Seil - International Cat of Mystery

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Seil - International Cat of Mystery Seil - a kitty proving that a disability can be a blessing as much as a drawback.

Many thanks to her rescuers

Tabuk Paws Voluntary Animal Welfare Network

Seil: I’ve got the humans particularly well trained this week. I know I can’t always climb onto the sofas so now they wi...

Seil: I’ve got the humans particularly well trained this week. I know I can’t always climb onto the sofas so now they will simply drop one of my blankies onto the floor & I will drag it to wherever I want to curl up. The lounge can look like one big trip hazard with blankets everywhere. No blankies, no problem – I will just help myself to the Mummy’s jacket (as today’s picture of me shows). If I do get onto the sofa there is nothing better than snuggling up with the humans. The Daddy tried to take some pictures of me curled up on my mostest, favouritest blankie but failed. You see, the Mummy bought it to match me & the colour is a purrfect match for my fur so all you get is a shot of ginger &, if you’re lucky, a small smudge of pink (which is my nose!). One good thing about this is that the blankie serves as great camouflage & allows me to hide when the Mummy says it is time for my bath.

Polly: Lots of snow during the week & most of the kitties here went into hibernation mode - but not me. I sat on the lounge windowsill watching the white stuff fall from the sky. Don’t forget, I’m originally from Saudi Arabia & more used to sand than snow. There wasn’t much snow this time last year so it didn’t capture my imagination but this time was different & I was intrigued by it. On Thursday evening I was allowed in the back garden before having my shower & I got to play in the snow. Rolling in it was just the greatest thing ever. It didn’t matter that it was cold, I was having the time of my life. Now how about some skiing or snow boarding?

Moon: After showering, the Mummy heads off to the bedroom whilst the Daddy remains in the lounge a little longer (this way they can each watch what they prefer on the TV). The Mummy’s routine once all of us kitties are in our allocated rooms for sleeping is to come in the lounge & kiss us (that’s Maui, Gus, Alfie, Bobby &, of course, me) “good night”. We must have two big kisses each before allowing the Mummy to go to bed. My two kisses act as a trigger. No matter where I am curled up in the lounge I then go & curl up on the Daddy & we have lots of kisses & cuddles. Much as he tries to get me to do this earlier in the night it simply does not work. No Mummy kisses, nothing else happens. Rather strange behaviour but it is all part of what makes me who I am – the Moon Child!

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

Seil: Do my ears deceive me? Is there an echo? Throughout the week “Seil, good girl” has been on my humans’ lips. It cer...

Seil: Do my ears deceive me? Is there an echo? Throughout the week “Seil, good girl” has been on my humans’ lips. It certainly makes a change from being told off for all the mischief I get up to. Curling up on the sofa, I purrformed my very best lioness impurrsonation & I looked so adorable (the Mummy’s words, not mine, I hasten to add). The humans started to call me Elsa after the lioness in the book & film “Born Free”. Apparently that was the name the Mummy had planned for me when I arrived here but she respected the wishes that accompanied me from Saudi Arabia that my name should remain as “Seil” (which translates, we think, as "Torrent" which does kind of sum me up!). So – a compromise. From now on I am officially Seil Elsa Anderson. Can you hear me roar?! MOL.

Polly: The Mummy had a really good idea this week but sadly it just didn’t work out. After showering Seil & myself (usually during the evening) we are then towelled dry & placed in front of the fire to dry off. The Mummy thought that using a hair drier on us might sp*ed things up but she knew we did not like the noise made by the one she uses on herself. Looking on a well known selling site (you know the one, it has both “a” & “z” in it!) she found a pet friendly hair drier labelled as being quiet. It arrived yesterday but other than having an extra long power lead it was essentially nothing more than a human hair drier & just as noisy. So it will be returned when the Post Office opens in the morning. Oh well, its the thought that counts & a good idea while it lasted.

