listen to the dogs. As a botanical self-healing practitioner, I am able to offer support through the beautiful dance of aromatics and herbs. As a certified Archetypal Consultant and graduate of Carl Jung's Magnum Opus, I am fully vested in supporting the human as well as the canine. We simply need to connect to our animal through a deeper understanding, align with the energy of the universe and transform our relationships into soulful joy no matter the circumstance. Connect-Align-Transform™.

Misunderstood Dogs Reflecting Misunderstood PeopleEver had someone completely misread you?👉Maybe they assumed you were m...

Misunderstood Dogs Reflecting Misunderstood People

Ever had someone completely misread you?
👉Maybe they assumed you were mad when you were just tired.
👉Maybe they thought you were rude when really, you were just deep in thought.
👉Maybe they judged your reaction without knowing your story.

We are so quick to label ourselves and others based on personal beliefs and assumptions.

We create stories to fit our narrative—to prove our beliefs true… even when they’re complete BS.

Our beliefs don’t define us–They limit us.

One of mine? "I’m not an author."

I created this belief to suppress my creativity, to keep myself “safe” from comparison and failure.

Yet, a story needed to be shared and nagged at me incessantly.

The moment I honored my truth and created space to write the novel that lived in my soul–life transformed.

Health struggles I had been battling disappeared.

I had unknowingly trapped myself in a prison of my own limiting beliefs.

🐾Now imagine how often we do this to our dogs. 🐾

🐕 A dog barks and lunges at strangers? “Reactive.”
🐕 A dog ignores a recall? “Stubborn.”
🐕 A dog hesitates before stepping into a new environment? “Anxious.”

But what if we’re misunderstanding the message because we feel embarrassed, frustrated, and judged?

What might change if we listened to the message?
💡That “reactive” dog is actually scared--trying to create space.
💡That “stubborn” dog is actually confused--asking for clear communication.
💡That “anxious” dog is actually sensitive--taking in new information at their pace.

We label, assume, react, and judge. And we miss the connection.

What if we
🐾 Listen instead of judge?
🐾 Collaborate instead of react?
🐾 Stop “fixing” and take responsibility for our role in the relationship?

When we truly see our dogs as sentient beings with feelings, needs, and fears—transformation is inevitable.

🐶 Your dog isn’t ignoring you. They’re communicating with you.

PS: If you’re ready to stop second-guessing your dog’s behavior and want to unlock clearer communication and a stronger bond, let’s chat.

🐾 Comment “ME” below, and I’ll reach out with my schedule for a strategy call!

Your Dog Doesn’t Need You to Be in Control—They Need You to Be PresentFor years, we’ve been told that control equals lea...

Your Dog Doesn’t Need You to Be in Control—They Need You to Be Present

For years, we’ve been told that control equals leadership.

🔹 "You have to be the alpha."
🔹 "Your dog should obey you."
🔹 "If you don’t control your dog, they’ll walk all over you!"

But here’s the truth—your dog doesn’t need a dictator.

They need a grounded, present, and emotionally attuned partner.

You didn’t find each other by accident or through luck—your souls chose each other.

You will play a role in each other’s lives that is far deeper than training cues and behavior fixes.

The more you try to control life with your dog and ignore the deeper connection, the more you create:

❌ Power struggles and overwhelm
❌ Anxiety (for both of you)
❌ A disconnect the size of the Grand Canyon

But when you step into the here and now and begin to listen?
💡 You shift from control to collaboration.
💡 You shift from confusion to clarity in your communication.
💡 You stop “fixing” and start co-creating.

So the real question isn’t, "How do I control my dog’s reactivity or anxiety?"

It’s, "How do I become a calm, confident leader that my dog feels safe enough to follow?"

🔥 Drop a 🔥 if you’re ready to lead with intention, presence, and heart.

PS: If you’re feeling stuck in a cycle of struggle and frustration, let’s change the game.

I help pet parents unlock the hidden treasure in their dog’s challenges. So instead of feeling overwhelmed, you can wake up every day excited to experience life in a playful and deeply connected soul partnership.

