On this Throwback Thursday, August 2017. This amazing rescue of two anhingas stuck together by cloth material. What makes this rescue so amazing is team Corsi was not the only one trying to save the anhinga~ its mate was trying to pull the material off. Listen to the local neighbor explain how the Anhinga's mate was pulling the other by its beak from the center of the pond and brought it to the shore where they rested on the branches, during this process the other Anhinga got stuck on the same material. When Paul Corsi netted them, the one came unattached and swam off. The one with the material was brought to shore where the material was meticulously cut away. We released the Anhinga and its mate waited on the shoreline. This is just one Environmental hazard affecting our wildlife, as even the smallest, insignificant discarded litter can be life-threatening to Anhingas as they have tiny backward-facing barbs that line their beak. This one ended on a Happy note. Owl's Nest Sanctuary for Wildlife dispatched this call and if you would like to donate please consider Owls Nest, The Director, Kris Porter is an amazing skilled rehabber and has five acres of property with amazing enclosures where she also keeps unreleasable wildlife such as a Beaver, red fox, and American Kestrel to name a few.
Jeannette Edwards radio show interview
When the Founder of Friends of the Pelicans, Inc. reached out to me to see if I could edit the two-hour radio talk show down to just her segment, I did more than just that. I turned it into a slide show presentation. Have a listen to the interview that Jeannette did. It turned out excellent.
Pelican rescue blooper that will have you laughing.
Here is a short clip from our rescues on 4-27-21 that will have you laughing. (At our daughter's expense)
FWC meeting #sprayedtodeath
Francis "Ed" Cassano
FWC meeting July 20th, 2023
Lake Rousseau Chemical dumping ground
Millions of your tax dollars to #spraytodeath
Our good friend Scott Wilson speaking at the FWC meeting on July 20th. #StopTheSpray #sprayedtodeath
Pelican rescue with balloon entanglement
On Monday, July 3rd~ Paul Corsi along with Jeannette Edwards the founder of Friends of the Pelicans, Inc. went out to the mangroves. They came upon a Pelican that was floating in the water. This was not the typical fishing line entanglement. The Pelican was wrapped up in a released balloon! This entanglement caused significant injury and had to go to Seaside Seabird Sanctuary with hopes he can be rehabilitated and eventually released.
All released balloons eventually come back down and remain in the environment as hazardous litter to wildlife. They kill countless animals and cause just as much suffering as fishing line entanglements.
Endangered Sea Turtles mistake them for jellyfish and ingest them! When animals eat debris it becomes lodged in their digestive tract, trapping air and disrupting their ability to dive down. This leads to the animal's inability to feed or protect itself and, eventually, the animal will starve to death.
So please be mindful of your actions and remember Balloons Blow DO NOT let them go as they can travel thousands of miles and litter even the most remote areas. We have been finding a lot of balloons in the waterways lately, so please spread the word. We must all be eco-conscious when deciding how to celebrate birthday parties, weddings, memorials, and other events. Helium balloons have impacts on the environment and wildlife. Please take the below Pledge and share it with your friends and Family, Education is key to preventing the suffering of our wildlife.
I (Your name) Take the Pledge To prevent Seabirds such as Pelicans, Coastal birds, Sea turtles, birds, fish, and other marine wildlife from becoming a victim of balloon releases where they become entangled and eventually die. I pledge to never use balloons, including purchasing balloons and more importantly intentionally releasing balloons into the environment.
Insert your name~Copy~Paste and Share this video.
Now famous Olive the river otter playing with a baseball in 2016.
River Otter playing with baseball
Today's Throwback Thursday to put a smile on your face!
Now famous Olive the River Otter playing with a baseball on March 9th, 2016.
Olive was donated to the Downtown Aquarium - Denver as a species ambassador. Originally found at a gas station in Tampa Fl. earlier that month after approaching a patron. Owl's Nest Sanctuary for Wildlife took care of the otter until finding her final home which was delivered via FedEx Jet on the weekend of March 28th, 2016. Olive was considered non-releasable because she was unusually affectionate for a river otter, and seemly already imprinted with humans making it a concern that she would struggle to adapt in the wild.