Moon: After showering, the Mummy heads off to the bedroom whilst the Daddy remains in the lounge a little longer (this way they can each watch what they prefer on the TV). The Mummy’s routine once all of us kitties are in our allocated rooms for sleeping is to come in the lounge & kiss us (that’s Maui, Gus, Alfie, Bobby &, of course, me) “good night”. We must have two big kisses each before allowing the Mummy to go to bed. My two kisses act as a trigger. No matter where I am curled up in the lounge I then go & curl up on the Daddy & we have lots of kisses & cuddles. Much as he tries to get me to do this earlier in the night it simply does not work. No Mummy kisses, nothing else happens. Rather strange behaviour but it is all part of what makes me who I am – the Moon Child!

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###


You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.

What with all the excitement of first Christmas & then New Year would you believe that we almost forgot that January 1st...

What with all the excitement of first Christmas & then New Year would you believe that we almost forgot that January 1st. is also when we celebrate our birthdays? You see, with us being rescue kitties no-one knows when our actual birthdays happened & we needed a date to be included on our kitty passports when we flew from Saudi Arabia to England to our furever homes so 1st. January was chosen to make things simple. So on Monday we celebrated & partied because our humans did not let us down – they had our birthdays clearly marked on the calendar. Now Seil & Moon are two years old & Polly is three years old. The humans made sure that every kitty in the house had a sachet of everypawdy’s mostest favouritist salmon kitty nums. Somehow Seil got extra but that’s really not a surprise! The humans joined the party but they had rump steak with peppercorn sauce, jacket potato with coleslaw, beer-battered onion rings, petit pois & grilled tomato. They saved some steak specially for the three of us which we had for breakfast on Tuesday. The Daddy added an egg (it helps make our coats shine) so we felt very American having steak & eggs for breakfast. We were taken aback that some of you had actually remembered our birthdays so a big thank you for the good wishes you sent us. Now what mischief can we get up to?

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

Happy New Year from the three of us! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? For two of us – Seil & Polly – our resolu...

Happy New Year from the three of us! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? For two of us – Seil & Polly – our resolution is that we will endeavour to have less baths & showers this year, difficult as we wear nappies but we live in hope. The way the Mummy pours water over us you would think we are Turkish Vans, the swimming kitties! Moon’s resolution is to break the kitty 100 metre world record. She must already be close to it – you should see how fast she comes along the back garden path when called in. She – or, rather, Ollie ( Cat - Red 1) - had a bit of an accident this morning. You see, Moon was in such a rush to come in through the patio doors that she didn’t see Ollie in time & sent him flying. Well we think we can guarantee that there will be lots of adventures for us to share with you in the year ahead so buckle up & enjoy the ride.

Oh yes, we have had to put up with the Daddy's New Year joke for the last 24 hours! It was actually his late grandmother's joke. If you go out on December 31st. you'll see a man (or woman, or kitty) with as many noses as there are days in the year! Its OK, you're allowed to groan.

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon

Seil: Happy Christmas everypawdy. I hope you have a great day. As you can see, Santa Paws visited while we were all fast...

Seil: Happy Christmas everypawdy. I hope you have a great day. As you can see, Santa Paws visited while we were all fast asleep & we woke up this morning to find that he had filled all our stockings with goodies - nums, treats & toys. I was determined to stay awake to see Santa Paws but when the Mummy gave me my special Christmas Eve bedtime hot chocolate she added a tot of brandy to ensure I was soon fast asleep. (Ed. Before anyone complains, the reality is that Seil’s “hot chocolate” is a bowl of cold water but every night she has “extras” in the chocolate). I must thank the Daddy for educating me this week. You see, I have been sitting on the windowsill gazing longingly at the tree in the front garden & watching out for any birdies in it. I was very upset that I could not see a partridge but the Daddy explained that it is a laburnum tree, not a pear tree, so now it makes sense.

Polly: Happy Christmas! Did you know that once the Mummy has bathed or showered me she then wraps me up tightly in a towel? She now has a name for me when this happens – she calls me her Kitty Burrito. I ask you? We have a pre-Christmas CATastrophe – although the very expensive shower had major repairs only a few months ago it has broken again & the repair man is not coming until January 4th. The Mummy is not happy & we are having to be bathed instead of showered which means we get even wetter than usual. Anyway please excuse me, it is time to open my Christmas stocking. I shall then burrow into it & take it for a walk with me around the house.

