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Gold-D Kittens All about kittens & the stories of Gold-D kittens

Happy Birthday, little Chorny Kot. How time flies. 7 years ago, we rescued him from an industrial estate. He had various...

Happy Birthday, little Chorny Kot.
How time flies. 7 years ago, we rescued him from an industrial estate. He had various infections and was very sick. It took about a year before he got better. And since then, he has become a happy, cheerful, and healthy cat! Still a baby in many ways. And now this little boy is 7yo!

Today is Sandy and Rusty's birthday.7 years ago, they were born on a construction site and their mother was killed by a ...

Today is Sandy and Rusty's birthday.
7 years ago, they were born on a construction site and their mother was killed by a dog sortly after giving birth. We took them in and was planning to rehome them. But everyone wanted Rusty the ginger boy but not sandy and mandy. They just lost their mother and we did not want to separate them so we adopted all 3.
The youngest sister Mandy passed away last year so this year is the first time they celebrated a birthday without Mandy.
We hope mandy is enjoying her time with her mummy and to let her mummy know Rusty and Sandy are safe and happy.

The first birthday of the year! How times flies, we adopted Karna when she was still a kitten and today, she is 10yo!

The first birthday of the year!
How times flies, we adopted Karna when she was still a kitten and today, she is 10yo!

We adopted Baby Gus and his mummy Rebecca so that mother and child can grow up together. This makes us very happy. Rebec...

We adopted Baby Gus and his mummy Rebecca so that mother and child can grow up together. This makes us very happy. Rebecca is a very caring mother, always grooming baby Gus. Baby Gus is a young cat and full of energy, and he would run towards his mummy to give her a hug.

A young adult but still baby face :-)

A young adult but still baby face :-)

Rusty and Sandy are still doing what they love doing as kittens. Hug each other to bed. That is why we always advocate a...

Rusty and Sandy are still doing what they love doing as kittens. Hug each other to bed. That is why we always advocate adopting kittens together and, if possible, as a family.

Today we have a belated birthday for Medha. She was still a kitten when we adopted her.The owner had no experience with ...

Today we have a belated birthday for Medha.
She was still a kitten when we adopted her.
The owner had no experience with a kitten and kept her in a hamster cage. A rescuer persuaded them to hand over Medha and we adopted her. The vet told us her spine had begun to curve, but luckily she is still young and can be straightened if she is able to run play and stretch! Medha squeaks alot and still behaves like a little kitten. How time flues. Today, she is 10 yo!

Mandy left this morning. This week, we noticed she was not well, so we closed the pop-up to bring her to the vet. Her br...

Mandy left this morning.
This week, we noticed she was not well, so we closed the pop-up to bring her to the vet. Her breathing was okay, and she was given antibiotics. No red flags. This morning she left.
Mandy and her siblings Rusty and Sandy were born on a construction site. Their mother was killed by a dog, and we adopted them. They adopted Chorny as their new brother. Mandy became extremely sick as a kitten, and it took a long time to rebuild her health. She became a very dear sister to the cats and dogs. She would assure them and be with them. That made her a very popular baby. Now she closed her chapter as a cat. She has gone to be with her mummy and all the siblings she had here who left for the rainbow bridge. Let her assure her mummy Rusty and Sandy are both happy and well. Miss her very much. Precious little princess.

Rahula Felv Sanctuary Real-life story: Mandy is our rescued kitten who was tested FeLV+, and she fell very sick shortly ...

Rahula Felv Sanctuary Real-life story: Mandy is our rescued kitten who was tested FeLV+, and she fell very sick shortly afterwards. The out look very very bad and she even showed signs of shutting down. But don't give up! See what happens to Mandy!

Real-life story: Mandy is our rescued kitten who was tested FeLV+, and she fell very sick shortly afterwards. The out look very very bad and she even showed ...

6 years ago today, we took Chorny Kot from an industrial estate. A friend's friend had wanted to adopt a black cat so we...

6 years ago today, we took Chorny Kot from an industrial estate. A friend's friend had wanted to adopt a black cat so we showed her Chorny's details. When our friend asked to confirm that Chorny would be sterilized, she said she believed in allowing her cats to breed at least once. When our friend tried to explain the consequences, the person decided not to adopt.
Chorny was still a kitten and was quite sick. He also had parasites but was too young to have the anti-flea and tick applications. We isolated him and spent alot of time playing with him.
We can tell he hates to be alone. So when he was finally old enough to get his application, we introduced him to Rusty, Sandy and Mandy whom we just adopted.
They were all about the same age and we remember the moment they walked towards Chorny and decided that Chorny is their new baby brother.
Chorny was still very weak and had a deformed breast bone. It took a while before his immune system kicked in. WE believe the love from his 3 kitten siblings helped Chorny get well and strong.

