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Animal Rescue International Hub Raising awareness on animal rights. Highlighting Campaigns and Work by respected and effective Anima


DOG owners are advised to be cautious as cases of lungworms have been discovered in the Glasgow area.

Meet Bunka, the lone elephant of Yerevan zoo 🐘💔In February 2022 during a visit to Yerevan, in Armenia, Mark Stratton vis...

Meet Bunka, the lone elephant of Yerevan zoo 🐘💔

In February 2022 during a visit to Yerevan, in Armenia, Mark Stratton visited the city's zoo after hearing about a solitary captive elephant. Bunka is a young Asian male elephant at 15 years old who has been in solitary confinement for over seven years since being separated from his mother in Tbilisi Zoo. He is currently living a sad, lonely life filled with suffering.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. As zoos across the world surrender their elephants to sanctuaries due to the increasing understanding that they suffer psychological and physical harm in captivity, options exist for a better life for Bunka in a sanctuary.

Please join the campaign to help the elephant from a life of loneliness and sign the petition today 👇🏼 sign and share to rescue this sole elephant in a zoo. He is distressed, alone and needs our love and support

Help Free Bunka the elephant from a life of loneliness in Yerevan Zoo

The difference between street dogs overseas and other rescue dogs. Fascinating article and helps you understand some of ...

The difference between street dogs overseas and other rescue dogs. Fascinating article and helps you understand some of the difficulties that can arise. The comments in the original post also ads so many real life experiences

Domestic Social Dog vs Street/Stray Social Dogs

There is a difference...

Our home bred domesticated dogs have mostly gone through the benefits of human manipulation through handling, exposure, and social structure that helps them thrive in our mostly domesticated world. We all know the importance of early rearing and the steps to take to achieve this.

As a dog trainer I've found that recent years have seen a popular increase in foreign street/stray dogs. I used to work with one every so often, now it is on a weekly basis. Many of the cases highlight social issues with other dogs or people, powerful prey drive, and fear and extreme trepidation adapting and adjusting to a new environment.

I wouldn't even say it is a new these dogs have literally landed on a different planet. That can produce immense challenges for owners.

Some dogs make a great transition and there are success stories. But many of them go through difficult times...

Some of the problems with the dogs include:

Living in a house for the first time...

Being restrained on a lead, or any other piece of equipment for the first time...

Coming through the process of capture and transportation...

Lack of freedom they are formerly used to...

Many are independent thinkers and resolve or do things their own is difficult for them to rely on human guidance and direction...

That independence can influence just how receptive they may be to any training the human attempts to provide...

Living close to human habitat they will have mixed associations with humans who have both encouraged and discouraged them...

They have strong avoidance behaviours of flight response to any perceived threat or potential danger. If they cannot escape and are restrained by the human and equipment this can cause strong reactions...

Some have previously been in fights and will have strong associations in close proximity to other dogs...

Some will be very social and will show social frustration in not being able to interact with other dogs due to equipment and human restraint....(this can be common and also perceived as reactivity).

The task then is not re-socializing these dogs as they are already habituated to a world they've previously known, but in understanding them now that they have been removed from that former environment, appreciating what you may have to live with (not all behaviour can be trained away...) and how you are able to use any of your relationship building and training structure to help them adjust better.

Remember, many of them can be very strong independent thinkers and in dogs well beyond puppyhood that may well prove to be your biggest challenge.

The most important state of mind for any dog is...'Am I safe?' That feeling can override the need for food or water. Avoidance is a strong canine behaviour in any dog, but a prevalent one in street, stray, or feral canines.

Some behaviours you have to live with, others are a work in progress, others will need specific management depending on the environment. That is not to say that some of these behaviours cannot be changed or influenced, but to understand that you are experiencing the resistance of independent strong wiring that is specifically designed to keep a dog safe and make choices towards that end...

Convincing a dog to take your guidance and direction under stress when its instincts tell it otherwise and move it to a behaviour they choose instinctively by default is where most new owners can experience the struggle. It all depends on the individual dog.

There's a huge difference between the domestically social home grown dog and the street, stray social behaviour of dogs.

What are your experiences, what are or have been your challenges, and have you experienced big differences in owning both selectively bred domestic dogs and foreign street dogs?



Did you know that many stray dogs will die unnecessarily from diseases that can be preventable with a simple vaccination? For just £3, IAPWA can vaccinate one dog or puppy to prevent this from happening. With more than £3, we can save the lives of many!