Moon: Wishing you all a very happy Christmas. I stayed up late last night (Christmas Eve) with the Daddy & we sat in front of his ’puter using the NORAD Santa tracker, following Santa’s progress from country to country on his sleigh pulled by the reindeer. I could not keep my eyes open so I actually missed his arrival here but I knew he had been as there was an empty glass & the crumbs from a mince pie. Oh yes, there was also a partially eaten carrot which I think Rudolph had snacked on. Plus our stockings had also been filled. What a great time of the year.

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

Seil: Apparently every year at this time a local charity brings Santa Paws round all the roads & streets in the town & i...

Seil: Apparently every year at this time a local charity brings Santa Paws round all the roads & streets in the town & it happened during the week. The Daddy allowed me outside into the front garden (Ed. The Daddy held her in his arms so she couldn’t wander off!). It was really exciting. I waved to Santa & he waved back at me & the Daddy put some money in the charity collecting box. The Daddy apologises for the picture quality – he says it is hard to use the camera with a kitty in his arms. I had to do lots of sucking up t the Daddy as I am in the Mummy’s bad books. She said I needed to spend time in my pen without my nappy on as my “lady bits” were red & sore. Unfortunately I did lots of p**ping in the pen & the Mummy was seemingly cleaning it out forever. (Ed. It is OK, Seil, the Mummy didn’t stay mad for long).

Polly: Determined not to be outdone by my sisfur Seil I too have been busy p**ping this week. The Mummy has hardly had time to herself as she has been so busy washing me & cleaning me up. I was so happy that I would then snuggle up & purr loudly.

Moon: Hey girls, too much p**p talk or is the idea that we get it said & done this week so that we can now enjoy the build-up to Christmas? Last year it was all very strange to us after our previous lives in Saidi Arabia but this time we are really looking forward to everything & the excitement is mounting.

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

Seil: The Christmas tree & all the decorations went up today. Last year it was all a bit too much for me to take in as i...

Seil: The Christmas tree & all the decorations went up today. Last year it was all a bit too much for me to take in as it was my first Christmas here in England. This year it is much more interesting & I’m already loving the sparkling lights on the tree. The Daddy has even given me my very own golden snowflake decoration to hang in my pen. You may be able to spot it in the picture. The humans like to have something different for Christmas dinner. Last year it was lobster & this year they are having salmon en croute (prepared by our big sisfur, the chef Mary Grace the Christmas cat) but I happen to know that as a treat the Daddy has organised for us kitties to have roast turkey. Yes, we really are well looked after here!

Polly: The big question today is this – how long will it take until someone – me! - manages to knock over the Christmas tree? I am really enjoying all the decorations & my excitement is building as the 25th. gets ever closer. As you saw last week, we have all written to Santa Paws so hopefully we will wake up on Christmas Day to find our stockings filled with goodies.

Moon: Lots of decorations have appeared today, the house looks lovely & really festive but how do I negotiate my way around them? Soft toy moose (Hal & Holly) are on top of the sideboard along with Rodney the Raccoon. This is fine but they have taken over my favourite spot. I also like to walk along the mantelpiece but it now has a festive garland made of pine cones & there are also candles. Whatever is a kitty to do? I know. I shall try to climb up the Christmas tree. What do you mean - “Bad kitty – get down!”? This is so much fun.

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

DEAR SANTA PAWS, LOVE SEIL, POLLY & MOON. Dear Santa Paws, this time last year was a complete mystery to us being our fi...


Dear Santa Paws, this time last year was a complete mystery to us being our first Christmas here in the U.K. Everything was strange. Mostly it was the snow instead of the Saudi Arabian sand we had grown up with. A tree in the middle of the lounge. A tree we were not allowed to p*e against or sharpen our claws on. Special food. Yes, even more special than our daily nums. Then there were the individual stockings filled with nums, edible treats & toys &, so we were told, all thanks to you, Santa Paws, & our reward for being good kitties. We’d like to think we have been equally good this year. Of course we have “had our moments” (to quote our humans) but we really have tried very hard. With our disabilities we know that two of us – Seil & Polly – cannot always control where or when we p*e & poo but we do our best. As for Moon, she does like to escape into the front garden & whilst this causes our humans to panic she never goes far & always comes back home. We are happy no matter what gifts we shall find in our stockings although the Mummy says we could do with some new towels for when it is our bathtime. Oh yes, if you could send us some warmer weather now that really would make us very happy.

