Debunking Diane McEvoy: Falsehoods About MDAS Dogs Exposed

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Here is one for you sticklers about photos. 🤷🤷🤷 The ones who constantly complained and nit picked every little thing whe...

Here is one for you sticklers about photos. 🤷🤷🤷 The ones who constantly complained and nit picked every little thing when it suited them. Their criticism under the disguise of '"transparency". Oh boy we dealt with that!

But it seems that is only the way depending on who it involves. Selective harassment. Hmmm. 🤷🤷🤷

Let's talk about photos then shall we?

March 2020: Tons of photos circulated along with an SOS for donations. THOSE photos. The ones we can prove were a farce. Several altered ones that were ASPCA commercial worthy. Were they legit or was that by design? We continue to invite everyone to look at our Album here on the page and judge for themselves.

April 2020: Only a handful of photos circulated and were posted. Ironic that the critics had nothing to say about dirt runs 🤷🤷🤷 considering their previous harassment of others but nonetheless. In our view that silence spoke volumes and seemed to condone that. Dirt is dirt but only to some. 🤦🤦🤦 But only a handful of photos. Where were the others? 🤷🤷🤷

By late April to early May 2020 there were NO photos. ZILCH. NONE. Where oh where had the transparency gone? More important where were those "advocates" who stated that as their objective? 🦗🦗🦗 Oddly MIA.

The very same "advocates" who harassed one rescue to the extremes had NOT A WORD to say. 🦗🦗🦗 Their "concerns" and calls for transparency seemed to have turned into complacency. Interesting isn't it?

Ask yourself WHY?!??

Not ONE adoption photo. 🤷🤷🤷
Very FEW photos to show the aftermath. 🤷🤷🤷
Not ONE announcement or photo as they had moved on to another rescue (which was their subsequent claim)

Where were the cries for transparency then?!?? 🤷🤷🤷

Only crickets. 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗

And most glaring is:

Not even ONE photo of any cats after March 11, 2020.

Please note the "advocates" appeared to have not noticed nor gave a damn about that. We noticed. 🤬🤬

Yet they want to assign these heart wrenching adjectives to their condition previously (which they never saw other than THOSE photos). Not even knowing or giving a damn about their outcome? 🤔🤔🤔 They talked large and changing numbers when in reality they only know the outcome for three. Three! Oddly suspicious. 🤷🤷🤷 Not "advocacy". Unless "advocacy" is selective.

For all the social media libel and crap storm towards one rescue it appeared no one was concerned about photo follow ups. They sat silent 🦗🦗🦗 as the other rescues photos being shared evaporated as fast as that rescues donations did. 🤷🤷🤷

Seems mighty strange to me! Awfully suspicious!

Yet they still make outrageous claims about who they really have it in for. 🤷🤷🤷 Including the humorous claim the food a dog was eating in one of this rescue's photos was get this! (Can show you the screen shot)

A PROP. 🤣🤣🤣 Actually alleging that a dog was eating fake food. 🤣🤣🤣

Alrighty then! 🤣🤣🤣🤦🤦🤦🙄🙄🙄🤷🤷🤷🤥🤥🤥

Someone asked me what is meant when I say "agenda driven advocacy". THIS is what I mean. Should the "concerns" they expressed not be the same across the board? No matter what rescue? Makes you wonder.

Are you a rescue? Can you paint offices? Have a little grass and some brewskis on the side you are willing to share with...

Are you a rescue? Can you paint offices? Have a little grass and some brewskis on the side you are willing to share with your "friends" paid for with donation money? That's a cinch if you don't account for it properly anyhow and didn't find it a priority to register to be allowed to solicit donations in Florida legally. 🤷🤷🤷

Just about two years ago these were the lofty 🤣🤣🤣 qualifications of what deemed a certain rescue to be the "go to" and the "best of the best". 🤮🤮🤮 Such rationale is beyond logic but really existed. 🤷🤦🤔🙄🤬🤮💩

So what if they had NUMEROUS reports made about them (including sworn affidavits notarized by shelter personnel)? Both BEFORE and AFTER this ordeal.

