For the Love of dogs

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For the Love of dogs Page seeking to give your dog a better life, offering advice and some of the best offers on the internet

Quick methods to improve your dog's behaviour 1.Using food as a reward is a great way to train your dog and get them to ...

Quick methods to improve your dog's behaviour

1.Using food as a reward is a great way to train your dog and get them to listen to you. You can use treats or their regular food as a reward, just make sure that the treat is something they really enjoy.

2.One of the best ways to get your dog to behave is to spend time playing with them and giving them attention. Dogs love attention and if you give them plenty of it then they are more likely to behave for you.

3.Making sure that your dog has a regular routine is also important for good behaviour. If they know when they are going to be fed, walked and exercised then they are less likely to misbehave.

4.If your dog does something wrong, make sure you correct them straight away. Dogs learn best through positive reinforcement, but they also need to know when they have done something wrong.

5.Finally, be consistent with your rules and punishments. Dogs will quickly learn what is expected of them if you are clear and consistent with your commands and discipline.

Dogs are very smart, but they need rules and boundaries. If you follow these five tips for improving your dog's behaviour, you'll have a happy pet who behaves well and doesn't cause any problems in the household.

How often should I walk my dog?How often you walk your dog is ultimately a personal decision, but there are general guid...

How often should I walk my dog?

How often you walk your dog is ultimately a personal decision, but there are general guidelines that can help you make the best decision for both you and your pet. Most experts agree that dogs require at least one long walk per day, in addition to several shorter walks or play sessions. Of course, this may vary depending on your dog's breed, age, and activity level.

If you work long hours or have a busy lifestyle, it may be difficult to fit in a long walk each day. In this case, you may want to consider hiring a pet sitter or using a doggy daycare to give your dog the exercise he needs. Alternatively, you could try to find a safe, fenced-in area where your dog can run and play off-leash. Just be sure to stick to the rules of the area and always keep an eye on your pup!

No matter how often you walk your dog, it's important to make sure he always has plenty of fresh water and access to clean, grassy areas where he can relieve himself. And, of course, be sure to give your dog plenty of love and attention—he'll definitely return the favor!

Why is your dog so naughty?There can be a number of reasons why your dog is being naughty. Maybe they're not getting eno...

Why is your dog so naughty?

There can be a number of reasons why your dog is being naughty. Maybe they're not getting enough exercise, or they're not being properly trained. It could also be that they're feeling anxious or stressed out, which can lead to them acting out. Whatever the reason, it's important to address the issue as soon as possible so that your dog can start behaving properly.

One of the best ways to train your dog is by using positive reinforcement. This involves rewarding your dog when they do something good, such as following a command or sitting quietly. This helps to reinforce the behavior and makes them more likely to repeat it in the future. It's also important to be consistent with your training, and to make sure that you're always rewarding your dog for good behavior.

If your dog is being naughty because they're feeling anxious or stressed out, then you may need to take some steps to help them relax. This could involve taking them for more walks, giving them more toys to play with, or using a calming collar or spray. If you're not sure what to do, it's best to talk to your veterinarian or an animal behaviorist.

No matter what the reason is, it's important to be patient and keep working with your dog until they start behaving properly. With a little bit of time and effort, you can get your naughty dog back on track!

Top dog training methodsThere are many different top dog training methods that can be used to train your dog. Some of th...

Top dog training methods

There are many different top dog training methods that can be used to train your dog. Some of the most popular methods include positive reinforcement, dominance training, and clicker training.

Positive reinforcement is a method where you rewards your dog for good behaviour with treats or praise. This type of training is very effective, as dogs are motivated by rewards.

Dominance training is a method that relies on the principle that dogs are pack animals and need to be dominated by their owner in order to behave well. This type of training can be effective, but it can also be harsh and lead to behavioural problems in some dogs.

Clicker training is a newer type of training that uses a clicking sound to reinforce good behaviour. Clicker training is very effective, as it is based on the principle that dogs learn best through positive reinforcement.