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

P.S. We still have two 2024 calendars available. PM us for details if interested. Thank mew.


The face of a cat who's watched everyone get picked, except her. 💔

Misty's a sweet natured girl who's been waiting patiently in our care for 226 days. Now time is running out to find her a home in time for Christmas. Could you turn her luck around this ? Meet her 👉


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A heartfelt reminder to stay vigilant: before setting out on your winter journey, take a moment to tenderly inspect beneath your car's hood, softly honk the horn, and compassionately observe the surroundings of your vehicle. A living being may seek warmth under the hood, near your tires, or inside your bumper, and initiating the car or driving away could result in profound harm or even the loss of a precious life. Your sincere and watchful care is deeply appreciated. 😢 😢

Seil: What do my humans mean, that I am worse than Niagara Falls? Let me explain. On Friday, the Daddy was holding me as...

Seil: What do my humans mean, that I am worse than Niagara Falls? Let me explain. On Friday, the Daddy was holding me as the Mummy put my nappy (that’s a diaper if you’re American!) on when without any warning I p*ed. This hot yellow liquid arced into the air, spurting forth like a geyser. Fortunately, just as this happened, the Mummy happened to take a step to her left which meant she was clear of it. Whilst she had the madz anyway I think the madz would have been much worse had I p*ed on her & her new slippers. She threatened to swap my bedtime hot chocolate (see my post of 12th. to make sense of this!) for cold water. Oh, the cruelty of this woman! MOL!!

Polly: During the week I escaped early one morning into the back garden. No major panic as it is kitty proofed but the humans couldn’t find me & the garden was not top of their search list. When I eventually reappeared I found it hard to understand what all the fuss was about. Did you know that if the Mummy isn’t brushing us then she is showering us? At least that’s what she does with Seil & myself. She steals our furz & then she drownz us! Bad Mummy, MOL. OK, the truth is that she keeps us hygienically clean & helps us do what we cannot do for ourselves but life would be boring if we didn’t have a bit of fun with her & winding her up really is such great fun.

Moon: The late night routine here has taken a new turn. First of all we are sent off to our assigned bedrooms which for me means that I get to stay in the lounge. The Mummy goes for a shower & the Daddy stretches out on the sofa to watch the TV. I am on the top of the kitty tower. Before she heads off to the bedroom, the Mummy comes into the lounge to wish us “goodnight” (that’s Gus, Alfie, Seil, Bobby & me). Two rounds of kisses are required. This acts as a signal to me & I jump down making a chirping sound & then throw myself, full-length, on top of the Daddy where I have snuggles. This new aspect of my routine has the humans baffled. It seems that the Mummy’s kisses trigger this. My thought is that they should not think too hard about it. After all, it makes us all happy so let’s not worry about it.

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

2024 CALENDARS. We have 4 – possibly even 5 – calendars still available for sale. Before going to print we asked for any...

2024 CALENDARS. We have 4 – possibly even 5 – calendars still available for sale. Before going to print we asked for anyone interested to let us know so that a realistic print run could be placed. It is quite upsetting how many people who said “yes” have now seemingly been abducted by aliens. What other reason could there be for them not replying to our numerous PMs? If you said that you wanted one & then changed your mind – for whatever reason – do please do us the courtesy of letting us know. We don’t bite. (Well, not much & Flower may hiss just a little). There is not much – if any – profit in producing these calendars & they are printed mainly for a bit of fun, to put a smile on folks’ faces, but we did not expect to be facing a loss. If you would like one – either for yourself, as a Christmas gift for a friend, or even as a Secret Santa (yes, we do have some followers who would dearly love a calendar but simply cannot afford one) - then please PM us as soon as possible so we can ensure Christmas delivery. We will ship worldwide.

(N.B. This is NOT the Frosty USA calendar but one featuring the Anderson Kitty Furamily in the U.K.).