With so many dogs and puppies struggling to survive on the streets in awful conditions, a simple vaccination really can save a life and give these dogs a fighting chance.

Please consider donating a £3 vaccination today via:
➡️ The 'donate' button below
➡️ Texting IAPWA £3 to 70470
➡️ PayPal:
➡️ Online form:

Thank you so much for caring 💛


🌍 Fresh news on protectors of animals and nature worldwide! 🍀🌿🐾 People are fighting to protect animals and nature from 🇦🇱 Albania to 🇿🇼 Zimbabwe and from 🇳🇵Nepal to the 🇱🇺 Netherlands.

How? Read Esther's fresh new worldlog 👉

💚 Get inspired, join our movement, and support these brave people across the globe! 💪

Esther Ouwehand is party leader of the world's first animal rights party in parliament: Party for the Animals Partij voor de Dieren

Featuring Akashinga - Nature Protected by Women Instituti i Politikave Mjedisore/Institute for Environmental Policy, Christine Teunissen and


True story 😂

True story 😂

Will you commit to taking the time to listen to your  rescue dogs needs, to learn their language. Give them time to adju...

Will you commit to taking the time to listen to your rescue dogs needs, to learn their language. Give them time to adjust and learn at a pace they need.


Malupika, któremu pomagamy razem z Fundacją SOS dla Zwierząt 🐕‍🦺❤

Malupik to psiak, który nie widzi i na dodatek ma zaburzenia neurologiczne 💔 Z trudem chodzi. Przyjechał do Polski z Ukrainy 🇺🇦 w stanie odwodnienia po bardzo długiej podróży 🚑 Początkowo gryzł każdego kto do niego się zbliżał. Dzięki fachowej opiece udało się pokonać jego brak zaufania ❤
Obecnie radość sprawia mu spacer i wygrzewanie się w słońcu. Przeżył ucieczkę z linii frontu To dla niewidomego psa musiało być bardzo trudne 🐕‍🦺💔 Malupik ma zaplanowane badanie rezonansem magnetycznym 🔎

Mamy nadzieję, że znajdzie kochający i odpowiedzialny dom ❤❤❤




🐕 Počela akcija uklanjanja i zbrinjavanja pasa lutalica.

✅ U cilju poboljšanja bezbjednosti i priprema za turističku sezonu, danas sam održao vanredni sastanak sa direktorom Doo Komunalne dijelatnosti i komandirom Komunalne policije, vezano za početak sprovođenja akcija humanog hvatanja i zbrinjavanja pasa lutalica i ostalih lutajućih životinja, višegodišnji problem koji predstavlja rizik za građane i narušava sliku grada pred početak turističke sezone.

🗣 Apel svim građanima da prijave svaki slučaj neodgovornog vlasništva, zanemarivanja kao i zlostavljanja životinja, kako bi nadležne institucije mogle da preduzmu i pokrenu sve predviđene zakonske mjere na vrijeme.🐕‍🦺


🐕 Nga sot fillon aksioni i kapjes dhe strehimit të qenve endacak.

✅ Me qëllim të ruajtjes së sigurisë të qytetarëve dhe përgaditjeve për sezonin turistik, sot kam zhvilluar një takim me drejtorin e Shpk Veprimtarit Komunale dhe kryeshefin e Policisë Komunale , në lidhje me fillimin e aksionit të kapjes dhe strehimit të qenve endacak sipas parimeve humane si dhe kafshëve të tjera endacake, një problem i viteve më radhë që përbën rrezik për qytetarët si dhe dëmton imazhin e qytetit para fillimit të sezonit turistik.

🗣 Apel për të gjithë qytetarët që të denoncojnë çdo rast të pronësisë së papërgjegjshme, neglizhencës dhe keqpërdorimit të kafshëve, tek institucionet kompetente, me qëllim të ndërmarrjes të të gjitha masave ekzistuese ligjore.🐕‍🦺

Neutering campaigns are the cornerstone of animal welfare and rescue.If you would like to support our work. Please follo...

Neutering campaigns are the cornerstone of animal welfare and rescue.

If you would like to support our work. Please follow Animal Life Sibiu , share with your friends and if you can spare some cash. Send a donation.

Thank you. Together we can all make a difference

Pornim o noua campanie de castrari gratuite (catei si pisici)❗️
Caravana de castrari gratuite va trece cu clinica mobila prin satele: Micăsasa, Rășinari - jud. Sibiu.

