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Pawtastic_Shampoo Pawtastic: natural, vegan and handmade shampoo for dogs.

Kāpēc ķepu balzamam klāt ir Bergamota eļļa? 🤔1. Antibakteriālas un pretsēnīšu īpašības: Bergamota eļļa ir pazīstama ar s...

Kāpēc ķepu balzamam klāt ir Bergamota eļļa? 🤔

1. Antibakteriālas un pretsēnīšu īpašības: Bergamota eļļa ir pazīstama ar savām dabīgajām antibakteriālajām un pretsēnīšu īpašībām. Tā var palīdzēt novērst un ārstēt baktēriju un sēnīšu infekcijas, nodrošinot ķepu spilventiņiem papildu aizsardzību. 💪

2. Nomierinoša iedarbība: Bergamota eļļa ir pazīstama ar savu nomierinošo iedarbību. Tā var palīdzēt mazināt kairinājumu un diskomfortu uz ķepām, it īpaši pēc garām pastaigām vai intensīvām aktivitātēm. 😌

3. Mitruma uzturēšana un mīkstināšana: Bergamota eļļa spēj noturēt mitrumu un palīdzēt saglabāt ķepu ādu mitrinātu un mīkstu, kas ir īpaši svarīgi, ja suņa ķepas ir sausas vai ieplaisājušas. 💧

4. Aromātiskais aromāts: Bergamota eļļa dod patīkamu, svaigu citrusu aromātu, kas padara balzāmu ne tikai efektīvu, bet arī patīkamu lietošanai gan jums, gan jūsu suņukam. 🍊

Atklājiet labāko dabisko suņu šampūnu tiešsaistē vietnē Pawtastic Shampoo. Mūsu dabīgie, ar pH līdzsvarotu un plastmasu nesaturoši mājdzīvnieku kopšanas produkti ir lieliski piemēroti jebkura veida suņu kažokādām. Iegādājieties mūsu bezatkritumu šampūnus tagad

Our dog shampoo stands out for its exceptional quality and care for your furry friend. Crafted with a blend of natural a...

Our dog shampoo stands out for its exceptional quality and care for your furry friend. Crafted with a blend of natural and gentle ingredients, it ensures a clean and healthy coat without any harsh chemicals. Free from SLS, SLSA, PEG, sulfates, parabens, silicon, soap, synthetic preservatives, fragrances, and dyes, it prioritizes the well-being of your pet. Enriched with nourishing elements like Coconut Oil and Shea Butter, it leaves the coat soft and moisturized. The refreshing scent of Lemongrass Essential Oil adds a delightful touch, ensuring a pleasant grooming experience for both you and your dog. Trust our dog shampoo for a gentle yet effective cleansing routine that keeps your furry companion happy and healthy.


Suņu ķepu balzams ir lielisks līdzeklis siltā laikā, nodrošinot daudzas priekšrocības suņiem:

🔥 Aizsargā no dedzināšanas: Suņiem vasarā pastaiga var kļūt par riskantu piedzīvojumu, jo karstums var padarīt asfaltu par bīstamu. Ķepu balzams veido aizsargplēvi, kas pasargā no dedzināšanas un sakaršanas, ļaujot suņiem baudīt drošu un komfortablu pastaigu.

💧 Mitrināšana un aizsardzība: Suņu ķepu balzams nodrošina aizsardzību pret mitrumu, kas var rasties no lietus vai rosīšanās pļavās. Tas mitrina ķepas, novēršot plaisas un sausu ādu, kā arī pasargājot no infekcijām, kas varētu rasties, ja ķepas ir pastāvīgi mitras.

🌿 Uztur veselīgu ādu un ķepas: Ar bagātīgu vitamīnu un eļļu saturu, ķepu balzams palīdz uzturēt suņa ādu un ķepas veselīgas un mitrinātas. Tas ir īpaši noderīgi vasarā, kad sausais gaiss un saules staru iedarbība var izraisīt ādas kairinājumu un sausumu.

