JAPME Human grade treats with no nasties for all doggos and kitties. As we wish you and your furfriends c

限量出售鹿筋潔齒好幫手 不過真係要睇住佢地食 因為猴禽小狗真係可以好猴禽Prices are in menu highlights


潔齒好幫手 不過真係要睇住佢地食 因為猴禽小狗真係可以好猴禽

Prices are in menu highlights

羊柳條🐑羊係低過敏源既肉 啱晒易敏感既狗呢Price list is in menu hightlight!


羊係低過敏源既肉 啱晒易敏感既狗呢

Price list is in menu hightlight!

突然又出現的me!🇹🇭無激素雞胸軟骨軟骨可以幫助清潔牙齒 仲可以補鈣 可以完全被吸收  價錢在menu highlight✨完美記錄到我家小狗食野無儀態📸



軟骨可以幫助清潔牙齒 仲可以補鈣 可以完全被吸收

價錢在menu highlight✨


澳洲豬鼻🐽Pig Snout🐽潔齒 消磨時間的好東西!不過人類表示好_臭但愈臭愈要追住黎食🤷🏻‍♀️$35@1$140@5完

Pig Snout🐽

潔齒 消磨時間的好東西!


紅豬豬唔好問點解係呢個名 我都唔知 總之就係豬肉同紅棗既合體 硬身得黎又pak得開咁個啲對雞肉同牛肉敏感既狗 豬係個唔錯既選擇 紅棗就補中益氣咁


唔好問點解係呢個名 我都唔知 總之就係豬肉同紅棗既合體 硬身得黎又pak得開咁

個啲對雞肉同牛肉敏感既狗 豬係個唔錯既選擇 紅棗就補中益氣咁

大家好!我老母回來了 事隔一年無出po😂拿拿臨快快脆整返個清倉大減價先 買夠$200仲免你運費點睇先✌🏼某幾款賣完就唔會再賣㗎啦 過多幾日再出多個新menu post 大家睇住呢個先 感謝世紀 無咩事我碌返走先🙇🏻‍♀️

我老母回來了 事隔一年無出po😂

拿拿臨快快脆整返個清倉大減價先 買夠$200仲免你運費點睇先✌🏼

某幾款賣完就唔會再賣㗎啦 過多幾日再出多個新menu post 大家睇住呢個先 感謝世紀 無咩事我碌返走先🙇🏻‍♀️

SALE!!!售完即止🤓 #風乾狗零食  #狗零食  #風乾貓零食  #貓零食  #貓貓 #狗狗  #毛小孩  #寵物零食  #領養代替購買  #純天然  #無添加  #無激素  #自家製                    #唐狗也是寶


#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

豆腐餅👩🏻‍🍳豆腐豆腐含有唔同嘅礦物質 特別係鈣同銅 足夠嘅鈣質對於狗狗黎講係好重要 成日都話補鈣補鈣 就係想佢哋啲骨骼同肌肉形成得好啲🦴 缺乏銅仲可能會令到心臟有負擔 ‼️有啲🐕對豆有敏感就唔好食啦👩🏻‍🍳雞胸肉👩🏻‍🍳杞子 杞子可以延緩...



豆腐含有唔同嘅礦物質 特別係鈣同銅 足夠嘅鈣質對於狗狗黎講係好重要 成日都話補鈣補鈣 就係想佢哋啲骨骼同肌肉形成得好啲🦴 缺乏銅仲可能會令到心臟有負擔




杞子可以延緩衰老 促進造血 明目 保肝 增強機體免疫功能 改善老年器官衰退既病

Tofu tofu


Tofu contains different kind of minerals, especially the calcium and copper! As your 🐕 needs enough calcium to protect them from getting hurt in bones, copper helps with the heart

‼️Please reconsider if your dogs are sensitive to any kind of soy products

👩🏻‍🍳 Chicken breast

👩🏻‍🍳Goji berry

- Anti-ageing
- Strengthen up their immune system

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

我哋有網站啦!!而家除咗透過IG或者Facebook落單之外 仲可以去我哋嘅網站度落單😚😚快啲去睇吓啦: www.japmenow.comThe website is ready!!!You can order with us throug...