🐶 Comment “CONNECT” below, and I’ll reach out with my schedule for a strategy call.

The Energy You Bring to a Challenge Determines the OutcomeYour dog isn’t holding onto frustration from two days ago.They...

The Energy You Bring to a Challenge Determines the Outcome

Your dog isn’t holding onto frustration from two days ago.

They aren’t sitting in the corner, replaying a past mistake.

They are here in this moment.

🐕 Responding to energy in the environment
🐕 Reading emotions before you say a word or make a move
🐕 Feeling frustration, hesitation, and fear—just as clearly as they feel love and confidence

And this is where you hold the power.

Your dog’s number one instinct? Survival. They strive to feel safe.

Jango has struggled with lots of movement in his line of sight ever since he got sick 9 ½ years ago.

Walks are stressful for him. And even though he LOVES nosework class, the activity outside the safety of his crate is too much for him to handle alone.

It took Jim and me years to understand this. For a long time, we tried to change him.

But here’s the truth:

We cared about walks.
Jango cared about feeling safe.

Every challenge you face—begins with the energy you bring to it.

So ask yourself:

🔹 Are you approaching challenges with frustration, doubt, and overwhelm?
🔹 Or are you bringing curiosity, presence, and the intention to create security?

Your energy sets the tone.

Instead of asking, "Why is my dog still doing this?"
Try asking, "What energy can I bring that helps my dog feel safe?"

When we shifted our energy and intention with Jango, everything changed.

✅ We let go of belief systems that kept us stuck in a box of “should.”
✅ We stopped trying to change him and started listening to him.
✅ We all relaxed.

Now, instead of taking frustrating walks, we play Frisbee and hide & seek in the yard—Jango’s favorite.

And nosework? We still attend class, but now we carry him from his crate to the search area. He loves it and feels like a king. His legs sway freely with every step, utterly relaxed.

He knows we listen.
He knows we’ve got his back.

💡 When you shift your energy and beliefs, transformation happens.

PS: Stop struggling and start co-creating a deeper, more peaceful connection with your dog. Let’s explore a plan that works for both of you.

🐶 Comment "CONNECT" below, and I’ll reach out with my schedule for a strategy call.

Plot Twist: Your Dog is here to Train YOU!You know that movie where you were so sure you had the villain figured out—unt...

Plot Twist: Your Dog is here to Train YOU!

You know that movie where you were so sure you had the villain figured out—until the twist ruined your theory?

And you? You’re here to teach your dog what it means to be a well-behaved family member, right?

Cute. 😏

Check it out—your dog’s been training YOU since day one.

🐕 Pulling you down the street? 👉 They're testing your patience (and your grip strength).
🐕 Ignoring your recall? 👉 They’re showing you how disconnected you are.
🐕 Defying your commands and doing their own thing? 👉 They’re screaming for you to listen at a deeper level.

Here’s the thing—you don’t own a dog.

You share your life with a beautiful soul.

Your relationship is reciprocal—every moment spent together is an exchange.

Both of you give. Both of you receive.

So… when the struggle bus pulls up to your door with a behavior or health challenge, have you ever considered looking beyond the surface?

💥 Plot Twist: This is a Cat Story.

A client came to me desperate for answers. Their cat was p*eing in the house.

🚫 Vet check? All clear.
🚫 New litter boxes? Didn’t help.

So what was happening?

During our communication session, it was undeniable—the cat was helping the human release frustration and resentment through their most effective tool… p*eing. 😳

Think of your body like a volcano. Emotions build and build—until they erupt.

This cat was taking one for the team.

When we excavated below the surface, we uncovered the honest emotional block behind the human’s response.

And guess what?

It was internal frustration and resentment—buried for years.

Simply uncovering and bringing awareness to these emotions changed everything.

The p*eing stopped.

Good kitty. 😼

It isn’t always a straight line to uncover answers.

Our companions are wise and selflessly help us at every turn.

This is why we don’t “fix” them and instead, invite them to work with us to uncover what’s beneath the surface.