Pawtastic: natural, vegan and handmade shampoo for dogs.

🎉🐾 Šodien svinam manu dzimšanas dienu! 🐾🎉 🥳🎂 Ja es būtu suņuks, man šodien būtu 5 gadi, tātad, varat minēt, cik man pali...

🎉🐾 Šodien svinam manu dzimšanas dienu! 🐾🎉

🥳🎂 Ja es būtu suņuks, man šodien būtu 5 gadi, tātad, varat minēt, cik man paliek? 😅 Lai dalītos ar Jums svētkos dāvana no manis 20% atlaide visiem produktiem ar kodu 'HAPPYBD20' 🚿🐶
🛁🐕 Nepalaid garām šo iespēju - piedāvājums- kods ir derīgs tikai šodien! 🎁🐾 Paldies, ka esi daļa no mūsu suņu mīlošās kopienas un atbalsti mūsu uzņēmumu.

Our first Delivey to Netherlands 🇳🇱 ❤️

Our first Delivey to Netherlands 🇳🇱 ❤️

Thank you 🌸🐾

Vasara jau pavisam drīz būs klāt, un tas nozīmē lielisku laiku, lai baudītu āra piedzīvojumus kopā ar mūsu uzticamajiem ...

Vasara jau pavisam drīz būs klāt, un tas nozīmē lielisku laiku, lai baudītu āra piedzīvojumus kopā ar mūsu uzticamajiem četrkājainajiem draugiem! Kā suņa īpašnieki, ir dažas lietas, ko varam darīt, lai nodrošinātu, ka mūsu mīlulīši ir gatavi un droši izbaudītu šo sezonu.

🌞 Regulāri pārbaudiet un lietojiet līdzekļus pret blusām un tārpiem, lai nodrošinātu jūsu mīlulīša veselību un labklājību.
🐾 Pievērsiet uzmanību āra temperatūrai - nodrošiniet pietiekamu ēnu, ūdeni un pārtraukumus siltā dienas laikā.
🚶‍♂️ Dodieties pastaigās agrās rītās vai vēlās vakara stundās, kad temperatūra ir nedaudz vēsāka, lai novērstu spēku izsīkumu no karstuma.
🌳 Izbaudiet dabas piedzīvojumus kopā! Dodieties uz pludmali, parku vai mežu un ļaujiet jūsu mīlulim izpētīt un baudīt vasaras skaistumu.

Kā jūsu mīlulim sagatavojaties vasarai? Dalieties ar savām iecienītākajām vasaras sezonas sagatavošanās metodēm komentāros! 🐶🌺

Mājdzīvnieku Ķermeņa Valoda: Ko Tavi Mājdzīvnieki Mēģina Pateikt 🐾✂️Mūsu mājdzīvnieki var izteikt daudz, izmantojot savu...

Mājdzīvnieku Ķermeņa Valoda: Ko Tavi Mājdzīvnieki Mēģina Pateikt 🐾✂️

Mūsu mājdzīvnieki var izteikt daudz, izmantojot savu ķermeņa valodu. Ja pievērs uzmanību šiem trīs signāliem, vari labāk saprast, ko tavi mājdzīvnieki jūt un vēlas:

❤️ Astes Luncināšana: Ātra un plaša astes kustība norāda uz sajūsmu, bet lēna un neuzticīga luncināšana var būt pazīme par nenoteiktību.
❤️ Žāvas vai Lūpu Laizīšana: Ja mājdzīvnieki žāvājas bieži, tas var liecināt par stresu vai trauksmi.
❤️ Vēdera Atsegšana: Vēdera atsegšana bieži ir aicinājums uz mīlestību un uzticību, bet ne visiem patīk vēdera kasīšana.

Ja ievēro šos signālus, varēsi labāk saprast savus mājdzīvniekus un veidot spēcīgāku saikni ar viņiem. 🐾💕


Šeit ir piecas pazīmes, ka jūsu sunim var būt nepieciešams ķepu balzams:1 Ieplaisājuši ķepu spilventiņi: Ja pamanāt plai...

