
Kaia-Bean Meet our precious Kaia. She is a loving little puppy that we rescued and is the definition of a mira

LOOK AT ME!! Kaia bean is doing amazingly in her home! I am so so thankful for AACL Bellville (Especially Helen and Jola...

Kaia bean is doing amazingly in her home! I am so so thankful for AACL Bellville (Especially Helen and Jolanda!) For helping me find the best place for my baby bean.

You keep growing chicken! I love you forever ❤

Love, your OG mom ❤



I will be joining a new family on Friday ❤️ It isn't very far away from my OG mommy so I'm happy!

I am sooooo excited as there are 3 other friends that look just like me there! See the second photo for me telling the news! I could shout it from the roof tops!

I've got to start packing!!!

Your one and only,
Kaia-bean ❤️❤️

Hey World! Your favourite Kaia-Bean is back with two VERY important announcements. Firstly my personal typer is back and...

Hey World! Your favourite Kaia-Bean is back with two VERY important announcements. Firstly my personal typer is back and in England ( we can officially say we are international! ). And secondly, I'll save the next announcement for its own post but it links to this😉.

As per my previous posts, I informed you that my humans are still trying to find me a furrever home, especially since I’m a whole lot better now, and look like a proper little puppy!
But, I’m not the only one who’s looking for a home…
Unfortunately out in the big wide world, there are many mummy dogs who are not sterilised which means they can breed continuously.

With so many mummy dogs not being sterilised and having so many litters it leaves a lot of puppies homeless due to there not being enough homes available for these puppies to be taken into and loved unconditionally, as they should!
These puppies land up like me and my sisters: sick, abandoned and malnourished. We are thankfully rescued by kind hearted people, but not every little baby is as lucky as we were and they end up all alone.

Every day, more and more little furry friends are abandoned or taken to places like the SPCA, but these shelters and organisations can only take in so many of us before they are completely overwhelmed and out of space. Some of us even land up living there for months and months… or years and years…

As a rescue, I ask you to please adopt and not shop, as there are so many of us little innocent babies who are homeless and are just wanting love and a good cuddle!
And if you have furry family members already, please get them sterilised so that we can cut the curve and home more of these angels who are patiently waiting for their hoomans.

Thank you to my two foster Hoomans as I don't know where I'd be without you ❤️

Before I sign off and go play some more, I thought I would leave you with this statistic from “DoSomething.Org", only 1 in 10 dogs will get their furrever home.

Remember, spread love and adopt!


Today was the day I discovered how to squeeeeak the skunk myself 😍Dad isn't very happy, I wonder why 🤣

Fun in the sun with my mommy and Luna Chan! 💁🏼‍♀️✨

Fun in the sun with my mommy and Luna Chan! 💁🏼‍♀️✨

Hey Wonderful World! Its FRIDAY, which if you didn’t know is one of my favourite days of the week. Friday also means adv...

Hey Wonderful World! Its FRIDAY, which if you didn’t know is one of my favourite days of the week.
Friday also means adventure day, today we went back to that wonderful place, AACL. I will admit that I am not always the happiest to be there, because sometimes I get injections which I’m not a fan of, but a girl gotta do what a girl gotta do.

Todays adventure brought a lot of good news though! So I didn’t mind going there as much today. And my hooman mummy got a whole load of super cute photos of me (which is always, since I’m always cute…) while we did a quick little photoshoot outside of AACL while waiting to be seen to by one of the incredible nurses and veterinarians there. If you agree with my statement of me always being cute, feel free to double tap on this post to agree!

Now for the more important good news, which is the main point of this whoolleee piece:
I WEIGH 3.2 KILOGRAMS!!!! For my tiny body and story this is great news as there were many, many, MANY rocky days coming to this point now. Hooman Sabrina says that she did notice I was getting fat, but we just like to say I’m growing into my skin… ( Disclaimer: she means it with loads and loads of love)
I also have a new nickname because of my round belly and how it bounces and jiggles… JELLYBEAN. The hoomans think its so cute, I’m still trying to understand it, but I’ll catch up soon enough on the joke.
My hooman and the doctors agree that this is the healthiest that I’ve ever been in my whole life which is a BIG milestone and I know it’ll only get better from here!
I hope the hoomans don’t start skimping on the wet food treats and the nice little munchie treats because I do love those!

