Vietnam Animal Aid

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  • Vietnam Animal Aid

Vietnam Animal Aid Our mission is to end the suffering of all species through mass sterilization, animal rights education, and improving veterinary care across Vietnam.

We advocate for a fully vegan lifestyle & abolition of all animal use and exploitation. We are an animal rescue shelter & farm sanctuary that focuses on vegan education, ending speciesism in rescue, & the veterinary industry as we work to end the exploitation of ALL non-human animal species in Vietnam & globally. We prohibit the use of our posts and media for any purpose that would shame the Vietn

amese people. We are against animal cruelty but are aware that this is a global problem, not one that reflects the general nature of the Vietnamese people. Anyone who uses our material for racist purposes will be immediately blocked. Chúng tôi không sử dụng động vật vì bất kỳ lý do gì, bao gồm:
- đồ ăn
- quần áo
- giải trí
- nghiên cứu y học

Please support our work:
🐷 venmo:
🐻 cuddly:
🐶 network for good:

Vietnamese Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Tran Tuyet Mai
Account No.: 0400 4638 4034
Bank name: Sacombank- chi nhánh Đà Nẵng

Momo Transfer:
Account Name: Trần Tuyết Mai
Account No.: 0905297096

Thank you!

This month we’re looking to do more community work as we are taking a short break from our wildlife project while we rec...

This month we’re looking to do more community work as we are taking a short break from our wildlife project while we recruit more staff for the center.

Today we narrowly missed getting a dog in the neighbourhood that has wire wrapped around one of her legs, so we’ll continue that search.

Den the dog we helped yesterday has his second appointment at the vet on Saturday which we hope will also involve neutering and vaccinating if he’s better.

We’re going to be fostering a local puppy coming up next week for another organisation, Paws for Compassion, and hope our dogs are on their best behaviour for her.

Maggie the duck is recovering so well and we’re hoping that continues over the coming weeks.

This month is our annual tax audit for $500 which is always an unwelcome yet vital expense. We’re also doing a redesign of our website to make it more concise and easier to donate to. Lots of admin as usual keeps this work rolling.

There are so many animals in the community that need care, but we’ve got to cover our own sanctuary expenses first, so please donate today to make sure our bowls stay filled with nutritious food and treats!

Your support saves lives! Please help us to continue our vital work here!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Poor Den from the neighbor’s house has a large swelling in his neck from an infection. We got him to the vet this aftern...

Poor Den from the neighbor’s house has a large swelling in his neck from an infection. We got him to the vet this afternoon and will get a recheck Saturday.

We got a full blood panel and 3D blood parasite test which was negative. His blood test showed high white blood cells, low hematocrit and anemia. He was given a couple injectable antibiotics and has some more to take home.

He was the best patient ever! We look forward to getting him healthy and getting a chance to neuter and vaccinate him.

As usual, he had seen a local vet who neither provided any diagnosis nor reasonable treatment so we were his only hope as we only take our rescues to the international vets at Paws clinic in Da Nang where we know they won’t stop until we get answers and we ensure aggressive treatment for every problem. Sadly, this is never what happens at local clinics and 80% of cases we take on have already seen a local vet who provided them with no real answers or cure. The veterinary industry is extremely far behind where it needs to be to provide decent vet care. It’s changed little in the past 12 years we’ve been working in rescue here.

Please help us make sure Đen gets the cure he needs and that his family can rest easy knowing he’s in capable hands.

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Have you joined our Patreon yet? A steady monthly income is vital for sanctuaries and currently we are raising only arou...

Have you joined our Patreon yet? A steady monthly income is vital for sanctuaries and currently we are raising only around 1/5 our monthly budget from Patreon. Can we get that to 1/2 this Spring?

Historically much of our funding comes in crisis when people are most motivated to donate, but that’s EXTREMELY stressful and requires us to bombard our donors with pleas for help at the last minute.

A steady income we can rely on to care for our sanctuary residents and basic overhead is so much better for any rescue organization. The panic of fundraising is really a waste of our time and means we often have to say no to cases we’d otherwise we could help because we can’t help anyone unless our own rescues are cared for first.

Not only can you set up a monthly donation on Patreon, but PayPal, Wise, and Revolut also allows this function so you can choose the time of the month to donate that works best for you.

