The struggle of not being able to be in Samos helping at Greek Cat Rescue Samos is so incredibly difficult. Looking at the way Covid 19 has effected the world In so many ways including a massive oncoming global recession is heart breaking. Not only are we experiencing it inplaces like the Netherlands with slight inflation and small owned business having major losses, the situation for countries like Greece is 10 fold, with an economy that relies majorly on tourism contributing to a 25% GDP, you can hardly fathom the impact it is having and will have . Before I hear about other countries I know that many other people and countries are suffering I’m just expressing my standpoint for a country I have been to and an island that hugely relies on its tourist .
That being said here’s my point . The work that is done there to help the street Cats is crucial, I know without ever being there you could never imagine what I have seen but it is like a cat apocalypse even when the island is thriving, these animals suffer so much and right now need even more help , so that money you set aside for your Vacation, even a euro out of it would mean the world to these cats , we are not going anywhere anytime soon, and I’m not able to travel there to give a much needed hand at this moment , so I’m asking everyone to please consider a small donation in this time of need .
All the street cat sterilization projects have had to be put on hold and the shelter is doing their best to be able to help the street cat population numbers go down , but we really cannot do this without your help. These cats need food, medical attention and the people working their butts off over there cannot do it alone but are forced to during this time .
Donate to the fundraiser Or feel free to donate to [email protected] via Paypal
Our number one priority has always been the sterilisation of the stray cat population. In 2020 we have been forced to cancel two big Spring projects due to the covid-19 lockdown. We want to raise funds to sterilise 100 stray cats with the Samos vet.