Hundred Acre Wood South

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Hundred Acre Wood South Hundred Acre Wood South is a real place where you may have to grow older, but you never have to grow up.

"Life is too important to take seriously" is our motto; furkids make life complete is our creed; & as Christ taught: "

😆 I've discovered over the years that it's best to just enjoy the entertainment they provide and not be bothered trying ...

😆 I've discovered over the years that it's best to just enjoy the entertainment they provide and not be bothered trying to figure out how they manage to pull off stuff like this. 🤣

We have long been accustomed to the fact that many cats do not like to listen to their owners and in every possible way deny the rules of the human world. But some furry ones do not stop there and decide not to even recognize the laws of physics! Cats manage to fold into incredible poses, ...

😿 As much as I'd like to rescue every little furry prodigal and homeless waif, HAWS is limited financially and labor-wis...

😿 As much as I'd like to rescue every little furry prodigal and homeless waif, HAWS is limited financially and labor-wise as to how many is too many to provide proper care physically, medically, and emotionally.

With six new rescues in April and Mizz Oreo unexpectedly squeezing out four precious babies last weekend, that point has been reached and I must hang out the sign for now.

To see additional updates, photos of the newest members of the tribe, and interactions and posts from people all around the world, come visit us at Hundred Acre Wood South Group and join in the fun. The "Visit Group" button at the top of the page will take you there instantly.

I'm sure it's just a complete coincidence that I stumbled across this after putting up four different bird feeders today...

I'm sure it's just a complete coincidence that I stumbled across this after putting up four different bird feeders today. 😲

For the most fun and best news about HAWS and animal rescue, click on the "Visit Group" button above and come join the d...

For the most fun and best news about HAWS and animal rescue, click on the "Visit Group" button above and come join the discussions there.

8-) My vision for Hundred Acre Wood South is constantly evolving. It has always included furkids and always will but its...

8-) My vision for Hundred Acre Wood South is constantly evolving. It has always included furkids and always will but its purpose is moving ever closer to being a sanctuary of sorts...mostly for cast off and differently-abled cats. It's not as though I've had an epiphany, but rather learned from others and the furkids themselves.

One very important thing I learned was from my older brother, Jim. He believes even strays and feral colony cats deserve a chance at life and some love from us hoomans. They end up returning it. I also learned the strong will and tenacity of cats from Tripod who spent thirteen years never caring or letting the fact that he only had three legs limit him. WaldoKat showed me how deep their love for others can be when he became BanditPup's "seeing eye cat" when he began to go blind. Watching him grieve for weeks after Bandit crossed the Rainbow Bridge also taught me love knows no bounds including species. HAWS will never look the other way if there is any way to rescue and rehome. That's why I took in the Hemingway Gang last October and Snaggletooth and Blanche two weeks ago.

That's why I'm so very happy to announce that HAWS has completed its first rehoming. Blanche was never totally happy about being an indoor-only cat and managed to escape twice in a week. I always found her two doors up where she was evidently comfortable and waiting for the previous couple to show back up. Since she had decided to live outdoors at will and had already made friends with the little boy, I spoke to the new neighbors and asked if they were willing to feed her and give her some loving. The mother just smiled and told me they had moved from a place where they had chickens and goats and her four-year-old son already knew how to care for animals...and had begged her to the max to "let the kitty stay." So Blanche is "back home" in a manner of speaking and has a couple of new friends that will love on her. That's all I can ask so it's a done deal. Success #1.

A few hours later another neighbor stopped by and asked if I had taken the black cat in. I said yes and that she was probably just days away from giving birth. She got all excited and made me promise to let her adopt one as a companion to her puppy. So it looks like Snag's first kid will have a new mommy and a best furbuddy too...and HAWS will have succeeded at saving another one in the process.

I can only hope and pray that this is the beginning of what will be an ongoing rescue & rehome project. I can't save them all but I will save the ones I can.

This is just a simple fact of life at Hundred Acre Wood South. 😸

This is just a simple fact of life at Hundred Acre Wood South. 😸

It looks like we made it official last night and took Blanche and Snaggletooth Dorothy into the HAWS tribe via their "Co...

It looks like we made it official last night and took Blanche and Snaggletooth Dorothy into the HAWS tribe via their "Collar Ceremony."

Both seem kind of proud of their new hot pink neckwear and are continuing to adapt in with the others.


Hundred Acre Wood South needs a parrot! 😂🤣

8-) There is far more truth to this than most people could ever comprehend.

8-) There is far more truth to this than most people could ever comprehend.

For more cute pics LIKE us at The Purrfect Feline Page


The ongoing construction projects at Hundred Acre Wood South continue and I'm pleased to announce the two latest success...