The ones before were easily disposed of! After all the ones who bestowed those titles on them 🤦🤦🤦 still worked there. 🤷🤷🤷 They don't exist even though folks who are credible tell us they made those complaints. Betcha they went into the shredder soon after those complaints were taken. 🤷🤷🤷 No record of any of them never mind an investigation. 🤬🤬 Weird and improper friendships have their privileges.

The ones after? Well they thought they buried those pretty well also. 🤥🤥🤥 Arrogance with power does that to corrupt people. Only OOPS they didn't apparently dispose of all of it. Thanks to a person with integrity it's now out there. We have it. Must be those skeletons we hear rattling. 💀💀💀🦴🦴🦴💀💀💀

So "temporary" is a nice terminology to try to skate by on some pretty shady 💩💩💩. Can a "temporary" custodian sign an owner surrender we want to know? That surely can't be legal. 🤷🤷🤷

Oh yeah. That's right. They were "strays" so their website claimed. 🤦🤦🤦 Silly me. "Found" by a "lost" soul and two others who kept the truth under tight wraps.

This has sure proven to me that the friend of thy enemy is thy friend to some. 🤷🤷🤷 The amount of protection and allegiance afforded to one group to destroy another (their common goal) is not lost on me. However twisted and sick. This was about the animals? Oh hell no we don't think so! 🤬🤬🤬

Almost two years and the truth hasn't come out yet in it's entirety. But make no mistake it will.

How To Become The "Go-To" (their word) Rescue In Columbia County

This screen shot was from just one month before this whole ordeal started in 2020.

While portrayed to be "solid", "experienced" in working cases, "wide reaching" with a "state of the art facility" we found out much different!

What matters:
Drinking Buddies
Redecorating the office an added bonus? 🤷

What DIDN'T matter:

Numerous people had expressed concerns about them to animal services. Prior to March 2020. This rescue did during the course of events but were told those were "vicious rumors". (We never believed they were just rumors) But when you are friends with the officers (also their words) do those concerns get addressed or swept under the rug? They were constantly referred to as their "friends rescue".

Experience doesn't matter. We don't believe they had any knowledge of the law or proper case protocol. While they had operated unregistered for quite some time legally they were in business less than a year.

Background doesn't matter. Their rescue photographer (also their words) is not only NOT their nephew (as portrayed) but a repeat felon. And rather creative with filters and photos we must say. 🤬🤬🤬

Resources don't matter. Concerns were expressed about sending so many to one place because of struggles being experienced. A few of these dogs did not get along. Within hours of being told they were "capable of handling it" and "solid as a rock" THOSE photos emerged on social media using the word confiscation (NOT) and begging for help. Those photos we hear were very effective in bringing in gifts and monetary donations before they fell into the wrong hands.

Legitimacy didn't matter. Animal control themselves we hear loaded them up with supplies and food. As did the public after seeing THOSE photos (good job Austin). Yet no one realized they were not even registered in the State of Florida with Dept of Ag to solicit donations?!?! Friendship before facts.

They didn't vet their "go-to" very well apparently???? 🤷

But they gladly accepted their gifts which helped establish them as the "go-to" in ways that defy the norm of how most would choose someone they relied on when legal matters are involved. Seems a bit conflicted.

Taxpayers and the public are unaware of these methods of operation until they experience having to deal with them. What a roller coaster that was!

The taxpayers and public deserve better. The animals deserve better. The accused deserved better. At least the proper upholding of legal rights which were obliterated.

All in a day's work in Columbia County. Paint their offices and you too can be on par with the credible and reputable organizations that would be properly qualified to be called in. Or so they say. 🤷🤷🤷

Unless you reside in Columbia County, FL or until you do one will never know the degree of dishonesty and corruption tha...

Unless you reside in Columbia County, FL or until you do one will never know the degree of dishonesty and corruption that exists within a core group of people. Among those that have power many subscribe to the "good ole boy" and "not what you know, who you know" garbage. 💩💩💩 Follow the trail and connect the dots and you find some interesting yet questionable things going on and connections.

Many relocate there not knowing this is the way things are done in so many ways. I learned and relocated again within two years for that reason. It's why that county always makes news. Not in a good way. The inner circle protects their own. No matter what they do. Unsuspecting taxpayers find this out when something happens. It's then they realize there are "rules for thee but not for me".