Please sign up today and help us to ensure our sanctuary bills are always paid!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

We’re hiring for 3 positions! We are looking for: 🌱Director of Operations🌱Wildlife Rescue Manager🌱Wildlife CaretakerAll ...

We’re hiring for 3 positions!

We are looking for:
🌱Director of Operations
🌱Wildlife Rescue Manager
🌱Wildlife Caretaker

All for an immediate start. We’re looking for passionate vegans with experience in rescue/vet med with time spent living and working in Southeast Asia.

We offer a salary plus accommodations, motorbike, visa renewal, and phone and petrol credit.

Please send CV and cover letter to [email protected] if you’d like to join our team!

The kids are safe! We’re laying our rent today 2 days early! Thank you to everyone who donated to our rent fundraiser! T...

The kids are safe! We’re laying our rent today 2 days early! Thank you to everyone who donated to our rent fundraiser!

This never happens so we’re quite excited about it. We even have enough to FINALLY get to the paint store so we can actually finish the renovations at the shelter that we’ve badly needed but never had any extra money for.

We had a long chat with Maggie the duck’s family and they’re happy for us to keep her and care for her. They were sad that her goose friend for the past 4 years is alone, but they know that Maggie’s recovery requires her to be away from her friend and that a new healthy life awaits her. Maggie would have died if we left her with them even though they cared a lot about her. They said she already had good fortune for them not eating her… but now she has double the luck with meeting us and saving her life. We sure wish they’d be vegan though and not just care for one duck while eating others, but at least they spared her life all these years.

Thanks again to everyone who helped us meet our goal this week and for saving our shelter!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

We’re happy to see Maggie the duck doing well! She’s got a lot of recovery to do but she’ll be ok. The owners thank us f...

We’re happy to see Maggie the duck doing well! She’s got a lot of recovery to do but she’ll be ok. The owners thank us for helping her but they are sad she had to leave her goose friend. Unfortunately it’s a boring recovery for her off sand and staying dry, but she’ll end up living a healthy life when the confinement is finished.

We got an extremely generous donor to help us finish off the rent fundraiser and now we just need to make sure our other end of month expenses are covered. Please donate today if you’re able to keep our doors open! It’s only the kindness of our supporters that keep our rescues safe!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Maggie the duck is doing great with Dr. Ayberk and we’re excited for her next step of recovery. She’ll head home late th...

Maggie the duck is doing great with Dr. Ayberk and we’re excited for her next step of recovery. She’ll head home late this afternoon to stay at our second house where Linda the chicken used to live. She’s still in need of daily wound care and must be kept in a nice dry and clean place. The next step is getting the owners to relinquish her to us which may be quite difficult as they use her for eggs. Please help us pay off her vet bill!

We’re now just $1950 from our goal to pay rent in just 4 days! We’re down to the wire now. We cannot be late! The landlord has been very kind to us over the years, and we locked in the price for the property 11 years ago. However, he could make TONS more money off someone else if he took the house back. We pay for a 4 bedroom house with garden what many people now are paying for one or two bedroom apartments in Hoi An. There’s no financial incentive for our landlord to keep us there so we absolutely MUST pay on time!

Please donate today towards Maggie’s care and our $3000 rent bill!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Duck rescue update! 🐣🦆🐥 We’ve named her Maggie. She’s so far doing ok considering what a horrible mess she was when we t...

Duck rescue update! 🐣🦆🐥 We’ve named her Maggie.

She’s so far doing ok considering what a horrible mess she was when we took her from her owners who had left her in this condition. While she’s been bright, she came to us with a severely impacted bottom and a prolapse. Once we got her to the vet we could see the origin of the rotten stench she came with: a maggot infested bum! That smell… wow. Poor baby Maggie.

The vets took her back and put her under gas to start clearing out the insane amount of sand in her bottom and to flush the maggots out of her wound. An x-ray showed no sign of egg binding which is great news. She’ll stay around the clinic to receive daily cleaning and ensuring her digestive system gets back on track with no access to sand.

Sadly, we only received a single donation towards her rescue. Apparently ducks don’t garner the same emotional connection as a dog rescue despite the fact that their vet bills for inpatient treatment costs exactly the same. PLEASE donate today to her care!

Speciesism has no place in rescue!

We remain $2200 from our goal of paying rent by 1 March! No donations have come in 2 days for this and we only have 5 days left! Please don’t let us get kicked out of our shelter!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

We’ll lose our shelter if we can’t get rent paid by 1 March! Please help us keep our facilities so we can continue to pr...