The ongoing construction projects at Hundred Acre Wood South continue and I'm pleased to announce the two latest successful ones. 🎉

In the first photo, we find Director of Yard Security, GrouchoBoss, heading for a quick cat nap in his new penthouse residence before his evening rounds with Chief Deputy EthelMutt begin. His new home features a Northern Exposure design and may well be the only feline-occupied igloo in Pensacola. With a large entry foyer and spacious living-sleeping combination room. the new home is much more comfortable than his previous ramshackle, storage-tub flop-house he had squatted in for months. The penthouse was a surprise fifth birthday present for Groucho at the end of January and is situated high atop the side-by-side duplex shared by Ethel and Fred. The Marcus Point Thrift Store was the general contractor for this project. (yeah, I need to stay out of thrift stores too!)

In the second picture, we find why KatDaddy KennyPooh should not be allowed to stop at garage sales. Yesterday, he ran across this giant three-story prefab unit for the bargain price of $8 and decided immediately he could "find SOMEplace" in the Tin Can where it would fit. This new Kitty Kondo offers room for six or seven of the residents to claim as housing at the same time...although all twelve indoor-only members of the clan can fit with some creative cuddling. Pudge, Rosie, and Mika were the first ones to check out the new digs and by the end of the evening, every member of the zoo had made visits and gave it their individual cheek-rub seal of approval. It is temporarily located on their feeding table but will most likely end up as part of their outdoor Catio when KatDaddy gets around to building that this summer.

Now I just have to figure out what to do with the log cabin dog house I found while out curb crawling last week. Maybe if Groucho will allow a couple of the neighborhood ferals to share yard security duties in exchange for outdoor housing and food? Hmmm. 🤔

😑 I'm up extra early and trying to totally caffeinate myself so I can cope with the last regular Vet Road Trip of the ye...

😑 I'm up extra early and trying to totally caffeinate myself so I can cope with the last regular Vet Road Trip of the year for the feline portion of the zoo here at Hundred Acre Wood South. I'm still trying to figure out why I decided an 8am appointment made sense to me??😴??

Today's tour group consists of eight-year-old sisters Pudge and Spaz (neither of which have any love for cat carriers and even less love for strangers with needles and thermometers), and the five-year-old twin mini panther brothers Amos and Andy (those two will probably consider this as a fun day out exploring with KatDaddy)

I already have the "forgive me" part of the plan figured out though. I snagged ten, twelve-ounce packages of Oscar Meyer turkey bacon the other day for 50¢ a package and from the nearly spastic reception the first pieces I cooked up for the furkids received means all four of them will quickly forget anything that happened at the vet and the massive trauma of being caged up for a big chunk of the morning. It's my Grandma Heinzeroth's old-world German philosophy of "Food cures ALL ills" coming through. 😁

Now if they will just behave *AT* the vet and I'll be happy.

With three Mini-Panthers plus the Tuxedo, Queen Mother Tabby and her three Tabby kids, two Maine C***s, a pair of identi...

With three Mini-Panthers plus the Tuxedo, Queen Mother Tabby and her three Tabby kids, two Maine C***s, a pair of identical twin Garfields and their identical twin sisters Calicos...this is a regular event at Hundred Acre Wood South.

Poor Fred & Ethel probably need counseling at this point. 😂🤣

🧐  You never know what you might find at Hundred Acre Wood South

🧐 You never know what you might find at Hundred Acre Wood South

I was asked on my personal page to go through the unique names the residents of Hundred Acre Wood South have, so I figur...

I was asked on my personal page to go through the unique names the residents of Hundred Acre Wood South have, so I figured I'd post it here too. Enjoy! 8-)

I'll start with the overgrown puppies: Fred and Ethel are the Lab mixes and named as a nod to the original "I Love Lucy" shows I grew up with. Ethel turns seven in March and Fred will be eight in July.

The cats in order of age are:...

Queen Cleopatra will be thirteen April 1st. (her brother I rescued at the same time was called Antony)

Her three oldest kidlets just turned eight and being almost identical tabbies were originally called Larry, Darrel, and Daryl (I assume you can figure that one out) but after Larry died a couple of years ago, the nicknames of Pudge and Spaz took over and that's what they now answer to.

Cleopatra's last accidental litter in 2015 consisted of three tabbies and two mini-panthers. (Cleopatra was a slt and that litter involved two different Daddies) The tabbies were tagged with Groucho, Harpo, and Zeppo. I lost Harpo and Zeppo to FIV before they turned three but Groucho is still well, kicking butt as the yard boss, and will turn five in three weeks. I went totally non-politically correct and named the mini-panthers Amos and Andy. 😁

The other mini-panther was a one-year-old yard sale rescue in mid-2015. Since he was a big talker right off the bat, I again went non-PC and tagged him with Willis because I kept looking at him and saying: "Whatchya talkin' 'bout now, Willis?" With Little Ricky being a tuxedo, about a year-and-a-half younger than Willis, and both of them constantly getting into trouble together...I'm seriously thinking of switching his name over to Arnold so I have both 'Different Strokes" actors covered. 😁

Mika is my Maine C**n tabby and will be four next month. He was turned into the Pensacola Humane Society when he was only ten or twelve weeks old after being found wandering in a street with no mother or siblings around. I immediately staked claim to him but he had to stay with them for another six weeks or so until a leg injury and lung infection healed and they could neuter and chip him. His name was chosen as it means "Little Racoon" in the Osage-Lakota Sioux languages and honors his heritage of being the only cat breed that is truly native to North American.