❗️❗️❗️ IMPORTANT: In luna IULIE vom avea o noua campanie de castrari gratuite in Sibiu, deci la campania din IUNIE vor avea prioritate persoanele din Micăsasa (si imprejurimi) si Rășinari (si imprejurimi). Deci cei din zona Sibiu sunt rugati sa astepte pana la urmatoarea campanie, cea din luna Iulie.

Campania va avea loc in perioada 9 – 22 Iunie 2022 si va fi impartita d**a cm urmeaza:

🔘 Micăsasa si imprejurimi: 9 - 16 Iunie - (Locatie: Dispensarul veterinar din Micăsasa)
🔘 Rășinari si imprejurimi: 19 - 22 Iunie (Locatie: Casa Parohiala langa Primaria Rasinari)

Asadar, pentru PROGRAMARI va rugam completati acest formular SAU sunati la 0723 919 994 (de Luni pana Vineri intre orele 10:00 – 16:00)

Această actiune de castrări gratuite organizată de către Animal Life Sibiu este finantata de catre International Aid for the Protection and Welfare of Animals (IAPWA) și Animal Life Sibiu. Campania va fi sustinuta si din fondurile obtinute la Maratonul International Sibiu - prin intermediul Fundația Comunitară Sibiu - cu ajutorul alergatorilor si sustinatorilor proiectului nostru de la maraton.

Operațiile de castrare vor fi efectuate de catre mediculului veterinar Cornel Stoienescu de la Nomad Vet Association.

Mulțumim Primaria Micasasa, Primaria Comunei Rasinari pentru spațiul oferit si sustinerea acestui proiect.

☑️ Animalele trebuie sa aiba varsta minima de 6 luni
☑️ Sa aiba varsta maxima de 8 ani
☑️ Sa nu fie bolnave sau supraponderale

*Asociatia Animal Life va reveni cu un telefon pentru a stabili data si ora programarii!

*FOARTE IMPORTANT!!! Este interzis sa hraniti animalele programate pentru castrare cu 12 ore inainte de operatie si sa nu le dati apa in dimineata dinaintea operatie!

Dog owners could face a hefty £5,000 fine and even jail time if they choose a harness over a collar.

Dog owners could face a hefty £5,000 fine and even jail time if they choose a harness over a collar.

Using a harness over a dog collar could be breaking the law.

If you want to contribute to his care see original post

If you want to contribute to his care see original post


Finally, after years of legal negotiations, local legal cases we have made, rescuers, lawyers, politicians and animal lovers fighting together for animal rights. for being their voice, a new law comes into effect tomorrow in Romania, amending Law no. 205/2004 for animal protection.

Rescuers are already preparing cases, and we cannot wait for this long fought for justice to finally happen. Let's hope that this really is the next step of change for the future of animal protection in Romania.

From now on, you can reach a sentence of 7 years in prison for killing an animal.
If until now the limit of the fine was between 1,000-3,000 lei, from now on, a person can receive a misdemeanor fine between 3,000-12,000 lei if they do not provide their animal with adequate shelter, enough food and water, possibly Sufficient mobility, care and attention and medical assistance.
Zoofilia has been introduced as a crime.
The new provisions contain unconventional sanctions and hard criminal penalties for people who - directly or indirectly - torture, kill, or lack food and care for the animals they own.

The new Act 205/2004 states:
(1) It constitutes a crime and is punishable by imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years or a fine:
a) Surgical interventions designed to modify the appearance of an animal or for other incurable purposes, such as codomy, ear cutting, vocal chords section, claw ablation, breaking teeth;
b) separating foals up to a minimum of eight weeks of age for commercialization, except removal of foals prior to the minimum specified species period for weaning;
c) using live animals for animal training or controlling their aggression, if it causes them suffering.

(2) It constitutes a crime and is punishable by imprisonment of one year to 5 years or a fine:
a) the use of wild animals belonging to the subvertebrate vertebrate, regardless of the degree of taming, born in captivity or captured from nature, in circus performances, walking circuses, caravans and troupe of ambulance artists, as well in any other types of similar shows;
b) use of weapons with tranquilizer on animals in situations other than for their immobilization;
c) The practice of shooting on domestic or captive wildlife; d) Intentionally wounding animals.
(3) It constitutes a crime and is punishable by imprisonment from 2 to 7 years:
a) Intentional, unjustified killing of animals;
b) killing of animals;
c) organizing fights between animals or with animals;
d) zo*****ia.