PS: If you want to master the deep, wordless conversation you share with your dog—so you’re no longer consumed by stress or worry, I invite you to book a call with me.

🐶 Comment "ME" below, and I’ll reach out with my schedule!

Your Dog’s Challenges Are Not the Problem—Your Resistance to Them IsYou spend so much time fighting your dog’s challenge...

Your Dog’s Challenges Are Not the Problem—Your Resistance to Them Is

You spend so much time fighting your dog’s challenges, and let’s be real—it’s exhausting.

Why do we always need to know why?
🔹 "Why won’t my dog calm down when I leave?"
🔹 "Why won’t my dog stop chewing on its foot?"
🔹 "Why won’t my dog stop chasing cars along the fence?"

Despite all your dedicated training, nothing has changed.

But here’s the thing—your dog isn’t the problem. It’s your resistance to what they’re trying to show you.

You spend so much time and money trying to change them that you’re missing the point:

🐾They’re not here to change FOR you. They’re here to change WITH you.
And that is freaking awesome!

Stop blaming a trainer for bad advice. You got exactly the feedback you needed.

Stop blaming your dog for all the heartache because they are offering you priceless information.

💙 You are co-creating your life experiences, and your dog wants to join you on the adventure.

💩 Zorii the Basement Pooper: A Story About Thoughts Creating Reality

Zorii was an in-house pooper. For years, she sneaked into the basement to drop a deuce.

We tried to “fix” her misunderstanding.

✅by taking her out constantly.💩
✅by gating off the basement to keep her on the main floor. 💩
✅by asking her through animal communication why she did it 💩

One day, we forgot to put the gates up after some workers had been here. A week or longer passed before we noticed. We went downstairs, expecting a mountain of 💩

We found nothing!

What changed?--We did. We unknowingly quit obsessing and worrying.

Like magic, the 💩 stopped.

Where your thoughts go, reality follows.

You and your dog agreed to share a life together—and that includes sharing lessons.

What if you focused on the beautiful part of your life instead of the challenges?

You’ll be amazed at the changes.

Drop a 🔥 if this hit home.

PS: If you want to master the deep, wordless conversation you share with your dog so you’re no longer overwhelmed by the weight of daily stress and worry, I want to invite you to book a call with me.Isn't it time to thrive together?

🔥 Comment "ME" below, and I’ll reach out with my schedule.

Your Dog’s Biggest Challenge… Is Their Greatest Gift to YouWe all dream of the “perfect” dog—calm, easy, always listenin...

Your Dog’s Biggest Challenge… Is Their Greatest Gift to You

We all dream of the “perfect” dog—calm, easy, always listening. Some of us have even experienced it firsthand.

But what if the dog you need comes with undeniable challenges?

That’s exactly what happened with Jango. His early life feels like an illusion. At 7 months old, he became seriously ill.

Yet when he wasn’t covering our floors in puke, he was a happy, playful puppy. Jango was social and engaging.
💡Earning his Canine Good Citizen.
💡Enjoying his agility and nose work classes
💡Meeting people and dogs everywhere we went together

We managed his illness, or so we thought.

By the time he was two, our “perfect” boy transformed into a terrified, puking biter.

(That’s a story for another day.)

For years, I lived in self-blame. I questioned every choice. I felt unworthy and unprepared to help him.

Until I started to follow the breadcrumbs. Tracing where in my life I was angry, frustrated, and afraid. I unapologetically changed.

And so did he.

Today, my gratitude for these 11 ½ years with Jango is beyond words.

👉 I wouldn’t change a single moment, and I look forward to our upcoming adventures together.

Because of him, I’m forever changed—I’m an author, a business owner, an animal communicator, and I continue to evolve every single day, letting beliefs and patterns fall away.

What might you discover if you embrace your reactive, anxious, or stubborn pup as your greatest teacher?

🔹A reactive dog might be showing you how to regulate & release stored emotion.
🔹An anxious dog might be showing you where in your life you feel insecure and afraid.
🔹An over-excited, high-energy dog might be showing you how you race into future obligations and worries while missing the beauty of right now.