Which of these top dog training methods is best for you and your dog will depend on your individual situation and the type of dog you have. It is important to do your research and find a method that will work best for both you and your pet. By using one of the top dog training methods, you can help your dog learn good behaviour and become a well-behaved member of the family.

Which of these top dog training methods is best for you and your dog will depend on your individual situation and the type of dog you have. It is important to do your research and find a method that will work best for both you and your pet. By using one of the top dog training methods, you can help your dog learn good behaviour and become a well-behaved member of the family.

Get the best dog training methods

“Today's dogs suffer from a lack of mental stimulation and quality time spent with ‘their’ people. The resulting boredom and anxiety can lead to no end of physical and behavioral problems. Brain Training for Dogs is the solution! In a clear and concise manner, Adrienne Farricelli walks owners ...

Caring for Your Senior DogYour senior dog has given you many wonderful years of companionship. Don't you owe it to him t...

Caring for Your Senior Dog

Your senior dog has given you many wonderful years of companionship. Don't you owe it to him to make sure his later years are easy and comfortable?

How do you know if your dog is approaching his golden years? Different breeds of dogs mature at different rates, but a good rule of thumb is the larger the dog, the faster they mature. Based on this if your dog is seven he is probably experiencing, or at least approaching, his senior years. When your dog hits this stage in his life it's important that he receive the right amount of exercise, nutrition, and veterinary care.

Signs of an Aging Dog

How does your dog show the signs of age? A healthy senior dog will most likely have a decrease in energy level. He may nap more, or become tired more easily. Your senior dog may also be stiff after play or upon getting up after a rest. How do you know the difference between normal wear and tear and arthritis or an injury? If your dog loosens up after mild activity he's probably just showing some signs of age. Dogs who seem to feel worse as the days go on should be seen by a vet to rule out other possibilities.

A senior dog can benefit from comfy sleeping quarters. There are several companies out there that make bedding for dogs designed to take the pressure off of aging and aching joints. These are often made of memory foam or eggshell foam, and have removable covers that can be machine washed in case your senior dog has an accident.


A good exercise regimen can help your pet avoid problems common in the senior dog such as weight gain and arthritis. Exercise also improves digestion and circulation. Just make sure you don't overdo it! A leisurely walk or two a day plus some low-key playing should do the trick. And always make sure that your dog stays well-hydrated.


As your dog ages, his dietary needs will change. Be sure to choose a food that is appropriate for you dog's needs and conditions! As a general rule of thumb, a good senior dog food will have fewer calories, enough protein, and vitamins and minerals that help your dog's coat and teeth stay strong and healthy.

Weight gain due to slowing metabolisms is a common problem with senior dogs. How do you know if your dog is overweight? Try this simple test. Put your hands on his backbone and feel for his ribcage. If you can't feel it, chances are your dog needs to shed a few pounds. Since this is a common problem among older dogs there are a number of foods on the market with lower fat and calories.

Veterinary Care

Your dog will be experiencing lots of emotional and physical changes as he ages. Because of this, it is important to keep up on his health! In addition to his regular check-ups and shots, ask your vet about twice-annual geriatric screenings.

Give your senior dog the right care, and he'll really enjoy his golden years!

Feeding Your Dog - Could You Be Feeding Your Dog the Wrong Things?Canine nutrition has been the subject of much research...

Feeding Your Dog - Could You Be Feeding Your Dog the Wrong Things?

Canine nutrition has been the subject of much research in recent years. Since prepared dog food accounts for a greater volume of supermarket sales than any other single grocery item, the commercial incentive is tremendous. As a result, American dogs are the best fed in the world, probably the most expensively fed, and certainly the most often overfed.

Biologists describe the dog as a carnivorous mammal. But modern authorities say that his cohabitation with man has caused him to become like us, omnivorous. Dogs are remarkably adaptable to different kinds of diets, including diets that are high in vegetable content.

The dog's digestive system is not exactly like ours. The general process is the same, but the timing is different. First of all, mastication is less important in canine digestion. The dog's teeth and jaws are designed for tearing meat and grinding bones with amazing efficiency and up to 300 pounds of force. Dogs chew little and swallow rapidly. They cannot chew with their mouths closed.