Šeit ir piecas pazīmes, ka jūsu sunim var būt nepieciešams ķepu balzams:
1 Ieplaisājuši ķepu spilventiņi: Ja pamanāt plaisas uz suna ķepu spilventiņiem, īpaši sausā vai aukstā laikā, tā ir pazīme, ka sunim var noderēt mitrinošs ķepu balzams.
2 Pārmērīga laizīšana: Pastāvīga laizīšana vai ķepu knibināšana var norādīt uz diskomfortu vai kairinājumu. Ķepu balzams var palīdzēt nomierināt un aizsargāt jūsu mīluļa jutīgās ķepiņas.
3 Apdedzinājumi (karstā laikā) vai apsārtums: Ja novērojat apsārtumu, iekaisumu vai jebkādas diskomforta pazīmes, tas ir signāls, ka ķepām var būt nepieciešama papildu aprūpe. Ķepu balzams ar nomierinošām sastāvdaļām var nodrošināt atvieglojumu.
4 Raupjas vai sausas ķepas: noglaudiet suņa ķepiņas. Ja tās šķiet rupjas vai pārmērīgi sausas, var būt nepieciešams mitrinošs ķepu balzams, lai saglabātu to mīkstumu un elastīgumu.
5 Klibošana vai izvairīšanās no pastaigām: Ja jūsu suns klibo vai izvairās no pastaigām, tas var būt saistīts ar diskomfortu viņa kājās - ķepu spilventiņos. Ķepu balzams var palīdzēt mazināt sāpes un diskomfortu un veicināt ērtākas kustības.
Ņemiet vērā šīs pazīmes un padomājiet par ķepu balzama iekļaušanu jūsu suņa kopšanas rutīnā, lai saglabātu viņa ķepu spilventiņus veselīgus un laimīgus!

Introducing Pawtastic Dog Paw Balm, the ultimate solution for safeguarding your furry friend's paws! Crafted to pamper cracked paws and elbows, this balm soothes rough, chapped, or dry areas with premium-grade natural ingredients. Acting as a protective moisturizer, it shields against summer heat, f...

Guess what? We’ve got a pawsome announcement! Introducing our brand new paw balm 🥰Get it now for the introductory price ...

Guess what? We’ve got a pawsome announcement! Introducing our brand new paw balm 🥰
Get it now for the introductory price of 9.90 and treat your fur baby’s paws to some TLC!
100% natural goodness inside. 💚

Are you and your adventurous furry companion fans of the great outdoors?We’ve teamed up with .lv to bring your furry fri...

Are you and your adventurous furry companion fans of the great outdoors?

We’ve teamed up with .lv to bring your furry friend the ultimate Spring package: a personalized waterproof leash and collar set tailored to your preferences in size and color, a deluxe dog shampoo kit, and an exciting surprise product from us for an unbeatable season experience.

Entering is a breeze:
❤️ Follow .lv and
❤️Tag a friend (more tags, more chances to win)
Spread the word to your pals by sharing our post and tagging us in your stories.

Best of luck!

The fortunate winner will be revealed on 🥳 21.04.2024.

This giveaway is exclusively open to the Baltic countries.*

Ready for a tail-wagging adventure? 🐾 Don’t forget these 10 essential items for a day out with your furry bestie! From t...

Ready for a tail-wagging adventure? 🐾 Don’t forget these 10 essential items for a day out with your furry bestie! From treats to toys, we’ve got you covered for a pawsome time together. Let’s make memories!

Swipe for a close up! It’s Wet Nose Wednesday! 🐶 Treat your furry companion to a refreshing bath with our moisturizing d...

