Tilly - The Path of the Paws - Berner Style

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Tilly - The Path of the Paws - Berner Style The journey of Tilly the BMD

Tilly update 🐶Since the second op in January sadly the wound is refusing to heal and now has infection so we have just h...

Tilly update 🐶

Since the second op in January sadly the wound is refusing to heal and now has infection so we have just had to restart antibiotics to try and see if this could be part of the reason the wound is not closing. Something is not right and we are doing our best with the support of the local vets and Anderson Moores to find the best way forward.

Tilly is coping well and in the majority leaving the bandage alone when supervised but sometimes has to have her cone on when she is left unattended to avoid doing herself damage.

Fingers crossed something goes Tilly’s way soon as life is not the best for her at present.

If you could pull the short straw then she has pulled a handful of them. 🥲

Will keep you posted

I just wanted to give you a quick up date on Tilly. As you may know she had been battling with numerous health issues si...

I just wanted to give you a quick up date on Tilly. As you may know she had been battling with numerous health issues since we brought her home and thankfully the hip dysplasia and kidney issues are currently under control. We have however had a few further issues I just wanted to make you aware of.

She had a small operation on a deformity on her paw in Oct as it managed to get grit inside. This went well and healed nicely, but we then had a sore reappear on another slight deformity she has on her hock. This grew and became an ulcerated growth, which we had to have surgically removed just before Xmas due to it not healing. We had it tested and it came back as a low grade soft tissue sarcoma. Due to its location our vet had to refer us to Anderson Moores the local vet specialist.

She went in for a CT scan on Monday and had further surgery yesterday to remove as much of the infected tissue as possible. It cannot all be removed but they have done as much as they can. Fingers crossed it stays as slow growing and will not return 🤞.

She returned home yesterday and is now starting her recovery. Unfortunately, To top it off she has a recurring uti to deal with but hopefully the current antibiotics will help clear this up this time.

Here she is looking a little worse for wear showing off her bandage and ready to take it easy over the coming weeks as she mends.


3 years since this crazy bundle came home!

Tilly is still loving her dog pit, but it’s more a bed these days. Got to love her cuteness 🥰(Sadly we are still working...

Tilly is still loving her dog pit, but it’s more a bed these days. Got to love her cuteness 🥰

(Sadly we are still working on her excessive licking, chewing and self harm so the cone is having to be worn periodically to avoid her doing more damage.)

Tilly showing off how she helped me with the flattening of the ground ready for some new turf. She makes an excellent He...

Tilly showing off how she helped me with the flattening of the ground ready for some new turf. She makes an excellent Head of Landscaping as likes to inspect every inch of the work 🤣🤣🤦‍♀️

Another large goody bag for Tilly today after her latest visit to Anderson Moores. She is struggling to let her sores on...

Another large goody bag for Tilly today after her latest visit to Anderson Moores. She is struggling to let her sores on her legs heal and with excessive licking has caused additional ones. Today’s visit reevaluated her pain relief to see if this is a factor and then further investigations will be done if no changes. It was thought that she maybe struggling on both front legs as well her hip so not ideal for her.

Unfortunately buster collar needs to go back on again until the sores heal, so poor Tilly won’t be impressed!

She is now sleeping of the mild sedation she has for her more stressful vet visits and her mahousive bag drugs and goodies. Let’s hope this helps

I lost Tilly the other night as she appeared to have vanished from the garden 🤦‍♀️.After starting to have a slight panic...

I lost Tilly the other night as she appeared to have vanished from the garden 🤦‍♀️.

After starting to have a slight panic, her head popped up from her digging pit.🤣

She has now decided this is a comfy bed. 😍

Here she is tucked up again or maybe as she is back in season she is just nesting 🥰

I hope you all had a lovely Xmas?Tilly had a her own sprout on Xmas day which she enjoyed, but found it hard to open as ...

I hope you all had a lovely Xmas?

Tilly had a her own sprout on Xmas day which she enjoyed, but found it hard to open as she has to wear that annoying collar again!

She has a sore paw as she has been doing some excessive licking and it’s resulted in cream and collar to help heal!

Hope you enjoyed your sprouts and Turkey and we look forward to a lovely 2023

Today Tilly walked the giant cow gauntlet 🤣.She wasn’t sure what to make of these massive heads looking down on us , but...

Today Tilly walked the giant cow gauntlet 🤣.

She wasn’t sure what to make of these massive heads looking down on us , but took it in her stride 🐮

Tilly is completing her application to join the circus 🤡. She says She will give the elephant on the ball act a run for ...

Tilly is completing her application to join the circus 🤡. She says She will give the elephant on the ball act a run for their money 🤦‍♀️.

Tilly made a new friend today. She did get up off the floor for some of it but it’s hard work marking friends.

Tilly made a new friend today. She did get up off the floor for some of it but it’s hard work marking friends.

When it’s too quiet in the living room, so I go and see what’s going on 🤦‍♀️.I think someone had made herself rather com...

When it’s too quiet in the living room, so I go and see what’s going on 🤦‍♀️.

I think someone had made herself rather comfortable 🛌

Who needs sofa cushions and covers! Clean sofas are highly overrated 🤣🤣


So you may have seen that I made Tilly her own digging pit in the garden. Well I had put a mat down under the sand to restrict her digging too deep. Well, she hadn’t used it for a little while so in my infinite wisdom I thought I’d remove the barrier in the hope she may be more interested!! Well, what can I say other than it worked!!🤦‍♀️🫢 I think I may need higher sides to keep the mud in😂🤣

She is fully enriched now but once rested if anyone needs any foundations, bunkers or holes dug at break neck speed, give me a call 🤣😂

Now for sweeping up the mess, but I have a happy hound .

