Hedgehog stretches are life 😍
Got a cute stretch to share?? Give me a tag...I'd love to see it!
I swapped to fleece from shavings when our Hugo got sick because it helped me better track when he was vomiting, so miss Juniper's new home is also fleece.
She loves to dig, though, so these fleece strips are awesome to help meet that need!
I'd love to try a bioactive enclosure for her someday but need to research them more...have you ever given them a try?
Breakfast in Bed (Hedgehog Style 🦔)
I can't stop watching this video clip 🤣
Someone needed a midnight snack today but also didn't want to get out of bed.
This is the life! 🦔
What silly things do your hogs do??
Happy Friday!
Hope your weekend is THIS good! 🤣
Here we have both hedgehog and human enrichment. 🙈
I'm slowly getting braver dealing with bugs because his enjoyment of them just makes it all worthwhile. Yesterday we got a couple of crickets to see what he thought and it was a success, so I guess I'll be getting more and really try to encourage him to use his hunting instincts.
What bugs do your hedgehogs love??
Someone was full of sass and beans last night 🤣
Someone was full of beans last night!
Meet Hugo
Meet Hugo!
We adopted Hugo just over two years ago after he was surrendered for biting. Although he isn't a snuggly, cuddly hog, with time and patience he has become a curious, inquisitive little guy that we love hanging out with.
Hugo has been dealing with some mysterious health problems for the last several months so he's a bit skinnier than other hedgies, but still a hungry, active boy.
Do you have a hedgehog?
What is his or her name??