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Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onb...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Muzemmil Eesa, Farooq Wazir, Ben Bii

🔴Question of the day?.

🔴Question of the day?.

🔴What is this a sign of in a goat?

🔴What is this a sign of in a goat?

🔴Thorax-Lateral view-Dog     Image credits:RVC London

🔴Thorax-Lateral view-Dog

Image credits:RVC London

🔴ABOUT SUTURE MATERIALS🔴Selection-Absorbable or nonabsorbable suture material?🔴Considerations:▪️tissue being sutured?▪️h...

🔴Selection-Absorbable or nonabsorbable suture material?
▪️tissue being sutured?
▪️how long to regain sufficient wound strength so that suture support is no longer needed?
▪️exclude suture materials losing significant tensile strength before the tissues will regain sufficient wound strength
▪️any patient factors that may delay healing? (eg. concurrent disease, primary disease, specific procedure)
▪️any consequences if suture material persists? (e.g. nonabsorbable suture in bladder lumen avoided as can serve as a nidus for calculi formation)
▪️absorbable suture maintaining sufficient tensile strength for anticipated duration of healing selected when available if necessary to bury a nonabsorbable suture, choose a monofilament suture as associated with less complications.

🔴Absorbable vs Nonabsorbable

🔴Monofilament or multifilament material?
▪️Is this a contaminated procedure?
▪️What is the potential for infection?
▪️Multifilament nonabsorbable materials should NOT be used if the surgical site is infected or contaminated.

▪️if site is infected, leave as open wound if possible
▪️if the site must be sutured, select an absorbable material and minimize number of sutures placed
▪️if prolonged support is necessary (beyond that provided by the slowly absorbable materials), monofilament nonabsorbable sutures can be used with infrequent complications
▪️Monofilament sutures are recommended for skin to prevent wicking surface bacteria to deeper tissues and give the best cosmetic results.

🔴Monofilament vs. Multifilament

▪️Any specific requirements for the procedure being performed?
▪️How much tissue reaction is acceptable?
▪️most synthetic suture materials are minimally reactive
▪️Polypropylene is the least reactive material and a good choice when minimal reaction is critical for success
▪️is a really strong suture required?
strongest suture materials are the braided polyesters desired strength must be weighed against suture’s potential to harbor bacteria and form chronic draining tracts
▪️what is the material’s knot security and how critical is this?
▪️are additional throws necessary?
will a bulky knot (lots of throws) cause any problems?
▪️What size of suture material is needed to support this wound?
▪️What is the strength and supporting function of tissue being sutured?
▪️tensile strength of suture should approximate tissue being sutured
veterinarians tend to select excessively large suture sizes
▪️Any special patient factors to consider? (eg.“exuberant” patient, inability of owner to restrict activity, concurrent disease delaying healing)
▪️when closing linea alba/rectus fascia with a simple continuous pattern, recommended to select one size larger than would for interrupted pattern

🔴Beginning Suturing
▪️What needle is needed?
▪️What size, shape and point of needle is needed and does it come with the selected suture material and size?
▪️What size of needle will reach across both sides of the incision at the desired depth?
▪️How tough or fragile is the material being closed (ie. taper, taper cut, or cutting)?
▪️Reverse cutting needles are generally preferred for skin

▪️What is your personal preference?
From your list of suitable sutures, choose your final selection based on:

▪️your own preference (what do you like to work with?)
▪️economics (which is the cheapest?)
availability (what do you have on your shelf?)

Source.University of Saskatchewan

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onb...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Rafael Duque, Bau Wahed Kabir, RI Master, মোতাহার দা, Winile Snethemba Biyela KaMagwaza, Nazir Sani Moh'd, Adoga Destiny, Alkhatab Qasim Almaswari, Ben Daktari, Bini Yamin, Mazharullah Mohabat, Nb Mai Anguwa, Muhammad Usman, RA Vet, Ghulamullah Shar, Jibrilla Magaji Manu

🔴What could be cause of this?