Lubz & hugz, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

Seil: Whilst the Mummy was out on Friday, the Daddy lost me! Now don’t panic as I’m obviously back now – not that I actu...

Seil: Whilst the Mummy was out on Friday, the Daddy lost me! Now don’t panic as I’m obviously back now – not that I actually went anywhere in the first place. He looked in all the obvious & usual hiding places, even pulling out the sofas to look not only underneath them but actually into the padding/stuffing material. Yes, he really does know all my hiding places. The back garden was checked in the pouring rain. Did he really think I would go out & get my fur wet? Even top drawers & shelves in cupboards & wardrobes – places most disabled cats would never be able to reach – were checked as the Daddy knows how inventive & persistent I can be. Panic was setting in as he searched the neighbours’ gardens. Had I decided that the grass was greener on this side of the house? Exhausted, the Daddy collapsed on the sofa. He sat on me. Now as well as a cover on the sofa to protect it from kitty claws there is also a big fluffy throw for us to snuggle into. I had actually sneaked under both of these & was fast asleep, all warm & snuggly. I had gone into squashed kitty mode, lying so flat that I could not be spotted. I ask you – what on earth was all the fuss about? All I had done was to make myself comfortable.

Polly: As you can read here today, my sisfurs have been naughty or at least relatively so this week. At least I can report that I have been a good girl. I have been particularly loving & snuggly all week, choosing to curl up on the sofa or in the Mummy’s recliner chair. I have really craved the humans’ attention, preferring to lie either on them or alongside them. Once or twice I even tried to avoid being sent off to bed at kitty bedtime, hoping instead to stay up until the Daddy went to bed although the Mummy did tempt me by putting on a kitty TV channel in the bedroom. I did work out that once the Mummy has gone to bed & the Daddy has sneaky treats then I also get sneaky treats although I’m not sure if this is because he loves me or if he is simply buying my silence. Either way, I’m not complaining.

Moon: Two of my brofurs woke the Daddy early this morning as they wanted to go outdoors. Now these are part of the trusted group who are not confined to the kitty-proofed back garden but who can wander as they please at the front. Choosing to go back to bed, the Daddy awoke an hour or so later to discover that the door to the kitchen was open & a kitty roll call was necessary. Thankfully newbie Tilly was still fast asleep in the bedroom & both Evie & Suki were just sitting in the kitchen. Only one missing kitty. Yes, you’re right – it was me. I was having great fun running from the garage door the full length of the driveway, across the front lawn & into the neighbours’ gardens. Kitty treats – lots of kitty treats – were needed & eventually I came in with a full tummy & ready to curl up & sleep. The Daddy says I am grounded. That’s what he thinks. I’ll stay in for now. Until the next time that is. MOL. (Ed On the positive side & in fairness to her, Moon didn’t go far & was always safe & in sight).

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

Seil: Now that the cold weather & dark nights are here I am allowed to sit in front of the fire after my nightly bath or...

Seil: Now that the cold weather & dark nights are here I am allowed to sit in front of the fire after my nightly bath or shower. A lovely surprise this week was that a new mat was bought for me to sit on. It is smaller than its predecessor but has a thicker pile & is super snuggly. I must share with you my concerns about the Mummy. Each night as she puts me to bed she presents me with a bowl of hot chocolate. The only problem is that it is neither hot nor chocolate. It is simply a bowl of cold water. Now please don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate having a bowl of cold water but is she kidding me or herself? Hmm at least the Mummy thinks it is funny even if I don’t. What do you think?

Polly: The reorganising of the furniture has been quite something. The dining table is now in the lounge & the two-seater sofa has gone in the opposite direction into the dining room. Previously the table was used purely for kitty beds & a preferred sleeping space for The Marklets. Now the humans can sit & eat in comfort & peace. Not only does the old dining room now look more inviting it is also even better for my fellow kitties at bedtime. During the day, however, it is MY room. Yes, I have taken it over & henceforth it shall be called Polly’s Day Room! The Daddy has also been able to wire up his expensive & complicated sound system so I can watch Kitty TV in Super HD with surround sound. Now I just have to master the TV remote. Stretched out full length on the sofa I have made it clear that, whilst I will share with my brofurs & sisfurs, my needs come first.