We’ll lose our shelter if we can’t get rent paid by 1 March! Please help us keep our facilities so we can continue to provide a safe and happy sanctuary to rescues in need!

We’re now in need of $2200 to raise above our existing overhead and now’s the time to donate!

We recently received a vet bill for $330 and must pay that today so we can continue to receive vital vet care for our rescues.

We’ll be returning to helping animals in the community as soon as we pay off our vet and rent bill, so help us reach our goal so our vital work here can continue!

THANK YOU to all our incredible supporters!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Now hiring for Director of Operations! We’re looking for an organized and passionate vegan with proven experience in med...

Now hiring for Director of Operations!

We’re looking for an organized and passionate vegan with proven experience in media, marketing, and fundraising who can run much of our admin to start ASAP. HR management experience is a big plus. MUST have experience living and working (not just holidays) in Southeast Asia and fully understand the situation on the ground here for rescues. This can be a part time role and hybrid remote/onsite.

For a minimum 6 month commitment we offer $750/mo plus accommodations and motorbike if in Hoi An. Must have native level English as most of our funds come from English speaking countries.

Please share our vacancies so we can get back to running smoothly ASAP as we have a lot of projects to fundraise for and manage.

We are also hiring for 2 more wildlife caretakers, one as manager, so please message us for more details.

Please send your CV and cover letter to [email protected].

11 days to raise $3000 for rent! We’ve got $500 down already so just $2500 to get to our goal. This building has been ou...

11 days to raise $3000 for rent!

We’ve got $500 down already so just $2500 to get to our goal. This building has been our shelter for 11 and a half years, so please help our rescues babies keep their home!

The building isn’t perfect, but we’re working on fixing it up on our own after its seen lots of wear and tear from so many years of animals coming and going. Today it houses 25 rescues that are waiting for their forever families plus our onsite shelter caretakers. Please help us continue to care for these lovely rescues in their home.

We are a 501c3 US nonprofit so any American donations are tax deductible. We take donations in 5 currencies and are happy to help you choose the right donation method if you don’t use PayPal or our other platforms. The deadline is 1 March, so please hurry!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Success! The monkey has moved to Bach Ma National Park’s small wildlife rescue area. We hope to eventually get her moved...

Success! The monkey has moved to Bach Ma National Park’s small wildlife rescue area. We hope to eventually get her moved to our sanctuary down the line when we finally are getting funds rolling in. We will first fix enclosures for our existing animals, then for any incoming ones.

It’s been a very tough two weeks of negotiations to get her moved. Even just this morning we were told we could only solo release her into a remote provincial park. As a handicapped monkey with just one hand, a solo release could be a death sentence so we kept fighting for her. Thanks to a lot of very pushy and well connected people, we got her into a wildlife rescue area where she’s also neighbor to another unreleasable macaque.

Most confiscated monkeys like her are merely dumped in forests alone because they are not endangered and there are no rescue centers that will take them long term or even to do a soft release to ensure their survival in a troop. Her choice was to die of starvation alone in the forest or be killed by other macaques from existing troops, a slim chance of survival either way.

Government agencies here lack the most basic resources and facilities to manage the massive caseload of animals like this. Macaques are heavily trafficked in the wildlife trade and there will just never be enough places for them to go in Vietnam. It’s just never going to be enough but we hope we can help at least in part by building the rescue, rehab, release program for Phong Dien wildlife center as we are gathering the funds for now.

Admittedly, this isn’t a perfect situation today. It’s better than before but not ideal and sadly, that’s what we’ve got to work with in a very resource poor country in which these cases just never stop coming.

Please donate today to her outstanding costs of vet care, the past 2 weeks in quarantine, and her transport today.

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

We’re hiring! 💚Three exciting new positions have become available and we are taking applications now for experienced sta...

We’re hiring! 💚

Three exciting new positions have become available and we are taking applications now for experienced staff.