Those are not the folks who should be involved in welfare issues of any kind. Human or animal. There is a valid reason why they are parties in several ongoing court cases and make the news. They are why appropriate change is needed in Columbia County!

Imagine if you will an "animal welfare" organization that "finds" animals that were NEVER "lost". 🤷🤷🤷 Or SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN. 🤷🤷🤷 With their bad decisions, false statements, actions and footprint all over this lawless mess. Yet they claimed this nonsense. Absent of tangible proof. More than once.


REAL multiple complaints and reports about one location and endangered animals go uninvestigated. 🤷🤷🤷 Quietly buried and swept under the rug. 🤬🤬🤬 Including REALLY "lost" animals that a certain organization they entrusted them with can not produce. If they HAD BEEN properly investigated those sworn, notarized statements rise to the level of aggravated animal cruelty. Maybe when felony. 💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮🤬🤬🤬


There was NO investigation. EVER. Only a massive cover up by a disgraceful shelter director, 3 animal control officers and numerous shelter staff. 🤬🤬🤬

Dishonesty and corruption are interesting activities. Those that engage in it think they are untouchable. That they buried those things well. The corrupt and lawless like to believe that. They think their power will protect them. 😤😤😤 Certainly not activities true "animal welfare" organizations engage in. 💩🤮🤬💩🤮🤬

Their arrogance eventually gets them. Along comes someone with INTEGRITY who unearths hidden documents about such failure to act.

This story is a twisted mess of "finding" what was never "lost". And an epic failure in their legal obligation to "find" what really was "lost".

The embarrassment of Columbia County! Is this the best this county can do? Pathetic. 💩💩💩🤮🤮🤮🤬🤬🤬

Rather telling and interesting public comment indeed. Made some time ago back in the "witness" and "I may testify" phase...

Rather telling and interesting public comment indeed. Made some time ago back in the "witness" and "I may testify" phase of her story. 🤷🤷🤷 While the story has yet again evolved into something else there was a time. I know hard to follow right?!?! 🤷🤷🤷🤦🤦🤦


Sure makes you wonder why someone professing to be so firm in the truth 🙄🙄🙄 would have concerns about speaking that truth?!?!? 🤷🤷🤷🤔🤔🤔🤦🤦🤦🤥🤥🤥

What was her apprehension? The concerns? Worried she couldn't keep to the story and match that of others? Worried her own untruths would give her away? She would say too much? It be discovered her stories don't add up or match?

Bet it was a bit of all of the above. 🤷🤷🤷

The only people who would fear telling what they profess to be the truth are the ones who aren't telling it. 🤷🤷🤷

Plain and simple. That statement sure tells a LOT!

Hey one who made this page necessary. Would not be if not for your huge volumes of FALSE Facebook posts. Guess you love ...

Hey one who made this page necessary. Would not be if not for your huge volumes of FALSE Facebook posts. Guess you love the attention?!?! 🤣🤣🤣

Hey it's YOUR credibility not ours. Far be it from me to stop you from destroying yourself and your credibility while trying to destroy another.

We post what we want on our page. More importantly we are holding PROOF of ALL that we say much unlike you. Trust me your insane ramblings are getting little to no attention. Maybe people discovered your NON-seizure claim debacle?!?! 🤷🤷🤷 Maybe they are smart enough to see thru your changing stories?!?! 🤷🤷🤷

But please note on this date, February 8, 2022 that Defamation Diane still appears to possess some kind of allegiance to her "friends" at Mossy. Even though they made her the laughing stock and more. She still appears to believe their statements and maintains that their photos are credible.

This is a) relevant and b)important because as time and truth will demonstrate that was a serious error on her part. While "recommended" by out of control animal control they dropped like flies (adios) in the aftermath when their odd friendships and dirty deeds got exposed.

Let me make this perfectly clear. I would much rather stand EXACTLY where I am standing. With a person who unlike some with false superior attitudes and Facebook balls is real, imperfect, honest and has a good heart despite the monster a troll is trying to make her into by spreading falsehoods. Someone who lost sight of her mission to save "her" (which they never were) MDAS dogs when she became hell bent on doing her utmost to destroy someone she can't. 🤷🤷🤷

Rather than be standing with her choice of "friends" she doesn't know who couldn't give a damn about how stupid, foolish or dishonest she looks. She so loved their stories though. 🤪🤪🤪 Friends seem in short supply there if that's the best she can do. 🤷🤷🤷 Their deeds make anything Defamation Diane wants to project onto this rescue child's play. But let someone be the architect of their own demise. Far be it from me to stop her. 🤷🤷🤷

Just want to put it on record where she "stands" as of today.