Any local.fosters with space. Urgently required

Any local.fosters with space. Urgently required


🚨FOOD APPEAL🚨 For your random act of kindness this week, will you send a £5 Food Bundle to feed a hungry dog or puppy?

Can you imagine living life day to day, not knowing when or if you would get your next meal? Imagine trying to keep yourself or your puppies alive without a roof over your head or a helping hand?

One precious Food Bundle costs just £5 and could help to save the life of those most in need. Please help IAPWA feed 1,000 hungry stray dogs and puppies this Spring 🍃


If you would prefer to donate outside of JustGiving, you can also send a donation via:
💻 PayPal:
📝 Online donation form:
📱 Texting IAPWA £5 to 70470

Thank you for caring ❤️

There are many ways you can help all the organisations we support.Share this page and invite your friends and family to ...

There are many ways you can help all the organisations we support.
Share this page and invite your friends and family to like it
Share appeals for funds
Donate a small amount monthly.

We also need those who have experience in social media to highlight the needs and raise funds for food, vetinanary care, and neutering campaigns.
We are particularly active in Romania, Albania and Germany.

Today is ! As animal lovers, we're always wanting to do all we can to help those without a voice of their own. If you're wondering how you can do your bit for the animals on this important day, we have listed some options below:

🐶 DONATE: IAPWA is currently in need of £5 Food Bundles to feed our patients. If you can spare £5 today to help save a little life, we would be so grateful. You can donate here or by texting IAPWA £5 to 70470.

💓 FUNDRAISE: Fundraising for animals in need couldn’t be more simple. At IAPWA, we recognise that everyone is different and would like to help in their own way; from running Spring bake sales to setting up an online fundraiser. Find out more about fundraising for animals here:

✍🏼 VOLUNTEER: Whether you'd like to volunteer your skills within a remote role at IAPWA, or help dogs and cats at your local shelter, there are lots of opportunities to get involved to help the animals.

🍃 GO VEGAN: Whether you swap one meal per week to a plant-based alternative, or choose to adopt a vegan lifestyle completely, you will be helping to shape a more positive future for animals exploited for food around the world.

🦏 SPREAD THE WORD: Spreading awareness is one of the easiest ways you can help animals today. Share a post that pulled at your heartstrings or talk to your family or friends about an issue that is important to you, then brainstorm what you can do to help!

Thank you to everyone who continues to support the work of IAPWA. Wherever there is suffering, we aim to make a difference and with your support we can continue to protect and improve the welfare of animals worldwide 🌏


Today is ! As animal lovers, we're always wanting to do all we can to help those without a voice of their own. If you're wondering how you can do your bit for the animals on this important day, we have listed some options below:

🐶 DONATE: IAPWA is currently in need of £5 Food Bundles to feed our patients. If you can spare £5 today to help save a little life, we would be so grateful. You can donate here or by texting IAPWA £5 to 70470.

💓 FUNDRAISE: Fundraising for animals in need couldn’t be more simple. At IAPWA, we recognise that everyone is different and would like to help in their own way; from running Spring bake sales to setting up an online fundraiser. Find out more about fundraising for animals here:

✍🏼 VOLUNTEER: Whether you'd like to volunteer your skills within a remote role at IAPWA, or help dogs and cats at your local shelter, there are lots of opportunities to get involved to help the animals.

🍃 GO VEGAN: Whether you swap one meal per week to a plant-based alternative, or choose to adopt a vegan lifestyle completely, you will be helping to shape a more positive future for animals exploited for food around the world.

🦏 SPREAD THE WORD: Spreading awareness is one of the easiest ways you can help animals today. Share a post that pulled at your heartstrings or talk to your family or friends about an issue that is important to you, then brainstorm what you can do to help!

Thank you to everyone who continues to support the work of IAPWA. Wherever there is suffering, we aim to make a difference and with your support we can continue to protect and improve the welfare of animals worldwide 🌏

🤣🐾🤣🐾I can relate also


I can relate also

There are a growing number of people marketing themselves as dog behaviourists, dog trainers and dog experts, especially...

There are a growing number of people marketing themselves as dog behaviourists, dog trainers and dog experts, especially since Covid. Many of these people, however, are no more qualified than the owner! (Arguably, they could be less knowledgeable than the owner).
An interesting article and case study by one such so called dog behaviourist and the use of prong collars and the long term issues this can create

Why you should choose your dog behaviourist carefully




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