而家除咗透過IG或者Facebook落單之外 仲可以去我哋嘅網站度落單😚😚

快啲去睇吓啦: www.japmenow.com

The website is ready!!!
You can order with us through website now!! Isnt this excited😚😚

Come and visit: www.japmenow.com

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

彩虹戰隊🌈30g (30-40塊)係比力量你既健康薯片阿!紅色戰士: 紅菜頭有助於修復視力同免疫系統  橙色戰士: 有機杞子 杞子係人類既超級食物 🐈🐕都係‼️杞子可以有助腦部發展同有健康既消化系統 黃色戰士: 椰子油 椰子油有助皮毛健康 ...

30g (30-40塊)
紅色戰士: 紅菜頭


橙色戰士: 有機杞子

杞子係人類既超級食物 🐈🐕都係‼️杞子可以有助腦部發展同有健康既消化系統

黃色戰士: 椰子油

椰子油有助皮毛健康 如果🐈🐕對椰子油敏感 你可以要求轉淨雞


螺旋藻可以幫助佢哋平衡同增強佢地既energy⚡️ 清除體內毒素🧪 改善整體皮毛健康


抗氧化! 減少淚痕!

Power rangers (🐕🐈)
30g (ard 30-40 pcs)

Power rangers are the healthiest and the finest chicken chips for your buddies, they are red, orange, yellow, green and purple(but doesn't look like one lol)


Organic beetroot

Beetroot is helpful in fixing vision and the immune system, maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Organic goji berry

Goji berry is one of the superfoods for humans, so as it's for your dogs and cats. Goji berry can let them to have:
better brain function
well digestive system

Coconut oil

Coconut oil helps their fur and coat to be smoother and shinier, as they help to deal with itchiness, allergies, dry skin externally. Internally, they help with their immune system and bad breath. If your kitties or doggos are sensitive to coconut oil, you may request to have normal chicken chips instead of adding in coconut oil.

Organic spirulina

Spirulina is also one of the superfoods that helps human as well as your buddies, it helps them with:

balance and boost up their energy
cleanse the body of toxins
improve overall skin & coat health

Purple sweet potatoes

We used purple sweet potatoes as they are rich in antioxidants. Purple sweet potatoes can be a better option to include in their diet than regular sweet potatoes because their blood sugar will not increase as much as having regular sweet potatoes

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

羊奶片(🐕🐈)30g👩🏻‍🍳寵物用羊奶粉羊奶比牛奶更加容易消化 如果你隻狗狗或者貓貓係有乳糖不耐症嘅話羊奶可能有幾好啲 因為有研究指出羊奶冇咁容易引起乳糖不耐症 佢含有豐富嘅維他命 礦物質 電解質 微量元素 酶同埋蛋白質 佢可以幫助促進新陳...



羊奶比牛奶更加容易消化 如果你隻狗狗或者貓貓係有乳糖不耐症嘅話羊奶可能有幾好啲 因為有研究指出羊奶冇咁容易引起乳糖不耐症 佢含有豐富嘅維他命 礦物質 電解質 微量元素 酶同埋蛋白質 佢可以幫助促進新陳代謝!

一共有三種口味 分別係紫薯 杞子同埋南瓜!!



Milk candy 🍬 (🐕🐈)

👩🏻‍🍳Pet used goat milk powder

Goat milk are much easier to digest than cow’s. Goat milk tends to have a lesser chance for your cats and dogs to have lactose intolerance. It contains vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, trace elements, enzymes and protein. It can boost the metabolism up!

There are three flavours, purple sweet potatoes, goji berry and pumpkin!! You can either choose all different flavoured or some particular ones in your order!

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

NEW‼️培根脆脆🥓(只限狗狗)30g (你可以選擇雞肉/鴨肉)👩🏻‍🍳 泰國無激素雞胸肉/鴨胸肉兩種肉類都提供蛋白質,但鴨肉比較低敏👩🏻‍🍳有機紅莓(覆盆子)覆盆子含有抗氧化劑 特別適合老年犬 因為佢可以幫助緩解關節疼痛👩🏻‍🍳原味希臘乳...




👩🏻‍🍳 泰國無激素雞胸肉/鴨胸肉



覆盆子含有抗氧化劑 特別適合老年犬 因為佢可以幫助緩解關節疼痛


希臘乳酪脂肪含量係零,只要你既狗狗無乳糖不耐症 都需要適當咁攝取一啲有益細菌黎保持佢哋腸度既健康

Crispy bacon 🥓 (Dogs only)
30g (quite many pcs)

(You can either choose chicken or duck)

👩🏻‍🍳 Thai hormone-free chicken breast/ Duck breast

Both meats provide protein but duck is less likely to be allergic

👩🏻‍🍳Organic raspberry

Raspberry contains antioxidants which is great, especially for senior dogs as it can help with joint pain

👩🏻‍🍳Plain greek yoghurt

Greek yoghurt has zero fat and all doggos always need some good bacteria to keep them healthy, as long as your pups are not lactose intolerance!!