🔴What could be cause of this?

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Mugwanya Kennedy, Kg Govarthana, Abhilash Krishnan, Adel ...

Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Mugwanya Kennedy, Kg Govarthana, Abhilash Krishnan, Adel Elkaeed, Lindelani Zwide, Ələkbər İmanov, Hemraj Singh Rathore, Saqibii Ishfaq, সাজ্জাদুল ইসলাম, Mavan Silva, Shaki Bukena, Shoaib Sial, Eloy C. Chuchi, Shahzad Ahmad Mohmand, MD Mintu Hoque, Miguel Rodríguez

🔴PRECAUTIONS DURING PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN COW BY PRE🔴One word of caution is necessary to help avoid errors in determini...

🔴One word of caution is necessary to help avoid errors in determining pregnancy. The position of the reproductive tract, in and of itself, is not a reliable way to determine pregnancy.
🔴Many 90-day (and shorter) pregnancies may be located entirely in the pelvic cavity and not be displaced beyond the pelvic brim.
🔴On the other hand, pregnancies beyond 90 days are big enough that they most often are displaced beyond the pelvic brim. Conversely, some open tracts are not always located entirely within the pelvic cavity.
🔴 In large-frame, fat cows, the open uteri may fall beyond the pelvic brim. In all cases, the tract must be adequately traced to correctly determine pregnancy status.
Simply stated, the location of the tract should be used as a roadmap to lead the hand to the uterus, whether it is displaced beyond the pelvic brim or not.

🔴The paunch.
Remember that the paunch is often encountered when entering the re**um and feeling beyond the pelvic brim and toward the left or very low in the body cavity. The shape of the dorsal and ventral sacs may be mistaken for the head or rear quarters of a calf. The difference can be determined by mashing on these large objects. The paunch will indent when mashed, while a well developed calf may move away from the pressure of your touch. Also at these late stages of pregnancy, you can easily distinguish fetal features (e.g., ribs, hooves and ears) when you touch them.

The kidneys (Figure 6) are suspended directly under the spinal column at about a 30-degree downward angle. Because the left kidney in cattle is more toward the rear of the animal than the right one, it is often touched during palpation. The left kidney is elliptically shaped and is sometimes mistaken for a calf’s nose. Practice helps you to distinguish the difference, but inexperienced palpators can avoid the left kidney by feeling at a steeper angle into the abdominal cavity. It is usually at this steep angle that large fetuses are located.

Buttons may be mistaken for ovaries or vice versa. Buttons do not have the solid feel of an o***y but are rather soft. The best comparison is that they feel like dried apricots soaked in water. The ovaries are more rounded and egg-shaped with a firm feel. Only two are present.

In this condition, the uterus is filled with white blood cells attempting to clear up disease organisms. The uterus may be fluid to the touch or may be somewhat solidified, feeling rather plastic. This stage may be confused with early pregnancy stages if the uterus is in a fluid condition and only partly filled. In the latter stages of pyometra, the uterus becomes rather firm.

🔴Large uteri.
In older cows that have had many calves, the uterus may not return to its normal size, as it will in a younger cow. The enlarged uterus may be displaced over the brim of the pelvis as in a 3 to 4 month pregnancy. In the open cow, careful manipulation of the uterus will allow you to determine that no fluid and no developing buttons are present. Relaxation of the broad ligament tends to cause a similar condition.

A full urinary bladder may be interpreted as a pregnancy in the 60- to 75-day stages. The full bladder feels similar to the uterus filled with fluid. Careful tracing should allow you to determine if the structure is the bladder, where there is only one body. This will also help you determine if the structure is a pregnant horn of the uterus, where both horns can be palpated and traced back to the cervix.

🔴Enlarged cervix.
Some Brahman and Brahman crossbred cattle have an enlarged cervix that is firm and feels like a developing fetus in the latter stages. You can distinguish between the two by tracing the reproductive tract.