Here she is having fun 😍

Mum says it my Birthday today and I’m now 2!I’m nearly fully grown now so have told mum I’m going to be calm and relaxed...

Mum says it my Birthday today and I’m now 2!

I’m nearly fully grown now so have told mum I’m going to be calm and relaxed from now on!! 😇

Haha, only joking !!! 😛 I’ve still a way to go before that! mum says she still loves me though even though I can act like a giant puppy at times. 🤦‍♀️😍🎁

Tilly’s being enjoying a few play dates over that past few weeks and has had a great time. Albeit she still needs to lea...

Tilly’s being enjoying a few play dates over that past few weeks and has had a great time. Albeit she still needs to learn where her abs breaks are!!🤦‍♀️. It’s always odd seeing her as the smaller one as both her buddies were bigger than her!

Tilly has boxed herself up and is ready for delivery. 🎁

Tilly has boxed herself up and is ready for delivery. 🎁

Sand pit now complete, although may still add a bit more sand if needed. She still makes an awful mess but the sides hel...

Sand pit now complete, although may still add a bit more sand if needed. She still makes an awful mess but the sides help a little, she also finds it is great as a bed too !


Tilly is an absolute digging machine and will dig any surface. Before we returf and level the garden we wanted to see if Tilly would use a digging pit. Area marked out ready for testing (although it may need to be bigger and will have sides to hold in some of the flying soil).
I wasn’t sure how deep she would go, or if she would ever stop, but think she had been wanting to do this for some time 🤦‍♀️🤔🥰


The best way to keep cool after a sofa rearranging session 🤦‍♀️

She always makes me laugh when she sleeps like this 😂🤣

She always makes me laugh when she sleeps like this 😂🤣


So things didn’t quite go as planned today. I dropped Tilly off at lunchtime with the plan for the procedure today/tomorrow. They called me about 5pm and said blood results were back. Unfortunately the results showed the kidneys may have deteriorated more than they would have expected since the tests 2 months ago. Although there may be a few reasons for the results it is most likely due to the kidney disease. Because of this, although they could have still gone ahead with surgery, it was the least preferred option.

So spay is off the cards for now, a few more tests needed and then to see what the plan is.

I think enjoying every minute is going to be on the top of the list. Hopefully we still have many more years together but you never can tell

As expected nothing is ever simple with my girl.

She’s is now sleeping off the days events ready for a new day of adventures.

Today is spay day. Although spaying is a relatively straightforward procedure, due to the prolonged and frequent season ...

Today is spay day. Although spaying is a relatively straightforward procedure, due to the prolonged and frequent season issues and the added complications of the kidney disease, it has been decided that she will be spayed at Anderson Moores. They can then deal with any issues that may arise and make sure she is in the best place Incase of complications.

She seems to spend so much time there, we may as well move in!

Not sure if they will operate this afternoon or tomorrow so I will keep you updated.

Crossing everything for a smooth procedure, although with Tilly nothing is ever simple 🤦‍♀️🥰

Tilly says Happy Wednesday everyone!!

Tilly says Happy Wednesday everyone!!

This is the face of a sleepy & still partially sedated dog after having to have Cystocentesis again today. (A urine samp...

This is the face of a sleepy & still partially sedated dog after having to have Cystocentesis again today. (A urine sample direct from the bladder). She woke just enough for me to get her from the vets to home but is going to be sleeping it off I think for a few hours to come!

She’s was a good girl and hopefully won’t remember most of it as she’s back for more procedures and 🤞spaying in a few weeks time


She does love to dig.

Tilly’s playing doggy Tetris this evening 🤦‍♀️😂

Tilly’s playing doggy Tetris this evening 🤦‍♀️😂

Update - from today’s ultrasound Tilly had a full abdominal ultrasound this morning to check kidneys, ovaries, etc. The ...

Update - from today’s ultrasound

Tilly had a full abdominal ultrasound this morning to check kidneys, ovaries, etc. The ultra sound shows ovaries/uterus are ok (although once we get a window of opportunity between seasons we are still hoping to spay anyway to try to stop the weird seasons). Her kidneys however are abnormal shaped and are covered in cysts 😥, confirming kidney disease. They think she is likely have been born with the abnormality. We are waiting for additional results which are likely to come back next week. For now through she will have to change her diet to a renal diet, although this is going to be tricky in itself as she has grain allergies and also reacts to chicken, but these are the main ingredients in these diets! Not the best news. Only time and monitoring will tell but hopefully it will be slow to progress. She is now sleeping off the sedation with her new clipped hair cut. She has so many shaved areas now all at different length hair growth due to her adventures.

Poor Tilly was back at Anderson Moores today but this time it is in relation to irregularand prolonged seasons.We have a...

Poor Tilly was back at Anderson Moores today but this time it is in relation to irregular
and prolonged seasons.

We have a basic plan in place for now with regards to moving forward with the season which has been going on for 6 weeks now, but during blood tests it has also been found she is suffering from some kidney disease 😥.

We are returning to Anderson Moores tomorrow morning for imaging to do more investigations, so crossing everything that it goes well!

I think Tilly is looking to try every department at Anderson Moores, and for a dog who is terrified of the vet that is not ideal🤔 🤦‍♀️😥

I will keep you posted

Tilly’s favourite pastime- rolling in Fox poo!!She loves it and you know what …….. I let her!!A quick sponge clean when ...

Tilly’s favourite pastime- rolling in Fox poo!!

She loves it and you know what …….. I let her!!

A quick sponge clean when she gets home and few hours of smell is worth it when you see her having such a lovely time, just enjoying being a dog.

Although, sometimes she really does pong in the car home 🤣🥰🤦‍♀️😬




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