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

一啖過鯖魚粒🐟 (🐕🐈)歡迎嚟到魚嘅世界blue blue🛁 係呀我又講魚啦🤣 我相信大家對鯖魚都唔陌生 佢有omega 3 可以幫助你嘅貓貓狗狗去改善或者預防癌症 亦都可以令到你嘅貓貓狗狗骨格精奇💪🏼同埋改善皮毛健康 今次呢一個一啖過真係...

一啖過鯖魚粒🐟 (🐕🐈)

歡迎嚟到魚嘅世界blue blue🛁 係呀我又講魚啦🤣 我相信大家對鯖魚都唔陌生
佢有omega 3 可以幫助你嘅貓貓狗狗去改善或者預防癌症 亦都可以令到你嘅貓貓狗狗骨格精奇💪🏼同埋改善皮毛健康 今次呢一個一啖過真係一啖過 亦都可以易啲pak得斷 所以如果係貓貓嘅話可以pak細少少比佢哋食 同之前嗰個鯖魚扭扭尾唔同㗎😚


Mackerel bites (🐕🐈)

Another fish product is here!! Omega 3 is found in mackerel bites and it can help to protect/ prevent your buddies from having cancer. It helps your buddies to have shiny skin and better joints. This is different to mackerel tails as that was a dental chew and this is just a treat that you can easily break them apart😌

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

野生嘅小銀魚仔 (🐕🐈)鐘意食魚又或者淨係可以食魚既小朋友又要再聽住啦!我地推出左30g既小銀魚仔阿😚 大概有55-65條 (取決於魚仔既大細!)小銀魚亦都係我哋稱為嘅白飯魚非常適合任何品種同大小嘅貓貓狗狗食!! 因為佢哋係低脂肪同埋低熱量...

野生嘅小銀魚仔 (🐕🐈)

我地推出左30g既小銀魚仔阿😚 大概有55-65條 (取決於魚仔既大細!)


因為佢哋係低脂肪同埋低熱量嘅蛋白質來源 你就咁睇可能覺得小銀魚咁細你到啲咩營養啊🧐 但係其實佢哋含有豐富嘅omega-3嘅脂肪酸 B12 同埋維他命D!! 幫助到腦部發展同埋神經系統㗎!!

你可以做一個任何時候都食得嘅零食又或者你可以灑啲係佢哋嘅糧上面食 我相信佢地實會好開心😚😚


Wild Whitebait (🐕🐈)

❗️Please bear in mind that this product is only in 30g, which is around 55-65 fishes in a bag (depends)❗️

Wild Whitebait are ideally for both dogs and cats of all breeds and sizes. Low fat and low calories source of protein is what we are looking for all the time! Whitebait might look tiny but they are full of omega-3 fatty acids, B12(cell system) and vitamin D. You can either feed then as an “anytime” treat or sprinkle on their daily meals.

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

鐘意食魚又或者淨係可以食魚既小朋友聽住啦!我地推出左30g既池魚仔阿😚 大概有40-50條 (取決於魚仔既大細!)來自日本既池魚仔都係好既蛋白質來源 池魚仔肉入面既油份係好有營養 可以有助改善皮膚問題~ 池魚仔絕對係貓貓狗狗最適合嘅零食咁當...


我地推出左30g既池魚仔阿😚 大概有40-50條 (取決於魚仔既大細!)

來自日本既池魚仔都係好既蛋白質來源 池魚仔肉入面既油份係好有營養 可以有助改善皮膚問題~



Japanese jack mackerel

❗️Please bear in mind that this product is only in 30g, which is around 40-50 fishes in a bag (depends)❗️

As we heard many of you are having skin & coat problems, we are here to introduce you all on our new product!!!

Japanese Horse mackerel is an excellent source of protein, and the oil thats in the flesh is very nutritious! They are definitely the best and fast treats for you both of your dogs and cats! Fish lovers must put this in your cart right now!!

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

Fish products🐠 (Dogs & cats)係魚阿 🐠多春魚(已切除器官同埋頭部)佢哋可以盡量地減少腎臟嘅疾病 增強神經發育同埋認知功能 仲有可以幫助解決皮膚或者皮毛嘅問題😚Capelin  (without organs & ...

