Sahara was getting in a workout before breakfast.
Jumper laying eggs part 2
Something cute and kinda creepy. We can see Mimi’s heart beat.
Hey wanna see something cute
Update time!! Moana is healing well from her surgery! Milos test came back that everything was working properly, but his blood said he was dehydrated, but his urine said he was over we had to do another urinalysis and that one came out normal. So to play it safe we are just going to continue to add water to his food to help him stay hydrated and keep an eye on the amount/frequency he pees. Drago the bearded dragon was acting weird and not exploring as much and stopped eating. We figured out that he does not like having a light on all the time and although he has his uvb for only 10 hours of the day, we did keep his heat light on to ensure his warmth. He did not approve and after making adjustments so he gets that off every night but stays at a nice temperature he is eating and exploring like normal! Moxie the monster is going to be starting training with one of the most AMAZING dog person there is out there, and she will be well on her way to a well behaved wild child in no time! Enjoy her and Bella going nuts!!
And here she goes again…never ending energizer puppy
This is dragos before enclosure
Sheldon tried once then not again yet
Mimi munched a little on hers
Bella ate all hers in two seconds