To anyone who ever doubted our statement that the photos being shared were not credible and had been messed with on this...

To anyone who ever doubted our statement that the photos being shared were not credible and had been messed with on this I rest my case.

Whether someone knew they were false or not two years ago they certainly DO NOW. To continue to maintain their authenticity funny. To the ones IN the second photo who still want to maintain the first was true? If they even do? All logic evades us. 🤷🤷🤷

The good news has always been the truth will come out even if at a snails pace. As to what happened during this whole ordeal and the corrupt, incompetent and inept dealings the rescue was exposed to change is on the horizon. The silver lining in this otherwise hard to believe circus. The story will God willing bring about much needed and long overdue change.

No one ever denied the REAL truth. But the truth was nothing like you read about with NON-seizures, dog "dumping", neglect, numerous false medical conditions and the like. Much of that was conjured up by someone "as she understood". Or taken from those who are now very much under the microscope for their dealings and practices. Very well deserved.

What will ultimately speak volumes IS NOT the unstoppable libel by an unbalanced "advocate" who ultimately failed in her mission. It will never change what she does or says sad to say.

What WILL speak volumes is the outcome. Not only for the case but so that positive change comes from a God awful unreal experience. And IT WILL.

Yep and these photos are the "real" deal. So she says. 🤷 Well "as she understood". 🤣🤣🤣 Even though her pals who filled h...

Yep and these photos are the "real" deal. So she says. 🤷 Well "as she understood". 🤣🤣🤣 Even though her pals who filled her head full of 💩💩💩 which she continued to add to and often change were IN some photos that look normal to me. Interesting. Very interesting.

It must really suck when your ever changing words, stories and internet photo games come home to roost.

It's a funny thing about that which people manufacture. They may fool people for awhile. Or in this case quite some time. Always funny how those like that run for the hills when they get called out. Knowing they can't prove what they say with anything viable or credible. So it morphs into "as I understood". 🤷🤷🤷🤦🤦🤦🤥🤥🤥

One would think someone would eventually draw the conclusion that continuing to post falsehoods and nonsense garbage would be met with a rebuttal. You know that debunking thing. 🤣🤣🤣

Because someone just asked about a certain photo this is being shared. Believe me I am grateful that people are finally asking questions after two plus long years of an insane amount of libel.

We are not responsible for what others say or do. Most definitely where it concerns this odd pairing of characters with their hand in this intent on manufacturing and fabricating the truth as if to will it into existence.

Here is Defamation Diane's "creation". Please note the following about these photos she uses:

Bruce NOT even taken at the rescue she defames 🤷🤷

Rocco altered by a felon who accompanied animal control that day. 🤷🤷🤷 Please see our Photos under the album and you will clearly see this is total hogwash.

Gina also altered by same felon. She was jet black. Diane McEvoy apparently still believes in chameleon dogs. 🤣 Nothing deranged about that! 🤦🤦 Please see our Photos under the album and you will see this is hogwash as well. 🤷🤷🤷

Buddy was altered by Defamation Diane herself. 🤷🤷🤷Yes we have photo forensics to PROVE she altered that photo. Once compared to the original photo taken off the photographers phone. Just like she altered lots of photos but we won't even go there. Her poor doctor! We retain the position that she is one sick, callous, heartless individual to even post those photos (as they were never intended) never mind alter them.

To the handful that still believe her insane untruths, her "friends" they should by now be worried about their "friend". Somewhat scary that they aren't! We can't help that they choose to believe someone so obsessed, so dishonest, so full of hate but birds of a feather flock together I guess. 🤷🤷🤷

Undisputed facts don't matter to someone who uses "as I understood" and their lithium levels as excuses for their ridicu...