Embrace the beautifully “imperfect” dog. They will offer you a priceless treasure.
Drop a photo of your dog below and let’s celebrate the imperfection! 👇

PS: If you want to master the deep, wordless conversation you share with your dog so you’re no longer overwhelmed by the weight of daily stress and worry, I want to invite you to book a call with me.

🔥 Simply comment "ME" below

Your dog is Trying to Tell You Something… Are You Listening?Every bark, zoomie, or “bad” behavior is pure, honest commun...

Your dog is Trying to Tell You Something… Are You Listening?

Every bark, zoomie, or “bad” behavior is pure, honest communication.

When they lunge at a strange dog during a walk in the park or when they retreat from the hand trying to pat them on the head, they are telling you something.

They are responding to the vibe of the environment. It isn’t personal.

It can feel uncomfortable, especially if they aren’t a fan of your best human friend.

But, controlling your dog through commands when they are in a frenzied state of mind can be tough on the relationship.

🔥Your dog is not misbehaving when they growl and snarl. They are showing HONEST emotion. 🔥

The answer to your dog’s “problems” isn’t more training, stricter rules, or better treats… it’s a conversation. 👀

🧑‍🍼What’s up, bud? That’s just a jogger. It’s ok. I got you.

🐕No! They’re running away! Danger is chasing them! I didn’t feel safe. We gotta go!

Every behavior your dog shows you is important information and often not what we expect

But the reality is that we attract what we need to heal and while our dog’s behavior is straightforward and honest, we are the ones who attach meaning:

“I can’t walk my dog on the street because he’s reactive.”
👉Your reactive dog may be screaming at you to see what’s triggering you.

“I can’t leave my dog alone. They have separation anxiety.”
👉Your anxious dog may be highlighting your worries.

“I can’t get my dog to listen. They’re so stubborn!”
👉Your stubborn dog may be pushing you to stand firm in your life.

When we let go of blame and take responsibility for our role in our dog’s behavior… everything shifts.

Behaviors change. Struggles fade—you begin co-creating a beautiful life together.

🙏 What if the key to your dog’s challenges… is unlocking a new version of yourself?

PS: If you want to master the deep, wordless conversation you share with your dog so you’re no longer overwhelmed by the weight of daily stress and worry, I want to invite you to book a call with me. Together, we will explore your needs and create a plan of action so you can begin living your best life with your furry companion. Don’t wait! Maximize your time together where you’re living in harmony.

🔥 Comment "ME" below, and I’ll reach out with my schedule.

🚨 Your Companion’s Not the Problem—You Are. 🚨Ouch. That stings a little, doesn’t it?But before you come for me, hear me ...

🚨 Your Companion’s Not the Problem—You Are. 🚨

Ouch. That stings a little, doesn’t it?

But before you come for me, hear me out. 👀

💙Animals are not people.

🩷They don’t speak English.

💜And they never lie.

🐾Animals are always honest–brutally honest.

And when they “misbehave”, they offer us valuable information

They are never spiteful or trying to ruin our lives.

That leash-reactive dog? They are telling you something extremely important about the current environment–their feelings are very real and should not be quieted.

But most they are also showing you something invaluable about yourself if you are willing to look into the mirror with curiosity.

The companion who never listens? The one who closes their ears to your voice when you call them to come back home?

Maybe they’re asking you to listen to them, but you respond in kind–with closed ears, demanding they behave to your specifications.

The companion with endless energy? The one who you beg to take a nap for even 5 minutes in a day?

Could they be here to wake you up to your own restless nature and move you out of your comfort zone?

Here’s the deal: Your dog isn’t broken. They’re not a “bad dog.”

They’re responding to the environment, to you, to the energy and patterns in your life.

And that’s actually good news.

Because if the “problem” starts with us, then so does the solution.

🐾 Your dog is reflecting something important. The real question is… are you willing to look in the mirror? 🐾

Drop a 🔥 in the comments if this hits home, or tell me—what’s your biggest “aha” moment about how your dog shows up for you? 👇

PS - Our companions are proof that thriving relationships ALWAYS exist–when we listen and approach the situation with curiosity.