Rahula Felv Sanctuary This is Rusty, Sandy and Mandy at the construction site in 2017.They were very loved by the worker...

Rahula Felv Sanctuary This is Rusty, Sandy and Mandy at the construction site in 2017.
They were very loved by the workers there. Initially, they were reluctant to give them up. We shared that they need to consider what happens if they no longer work there and by the 3 cats will be adults. It will be very difficult to rehome them. Also to consider the potential dangers of 3 active kittens on a construction site.
They eventually agree to hand over.
We can understand the reluctance especially when they been caring for them and the 3 are so cute. So we are grateful that despite their affection for the 3, they decided to give up for the cat's safety.
And as it turned out, Mandy was tested FeLV+, became very sick and almost died. It took us more than a year to help her recover and eventually tested FeLV-. We had done several more test and it was all negative. Everything turned out well for this 3 babies.

6 years ago, we adopted Sandy, Mandy and Rusty. Their mother was killed not long after given birth. Our plan was to fost...

6 years ago, we adopted Sandy, Mandy and Rusty.
Their mother was killed not long after given birth. Our plan was to foster them and put them for adoption. But everyone was interested in Rusty the ginger boy not the 2 sisters.
We already noticed the 3 kittens are very close and we felt it is unfair to separate them especially after they just lost their mother.
In the end we adopted them so that they can grow up together. 6 years later, they are still extremely affectionate with each other and still snuggle together!

Gold-D Black Today is Chory Kot's birthday. He is 6yo ow but we still see and remember him as that little kitten we resc...

Gold-D Black Today is Chory Kot's birthday. He is 6yo ow but we still see and remember him as that little kitten we rescued from an industrial estate. He was infested with parasites, very sick and also had a deformed breast bone. It took about 2 years before his immune system flush everything out of his system ad grew up to be a happy healthy cat. Just before his rescue, we adopted Rusty, Sandy and Mandy. When they say Chory, they immediately accepted him as the new baby brother! Their love made all the difference for Chory's resovery!

Rahula Felv Sanctuary Mandy and her siblings were adopted from a construction site after their mother was killed by a do...

Rahula Felv Sanctuary Mandy and her siblings were adopted from a construction site after their mother was killed by a dog.
After mandy was 6 mths old, she was tested FeLV+, became very sick and almost died. We rushed her to A&E and it weas the start of a very intense care. She slowly recovered and was rested FeLV-. That is why it is so important to give cats all the nutrients they need or their health can be badly affected.
This is Mandy before and after. The before pic was when she just recovered and stablised. She had just begun to put on a little weight. And here is mandy 6yo!
Pls do not give up if a kitten is FeLV+ or when a cat is very sick.

Another belated birthday! This time it's Rusty, Sandy and Mandy. 6 years ago, they were born on a construction site, and...

Another belated birthday! This time it's Rusty, Sandy and Mandy. 6 years ago, they were born on a construction site, and shortly after, their mother was killed by a dog. We fostered them with the plan to rehome them. But all the queries were for Rusty the ginger boy but not the sisters Sandy and Mandy.
We already noticed they were all so closed and loving with each other. It will be cruel to separate them especially after they lost their mother. So we adopted them so that they can grow up together. This si Sandy the middle baby. Resuty is her edler brother and she has a little sister Mandy. Times flies., they are 6 years old now. But we still remember the little ones we first met 6 years ago.

This is Rusty the big brother. They were very tiny when they first came. The 2 sisters were frightened and hiding behind...

This is Rusty the big brother. They were very tiny when they first came. The 2 sisters were frightened and hiding behind their big brother. He stood in front trying to protect them.
During that time, we rescued another sick kitten, Chorny Kot.
Chorny hated to be alone and would scream very loud. After he was cleared of parasites, we introduced Chrony to them. Rusty came up to Chrony, looked at Chorny with a "new baby brother?" look and started to cuddle with him. Sandy and Mandy followed himand hugged chorny. That moment, Chorny was the happiest boy in the world. Thanks to Rusty who accepted him and made the first move. We often tell Rusty this story and tell him why he is a hero!

Rahula Felv Sanctuary Happy Birthday Mandy! This is a birthday we almost never see!When mandy was about 8 mths old, she ...

Rahula Felv Sanctuary Happy Birthday Mandy! This is a birthday we almost never see!
When mandy was about 8 mths old, she was tested FeLV+. We quickly tested the other siblings and they were all negative. That gave us hope it was a false positive. But as a safety precaution, we isolated her. She fell very sick and was almost coma-like. We rushed her to A&E and we were told she is likely to pass away that night.
We took her home and the vet told her is in case she survive, we need to bring her to the vet in the morning.
She was still alive but extremely weak. The vet gave us more medications and we continued to care for her. She was not moving and we just tried our best. It took almost 6 months before she started to put on weight. When she was 1.5yo, we redo the FeLV test and she was negative!
It was very hard work., Many times Mandy vomited or had diarrhea on the bed and we had to change the bed sheets in the middle of the night. We also had to set alarm clock to medicate her in the middle of the night. The vet bills were also very expensive. We just wanted to fight all the way for a chance of recovery. She did and now we celebrated her 6yo. This is a big event for us! So pls do not give up if your kitten is tested FeLV+. As long as you try, there is HOPE!