The dog's taste buds are situated under his tongue, but his food passes quickly, practically untasted, through the pharynx and esophagus into the stomach, where the principle digestive process takes place. The dogs gastric juices are much stronger than ours, allowing him to digest matter which would give us a severe stomach ache, to say the least.

Your dog's stomach is very elastic, and can expand to a capacity of one pint in a small lap dog, while large dogs make room for 8 quarts of food. The gastric juices in his stomach are high in acid and food remains there longer than it does in ours. This is why they require a richer, more concentrated diet than we do. Digestion takes place mostly in the stomach, very little in the mouth.

The dog's nutritional requirements are similar to ours. However, puppies, since they grow and mature faster than we do, need a richer diet than do babies, with more protein and less bulk. Baby food, except for all-meat products is unsuitable for puppies. Adult dogs need a balanced diet including proteins for body building, fails and carbohydrates for supplying energy and heat, bulk for elimination, vitamins and minerals to catalyze various body processes, and a total caloric intake that corresponds to individual living conditions, age, weight, metabolism, and activity.

Water is very important, representing an estimated 70 percent of the dog's weight. Protein content can be provided by meat, fish, cheese, milk, and eggs. Fat is an important source of calories, valuable in cold climates, and during winter. It also helps to maintain a healthy coat and skin. Dogs housed out of doors may be given as much as 20 percent fat in their diet to provide calories and promote a heavy growth of fur, while 10-15 percent is sufficient for most pet dogs.

Carbohydrates include sugars and starches, both of which are sources of quick energy. Dogs assimilate sugar easily, although it is often an acquired taste. Their gastric juices are less efficient in digesting starches, unless they have been cooked very well. Commercially prepared dog biscuits are specially processed and enriched in order to fill the dog's nutritional requirements. On the other hand, potatoes, white bread, treated rice, and pasta are not advisable for dogs, partly because of indigestibility, but mostly because they provide little to no nourishment.

In addition to starches, the cellulose that is found in greens and vegetables provides bulk and favors elimination. Green vegetables are actually indigestible to dogs, which eat grass for this very reason in order to purge themselves. If your dog has as obsession for grass, you might examine his diet to make sure that it agrees with him. Carrots and spinach provide useful vitamins and minerals, while cooked vegetables and greens in the diet of obese or inactive dogs can satisfy their hunger temporarily without providing fattening calories.

The principle canine vitamin requirements are those of the B group, and vitamins A, D, and E. Oddly enough, dogs do not need Vitamin C, because their body produces it naturally. Liver and milk are particularly rich in these essential vitamins. Carrots are a natural source of vitamin A, and whole wheat cereals supply the B group. Cod liver oil is the richest source of Vitamin D, essential for growing puppies, and adult dogs that don't get a lot of sunshine.

Finally, there are the minerals, the most important of which are calcium and phosphorus, especially for growing puppies. The principal decision an owner has to make is whether to give his dog commercial dog food, a homemade diet plan, or a combination of the two.

Dog Supplies Buying GuideJust like a baby who needs utmost attention and care, the acquisition of the best supplies for ...

Dog Supplies Buying Guide

Just like a baby who needs utmost attention and care, the acquisition of the best supplies for your dog needs some major consideration, too. Here's how you can ensure that your beloved pet gets the best toys, food, and other necessities.

Dog Food and Treats

Your dog's needs should be the emphasis when considering what food or treat to buy him. The proper balance of vitamins and minerals should be given, particularly to growing puppies. Sporting and working dog breeds need to eat something that will sustain their hyperactive lifestyle. Dogs that aren't getting any younger need low-calorie food to avoid weight gain. Dont scrimp on the budget here no matter how compelling it might be. A healthy dog is reflected by the food he eats.

Dog Leashes and Collars

The size and weight of the dog should be taken into account in choosing the right dog collar. The collar's material needs attention too. Nylon is good for water-loving dogs since it is more durable and light. For a tougher look, leather collars are a lot better since they are more durable and can even be accessorized with spikes.