And if you’re not only seeing challenges, misbehavior, and overwhelm, then you just haven’t learned how to listen and communicate with clarity.

If you’re ready to focus on the essentials to a rock-solid foundation—let’s build your bond effortlessly thrive every day.

Beyond the Bond is a tailored one-to-one 6-month deep dive into healing relationships and challenges, and it is only a click away!

Comment BEYOND now, and I will DM details.

Did You Choose Your Dog… Or Did They Choose You?Ever notice how your animal companion seems to fit right into your life—...

Did You Choose Your Dog… Or Did They Choose You?

Ever notice how your animal companion seems to fit right into your life—but not always in the way you expected?

Maybe you found your “soul companion”--The perfect companion with whom you are ever in sync.

Did you bring home a calm, easygoing pup at a time when life felt stable and peaceful?

Maybe you feel they don’t fit into your family dynamic because you are exhausted and overwhelmed from being a house monitor to the constant imbalance of energy creating tidal waves of emotion.

Did you bring home a wild, mischievous firecracker right when you needed a shake-up?

Perhaps you found yourself too comfortable, and the universe saw fit to jolt you right out of that easy chair and into the heartbeat of excitement.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

Our companions are just one of the many mirrors that show up in our lives, and I will say that they are the most fun reflection by far—showing up exactly as we need them to.

💙A reactive dog might be nudging you (emphatically) to work through your own stress and control patterns.

🩷A health-challenged companion could be calling attention to your own well-being or highlighting how much you worry about the future.

💜A dog that tests your patience? Maybe they’re here to help you break free from old limitations.

What if your companion isn’t a “challenge to fix”… but a teacher guiding you into your next evolution?

Let that sink in. Then tell me—how has your dog perfectly matched the phase of life you’re in right now? 👇

Happy New Year!  Leaving 2024 with gratitude for the incredible opportunities and discoveries feels amazing. Walking int...

Happy New Year! Leaving 2024 with gratitude for the incredible opportunities and discoveries feels amazing. Walking into 2025 with curiosity and gratitude for all the opportunities and discoveries that will occur in the coming year. My heart ids full as I hold much love and gratitude for all of you 💙🩷💜. Let’s rock this year!

Ever feel like your companion is your spirit animal? 🐾Maybe you’re both all about adventures and games ( ), or Maybe you...

Ever feel like your companion is your spirit animal? 🐾

Maybe you’re both all about adventures and games ( ), or

Maybe your dog is an indiscriminate snacker while you’re super picky about food ( ).

👉👉 Here’s the real question (and I need to know): What’s one trait you share with your companion... and one where you’re total opposites?

Drop your answers below 👇 because celebrating the similarities and differences is what makes our bond with our companions so epic. Let’s hear it! 🎉🐕❤️

Merry Christmas! Have a blessed holiday!

Merry Christmas! Have a blessed holiday!

What if you woke up, walked into the bathroom, glanced in the mirror, and saw the reflection of your beloved companion? ...

What if you woke up, walked into the bathroom, glanced in the mirror, and saw the reflection of your beloved companion?

Weird, right?

But here’s the thing—it’s not that far from the truth. Your dog probably knows you better than you know yourself.

The best part? They don’t judge. They don’t overthink. And they definitely don’t lie (unlike us humans, 🤣). They’re just over here happily mirroring your energy, your vibes… your stuff.

Feeling stressed? Watch for signs of anxiousness in your dog.

Feeling distracted? Notice how they act on a walk. Are they ignoring you or tuning out?

Feeling peaceful and happy? Oh, you’ll see it—they’ll be playful, bouncy, and full of love.

Here’s the kicker: They’re not acting out to annoy you or stir up trouble. They’re acting like you. Reflecting your state of being.

(Ouch, but also WOW!)

So, the next time you feel frustrated with your dog, hit pause. Take a deep breath and really watch. Ask yourself: What is my companion trying to show me?

They’re not here to fix you or be a perfect robot. You’re here to learn and grow together.

So, what lessons is your dog showing you?