Moon: Thankfully last weekend’s Guy Fawkes celebrations & fireworks went off pretty well round here with little or no bother to any of us kitties. Without being a killjoy I can say that the heavy rain on Caturday night curtailed many events & then on Sunday the main local event was an organised one at the Show Ground, the far end of the town to where we live. Just a few muffled bangs in the distance although I did enjoy sitting on the windowsill viewing the pretty patterns the fireworks created in the sky. For me this has been a quite unremarkable week although I’m sure I’ll make up for this in the week ahead. Watch this space! MOL!!

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

Seil: Oh dear, I seem to be in trouble! (Ed. No “oh dear” or “seem” about it, Seil, you really are in trouble).  You see...

Seil: Oh dear, I seem to be in trouble! (Ed. No “oh dear” or “seem” about it, Seil, you really are in trouble). You see, the humans went out yesterday afternoon & we were left alone. I was placed in my pen. Just as the Daddy was preparing tea, the Mummy realised that my pen was empty & I was under her chair. You need to understand that when I p**p in my nappy I try to do the sensible thing & take it off. I had somehow (once again) succeeded in opening the pen even though the handle is on the outside. I had trailed p**p in the lounge so it was into the bath for me & shower time. After being towelled dry I am left for a short time in the pen (cleaned by the Daddy whilst the Mummy showered me) until I am fully dry. Then the Daddy holds me as the Mummy puts my nappy on which signals freedom time for me to run all around the house. I was in a bad mood (Ed. That’s an understatement!) at having been left & scratched the Mummy. I also bit the Daddy. They chose to leave me in my pen until I was sufficiently contrite to apologise. This took some time although I was eventually let out & snuggled up in my soft blankies on the sofa. I think I need to keep a low profile today.

Polly: The Daddy is always the first one up on a morning & as soon as I hear him in the kitchen I scratch & miaow until I, too, can come out of the bedroom so I wake up the Mummy, usually to her annoyance although she often blames the Daddy for being noisy. These last few days, however, I am not only awake first but I then wake up the Daddy. There are adventures to be had, nums to be eaten, snuggly blankies to discover – why would anypawdy want to stay in bed? What adventures – if any – do you have planned for today? I forgot to say that yesterday I knocked the Daddy’s phone off the coffee table & it cracked the screen in three places but thankfully it has a screen protector added so the glass has held together, at least for now. Amazingly, the Daddy didn’t tell me off, not even calling me a “bad kitty”.

Moon: Don’t I just love it when my sisfurs from Saudi Arabia are naughty?! When we all first arrived here to our new furever home they got all the “oohs” & “aarhs” & all the sympathy. It was only because they were disabled & had to wear nappies. I was labelled the mischievous one, the naughty one. As time has gone by, our humans have come to realise that Seil & Polly are just as naughty as any other kitty. Whilst I am still my own inimitable self at least I can now fly under the radar & my naughtiness often goes without a telling off. I was even allowed to go out on Hallow’een to purrform “trick or treat” with my vampuss teeth making me a prime candidate to appear as Dracula. (Ed. Don’t worry, Moon never left the back garden which is kitty-proofed & all her treats were supplied by her humans).

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

A message to one of our furiends. "Dear Georgina Bradford please scroll down to our earlier post about the 2024 calendar...

A message to one of our furiends. "Dear Georgina Bradford please scroll down to our earlier post about the 2024 calendars. They are ready for mailing so do please let us have payment & your mailing address details. Lubz & purrs, Seil, Polly & Moon".

Seil: OMG – it goes from bad to worse. What on earth is a kitty to do? As if being named as the Golden Salamander by the...

Seil: OMG – it goes from bad to worse. What on earth is a kitty to do? As if being named as the Golden Salamander by the Daddy last week wasn’t strange enough now the Mummy has joined in. I guess it must be contagious amongst you humans. When I have my “lady bits” cleaned & my nappy put on I get quite angry & have been known to bite the Mummy’s hand (Ed. Thankfully no real or lasting damage). She calls this temper tantrum a “snarkle”. Now she has come up with a little ditty all of her own & tells me I should “sparkle not snarkle”. Whatever next? I can see her writing scripts for TV adverts. “Sparkle not snarkle”. I ask you! Really?