Swipe for a close up! It’s Wet Nose Wednesday! 🐶 Treat your furry companion to a refreshing bath with our moisturizing dog shampoo. Their wagging tail will thank you!
Photo by .jrt

Read our latest blog post: 4 reasons to choose natural   🛁🫧Experience the refreshing power of Natural Dog Shampoo Bar Le...

Read our latest blog post: 4 reasons to choose natural 🛁🫧Experience the refreshing power of Natural Dog Shampoo Bar Lemongrass, meticulously crafted for gentle cleansing and hydration. With its eco-friendly design and invigorating lemongrass scent, this shampoo bar offers a sustainable solution for happy, healthy pups. Treat your furry companion to a luxurious grooming experience with nature’s finest ingredients.
Photo by .otto.the.basenjis

🐣🐰When choosing Easter treats for your dog, it’s essential to prioritize their health and safety. Here are some ideas fo...

🐣🐰When choosing Easter treats for your dog, it’s essential to prioritize their health and safety. Here are some ideas for safe and enjoyable Easter treats for dogs:

🐾 Happy Dog Fact Monday! Did you know that Border Collies are renowned for their intelligence and agility? 🧠🐕‍🦺 These am...

🐾 Happy Dog Fact Monday! Did you know that Border Collies are renowned for their intelligence and agility? 🧠🐕‍🦺 These amazing pups are not just skilled herders but also excel in various canine sports and activities! From agility courses to obedience trials, they thrive on mental stimulation and physical challenges. 🏆
Photo by .

🌸🐾 Spring is in the air and so is our special offer! 🐾🌸Get ready to pamper your furry friend with our premium solid dog ...

🌸🐾 Spring is in the air and so is our special offer! 🐾🌸

Get ready to pamper your furry friend with our premium solid dog shampoos, now at an unbeatable 33% discount! 🛁✨

🐶 Treat your pup to a luxurious bath experience with our gentle yet effective shampoo bars.
🌱 Made with natural ingredients, they’ll leave your dog’s coat soft, shiny, and smelling divine.
💰 Don’t miss out on this springtime deal – stock up now and save big on keeping your furry companion clean and fresh!

Hurry, offer ends soon! Click the link in our bio to shop now. 🐾🌷

Are you and your best friend ready for Spring? Here is an easy 3- step checklist to make sure you have the best and safe...

Are you and your best friend ready for Spring?
Here is an easy 3- step checklist to make sure you have the best and safest time this season with your doggo!

🐾 Happy Dog Fact Monday! 🐾 Did you know Basenjis are often called the “barkless dogs”? 🐕🤫 Unlike most dogs, they don’t b...

🐾 Happy Dog Fact Monday! 🐾 Did you know Basenjis are often called the “barkless dogs”? 🐕🤫 Unlike most dogs, they don’t bark but make a unique yodel-like sound called a “baroo.” 🎶 Basenjis are an ancient breed originating from Africa, where they were prized for their hunting skills and independence. 🌍 Despite being small to medium-sized dogs, they have a big personality and are known for their intelligence and curiosity! 🌟

Photo by .and.kongo.basenji

🐾 It’s Dog Fact Monday! 🐾 Did you know that Long-Haired Dachshunds have a fascinating history? Originally bred in German...

🐾 It’s Dog Fact Monday! 🐾 Did you know that Long-Haired Dachshunds have a fascinating history? Originally bred in Germany, they were prized for their ability to hunt badgers and other burrow-dwelling animals. Their long hair provided protection from the harsh elements underground! 🌟 Despite their small size, they’re courageous and determined hunters. Long-Haired Dachshunds may have a luxurious coat, but underneath it all, they’ve got the heart of a true warrior! 🐶💪

Photo by

Hey - hey- It’s almost Spring! Here is a sunny ‘Thank you’ from us to our Latvian followers, use code “PAVASARIS24” for ...