Undisputed facts don't matter to someone who uses "as I understood" and their lithium levels as excuses for their ridiculous behavior and false statements. 🤷🤷🤷

The facts:

To insinuate that the dog was not taken to the vet multiple times since the onset of symptoms was and still is a BLATANT FALSEHOOD. A series of vet bills PROVE this is an entirely false statement by someone who wants to perpetuate nonsense absent proof.

Imagine if you will a person who thinks they knew more than a REAL vet. Knew what the person she defames did on any given day. Unless she was flying a drone down here all the way from Connecticut this libelous slander machine could NOT know these things.

Buddy had renal insufficiency diagnosis at the time of his pull from MDAS. A recent UTI too. Had the self proclaimed "great advocate" 🤣🤣🤣 READ his medical she would KNOW this. She chooses not to "understand" instead. Very convenient for someone with ever changing stories. Understanding is selective to one who says "as I understood". 🤷🤷🤷 Pure hogwash!

He was prescribed appropriate meds at all times and vet advice was followed. Her imagination and fabrication doesn't change that.

Defamation Diane wants to gloss over the fact that this dog's short term foster (who she also disparages if you see a pattern there) and the boarding facility expressed concern over his pottying habits. For which guess what? He went to the vet. Every single damn time. With vet bills to prove it. 🤷🤷🤷

What does Defamation Diane have to prove her alternative stories? Yet more FALSE CLAIMS? NOTTA except a vivid imagination and propensity for covering one falsehood with another. 🤦🤦🤦🤥🤥🤥

All this from a know it all crackpot who lives in Connecticut. Who excuses her bad behavior with being off her meds and lack of "understanding".


Forgive me but I will take the word of the person who saw to it that the dog DID IN FACT see a vet numerous times. I will take the word of a legit vet over someone whose qualifications to speak to his condition are laughable.

For her to launch this repeated 💩💩💩 attack onto someone who was the one who actually cleaned up the mess often and did the merciful thing for a dog with a terminal illness is beyond disgusting. But sick is as sick does. And stupid is as stupid does.

Yet she continues on. 🤮🤮🤮💩💩💩🤥🤥🤥

"As I understood". Quite a mouthful written by someone who never "understood" anything but what she wanted to "understan...

"As I understood". Quite a mouthful written by someone who never "understood" anything but what she wanted to "understand". Her flawed opinion. Her falsehoods after all she was the one who put them in writing. Which wasn't understanding at all. It's a LAME EXCUSE for walking back insane lies/falsehoods she never had an OUNCE OF PROOF OF. 🤷🤷🤷

Defamation Diane just stated that we "twist" her words. That's absolutely the most ridiculous thing in the world when it is SHE who constantly changes her stories. From 1,100 miles away. Speaking about a place she has never been. About a person and family she never knew but feels entitled to disparage. About animals she never, ever saw or set eyes on other than photos, real or not. About things that were never her business. About rescue finances. About what went on from day to day at a rescue she did nothing but harass and sabotage. About a person who was once kind to her despite her incessant know it all attitude and dark negativity. It's no wonder why friends are in short supply and she screams for attention on Facebook. 🤷🤷🤷

Our story has remained the same before the inception of this page. We haven't contradicted ourselves or minced words. But I do so enjoy the unique perception of a pathological liar and libel nutcase saying I do so. 🤷🤷

The seizure, seizure, seizure. Like the boy who cried wolf. It's true. "Consider it confirmed". Only it never happened and now it is a different story. 🤷🤷🤷

A dog was "dumped". Never providing the details or proof of such a slanderous and untrue claim. Now only silence as she conveniently ignored our many requests for her to prove this insane allegation. 🤷🤷🤷

This dog had this. This dog had that. According to the Queen of Darkness they all were on their death beds. Take it from someone who was there numerous times. NOT SO! Funny though that NONE of them even saw a vet after they left. Mighty fishy I would say. Not a SINGLE vet bill exists to substantiate her and her Mossy friends insane claims. Not ONE. Oh yeah that's right. The convenient excuse. It's true as she erroneously "understood". 🤷🤷🤷🤥🤥🤥🤦🤦🤦🤔🤔🤔🤬🤬🤬

"I may testify" like she was ever a credible witness. Witness implies someone saw or knew something firsthand. Had any true factual input into things. Which she continues to prove thru her falsehoods and ever changing stories she DID NOT. 🤷🤷🤷

She knew an awful lot according to "as I understood". That folks is called speculation and fabrication. She can assign it as many negative adjectives as she wants. She can type until her fingers fall off spreading her libel. Doesn't make the first bit of it true.

