The CanineMan1 Pack of Canine Obedience And Correction Agency, COACA LLC and COACA Kennel LLC…
Although we have been super pleased with the services of our existing Pet Sitting Service, (who we plan to continue working with), our pack has simply grown beyond their level of experience and expertise. We totally understand the challenges that can be faced when offering care and concern to a pack of our size and multiple dispositional traits.
Inasmuch, we are hoping to find a service who will be able to meet our needs and possesses the level of experience needed to care for our Canine Companions. At the very least, they must have substantial experience with owning and/or working with upwards of 5 canines simultaneously (a Pack). They must also understand the importance of structure and routine, along with being able to handle canines that require boundaries and limitations. Although our Pack is fluid in the understanding of what’s expected of them, we need to pair them with someone who will be able to assert a Positive Leadership role in our absence.
Please feel free to share and recommend anyone who would fit the requirements and are available to conduct 3 daily home visits, offering yard runs and feedings. The individual or service must also be willing to do a little yard maintenance as well. Candidates must be available to schedule a Meet and Greet, and be willing to offer some time, to build a bond and a trust with The Pack.
Contact us directly via Messenger or at the number provided for more information or if you have any questions. Thanking you in advance for any assistance and recommendations.
The CanineMan1 Pack...
COACA Kennel LLC in cooperation with Canine Obedience And Correction Agency, COACA LLC and The CanineMan1 Pack.
#Boerboels #SouthAfricanMastiffs
#CaneCorsos #ItalianMastiffs
#Frenchies #FrenchBulldogs
#Rotties #Rottweilers
#ResponsibleBreeding #QualityBreeding #ReputableBreeding #TheCanineMan1
Today we acknowledge, Ms. Queen Elizabeth for her membership and her role not only within the The CanineMan1 Pack, but also as one of our most valued Canine Training Assistants.
Elizabeth has been with us for nearly half of our professional existence, dating back to early 2019. She came to us originally as a Behavioral Modification case for Crate Anxiety, Housebreaking Reinforcement and for Confidence Building. As we navigated her and her owners through the early stages of their program, it was determined that she wasn’t a good fit for their family.
Rather than subject her to being returned to the Animal Shelter, we elected to keep her on as a Rehoming case, as we had also just recently acquired, who would become her counterpart- JJ. He too sought benefit in our ability to provide the necessary training, behavioral modification and leadership, to extend the best possible opportunity at a quality of life. With them both being of the same breed orientation- Beagle and Foxhound mixes, it was our hopes to find them a home together. Although we weren’t successful in placing them in homes outside of our own, they became permanent members of our family.
Above and beyond having secured a place within our home, they also secured their membership within The CanineMan1 Pack. Having become apart of the original members, their work here with us at, Canine Obedience And Correction Agency, became pinnacle in working with the many pets that we work with each year. Their roles had become that of our “icebreakers”, when evaluating the social skills of our client pets. With their dispositional traits, coupled with having a non-threatening demeanor, they have contributed to the success of many socially challenged pets.
As we have just recently experienced the loss of several of our Canine Pack Members, we thought it to be exemplary to offer Elizabeth her Retirement. She will join Dozer in living out their days without having to extend their services any longer. We were