DON'T GET TOO EXCITED - because yes we know the dog is adorable - but the three kittens we have in our care are all adorable too AND THE KITTENS ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR FOREVER HOMES
They have all now been neutered, chipped and fully vaccinated so don't have to remain in York but each kitten will need a suitable puss already in the home to bond with please unless they go with a sibling
Here is a link to their original post which gives more info about the 3 Musketeers or maybe that should be 3 Mouseketeers? https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0779DbvkZdKHxdo38NwtfFUgdQaDizy6SH2bkmiMVYBsRHUBaNhVewwkjAVAiPq4kl&id=100078896236361&__cft__[0]=AZUHhMqm2ahGDg7ZO7XQaMd24TOszVbCZBfZtlWT_coGWsGl0kvyM0OFOeb9hVz0A3LkxdXJfcHrKOwFwHQhMsDzYLQKRgEJMFsjbbCoV9RYqjKGB1EswVCgzMbn7imeVfPB-j4sbd4GXZLiVOQOB0kV9oy83S3uxqEfnRPzwKAZnHBCVjk37zO_V-POxv5B6Bg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R