Happy Friday!
On this day June 9th, 2016 We released this opossum. These marsupials help maintain a clean and healthy environment, they are opportunistic feeders with a diverse diet and help control populations of insects, rodents, and other small animals. Also, they are the most resistant to rabies of all mammals due to their lower body temperature. If you come across what you believe to be a deceased it could be "playing dead." When threatened or attacked, they can go into a state where they will go limp, and drool this can last for up to several hours. If you come across a deceased opossum you should check the pouch for babies. By 4 months of age baby opossums are independent of their mother. #natureslittlesanitationengineers #liveandletlive
Cooper Hawk rescue 2016
It's #throwbackthursday
On May 25th, 2016 Owl's Nest Sanctuary for Wildlife received a call that a Cooper Hawk could not fly very well, but he sure could run fast!! Paul Corsi chased him through three yards!! Wing injury was noted. Our eight-year-old daughter was the videographer during this rescue. Cooper Hawks are extremely quick on land. Wing injury was noted upon triage.
Osprey renest 2016
For Throwback Thursday we are sharing this awesome rescue back from May 22nd, 2016. A fledging Osprey was found down on the ground at Eddie C. Moore Softball Complex With the cooperation of the parks department, Owl's Nest Sanctuary for Wildlife and Clearwater Fire & Rescue Department the softball tournament was halted so the Osprey could be renested. Paul Corsi who is also trained in the Community Emergency Response under FEMA got to ride up on the fire truck bucket lift and successfully placed the Osprey back in his nest, reuniting him with two other siblings while Mama Osprey watched from a distance.
Happy Sunday! This Pelican was unable to fly due to fishing line entanglement, multiple hooks and line removed, and was good to be released on site. Footage from March 26th, 2023 boat crew with FOTP #happyendings Paul Corsi Pedro Carrillo Laura and Mike Lyon
One of our happy endings rescues from 2016. A baby Gallinule was stuck in a drain and reunited with its Parents.
Here are some of the Sea-Doo Seabird rescues over the years. I plan on turning them into reels. I understand that even 30 minutes of video material is a lot for the average attention span. LOL. Until then check out the action part of rescues all wrapped into one segment~Part I
Note: These videos do not encompass the rescues from the mangroves which involved lots of tree climbing.
On this day in 2016, Our first rescued Pelican release back into the wild. While the pelican recovered from multiple, deeply embedded fish hooks, it became buddies with another pelican at Urban Wildlife Center Inc. They were both released together!!! The pelican was wrapped so tight by fishing line its wings were pinned to its back. The pelican also had a balloon and string wrapped around its underbody. Hooks were removed by Richard Levy Jr. Also in the video is Joy who initially contacted the wildlife rehabber. She was a huge help with her soothing voice as we worked on cutting the line. Paul Corsi #balloonsblow #dontletthemgo #dontcuttheline
You have probably heard that goats are highly intelligent, in fact just as intelligent as dogs. My Bella learned when she was young from my squirrels what a warning (alarm) call is. There are roaming cats around my neighborhood and when the squirrels do their alarm calls, she started to do them as well. Sometimes when she sees a cat or another predator, she will warn the squirrels herself. She did this alarm call for close to 30 minutes because she could still see/smell/hear the predator. I did check around the property to make sure it wasn't a large predator that would be a danger to her. (FYI while this goat sanctuary is usually free of debris, this was after hurricane Ian and we didn't get the hurricane panels put away and tree limbs picked up at the time of recording)
July 24th 2022 Skyway and Gulf Pier
On July 24th, 2022. A total of nine pelicans were rescued altogether by Paul, Pedro, Jessica, Khan, and Lori. The first five were rescued by the boat crew. Khan and Lori rescued 4 from Fort DeSoto. Three of the Five Pelicans needed to go into Seaside for rehab. #seadooseabirdrescue #friendsofthepelicans #seasideseabirdsanctuary #Skyway #FortDeSotagulfpier #reelremoverelease #dontcuttheline #mindyourline #clearyourgear