Yesterday marks 5 years of owning the farm. With chainsaws, tractors, and a backhoe, we cleared 5.13 acres. This was before the rules on who could get a h**p license was even established. We became the 69th licensed h**p farm in Florida, the first Black owned farm to plant and harvest h**p in Florida. As well as a pending grower for one of the new w**d companies in Florida. We are the first Black h**p nursery in Florida, too. We have harvested close to 500 lbs of cannabis over the years, organic at that. We have sold to hundreds of customers. Our products have been used in ten different states, 2 countries, and every single major city in Florida. We are in several news articles advocating for h**p and w**d. We are regulars in Tallahassee fighting to free the plant. We have met millionaires, ex NFL players, ex NBA players, a rock and roll legend, war heroes, and so many more people. While most people have terrible selling h**p, we have trouble growing enough to meet the demands. It has been a journey that keeps getting better every year. Thank you God, all the people who have worked, supported or volunteered. Thank you to all the investors and customers throughout the years. Without you, none of this would be possible. There will be on sale all week, just inbox me. If cannabis is not your thing and you still want to support please feel free to cashapp us at: $Rembertfamilyfarms