Dog leashes come in cloth, nylon, retractable, and leather styles.

Dog Toys

The safety of your dog should be the top priority in looking for a dog toy. What fun could be derived from a toy if it will endanger your pet's life, right? A dog toy should be large enough so that it can't be swallowed by your pet. However, it should be small enough for your dog to be able to grip it well.

The durability of the toys will need major consideration too, especially for dogs that are serious chewers. Light chewers can settle for vinyl and latex dog toys.

Training Guides for Your Dog

Dog whistles, dog harnesses and bitter-tasting sprays compose the wide array of dog-training guides that will keep a dog from chewing. If the chewing problem is a lot more serious, one may use a dog bark collar or an electric fence. It is advised that one stays consistent and humane in training his or her dog. Dog training books may also be availed for this endeavor.

Dog Health Items

Tick and flea infestation control medications are available to ensure that your dog's health is secured against these pests. Brands like Advantix, Advantage and Frontline are some of the popular flea and tick drugs in the market.

Your dog's dental health should never be taken for granted either. Dog toothbrushes and toothpastes, and even dog toys are now made available to support the dental health of your pet.

Doggie Food: Tips On Good Nutrition for Your DogIf you have a dog of your own you will know that a full tummy doesn't ne...

Doggie Food: Tips On Good Nutrition for Your Dog

If you have a dog of your own you will know that a full tummy doesn't nearly cover the whole process of deciding which dog food to buy.

Your dog is your best friend, you will want him to live the fullest, happiest life that he can. Feeding him the best food will not only ensure that he is healthy and happy, but has a shiny coat and lively tail too.

Many of our spoiled pets become fussy. It's a natural progression from being fussed over so much. If you have fussy dogs, like me, you will know how guilt laden mealtimes can become.

You want to give your dog the best advantage in life; why not consider cooking some specially prepared meals just for your dog. Whilst it is true that many owners can provide their dogs with adequate nutrition on a vegetarian diet, this is tricky and time consuming to accomplish. Buying a medium quality dog food and adding some extra goodness should be sufficient.

One of the best ways to ensure your dog is receiving optimum nutrition whilst living on medium quality pet food is to add some kind of nutritional supplement. This can ensure good nutrition at all times. One such proven source is NuVet.

A news release, Chattanooga, TN with Calvin Sneed (Consumer Advocate) reported a breeder in Tennessee got caught in the Diamond Dog food recall and 12 out of 14 dogs died. However the 2 that didnt die were on NuVet. You can only buy this product from breeder referral. 1-800-474-7044. Referral number is 75855.

Read the labels of any dog food you buy carefully. Any of the foods you buy should contain turkey, beef, chicken or any other animal by-product to keep your dog looking healthy and glossy.

If you are changing your dogs diet you are vulnerable to guilt-treating practices. Don't overcompensate for your dogs fussiness. The quickest way your dog will learn to appreciate a new dog food is to be forced to make do with what is served up at mealtimes. Don't give treats or snacks because your dog isn't eating. This just encourages fussy eating and perpetuates the cycles of fussiness again. Be firm.

If you are trying to incorporate some home cooked goodness into your dogs life you might need to include rice, corn, oatmeal or wheat. These are all excellent sources of carbohydrates. You will need to keep in mind that most of your dogs most valuable proteins come from meat. Whilst many say that dogs are omnivores they are still partially carnivorous.

If you have a dog be sure NEVER to give them the following:

Raw fish or eggs

With careful attention and some patience you can revolutionize your dogs diet. And hopefully help him live a long and healthy life.

Choosing Healthy Foods for Your DogTodays pet food market is larger and more diverse than ever before. While this offers...

Choosing Healthy Foods for Your Dog

Todays pet food market is larger and more diverse than ever before. While this offers a large number of choices in various types of pet food, it also presents a dilemma in choosing the healthiest food for your dog. Are generic or store brands suitable for a dog? What about familiar name brands like Purina and Alpo? Are the pricier brands that advertise specially formulated ingredients (Science Diet, Eukanuba) really living up to their claims and worth the extra money? All of these are valid questions that loving dog owners deserve to have answered.