Drop it in the comments—I’d love to hear how your companion has been mirroring you lately!

Frustrated by your dog sniffing every single blade of grass on your walk? Think it’s all about p*e trails? Spoiler: It’s...

Frustrated by your dog sniffing every single blade of grass on your walk? Think it’s all about p*e trails? Spoiler: It’s not. 🐾

Sniffing is how your dog unravels the world—it’s their version of scrolling social media. 🐕 It’s catching up on the ultimate neighborhood gossip. A half-mile walk for you is a thousand-mile mental adventure for them.

Letting them sniff isn’t just kind; it’s giving them pure joy, their best adventure, and a mindfulness practice rolled into one. 🌼

Now, here’s the twist: What if you embraced that kind of curiosity? What could you 'sniff out' today?

Cheers to a super wonderful week ahead 🐾💙🩷💜

“Get it together!” said no dog ever.Your dog isn’t waiting for you to clean the house, tackle the to-do list longer than...

“Get it together!” said no dog ever.

Your dog isn’t waiting for you to clean the house, tackle the to-do list longer than Santa’s naughty list, or magically stop feeling overwhelmed.


They’re simply waiting for you.
🐾To drop the stress.
🐾To take a break.
🐾To show up—messy, real, and fully present.

They want to be your rest stop, your comfort, your stillness in the chaos.

So grab the snacks, a toy, or the leash and let yourself take an extra, unplanned break.

Because your dog doesn’t care about perfection—they just care about the relationship they have with you.

Even if it is simply a smooch and a scratch behind the ear, how are you showing up for your dog today?

Drop a comment below and let’s inspire each other to let go, show up, and be authentically awesome. 🐾✨

Do you ever reflect on the awesomeness of sharing life with your favorite companions? The wordless connection where you ...

Do you ever reflect on the awesomeness of sharing life with your favorite companions?

The wordless connection where you just get them and they get you is truly special.

We’ve gone from regimented routines to sharing snacks, Netflix marathons, and adventures like it’s no big deal.

But let’s be real—it is a huge deal. A blessing that ripples through all of life and makes every day better.

Life with our dogs is messy, magical, and full of those 'How did I get so lucky?' moments.

Whether it’s their
🐾 goofy zoomies
🐾 comforting presence or
🐾 uncanny ability to roll in the stinkiest thing ever on a walk,

They remind us to live fully and love deeply.

So, here’s to celebrating those moments!

What’s one way your dog makes life feel extraordinary?

Drop it below with a photo, and let’s share the love. 🐾✨

What draws your attention to a novel that creates a desire to purchase it? Front cover design? Title? Quotes from folks ...

What draws your attention to a novel that creates a desire to purchase it? Front cover design? Title? Quotes from folks who had advanced reading opportunity? Back cover? The whole thing? The elevator pitch on the backside that peaks interest in the story?

I am all ears as I am beginning to design the cover of my novel, and I am interested in browsing habits that create excitement.

Thanks a bunch :)

(There may or may not be a tiny hint about the book in this photo 🤣)

Episode 003 of The Raidho Canine Rundown: Happenings, Highlights & Hints.In episode 3, I dive into what has been happeni...

Episode 003 of The Raidho Canine Rundown: Happenings, Highlights & Hints.
In episode 3, I dive into what has been happening inside Raidho Canine over the past couple of months.
- A new office 🙂 - A lot of rewarding work building the desk and credenza and looking forward to decorating!
- A new FB Group - Raidho Canine Collective - A space where I want us all to chill togetehr and have a great time telling stories and chatting about our companions and how they inspire us and enhance our lives
-The Infinite Drop - My novel has completed BETA READER stage and is back in my hands for an in depth revision. So much inspiration and so many ideas have spawned from the responses. I am blessed and grateful.
Ya gotta watch the video to hear the story about the hawk that found its way into our screen porch over the weekend. Thankfully, no animals were harmed! We've been in this house since 2008, and we have never had this happen!
Cheers! 💙🩷💜

From December 9, 2024 - The Happenings, Highlights, and Hints of what is going on inside the world of Raidho Canine.



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