Lizard kisses
Asian water monitor
( Varanus salvator )
#asianwatermonitor #watermonitor #varanussalvatorsumbawa #varanussalvatorbivitattus #varanussalvator #varanus #monitor #monitorlizard #varanusofinstagram #monitorsofinstagram #reptilekeepers #reptilesofinstagram #reptilelovers #reptile #lizard #lizardlovers #lizardskeepers #lizardsofinstagram #exoticspecies #exoticpet #vexoticme
Not all eggs were fertile, but we definitely got some babies!!!
Murray's banded huntsman
( Holconia murrayensis )
#holconia #holconiamurrayensis #murraysbandedhuntsman #murraybandedhuntsman #araneomorphae #huntsmanspidersofinstagram #huntsmanspider #truespider #truespidersofinstagram #truespiders #spider #spiderlovers #spiderkeeper #spidersofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticspecies #VexoticMe
This is gonna be fun 🤣🙃
Panama blonde tarantula.
( Psalmopoeus pulcher)
#psalmopoeus #psalmopoeuspulcher #panamablonde #panamablondetarantula #tarantulasoftheworld #tarantulasofinstagram #tarantula #tarantulas #tarantulalovers #tarantulakeeper #arachnids #arachnidlover #arachnidsofinstagram #arachnidkeepers #8legged #fanggang #8legs #exoticspecies #exoticpet #vexoticme #tarantulabreeding
Last day ! Come say hi at the Santa Clara county fair!
Come check us out at the Santa Clara fairgrounds!
Pairing one of my favs!
Electric blue tarantula
( Chilobrachys natanicharum)
#chilobrachysspelectricblue #chilobrachys #chilobrachysnatanicharum #tarantulasoftheworld #tarantulasofinstagram #tarantula #tarantulas #tarantulalovers #tarantulakeeper #arachnids #arachnidlover #arachnidsofinstagram #arachnidkeepers #8legged #fanggang #8legs #exoticspecies #exoticpet #vexoticme
Don't forget to stop by this weekend!!
@reptilesupershow in Anaheim, CA!
We're located at D8
#reptilesupershow #reptilesupershowanaheim #reptileshow #reptileexpo #sacramento #reptiles #spiders #tarantulas #animallovers #reptilelovers #reptilekeepers #snakes #snakesofinstagram #snakelovers #snakekeepers #reptilesofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticspecies #vexoticme
Just my typical day with falsies 😅😅😅
False water cobra
( Hydrodynastes gigas )
#falsewatercobra #falsewatercobrasofinstagram #hydrodynastesgigas #hydrodynastesgigasofinstagram #hydrodynastes #snake #snakesofinstagram #snakelovers #snakekeeper #reptile #reptilesofinstagram #reptilelovers #reptilekeepers #exotic #exoticpets #exoticspecies #vexoticme #snakebreeder
Don't blink! Such an underrated sp...
Blue foot baboon
( Idiothele mira )
#idiothelemira #bluefootbaboon #bluefootbaboontarantula #idiothele #baboontarantula #tarantula #tarantulas #tarantulalovers #tarantulakeeper #tarantulasoftheworld #tarantulasofinstagram #pettarantula #arachnid #arachnidsofinstagram #arachnidslovers #arachnidskeepers #artropoda #invertebrate #fanggang #8legs #exoticpet #exoticspecies #vexotic #available
Come check @showmereptileshow Boise ID TODAY!!!
#showmereptilesshow #showmereptilesshowboise #boise #boiseidaho #reptileshow #reptileexpo #reptiles #spiders #tarantulas #animallovers #reptilelovers #reptilekeepers #snakes #snakesofinstagram #snakelovers #snakekeepers #reptilekeeper sofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticspecies #vexoticme
Goooorgeous mature female that belongs to @shastagemstones, can't wait to raise some of those for me! And also got some slings looking for new homes!!!