Dog Food Considerations

There are several factors to consider when choosing the right food for your dog. Different dogs have different nutritional needs at different stages in their lives. Some things to consider when selecting the food youll give your dog follow.

The Dogs Age

Puppies have different nutritional requirements than adult dogs just as human children have different needs than adult people. Senior dogs also have different requirements than younger adult dogs. Make sure that you select a food that is appropriate for your dogs stage in life.

The Dogs Health

Does your dog have a specific medical condition? If so, the food you choose may need to be partially dictated by that condition. Diabetic dogs need low-glucose foods and dogs with specific allergies (yes dogs can be allergic to all sorts of things, just like people) may require certain foods as well. Your veterinarian can help you choose foods that are appropriate for a dog with a specific medical condition.

The Dogs Size or Body Type

Some dogs are overweight. Some dogs are underweight. Some have a natural tendency to get lots of exercise while others tend to prefer to lie around a lot. There are, of course, small, medium, and large dogs as well as the ultra-tiny toy dogs. All of these different types of dogs will have different requirements for the type of food they need as well as how much of it.

Your Budget

Dog food can be expensive, theres no doubt about it. And where dog food is concerned, the rule really is you get what you pay for. Low cost generics and store brands will lighten the burden on your wallet, but may not be the healthiest choice for your dog as they are made with cheap ingredients and lots of fillers. You should buy the best dog food you can on your budget to help ensure your dogs nutrition.

Dog Food for the Older DogWhat changes do you need to make to your dog feeding regime as your dog gets older?The changes...

Dog Food for the Older Dog

What changes do you need to make to your dog feeding regime as your dog gets older?
The changes you make to your dog feeding regime, and when you make them will vary depending on the age of your dog, and the breed of your dog.
It is considered that the larger and giant breeds of dog age earlier than the smaller and toy breeds of dog.
Your objective in managing the nutrition of the older dog is to enhance his quality of life, delay further ageing changes, and to extend his life whilst maintaining his optimal weight.
You are also trying to slow down the onset of disease and improve immune function.

Older dogs will generally be less active than younger dogs so as a rule will require a less energy dense dog food, unless of course the dog's appetite is reduced for some reason.
Continuing to feed a dog the same amount of food with less exercise will inevitably result in obesity, a problem all too common in many dogs today.
In the old dog obesity can be a bigger problem than in the young dog as there may also be concurrent arthritis and organ problems which will be made worse.
A keen eye is needed to assess the energy needs of your dog as it ages, so be aware and switch brands if your dog's weight shows marked changes as it ages.

For the older dog a good quality animal protein based on meat, fish eggs, milk or cheese is better than cereal protein.
A balance needs to be struck between providing too much protein which may be a problem for dogs with renal failure (a common problem in older dogs), and providing too little.
As ageing dogs tend to have less muscle and bone they will have less of a tissue protein reserve and need a certain level of protein in their diet to avoid a negative nitrogen balance.
Your veterinarian is the best person to monitor your ageing dog's renal function and advise the appropriate level of protein in his diet.
When your dog's protein intake is low due to inappetance, this can be increased by heating the food to increase palatability and release more aromas, and by feeding smaller more frequent meals and by supplementing with vitamins.

Carbohydrates are mainly provided by cereals and legumes in the diet, and these are a cheap source of energy.
Care should be taken with the sugar content of some of these foods

Fats are essential in the diet to provide a vehicle for fat soluble vitamins, and are essential for the health of old dogs.
However too much may result in obesity, so again moderation is the rule.

Fibre has a role too in the elderly dog as many are predisposed to constipation.
Adding fibre in the form of wheat bran or cooked vegetables two or three times a week will help to keep your elderly dog regular!

Most dog foods will have more than adequate levels of calcium and phosphorus for the older dog.
There may be a case for reduced levels of phosphorus and salt in the diet.
Some supplementation of zinc and vitamins may be helpful in the older dog, particularly the vitamin B complex.