Then there are the latest additions of The Hemingway Gang who turn six months old today. The three that are true Hemingway Polydactyl Cats...Jake, Pedro, and Georgette...are named for characters in Hemingway's novel "The Sun Also Rises." The "normal toed" fourth kitten became the thirteenth cat at Hundred Acre Wood South which made her the "Baker's Dozen" she got named Rosie in honor of Neal "Brownie's" Brown's sister, Rose, who took care of customers at the bakery for decades and just passed away last year.

The grand opening of the first multi-story Kitty Kondo Towers at HAWS attracted much attention today. A number of curren...

The grand opening of the first multi-story Kitty Kondo Towers at HAWS attracted much attention today. A number of current residents took a tour of the units as they considered upgrading from their current smaller spaces.

In the first photo, we find Miss Georgette, Jake, and Pedro...three of the newest members of HAWS...checking out the spacious single nap room units and the rooftop sundeck. The second one caught a mixture of new and long-term residents...Mika, Jake, Rosie, and Amos...looking over the new building. Amos was quoted as saying: "I'm one of the biggest cats here at Hundred Acre Wood South and even *I* can state, I fits so I sits!" about these new units.

Kat Daddy, Kennypooh, wants to thank the management of the Michigan Avenue Dollar General who was responsible for the new kitty kondo tower even though they weren't able to explain why Planter's Peanuts signs were adorning each floor.

🤓 Just another one of those things that the Winnie the Pooh stories can teach us at any age. For those of us that have b...

🤓 Just another one of those things that the Winnie the Pooh stories can teach us at any age. For those of us that have been Eeyore at some point in our life, we pray more people will learn this one.

It occurred to Pooh and Piglet that they hadn't heard from Eeyore for several days, so they put on their hats and coats and trotted across the Hundred Acre Wood to Eeyore's stick house. Inside the house was Eeyore.

"Hello Eeyore," said Pooh.

"Hello Pooh. Hello Piglet," said Eeyore, in a Glum Sounding Voice.

"We just thought we'd check in on you," said Piglet, "because we hadn't heard from you, and so we wanted to know if you were okay."

Eeyore was silent for a moment. "Am I okay?" he asked, eventually. "Well, I don't know, to be honest. Are any of us really okay? That's what I ask myself. All I can tell you, Pooh and Piglet, is that right now I feel really rather Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. Which is why I haven't bothered you. Because you wouldn't want to waste your time hanging out with someone who is Sad, and Alone, and Not Much Fun To Be Around At All, would you now."

Pooh looked at Piglet, and Piglet looked at Pooh, and they both sat down, one on either side of Eeyore in his stick house.

Eeyore looked at them in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"We're sitting here with you," said Pooh, "because we are your friends. And true friends don't care if someone is feeling Sad, or Alone, or Not Much Fun To Be Around At All. True friends are there for you anyway. And so here we are."

"Oh," said Eeyore. "Oh." And the three of them sat there in silence, and while Pooh and Piglet said nothing at all; somehow, almost imperceptibly, Eeyore started to feel a very tiny little bit better.

Because Pooh and Piglet were There.

No more; no less.

(A.A. Milne, E.H. Shepard)

This is National Su***de Prevention Week.

The guiding principle at Hundred Acre Wood South is that animals complete your life along with teaching you the two most...

The guiding principle at Hundred Acre Wood South is that animals complete your life along with teaching you the two most important lessons of how to live life...

God gave us dogs so we could understand what He meant by loving others unconditionally.

Then He gave us cats so we could comprehend His idea of serving others.

If we can finish the journey by having achieved those two things, then we should hear: 'Well done my good and faithful servant." 😎

This ain't your grandma's Pooh...😁🤣😎

This ain't your grandma's Pooh...


What the Winnie the Pooh stories can teach us about life, others, and ourselves.

What the Winnie the Pooh stories can teach us about life, others, and ourselves.

It's time to take a journey through the Hundred Acre Woods with our favorite bear, Winnie the Pooh. Each Character Represents a Different Mental Disorder A tongue-in-cheek report by the Canadian Medical Association sparked a widely-shared theory that each Winnie the Pooh character symbolizes a certa...


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This place is all about fun, friendship, & furkids.
All are welcome.




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