Fact is Defamation Diane DID SPREAD more falsehoods than we could name without taking literal days to do so.

"As I understood" does not excuse the falsity of those claims nor her sick motivation for continuing this insane nonsense. Guess she thinks people are not smart enough to see thru her forever changing stories and deflection.


SHAPE SHIFTER DOGS DO NOT EXIST. 🤷🤷🤷Going to close with the "infamous" photo (according to Defamation Diane) and a real ...


Going to close with the "infamous" photo (according to Defamation Diane) and a real life comparison. Because unlike her I have a life, family and more important things to attend to. To continue to entertain her ongoing nonsense isn't productive. Nor will it stop her insanity.

The "infamous" photo as she calls it is the one marked their "real" photo. That morning the dogs were all dewormed and the rescue was told to leave all of them in their crates because of a recent bite incident. What happened isn't rocket science. The dog went in the crate. When she requested to take him out to clean she was told NO by the local out of control animal control. They needed a photo op. 🤬🤬🤬 One someone they were using as a mouthpiece to crucify like Defamation Diane would be stupid enough to blast to kingdom come not knowing the background or what was really going on. Nor investigate it's authenticity. So she did!

That photo was NOT taken by animal control nor is it what would qualify as valid basis for probable cause. Or credible case photo. Why you ask? Because that photo was taken by a ride along felon. 🤬🤬🤬 From a third party rescue. One that we know told elaborate false stories about everything. One we know Defamation Diane and pals befriended in their pursuits. Ones people will someday find out the truth about and their seedy connection to the local animal control. Believe me on a local level that has already started. 💪💪💪

Not to digress any further let's make this clear.

These photos were both taken on the SAME DAY. In the SAME LOCATION. Within ONE HOUR of one another. So it seems pretty clear unless the dog was a shape shifter one of these photos can NOT be real. We already showed the animal control photo (see prior photos in that post). For the not too smart like Defamation Diane these are court copies received in black and white. 🤦🤦🤦

We also believe figuring this out isn't rocket science. The second photo taken was the SAME DOG right before he left. Did he really gain so much weight that his bones weren't showing in about 30 minutes?!?! 🤷💩🤥🤣🤬 Or did those suddenly disappear?!?!? 🤷💩🤥🤣🤬 We know Defamation Diane sang the Mossy praises but they must be miracle workers if so. Or their "real" photo is a FARCE. A FRAUD. A JOKE. Feel free to judge for yourselves. We don't think we need to convince anyone of anything as these photos speak for themselves.

As for the parties in the photo? Believe me Defamation Diane came to know them VERY WELL and ate their lies and falsehoods like a fool and like candy. Again not our fault someone doesn't have sound judgement. 🤷🤷🤷

So when she stalks here maybe she can have Miss A (she knows who she is) who is in the photo and Mr. D (who she also knows) also in the photo if she can find him 🤷🤷🤷 a simple question. How can they say their "real" photo is true/authentic/credible when they are IN a photo taken shortly after where the dog looks pretty normal to me? Can they explain this?!?! 🤷🙄🤬🤔💩🤥

We will wait. Wait for all eternity I am quite sure. Because these unsavory characters CAN NOT explain this. Not the ones in the photo. Definitely not Defamation Diane!

So "infamous" is a funny word choice. Because some people are about to become "infamous" for manufactured, tampered with evidence and false statements. Defamation Diane on Facebook and the ones in the photo in real court where manufactured and fabricated "evidence" doesn't quite cut it. To who sent those photos to the court probably not a smart move but their choice.

Enjoy becoming "infamous" those who were so busy manufacturing "evidence" and falsifying things that they forgot what the real motive SHOULD have been. To help not do harm. But when people have much less than pure motives like trying to crucify someone truth is an afterthought. Their excuse is "their understanding". It's a shame someone shared their flawed and erroneous lack of "understanding" to the degree she did.

That's on THEM and their "infamous" 💩💩💩.