The main food types for the older dog are - dry, semi-moist or canned.
Diet changes should be made slowly to prevent tummy upsets and diarrhoea.
Be sure to have plenty of water available for your dog, particularly if fed a dried food, and also if kidney and liver disease is a problem.

Reduced appetite in older dogs may be helped by feeding them 2 or more times per day with smaller portions so that they get their full daily requirement.

There are many commercial senior dog food diets now available.
It will pay you to thoroughly examine the different types to increase the life span and vitality of your older dog.

A Tale Of Four Dog Foods: Finding The Best Chow For Your HoundWe all love our dogs and want to give them the best life h...

A Tale Of Four Dog Foods: Finding The Best Chow For Your Hound

We all love our dogs and want to give them the best life has to offer. But with so many variations of dog food in the market, it isn't always easy to identify the best food for our dog. Who can possibly feel confident when so many brands trumpet buzzwords that hit the human aisles not long ago, such as "rich in antioxidants," "highly digestible," "Omega-3 fatty acids" and "Ultra Premium Formula"?

What we can do, though, is to conduct a simple dog food comparison to determine which foods best fit our dog's requirements and our personal schedule. After all, some foods offer much greater convenience than the more natural, less processed types of food which may require freezing, thawing, cooking and preparation.

Convenience aside, the best food to give your dog depends not on the brand or the style, but rather on your dog's age and any special requirements he might have. For example, older dogs require food containing a careful balance of protein, fat and fiber. Most commercial dog food companies address this need with offerings such as senior dog food, containing about 18 % protein, and food for dogs diagnosed with renal failure, containing about 14% protein.

Dare to Compare Dry Dog Food

The vast majority of dog owners go for dry dog food. Between the supermarket and specialty pet stores, owners enjoy many brands to choose from. Dry dog food consists of kibble typically made from one primary ingredient such as chicken, beef or lamb. More specifically, the main ingredient is usually a meat byproduct that's been processed, dried and sold in packs or bags for easy dispensing. Needless to say, meat byproducts are far cheaper than meat, so this type of dog food is not only easy to store, it's much less expensive than other types.

Hard kibble comes with some advantages. For example, it gives your dog's mouth some exercise, and kibble's less likely to contribute to plaque than softer foods.

When comparing brands, it helps to remember that there are essentially two types of dry dog food on the market: premium dog food and economy dog food. A smart owner will avoid purchasing the economy food, which is made from lower grade ingredients (for example, economy dog food will often substitute cheap corn for the more expensive meat byproducts). The "end" result, as it were, is that your dog can't absorb many nutrients but simply passes the food through his body. So in addition to enjoying less nutrition, your dog will produce larger stools -- and you might find yourself with more frequent vet bills.

Other Popular Contenders: Canned, Semi-Moist and More

Other categories of dog food include the semi-moist type and canned food. Many owners like to mix in some canned food with dry food, to potentially cover more nutritional bases without taking too big a hit to the pocketbook.

Semi-moist food is attractively convenient to owners, and dogs love it. Unfortunately, it may cause dental problems in the mid-term and worse in the long term, because semi-moist food is loaded with corn syrup and other sugars, which dogs just aren't designed to process.

Recently, more natural, "premium" dog food has been introduced to the market, in which higher quantities of quality, nutritious ingredients are used to manufacture the food -- often human-grade, in fact. Since vegetables, fruits, real meat and quality grains are used as the primary protein source in the highest-quality dog foods, these foods are a fast route to healthy skin and beautiful fur. For the most part, they contain no artificial coloring and preservatives, but are chock-full of vitamins and minerals instead.

Although this food costs more, you can feed your dog less of it, because it's more nutritionally dense. So in terms of both convenience and nutrition, a premium, natural dog food is one of the best choices available to your dog, whether off-the-shelf or purchased online.

All Dog Foods Are Not the SameIntroductionYour dogs health and wellbeing is important to you and your family. Not to men...