Hey - hey- It’s almost Spring! Here is a sunny ‘Thank you’ from us to our Latvian followers, use code “PAVASARIS24” for free shipping!
Photo by .thedoggo

Have you seen our latest Blog post? 🐶Mastering DIY Dog Grooming: A Complete Guide for Pet Owners

Have you seen our latest Blog post? 🐶
Mastering DIY Dog Grooming: A Complete Guide for Pet Owners

Mastering DIY Dog Grooming: A Complete Guide for Pet Owners As dog owners, we cherish the joy and companionship our furry friends bring into our lives. Part of caring for our canine companions involves regular grooming to keep them healthy, happy, and looking their best. In this guide, we'll explore...

🐾 Did you know? Pomeranians were originally larger sled dogs in the Arctic region! Over time, they were bred down to the...

🐾 Did you know? Pomeranians were originally larger sled dogs in the Arctic region! Over time, they were bred down to the smaller size we know today. Despite their diminutive stature, they’re full of s***k and personality. Stay tuned for more fascinating facts about these fluffy companions! 🐶✨
Photo by .pomeranian.puppy .

🐾 Lazy Sundays are for cuddles, treats, and all things cozy! Whether it’s lounging on the couch or enjoying a leisurely ...

🐾 Lazy Sundays are for cuddles, treats, and all things cozy! Whether it’s lounging on the couch or enjoying a leisurely stroll in the park, our furry friends know how to make the most of a lazy day. How are you and your pup spending this perfect lazy Sunday? Photo by .jrt .

🐾 Dog Fact Monday: Samoyeds, the Fluffy Marvels 🐾Did you know that Samoyeds, with their stunning white coats and perpetu...

🐾 Dog Fact Monday: Samoyeds, the Fluffy Marvels 🐾

Did you know that Samoyeds, with their stunning white coats and perpetual smiles, are more than just a pretty face? These Arctic beauties have some fascinating traits:

Fluffy Marvels: Samoyeds are renowned for their luxurious, double-layer coat. Not only does it provide insulation against cold temperatures, but it also gives them that iconic, cloud-like appearance.

Smile, It’s Samoyed Style: Their upturned mouths give the illusion of a perpetual smile. This isn’t just for show—Samoyeds are known for their friendly and gentle nature, making them excellent companions.

Sled-Pulling Heritage: Originating from Siberia, Samoyeds were bred by the nomadic Samoyedic people to assist with herding reindeer and pulling sleds. Their strength and endurance are part of their working heritage.

Versatile Vocalists: Samoyeds are known for their “talking” skills. They make a variety of vocalizations, from the infamous “Sammy talk” to barks, howls, and even “whispers” when they’re feeling a bit more reserved.

Social Butterflies: These fluffy pals thrive on companionship. Samoyeds are sociable and love being part of the family activities. They may even consider themselves lap dogs despite their size!

Share if you have a Samoyed or if you simply adore these fluffy marvels! 🐕❄️

It’s February ❤️ and of course there is no greater love then between a dog and its owner 🥰.

It’s February ❤️ and of course there is no greater love then between a dog and its owner 🥰.

It’s   🙌 Today we are learning more about   1️⃣ Black and white Corgis, also known as “black-headed” Corgis, are a color...

It’s 🙌 Today we are learning more about

1️⃣ Black and white Corgis, also known as “black-headed” Corgis, are a color variation of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed.
2️⃣Despite their striking appearance, black and white Corgis have the same playful and affectionate temperament as other Corgi color variations.
3️⃣The black and white coloring of these Corgis often creates a striking contrast, making them stand out in any crowd and earning them the nickname “panda Corgis” among enthusiasts.

Photo of ❤️

Sundays are pawfect for cozying up on the sofa after a relaxing day with your furry family members. Whether you’re enjoy...

Sundays are pawfect for cozying up on the sofa after a relaxing day with your furry family members. Whether you’re enjoying a leisurely stroll in the forest or simply unwinding at home, there’s nothing better than clean paws to make it even more enjoyable! Treat your pup to a refreshing bath with our solid dog shampoo bars and let them embrace the tranquility of Sundays.

Photo by ❤️



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