🔴Breed differences.
Because of their large size, certain Brahman crossbreeds, Santa Gertrudis, Charolais, Holstein and Brown Swiss cattle are more difficult to palpate in certain stages of pregnancy than the smaller European breeds.
In the 3-to-4month stages, the uterus may have dropped so deeply into the body cavity that it is almost impossible to palpate. In these cases, pass your hand under the cervix and lift the uterus to feel the fetus itself.
By lifting the uterus and quickly moving your hand down into the body cavity, you can locate the fetus by gently bobbing the fluid and the fetus through the wall of the uterus.

🔴PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN COW🔴Stage III: 7 months until 9 months🔴At 6 to 7 months, the fetus may or may not be deep in the...

🔴Stage III: 7 months until 9 months
🔴At 6 to 7 months, the fetus may or may not be deep in the body cavity. Remember to reach deep and toward the stomach floor.

🔴By 7 to 9 months, the fetus has grown to where it is often easy to palpate without reaching deeply. You can often feel the large bony structures (e.g., head, legs and back).You may feel fetal movement.

🔴Occasionally in large bodied cows, the fetus may still be completely out of reach. To help confirm pregnancy, look for well developed buttons or weight on the displaced cervix. You can also check the uterine arteries, which are now about the size of your thumb. The main change until parturition will be in size, as the fetus grows rapidly and uses more of the abdominal cavity.


🔴PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN COW🔴Stage II: 120 days until 6 months🔴At approximately 100 days, buttons become more apparent (1...

🔴Stage II: 120 days until 6 months
🔴At approximately 100 days, buttons become more apparent (1 to 11⁄2 inches) and can usually be palpated. At this stage the fetus is still displaced similarly to the 90-day fetus. However, it has grown to approximately 10 to 12 inches long, with the head almost the size of a lemon. Often, the palpator can detect the head of the developing fetus before any other body part.

🔴As the fetus enlarges and grows (now 4 to 6 months), its sheer weight displaces the entire reproductive tract deeper into the body cavity. This requires palpation deep in the body cavity. All other characteristics have also changed. The buttons are more noticeable, since they have developed to about 2 to 21⁄2 inches in length and have a much firmer feel.

🔴 The pulsating uterine artery may be palpated and is now about the size of your little finger.

.to be continued..

90-day pregnancyThe fetus now is about 6 inches long and may have displaced itself into the abdominal cavity, indicating...

90-day pregnancy

The fetus now is about 6 inches long and may have displaced itself into the abdominal cavity, indicating that the uterus has stretched. The cervix may be pulled over the pelvic brim; but the cervix, body and horns of the uterus are within reach. In larger animals, this is a difficult stage for pregnancy determination. This is due to displacement and the distance from the a**s to the developing fetus.

You may have to consider factors other than the presence of the fetus at this stage. Consider displacement of the uterus as a possible indication of pregnancy. Another indication of pregnancy is enlargement of the uterine arteries with their characteristic pulsation. These arteries (one for each uterine horn) are in the forward fold of the broad ligament, which supports the uterus. In a three-month pregnancy, the artery supplying blood to the pregnant uterine horn is about 1⁄8 to 3⁄16 inch in diameter. The artery feeding the non-pregnant horn is only half that size. When you grasp the artery, you can easily feel the pulse of the heartbeat as blood is carried into the uterus to nourish the developing fetus. Do not confuse the uterine artery with the femoral artery lying on the inside of the thigh which supplies the hind legs. The femoral artery is in the muscle, but may be palpated. Remember that the uterine artery is in the broad ligament and can be moved 4 to 6 inches, while the femoral cannot.

