Unexpectedly nice In the yard 1.10 evening Zarka's 56th day after the first knitting I made plans on the 58th day to take her to x-ray, to find out the number of puppies She sleeps peacefully and did not herald any childbirth (did not dig, did not breathe) But I was confused by one moment ,she didn't go out to hand out sweets so I thought it was still too early for delivery, I observe Cutting Meat on Zara lies in a mink It takes a while, I approach the mink, and there The puppy sticks were out, the head is still in, with the mink we go to our bedroom the other I got a baby, the first was born, the smallest and the redest boy, 100 grams. I also helped the other babies to be born But, unfortunately, there are losses during childbirth we did not save the 5th puppy 😔... It was a consolation for me that Zara gave birth herself last time there was a caesarean section, this time she managed. The other children were healthy, strong and unexpectedly for me a cream was born in this litter (my nursery was soaked with cream) although I was waiting for all ginger. For the first time in my nursery a colored puppy
was born, blue-pale very it will be interesting to watch him) So, we have a football team
pale, cream, blue-pale The type of wool is still unknown, but there will be dsh and ksh From this litter of the guy I will keep V field bonding, pedigree of children is very interesting am a now e with peace of mind we can receive congratulations to Zara she did it!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