Fish products🐠 (Dogs & cats)
係魚阿 🐠


佢哋可以盡量地減少腎臟嘅疾病 增強神經發育同埋認知功能 仲有可以幫助解決皮膚或者皮毛嘅問題😚

Capelin (without organs & heads)
They minimise the progression of kidney diseases, enhance neurologic development and cognitive function, they also help with the skin and fur problems😚

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

NEW!!!紅蘿蔔扭扭條🥕 (D&C)呢款零食勁香 暫時未見過有狗唔鍾意食🤤👩🏻‍🍳 紅蘿蔔🥕紅蘿蔔提供極好的維生素以及鉀同纖維👩🏻‍🍳日本蛋黃可以改善皮膚和皮毛健康 令牙齒和骨骼更強壯👩🏻‍🍳雞胸肉Carrot twistsThe sme...


紅蘿蔔扭扭條🥕 (D&C)

呢款零食勁香 暫時未見過有狗唔鍾意食🤤

👩🏻‍🍳 紅蘿蔔🥕

可以改善皮膚和皮毛健康 令牙齒和骨骼更強壯


Carrot twists

The smell of this treatos are great, still havent seen anyone not liking it🤤

👩🏻‍🍳 Carrots 🥕
Carrots provide great vitamins for your buddies as well as potassium, and fiber

👩🏻‍🍳Japanese egg yolk
Can improve skin and coat health to stronger teeth and bones

👩🏻‍🍳Chicken breast

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

No.5 (30g)鯊魚骨尾可以幫你保持牙齒健康 有助舒緩關節嘅疼痛🦈 相比起淨係鯊魚骨個會有鯊魚皮 而佢哋含有omega 3 亦都可以當營養補充品 30g有3條😚 食完之後仲可以俾你個BB有閃令令同埋健康嘅皮毛啊✨ 🚨本產品中沒有使用瀕危...

No.5 (30g)

鯊魚骨尾可以幫你保持牙齒健康 有助舒緩關節嘅疼痛🦈 相比起淨係鯊魚骨個會有鯊魚皮 而佢哋含有omega 3 亦都可以當營養補充品 30g有3條😚 食完之後仲可以俾你個BB有閃令令同埋健康嘅皮毛啊✨


Australian Cartilage tails are perfect for dental hygiene and help to relieve joint pain🦈 these tails have skin on them that contains omega 3 in which making it the perfect supplement, it provides your pups a shiny, healthier coat


#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

Third product (30g)第三樣30克出現啦 來自澳洲嘅袋鼠肉乾/條係係肚仔位出嚟嘅🇦🇺所以佢要用力啲咬 都有輕微嘅潔齒作用㗎 佢哋含有豐富嘅抗氧化劑 omega 3含量最高同埋有高濃度嘅B12維生素適合任何體型嘅狗仔🤤Kang...

Third product (30g)

來自澳洲嘅袋鼠肉乾/條係係肚仔位出嚟嘅🇦🇺所以佢要用力啲咬 都有輕微嘅潔齒作用㗎 佢哋含有豐富嘅抗氧化劑 omega 3含量最高同埋有高濃度嘅B12維生素適合任何體型嘅狗仔🤤

Kangaroo jerky/strips are from Australia 🇦🇺 and they are made from the belly of 🦘, therefore, they need more teeth to chew on it~ they are high in antioxidants with the highest level of omega 3, as well as high concentration of B12 vitamins🤤 Suitable for any size of dogs 🐕

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

新出嘅咬咬零食😚New chews😚鯖魚包鯊魚骨對於嗰啲鍾意食魚嘅狗仔來講呢個真係一個完美嘅小食🤤 澳洲嘅鯖魚包住澳洲嚟嘅鯊魚軟骨 佢哋含有豐富嘅鈣質 可以增強你隻狗仔嘅骨骼 同時間佢有omega 3 有助減少關節嘅炎症同埋改善大腦嘅發展仲...