Quote from Defamation Diane today:"I am not part of the case. I am not a witness".One of the very few TRUTHS this unbala...

Quote from Defamation Diane today:

"I am not part of the case. I am not a witness".

One of the very few TRUTHS this unbalanced individual has ever told. 🤷🤷🤷

DANG RIGHT on BOTH COUNTS! Below we will slay her with HER OWN WORDS because it was she, not us, who made multiple claims in writing "I may testify". 🤷🤷🤷

She is NOT part of the case but the ROOT CAUSE of it. Make NO MISTAKE about who was behind all of it from the phone calls to animal control, fake allegations and twisted "facts" as she calls them. Her petition and Facebook trial full of falsehoods. The publication of questionable, altered photos and non stop LIBEL for two years now.

If she is NOT a part of this case or a witness why does she keep posting about it? Publicizing yet more of her flawed opinions? (Not facts) Why did she masquerade as an "investigator" working the case? Send her version of "evidence" to the court including those faked up photos?

Seeing as how she is not part of it nor a witness why does she continue her wild pursuits? ASK HER!

We already know the answer to that! 🤥🤥🤥

This two year journey has been nothing if not a case of an unbalanced, obsessed individual trying to INJECT herself and her opinions into situations and events (real or not) from 1,100 miles away. Hiding behind a computer screen. Thinking she knows things according to as she puts it "her understanding". Which implies she understood anything to begin with. SHE DID NOT.

It's really not our problem that Defamation Diane has chosen/elected to take this path. Her LIES which we can prove false are hers and hers alone. She OWNS them. Including saying "I may testify" when that was NEVER the case. No amount of explaining negates what turns out to be a BLATANT FALSEHOOD.

Just received the latest screen shots and have what best can be described as a triple Excedrin headache reading the late...

Just received the latest screen shots and have what best can be described as a triple Excedrin headache reading the latest flawed ramblings of Defamation Diane. 🤦🤦

"To my understanding" would imply that someone "understood" to begin with. 🤔🤔🤔 How on earth did she "understand" there was a seizure when there WAS NOT? 🤣🤣🤣Wishful thinking? Strange voices? 🤷🤷🤷

Todays over the top, lengthy diatribe is a doozer riddled with still more of Defamation Diane's OPINION. A LOT of twisting of facts and flawed recollection. Rather sad she still obsesses to such a degree or is she just trying to save face from the LIES she told? Either way we don't care. She can hang tight to her manufactured story and false, doctored up photos. They don't matter. Let her keep on with her LIBEL. All that matters is the TRUTH. One that after a long wait is finally coming to light.

Sorry Defamation Diane! You can't say you didn't lie to the world in your social media libel ambush crying "seizure". You posted about this NON-seizure 4️⃣2️⃣ different ways that we caught (sure there are more). The one that NEVER HAPPENED. Yet she still tries to explain. 💩💩💩

Two years later she wants to say that wasn't a lie? 🤣🤣

Statements UNTRUE and NOT FACT are indeed LIES. This I would have to say definitely qualifies. If that was not a lie what was it????? 🤷🤷🤷🤔🤔🤔💩💩💩

Maybe it is she who needs to gain some "understanding" instead of sticking with her ridiculous falsehoods. The only to those who can't tell it. 🤥🤥🤥

March 3rd was the day the "advocate" believes a seizure happened. We aren't going to feed her any further info here. But while the rescue had visitors that day a voicemail came in to the rescue cell phone. Strange coincidence or calculated move?

Here is the exact transcript of the voicemail word for word. That voicemail is well preserved and quite a few folks here have heard it. We are redacting the name she states however.

"Oh I'm sorry I missed you. Reaching out to (name) now that was a brilliant move. And I want to thank you. Cause now I really feel inspired."

If that isn't a tell-all what is?
Are we still in high school?
It's her right to tell others who to speak to?

Now I really feel inspired? What about what happened on that day did she find inspiring? Or should I say what she believes happened.

Note the missing link. Any care or concern expressed by her words on the very day she claims the dogs and cats were seized.


People have asked why I feel that this was a deliberate, calculated takedown. Her words!

If she REALLY cared about the rescue animals should the content of her voicemail not reflect that?




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