All Dog Foods Are Not the Same


Your dogs health and wellbeing is important to you and your family. Not to mention keeping down the cost of veterinarian bills! So you need to carefully consider the food that you give your dog. People sometimes just pick the first dog food bag they see at the store. Its easy to overlook the importance of dog food but it is essential to pick the right one for your dog.

To keep your dog healthy he needs plenty of fresh water and should be fed good quality dog food in amounts just right to meet his energy requirements. Always follow the guidelines on the dog food package for recommended feeding amounts.
Picking a dog food

The first challenge in choosing a dog food is picking one that has overall quality. The term that comes up a lot about dog food is human grade. Human grade implies that the dog food is good enough for us to eat. Many commercial dog foods are made from materials unusable or less desirable for human consumption. Often the meat that is used in dog food is of a quality considered unfit for humans to eat.

Major dog food companies try to provide balanced proportions of vitamins and minerals for maximum benefit to your dog. Although you may see that many brands of dog food have almost identical labels, a reputable dog food company will provide an explanation for each supplement and how it benefits your dog.

Always read the label to see what proteins, vitamins and minerals are being provided to your dog. Try not to use store brand dog food they may short change your dog on much needed nutrition.

Studies have shown that the primary ingredient in dog food should be meat-based protein, not corn meal, flour or corn gluten meal. According to reviews a better quality dog food results in a healthier coat, fewer digestive problems and firmer stools. Pet-nutrition experts agree that the best dog food is made from human-grade ingredients like meat, whole grains and vegetables. Premium dog food is so important because good nutrition is essential for a long, healthy life.

Types of dog food

There are many varieties of dog food to choose from. The three most popular types of dog foods are dry, semi-moist and canned products. Check the color of your dog food. Usually dog food made from natural ingredients will have soft earth tones and contain no preservatives, artificial colors and flavors.

Raw dog food is becoming more popular. More and more veterinarians recommend feeding your dog with raw dog food. They feel that this is the best choice and is the healthiest food for your dog. After all, you've never seen your dog enjoy commercial dog food the way he enjoys a good meaty bone.

Raw food advocates concede the diet costs more than traditional dog food, but they argue it's worth it. You may find that locating free natural home made dog food recipes is not easy. Try making a mixture of ground turkey, rice and carrot as your own dog food. Your dog will thank you for it.

If you decide to go the commercial route, try and choose a good premium dog food since it contains more energy and protein than an economy brand. Unfortunately not all dog food brands contain high quality and natural ingredients, so always check the label. It is best if you seek advice from your veterinarian before deciding on which dog food to feed your dog or puppy. He will know your dogs dietary needs and you will find that veterinary offices and feed stores often carry excellent and natural dog food.

All Natural Dog Food

Many natural dog foods contain only fresh, natural and wholesome ingredients for your dog. Not only are the protein ingredients digestible, but the carbohydrates in the dog food are digestible. Natural dog food has 100% nutritional value which is important for healthy strong dogs. Chicken, egg and fish are examples of protein that is provided in natural dog food. There are also ingredients in natural dog food that really help the health of your dogs skin and also your dogs coat. One of the main draw backs of natural dog food is that it has a shorter shelf life and may spoil before it is used.

Dried Dog Food

A good high quality dry dog food will work out to be more economical than the generic brands even though they cost more per pound. A vast majority of dog owners go for dry dog food for its convenience and ease of storage. The cheaper dry dog foods are made from soybean, corn or rice, while many premium dry dog foods are made with all-natural, human-grade ingredients.

Vegetarian dog foods

There are dog foods specially formulated for dogs that are allergic to wheat, corn, and/or chicken. There are also vegetarian dog foods marketed to owners who do not want their dogs to consume meat products. Most vegetarian dog foods use soy as a protein source. If your dog has allergies consult your vet before putting him on a specialized diet.


Overall it's usually best to let dogs enjoy dog food and not our food, even though they may prefer what we're eating! Of course you can feed your dog treats from time to time, every dog needs some TLC from time to time!



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