Polly: The humans playfully call me “Polly Wolly Doodle” after the old but well-known song. Sometimes this is shortened to just “Wolly Doodle” which I really don’t mind but this week the Daddy’s brain was working faster than his mouth (or should that be the other way round? I’m really not sure) & I was called “Poodle”. No, no, no. I am a cat. Most definitely a kitty. I am NOT a poodle. Apology required please. MOL.

Moon: My eye owie cleared up thanks to the Mummy’s ministrations. Whilst that is good it meant I missed out on a trip to the vettie (no bad thing) but I also missed out on a nums treat afterwards (a really bad thing). Don’t worry. I am keeping a record & am sure treats will eventually appear. Anyhow, I know where the treats tin is kept so if all else fails then I shall simply resort to self-service. The humans will have to be fast to catch me.

IMPORTANT NEWS UPDATE. Permanent resident or lodger? We shall have to wait & see but a new kitty has arrived. She turned up on Friday night. She is at least a ¾ ragdoll. The Mummy describes her colouring as being cream & cappucino. She sure growls a lot. The Mummy’s main concern was that everything pointed to her either being pregnant or having recently given birth. The Daddy searched the cemetery that we back onto yesterday morning but no sign of any kittens. A trip to the vettie later in the day showed that she was not microchipped & he concluded that her milk was drying up so hopefully her kittens have already been rehomed by the breeder who dumped her. The vettie is posting her on their social media pages as having been found. Watch this space for further news. For now, though, please say a big “HELLO” & welcome Tilly (as the humans have called her).

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###

Seil: I am worried about the Daddy. Seriously worried. After tea on Sunday night the Mummy put my nappy on & I was allow...

Seil: I am worried about the Daddy. Seriously worried. After tea on Sunday night the Mummy put my nappy on & I was allowed out of my pen for a few hours. After an initial mad charge around the house I then chose the big sofa & once the Daddy had lifted me onto it I was soon stretched out full length. This prompted him to describe me as a golden salamander. I ask you! Really? I should add at this point that he had only had one glass of red wine. He then mixed up the Golden Salamander (a film in the 1950’s) with the Seven Samurai (a Japanese film on which the more well-known Magnificent Seven was based). Before I knew it, the story unfurled. It would seem that I am now one of seven ninja kitties – codename the Golden Salamander - who travel the world to right wrongs wherever they may be. My orange blanket is my invisibility cloak, my claws my weapons of choice. Nor is my nappy all it seems – it masks a power pack that transports me where I need to go in the blink of an eye. As I said, I’m worried about the Daddy but, on the other hand (paw?) I quite like being a kitty superhero. Will I get paid when the film comes out? MOL.

Polly: The Daddy was issuing advice & warnings yesterday. We seem to have had a small & very unseasonal invasion of wasps. He made it quite clear that they are not to be chased & most certainly not eaten. We must not get stung. Instead I chased a fly all round the lounge. I was determined to catch it, much to my humans’ amusement. The fly was equally determined not to be caught. So where did it go to hide? It dived into the Daddy’s cup of tea (& drowned). Instead of excitedly claiming that he had beaten me in catching the fly, the Daddy seemed more concerned that he had to pour his tea away. Why did he not simply swallow the fly as well as the tea. I know that – given the chance – that is exactly what I would have done. Strange creatures you humans!

Moon: I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. I am a bundle of energy & charge around the house. If a kitty gets in my way I have no qualms about giving them a slap with my paws. Well, it seems that one of them has given as good as they got (I will not name names!) & I now have an owie, a poorly left eye. The Mummy bathed it last night with tepid salt water & I amazed my humans by sitting still whilst this was carried out. If it is no better by tomorrow I think I will be going to visit the vettie. Hey, that may well be something to look forward to. Do you remember when our humans took Polly to the vettie & then took her out afterwards for a fish dinner? Mmmm nums. I shall wait by the door, ready to go!

Our love to one & all, Seil, Polly & Moon ###




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