Not only am I starting to weigh more like a normal puppy, I may also FINALLY be done with my Mange treatment! The lovely lady who saw me and chatted to my hoomans said that it looks like my mange has finally cleared up after lots and lots of hard work and some not nice tasting medicine. Two milestones hit in one day is quite an achievement in my books to say the least.

Thank you again to AACL and all the wonderful hoomans out there who are forever pushing and trying every angle to get me healthy, without you I wouldn’t be here.

Im going to log out now for the weekend and get my barks and plays in, because that’s the most important thing in life, right?

Love Kaia-Bean the Jelly Bean


Mom bought me a tag!


Hi Hoomans!
Every 3 days my mommy has to bath me with F10 Germicidal shampoo! This shampoo helps take away anything yucky on my skin that could possibly cause a bacterial infections! Due to the mange I often get a build up of yeast on my skin and this shampoo takes it all away! Thank goodness because I don't think mom would be able to cope with me smelling like stale bread all the time!
Mom makes sure I'm nice and snug after my baths as it's so cold here in Cape Town at the moment and mom has to leave the shampoo on for a while so it can work!

Stay warm and safe everyone!


Hi Hoomans!
I have become such a vocal girl! Mom and I have long long conversation! ✨
I'll be back with an update soon!



Hi Hoomans!
I have an announcement sooooon! Mom is trying to ignore it for the time being so I'm going to keep it hush for a few days....



Hi Hooooomans! Today was awesome! Mom gave me a bath so I was very upset because I decided the fishtank water from their...

Hi Hooooomans!
Today was awesome! Mom gave me a bath so I was very upset because I decided the fishtank water from their 2am cracked fish tank disaster was fun to play with. But afterwards I was spoilt by being allowed to watch the sun go down with mom and dad while they had a coffee 🥺😍
Swipe to see my reaction to the waves 🤣

I wish I could stay with them forever but I know my new home is waiting for me! Mom just needs to find me one!

Lotsa love Kaia-bean

Helllooo Humans! It's time for you to meet my friend Luna-Chan! Luna is Daddy's doggy. He rescued Luna from the SPCA whe...

Helllooo Humans!
It's time for you to meet my friend Luna-Chan! Luna is Daddy's doggy. He rescued Luna from the SPCA where I got my parvo treatment! 🐶❤️

Luna is an airedale terrier! She's an oooold lady (well I say so) as shes 6 years old! 🧑‍🦳
She was used to make lots of babies so that mean men could sell them to make money 💔 but the good people at the SPCA raided them like in the movies and saved over 25 airedales from having more babies. Luna was rescued by daddy in 2019 ❤️ She didn't like me in the beginning because she doesn't like puppies but somehow I've crept into her heart. I mean duh. Who's heart haven't I crept into 😉 Luna says when I'm fully vaccinated I can go to the park with her which is her favourite thing to do! Yeah baby!! 🥳

Adios friends!

Hi world! How is everyone!? I am freezing my butt off here in Cape Town ❄️❄️🌧️I am doing so well! I love my foodies, I a...

Hi world!
How is everyone!? I am freezing my butt off here in Cape Town ❄️❄️🌧️
I am doing so well! I love my foodies, I am on Royal Canin Mini and it is just so so yummy!

Hoomans, I need to ask you a question. Does anyone have a jersey that would fit me they are willing to donate? Or even better if anyone wants to send my mommy some money for a new jersey! ❄️
I now fit in a small jersey ❤️

I like my snacks a bit much now and have outgrown everything!