If you are unable to reach the fetus, the best indication of pregnancy is the presence of buttons, which are now large enough to palpate. In a 3-month pregnancy, they are flattened and egg-shaped and measure 3⁄4 inch to 1 inch across. At this stage they are still rather soft to the touch, but they are firmer than the thin-walled uterus. The membranes still are filled tightly with fluid.

To be contnued.

🔴PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN COW🔴60-day pregnancy🔴The uterus, which will have enlarged considerably by this time, is filled w...

🔴60-day pregnancy
🔴The uterus, which will have enlarged considerably by this time, is filled with fluid and increased growth of the fetus .

🔴 The fetus now is about 21⁄2 inches long and may have displaced itself into the abdominal cavity, indicating that the uterus has stretched.

🔴The cervix may be pulled over the pelvic brim; but the cervix, body and horns of the uterus are within reach. In larger animals, this is a difficult stage for pregnancy determination. This is due to displacement and the distance from the a**s to the developing fetus.

🔴The uterine walls have thinned considerably. The best method of feeling the fetus is to bobble it with your hand so that, if you gently tap the uterus, the fetus swings like a pendulum and hits against the wall of the uterus and vesicle.

🔴The cervix remains on top of the pelvic cradle, and the uterine horns move toward—and possibly beyond—the brim.
To be continued...

🔴PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN COW 45-day pregnancy:🔴Most palpators prefer that bulls be separated from cows at least 45 days b...

45-day pregnancy:
🔴Most palpators prefer that bulls be separated from cows at least 45 days before pregnancy determination. At 45 days, the horn of the uterus containing the fetus is somewhat enlarged and thinner-walled compared to the other. The fetus at this stage is about 1 inch long. The vesicle around it is egg-shaped and measures about 1 to 11⁄2 inches long. You can feel the outer membrane, which contains fluid, through the uterine wall. The attachment of the membranes to the uterus has just taken place at about 38 to 40 days. Therefore, avoid moving the fetus about in the uterus. The caruncles on the uterus join the cotyledons, on the fetal membranes for nutrient exchange. These two structures form the placentome. Buttons cannot be felt by palpation until later in pregnancy.

🔴Slipping of the fetal membranes is a valuable aid to early pregnancy determination. Although the membranes can be slipped at any stage of gestation, it is easiest to perform and of the most value between 40 to 90 days of pregnancy. The procedure involves picking up and gently pinching together the walls of either uterine horn. The palpator feels the fetal membranes as they slip between the thumb and fingers. Be gentle when using this technique, since the embryo and membranes are rather delicate in pregnancies under 45 days.
To be continued.
Check previous posts of this album first.

🔴PREGNANCY DIAGNOSIS IN COW🔴Stage I: 30- to 35-day pregnancy🔴Because embryos at this early stage are delicate, beginning...

🔴Stage I: 30- to 35-day pregnancy

🔴Because embryos at this early stage are delicate, beginning palpators should not try to feel them. An experienced palpator, however, can detect pregnancy as early as 30 days after breeding. Palpation which at this early stage should be accompanied by good breeding herd records. These records help the palpator know the approximate breeding date of the animal.

🔴In the early stage of pregnancy, the uterus is filled with a small amount of fluid and will feel slightly thin-walled. One horn is enlarged a little more than the other. At this stage you can determine the presence of the embryonic vesicle by carefully running the horn between your fingers in a milking action. You can feel the vesicle slide through your fingers.

At this stage the embryo is only about 1⁄2 inch long. The vesicle surrounding it is about 3⁄4 inch in diameter and filled with fluid—like a balloon filled tightly with water. However, the borders of this vesicle are indistinct. What you actually feel is something slightly smaller than a marble as it slides through your fingers. The uterus, in much the same location as a non-pregnant uterus, has not been displaced because of size or weight at this time. The outer embryonic vesicle, which occupies both horns, is rather thin with little fluid. It may be 18 to 24 inches long. By pinching the horn of the uterus carefully, you can feel the membranes of this vesicle as they slip between your fingers.
.to be continued...





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