2nd Bridleless Session w/ Red
Goofing around with Red bridleless for the 2nd time yesterday! 😍😍
Looks like she’s got a real aptitude for it so we are gonna work on it some more and see what we can accomplish, it’s definitely a great (and adorable) credential for her to add to her resume!
Red is so feely, works of the leg and stops off the seat like a champ so with a little practice I think she could be a star at this too! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
First mount for Lady! 🥰
Few days late to post but thanks to Charmaine I was able to capture Lady’s very first full mount!
If you prepare them properly this is exactly what it can look like; no freak out, no pressure, no stress and just an easy next step into their riding career!
I absolutely adore this horse and her mind, stay tuned for more from this one! 😍😍
Sorry for the youngster spam but just had to share this video! 📸
I made this trail last spring with the intent of keeping it as “wild” as possible… lots of tight turns, tree squeezes, logs to step over and sections along a creek and cliff drop off… once the young and/or green horses are ready I love bringing them through here to build confidence and expose them to the technicalities of trail riding!
If these two can do it at 2 & 3 years old, with mere weeks of riding, imagine what they will be capable of in the months/years to come! Taking young and green horses out for riding like this is so over looked.. this is exactly how horses build the skills and decision making abilities to be safe and reliable partners… plus we all have fun doing it! 😍😍
Teeka & Zack’s first ride!
Eek! Super proud moment! 🤩😍
Teeka, who has just over a month of riding let Zack take her for a spin tonight… and at dusk to boot! 🌅
She was a bit unsure at first but quickly settled in to her signature big walk and off they went! So amazing to see the changes in this horse and to let someone else enjoy her kind and willing mind for the first time… so proud of both of them!
Stay tuned for more Teeka updates as she gets to complete 2 more months of riding with me… I can’t wait to see what else she will accomplish!
Jay J’s First Ride ⭐️
Super meh clip but Jay J had her first ride today! ❤️
This sensitive girl has been making me work for it but I’m so proud of her!! Stay tuned for more to come on this gorgeous youngster! 🤩🤩