Lots of love Kaia the Jelly bean 🐶

Instagram vs Reality 🤣 Photos taken 1 second apart 🤣

Instagram vs Reality 🤣
Photos taken 1 second apart 🤣

Hi HOOMANS! I HAD THE BEST DAY EVER TODAY! Mum and Dad were digging holes in the ground so I decided to help!!!The sun w...

Mum and Dad were digging holes in the ground so I decided to help!!!

The sun was so nice my mummy said it was time for no jersey so I quickly grabbed it and ran around with it! Mum took all my toys outside too so I had so so much fun lying in the sun playing while helping my HOOMANS move the plants.

Mum was very mean afterwards and made me have a bath 😭
I am now very upset with her and am hiding in my pen.

Byeeee everyone! Love Kaia-bean

Hellllooo hooomans!! Cuddles with my dad ❤️ Look how much my furries is growing! 😜❤️ Yeah baby! Maybe dad wouldn't mind ...

Hellllooo hooomans!!
Cuddles with my dad ❤️
Look how much my furries is growing! 😜❤️ Yeah baby! Maybe dad wouldn't mind giving me some of that chest furries 😏

Hi Beans! It's me Kaia with an update on my adventure today.My Hooman Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor at the Anima...

Hi Beans! It's me Kaia with an update on my adventure today.

My Hooman Mommy and Daddy took me to the doctor at the Animal Anti-Cruelty League in Bellville.
I snuggled with mommy while waiting for the kind doctor to see me. I got put on this weird metal thing to take my weight. Mommy and the Doctor were so happy that I weigh an entire 1.55kgs! Yeah baby! I'm a beeeg girl! The doctor gave me a cuddle while saying he was happy how healthy I was after the parvo, despite my itchy skin!

He gave me two very eina injections - Mommy says one is for my skin and the other one is my first puppy vaccination! The puppy vaccine will not only protect me from the parvo which I already had, but also other ugly sicknesses like something called Distemper, parainfluenza and Hepatitis. I don't know what those are but they don't sound very nice…
The doctor also changed my shampoo to a pink one, called Bioscrub, which will apparently help make my skin feel better.
I need to go back again next week but the doctor was so nice that I don't mind!

THANK YOU to AACL for helping me and for treating me so nicely today. You are hoomans' pawsome! 🐾

Anyway! It's time for my dinner! Bye hoomans!
Love, Kaia bean 🐶❤

Hey World! It's me again with 3 special guests today - Kate, Dakota and Cara. We were all rescued together by my wonderf...

Hey World! It's me again with 3 special guests today - Kate, Dakota and Cara.

We were all rescued together by my wonderful hooman and then got split into twos, Cara and I went to my hooman and Kate and Dakota went to Hooman Sabrina. Here we were loved, spoiled beyond imaginable and cared for.

Dakota was sadly the first of our little pup gang to pass away due to Parvo, and with her passing we all got tested again (our first test was done before we went to our hooman homes) for the dreaded virus, Parvo. Having such bad worms and untreated parvo was just too much for her tiny body. Kate, that same weekend sadly also went to join Puppy Heaven. Although she was being treated for Parvo, it was just too late for her and she eventually couldn't keep up the fight.
This left it as just Cara and I. Cara fought with her everything until the fateful day came, where she got too weak to continue fighting.
Now it is just me left from the litter and I was the only one who was able to somehow beat the virus - even as the runt, which was a real miracle.

It was so sad to see them go, and my hooman's had a very tough time dealing with them going because they loved them just as much as I did.

My aim with this post is to show you readers how dangerous and deadly this virus is, especially for those like me who are without our mummies and too young to get our vaccines yet. Please ensure your furry friends get their vaccines as soon as they are old enough and get their yearly vaccine.

I know you are all watching down on me from Puppy Heaven D,K and C. I love you always.

Love Kaia-Bean 🐶❤

Good morning World! I'm back again this morning. I'll be introducing you to my three sisters today, Kate, Dakota and Car...

Good morning World! I'm back again this morning.
I'll be introducing you to my three sisters today, Kate, Dakota and Cara, and how Parvo took their lives and how dangerous this virus is to us pups.