Last week, we were so busy with the new rescues. Had to run to the vet, medicate etc etc. So had to do a belated birthda...

Last week, we were so busy with the new rescues. Had to run to the vet, medicate etc etc. So had to do a belated birthday for Baby Gus. When we asked him what cake he wants, he said a donut since the theme for 2024 calendar is donuts.
His uncle Rabbit say this one very smart. Next time grow up can be marketing manager. Happy birthday baby Gus!

Little Teddy when he was abandoned.

Little Teddy when he was abandoned.

How time flies! 8 years ago today, Teddy came to us. Teddy and his brother Mr. White had UTI and were abandoned. The pla...

How time flies! 8 years ago today, Teddy came to us. Teddy and his brother Mr. White had UTI and were abandoned. The plan was for us to foster. Despite seeing the vet, Mr. White passed away. Teddy was still a kitten but had UTI, was abandoned, and lost his brother.
When we buried his brother, we told him to go in peace and that we will adopt and look after his little brother. So pls do not worry.
Now 8 years later, Teddy still has a baby face 🙂

As kittens, Rusty and Chorny Kot love to cuddle. Now they are adults and the affection is still there. That is why we al...

As kittens, Rusty and Chorny Kot love to cuddle. Now they are adults and the affection is still there. That is why we always advocate adopting 2 kittens to let them grow up together.

Baby Gus is an adult but still have a baby face  :-)

Baby Gus is an adult but still have a baby face :-)

9 years ago. When Mehda and Karua were kittens. Medha's spine had started to curve as she was kept in a hamster's cage. ...

9 years ago. When Mehda and Karua were kittens. Medha's spine had started to curve as she was kept in a hamster's cage. But as she is still young it can be straightened with lots of exercise.
When we adopted Karuna, the 2 kittens were playing running and stretching together. That helped Medha to straighten her spine!

9 years ago, when Medha was a kitten, she was kept in a hamster cage. Her spine had begun to curve due to lack of exerci...

9 years ago, when Medha was a kitten, she was kept in a hamster cage. Her spine had begun to curve due to lack of exercise. a rescuer came to know of this and spent hours convincing the family to give up the kitten. When they finally agree to give up, Ken Ken & Gold-D adopted her as their little baby sister.
as she was still very young, her spine straightened with lots of playing. All these thanks to the rescuer who persuaded the family!
Time flies! Medha will be 10 yo this year. She is a happy cheerful and healthy girl

Rusty and Sandh again. Still so sweet and cuddly.

Rusty and Sandh again. Still so sweet and cuddly.

Look at Sandy and Rusty. We foster them as kittens because their mother was killed after giving birth. When we post for ...

Look at Sandy and Rusty.
We foster them as kittens because their mother was killed after giving birth. When we post for adoption, everyone wanted Rusty the ginger boy but not Sandy and Nandy (not in the pic).
The 3 were very close and would snuggle together.
We felt it is cruel to separate them especially after they just lost their mother. So to keep them together, we adopted all 3.
They are all adults now but still very closed to each other and still snuggle like this. It just makes us feel our decision was the correct one.

Today is international women's day. Food for thought documents different aspects of animal welfare and rescue work. Each...

Today is international women's day.
Food for thought documents different aspects of animal welfare and rescue work. Each topic is represented by a donut. Women in animal welfare is represented by the pink donut and the videos explore the challenges faced by female rescuers and feeders.
Hear the insights shared by 9 amazing women: we first rescued Mandy, she was very sick. A few times, the vet felt she...
When we first rescued Mandy, she was very sick. A few times, the vet felt she may not make it. It was very stressful.
We tried our best and she made it.
Now she is a super sweet girl. She loves to go around saying hello to cats and dogs and grooming them. When we rescue cats who are very stressed, the credit goes to Mandy cos she will go assure them and be with them. It helps to assure them and help them get to know their new siblings. Here you can see her grooming Bobo the GR.

Mandy is the baby girl of the family. She is grooming Bobo the Golden Retriever. Mandy is a very affectionate cat while bobo is very relaxed dog and very car...

Wishing everyone happy March

Wishing everyone happy March

Baby Gus is an adult now. But being the baby f the family, he is always being pampered by his big bro and sis. As a resu...

Baby Gus is an adult now. But being the baby f the family, he is always being pampered by his big bro and sis. As a result he still behaves like a little baby. He is hoping around playing and being loved by the other cats. When they see Gus they love pamper him.



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