Singapore blue
( Omothymus violaceops )
#omothymusviolaceopes #omothymus
#singaporeblue #singaporebluetarantula #tarantulasoftheworld #tarantulasofinstagram #tarantula #tarantulas #tarantulalovers #tarantulakeeper #arachnids #arachnidlover #arachnidsofinstagram #arachnidkeepers #8legged #fanggang #8legs #exoticspecies #exoticpet #vexoticme #available #tarantulabreeder
One of the coolest take downs. Stealth roach abduction!
If you watch carefully you can see the big fangs coming through the web.
Purse web spider
( Sphodros abboti )
#sphodros #sphodrosabboti #pursewebspider #araneomorphae #truespider #truespidersofinstagram #truespiders #spider #spiderlovers #spiderkeeper #spidersofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticspecies #VexoticMe
Come get the coolest animals at the @pacnwrs Puyallup this weekend!
#pacificnorthwestreptileexpo #pacnwrs #reptileshow #reptileexpo #puyallupreptileexpo #reptiles #spiders #tarantulas #animallovers #reptilelovers #reptilekeepers #snakes #snakesofinstagram #snakelovers #snakekeepers #reptilekeeper sofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticspecies #vexoticme
Six eyed sand spider
( Sicarius thomisoides )
#sicarius #sicariusthomisoides #sixeyedsandspider #araneomorphae #truespider #exoticpets #exoticspecies #vexoticme
They're so chill, even to pair.. accelerated bc they like long sessions 🤭
Murray's banded huntsman
( Holconia murrayensis )
#holconia #holconiamurrayensis #murraysbandedhuntsman #murraybandedhuntsman #araneomorphae #huntsmanspidersofinstagram #huntsmanspider #truespider #truespidersofinstagram #truespiders #spider #spiderlovers #spiderkeeper #spidersofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticspecies #VexoticMe
Brazilian red and white
( Vitalius chromatus )
#vitalius #vitaliuschromatus #nhanduchromatus #nhandu #brazilianredandwhite #tarantulasoftheworld #tarantulasofinstagram #tarantula #tarantulas #tarantulalovers #tarantulakeeper #arachnids #arachnidlover #arachnidsofinstagram #arachnidkeepers #8legged #fanggang #8legs #exoticspecies #exoticpet #vexoticme
Unhinged walks in the middle of the night.
Bellybutton spider.
Purple huntsman spider
( Heteropoda lunula )
#heteropoda #heteropodalunula
#purplehuntsman #huntsmanspidersofinstagram #huntsmanspider #truespider #araneomorphae #spidersofinstagram #spiderlovers #spiderkeeper #exoticpets #exoticspecies #vexoticme #available
Let me know if you need some 😉😎
Socotra Island blue baboon.
(Monocentropus balfouri )
#monocentropus #monocentropusbalfouri #socotrabluebaboon #communal #tarantulacommunal
#socotraislandbaboon #tarantulalovers #tarantula #tarantulakeeper #tarantulas #tarantulasofinstagram #arachnidkeeper #arachnidsofinstagram #arachnids #arachnoboards #arachnidlover #fanggang #8legged #exoticpets #exoticspecies #vexoticme #available
Waiting for you guys at the @reptilerealms In San Jose this weekend! We'll be right by the entrance!!
#reptilerealms #reptilerealmssanjose #reptileshow #reptileexpo #reptiles #spiders #tarantulas #animallovers #reptilelovers #reptilekeepers #snakes #snakesofinstagram #snakelovers #snakekeepers #reptilesofinstagram #exoticpets #exoticspecies #vexoticme
Curly hair tarantula
( Tliltocatl albopilosus)
#tliltocatl #tliltocatlalbopilosus #brachypelmaalbopilosum #curlyhairtarantula #tarantulasoftheworld #tarantulasofinstagram #tarantula #tarantulas #tarantulalovers #tarantulakeeper #arachnids #arachnidlover #arachnidsofinstagram #arachnidkeepers #8legged #fanggang #8legs #exoticspecies #exoticpet #vexoticme #breeding #tarantulabreeding