Canine Parvovirus which is mostly known as Parvo is a deadly virus which mainly attacks puppies from the age of 6 weeks up to 6 months. With cases like Kaia's, we did not know her entire history and she sadly no longer had her mum to protect her, as at 4 weeks pups are usually still with their mums and are then protected by maternal antibodies.
Sadly there is no cure for this virus and the only prevention method is to get your puppy vaccinated. The first vaccine is done between 6 and 8 weeks of age (Kaia was too young to get hers which also made her that much more vulnerable). There are treatments for those pups who get Parvo but it is a 50/50 as to whether they'll be able to defeat it.
It can be spread easily by coming into contact with a dog who has it or through the faeces of a dog who has it. The virus can also remain in soil for up to a year.
This being said, it is very important to use the specific sanitizer to remove the virus from your grounds called F10 so that other dogs can be as protected as possible. This is also where having your dog's yearly vaccine is very important as it protects them against such viruses and diseases and aids in stopping the spread of viruses and diseases.
As Kaia said in her previous post, be a lover and not a spreader.

Follow for the next post to meet my sisters and hear their stories about battling and sadly subcomming to the dreaded Parvo virus.

Stay safe world and remember to get your small pups vaccinated!
Love, Kaia-Bean

Hey World! It's me again, Kaia. I thought today we could get down to some business and tell why I am not apart of any re...

Hey World! It's me again, Kaia.
I thought today we could get down to some business and tell why I am not apart of any rescue organisations.
Obviously having Parvo, a chest infection AND mange means that I could infect so many other dogs as both Parvo and the type of Mange that I have are highly contagious... And i'm a lover not a spreader.
I was previously with a rescue organisation but unfortunately certain incidents arose and due to these things I could no longer stay with them and I went back to being supported by my wonderful hooman financially and being cared for by her.
This being said, I am looking for an organisation to take me on as a furry friend and help my two hoomans' find me a furrever home.
If anyone is willing to take me on, I will stay at my current hooman's home until I am in clear of Parvo and mange.
Stay safe and stay warm!
Love, Kaia-Bean 🐶❤

Good morning world! I hope you're staying warm with the cold front approaching! I am finally starting to get some hair g...

Good morning world! I hope you're staying warm with the cold front approaching! I am finally starting to get some hair growth on my head! YIPPEEEE 🥳

Lottas Licks and bum sniffs, Kaia 🐾

Hi guys! Just to note this page is run by two slightly crazy animals lovers, Sabrina and Helena. Helena is full time mam...

Hi guys!
Just to note this page is run by two slightly crazy animals lovers, Sabrina and Helena.

Helena is full time mama bear to Kaia bean where Sabrina has all those creative juices and spends time writing majority of these posts you'll be reading!

Hi World! I'm Kaia and this is my survivor story. At the start of June I was rescued along with my 3 sisters - Kate, Dak...

Hi World! I'm Kaia and this is my survivor story.
At the start of June I was rescued along with my 3 sisters - Kate, Dakota and Cara. A wonderful hooman took us in and found us a place to live where we all got so much love and FOOD! (You will come to see how much I love food).
Sadly, I am the only one left now...
I have beaten the dreaded Parvo virus, which my sisters could not do, and now I am busy trying to get rid of my Sarcoptic Mange which was originally thought to be Puppy Pyoderma.
Because I was misdiagnosed we couldn't get rid of the mange right away and now I am forever itchy and wanting to scratch away at my skin.
I'm in desperate need of a specific mange treatment to be able to clear this up because the treatment that I have gotten is just not strong enough. The issue is though, that this stuff is quite expensive and along with the food that I have to eat, my hooman is needing some help financially to pay for everything.
She has been soooooooo good to me! Buying me jerseys', food and giving me so much love.
If you can help her with anything at all I would really appreciate that!
Love Kaia-Bean




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Wednesday 09:00 - 20:00
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Friday 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday 08:00 - 21:00
Sunday 09:00 - 18:30



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