New chews😚


對於嗰啲鍾意食魚嘅狗仔來講呢個真係一個完美嘅小食🤤 澳洲嘅鯖魚包住澳洲嚟嘅鯊魚軟骨 佢哋含有豐富嘅鈣質 可以增強你隻狗仔嘅骨骼 同時間佢有omega 3 有助減少關節嘅炎症同埋改善大腦嘅發展仲可以增加皮毛健康😌 佢哋仲可以幫助狗仔移除堆積好耐嘅牙垢🦷


Fish twisters

For those who loves fish, here is the perfect snackos!! Australian shark cartilage wrapped with Australian mackerel, they are rich in calcium that will strengthen your pups’ bones. Also, they are high in omega 3 that help to reduce joint inflammation, improve brain development and increase coat health. They can also remove tartar that build up on your dogs 🦷


#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶

Number 4 product is up(30g)第三樣30克😚綠唇青口係來自我最鍾意嘅地方之一 紐西蘭🇳🇿 因為佢哋啲海鮮真係好好食㗎😂 綠唇青口對狗仔來講係一件超級健康嘅食物因為佢富有omega 3 有助於降低感染啊或者發炎嘅風險 ...

Number 4 product is up(30g)

綠唇青口係來自我最鍾意嘅地方之一 紐西蘭🇳🇿 因為佢哋啲海鮮真係好好食㗎😂

綠唇青口對狗仔來講係一件超級健康嘅食物因為佢富有omega 3 有助於降低感染啊或者發炎嘅風險 亦都可以減少關節嘅炎症 所以係好適合嗰啲寬關節有問題嘅小朋友食㗎🤤

Green lipped mussels are from NEW ZEALAND 🇳🇿 which is one of my fav place as they are so famous in seafoodddd🎣

Green lipped mussels are super healthy and rich in omega 3, it helps to reduce the risks of infection, reduce joint inflammation💪🏼

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 #唐狗也是寶


New menu is coming out very soon
Get yourself ready!!
新menu就黎出世啦 記住留意story阿😚


Exciting news!!

多謝咁多位呢兩個月支持細佬我 而好消息就係從今日起 10%嘅收益會捐比唔同嘅慈善機構 多謝你地既慷慨💖 好人一世平安💛

Cow ears (D)Another long lasting dog treats for your selection, these cow ears are twice as huge as pig ears, also the s...

Cow ears (D)

Another long lasting dog treats for your selection, these cow ears are twice as huge as pig ears, also the smell and the flavour of beef would drive your doggos crazy. This treat is way more ideal for medium to large dogs (small dogs can also have them but always bear in mind with the time limit). They help your doggos to have nice and healthy teeth.

Blooper on pic 2🤦🏻‍♀️

Broccodile (D&C)Thailand crocodile meatCrocodile meat contains lots of nutrition, and many kitties and puppies do enjoy ...

Broccodile (D&C)

Thailand crocodile meat

Crocodile meat contains lots of nutrition, and many kitties and puppies do enjoy having meat in their meals/treats. Wild cats would often eat lizard meat as one of their main, in order to maintain and protect their stomachs. Same thing, if your kitties have a sensitive stomach then it’s time for you to try to feed them alligator meat, so that they can enjoy what they deserve.


There is no doubt or anything about feeding broccoli to your doggies but what about cats? The answer is yes, you can surely feed your cats broccoli. Broccoli is one of the several veggies that are okay for them to eat. The only thing to keep in mind is never feed too much because it may cause an upset tummy, this also only depends on different cats but it is always good to be safe.

Therefore, the ratio in making broccodile will not be as rich as the others, just to be sure that is safe enough for your furfriends.

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #
風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 doggo

Basic Crocodile chips (D&C) 🐊👩🏻‍🍳Thailand crocodile meat is full of protein and low in cholesterol, which is ideally for...

Basic Crocodile chips (D&C) 🐊

👩🏻‍🍳Thailand crocodile meat is full of protein and low in cholesterol, which is ideally for your furfriends to maintain a long-term diet, especially for those who are suffering with allergies and other trachea issues. It is good for their heart and tasty. Rather than saying crocodile jerky, we called it chips. This is due to the size and the crispiness of the alligator meat.

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #
風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 doggo

Beef liver (D&C)These beef liver are from Australia, and we already broke them into small pieces in order to make your l...

Beef liver (D&C)

These beef liver are from Australia, and we already broke them into small pieces in order to make your life easier. They are absolutely healthy and tasty treats for your buddies to consume. The healthy fats and vitamin A are rich in these treats. Animal organs do always give your buddies a different experience and special nutritions that normal meat can’t provide.

Always bear in mind that organs are healthy but you buddies cannot consume a lot in one day, so please feed them precisely

#風乾狗零食 #狗零食 #
風乾貓零食 #貓零食 #貓貓 #狗狗 #毛小孩 #寵物零食 #領養代替購買 #純天然 #無添加 #無激素 #自家製 doggo



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