🧑‍🎤Director of Operations: fundraising, social media, and HR management, can be remote
👨‍🎤Wildlife center manager: overseeing the start up of Phong Dien wildlife rescue- MUST have experience in zookeeping/ wildlife rescue in developing countries, 1 year minimum stay
👩‍🎤Wildlife caretaker: daily care of rescued wildlife in Phong Dien, experience with wildlife required, 6 month minimum stay

The wildlife workers must be able to or willing to learn to ride a motorbike due to its remote location. Experience in developing countries and working in a multicultural environment is required. Must have either degrees or professional licenses in order to be eligible for work permits to live onsite at the center. Handling experience with reptiles, birds, and other wildlife is a big plus.

We are looking for native English speakers with excellent communication skills to manage our media and marketing as well as to write grants to grow our wildlife project and maintain our sanctuary. While this can be done remotely, it’s better to be in or near Hoi An or Hue in order to be able to understand our situation on the ground here.

All positions are paid and come with a motorbike and accommodations.

Please send CV and cover letter to [email protected].

We look forward to meeting our new team members!

🐢 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐: 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘!Firstly, the very sad news is that we had to euthanize the only Sailfin Iguana due to severe inj...

Firstly, the very sad news is that we had to euthanize the only Sailfin Iguana due to severe injuries. His entire shoulder blade was lost to a large abscess, causing immense pain, and his other front leg was dislocated. Unfortunately, we couldn’t alleviate his suffering with treatment, so we made the difficult decision to end his pain and move on to give the tortoises the care they desperately need.

The tortoises need urgent health checks and require immediate improvements to their environment. Unfortunately, three of them have had to be euthanized due to severe health conditions; with the work we're currently doing, we're hoping to prevent any more casualties. We have a huge job ahead of us!

Please help us today for their best life ahead: Thank you ☘️
Ngày 2: CÁC BẠN RÙA.
Tin buồn ĐẦU TIÊN là chúng mình phải an tử cho con kỳ nhông Sailfin duy nhất do bị thương nặng với toàn bộ xương bả vai có áp xe lớn, khiến bé đau đớn vô cùng, và chân trước còn lại với khớp trật hoàn toàn. Đây là một quyết định rất khó khăn nhưng cũng sẽ là cách nhân đạo duy nhất các bác sĩ và chúng mình có thể làm cho bé.

Đến với kế hoạch gấp gáp với các bé rùa hôm nay, chúng mình phải kiểm tra sức khỏe gấp và cung cấp môi trường sống phù hợp nhất có thể. Và cũng không may là 3 trong số chúng cũng đã được an tử do tình trạng sức khỏe của chúng suy giảm, không đảm bảo.

Chúng mình sẽ cập nhật thêm tại đây về hành trình còn dài này.
Hãy giúp dự án ý nghĩa này ngay hôm nay để các loài tại đây có cuộc sống tốt nhất phía trước với VAAR. 🌱

Xin cảm ơn các bạn!
🪶Momo: Trần Tuyết Mai -0905297096
🪶 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai


💚We’ve nearly hit our fundraising target for the week, but we’re also now in crunch time for our six months rent of $300...

💚We’ve nearly hit our fundraising target for the week, but we’re also now in crunch time for our six months rent of $3000 due 1 March.

We’ve had our shelter for 11.5 years now, and while it shows a lot of wear and tear from dozens upon dozens of animals who’ve called it home 🏠 at one point, it’s ours and we’re doing our best to keep it up. We’ve got to buy loads of paint to fix the inside now that rainy season is over and we’re not battling mold.

🏠Now begins the time to squirrel away every penny we can every day to try to make rent which we struggle with every six months to make over our regular budget. We’re currently working on making it possible to donate bitcoin as well. 💰💵💲

Please help our rescues keep their home and allow us to make necessary renovations to ensure that it’s safe and comfortable for years to come!

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at VAAR! 💚💚💚We’re so happy to have you all as our followers and supporters and we a...

Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at VAAR!
💚💚💚We’re so happy to have you all as our followers and supporters and we are grateful that to see so many of you step up for our fundraiser!

We’re just around $1000 shy of our goal this week, but that’s 2/3 of the way there! We’ve got to get ready for our biggest fundraiser though that will pay our $3000 six months rent by 1 March.

But for now we’re just feeling the love that so many gave this week for us to continue our work here. It’s an amazing feeling in an otherwise extremely isolating line of work. We see you and are so grateful to have you on board.

Please spread the love keep ALL animals off your plate for this day of love and every day of the year. Loving animals means living vegan! 💚🌱💚

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

📢📢 𝗢𝗡𝗟𝗬 𝟭 𝗗𝗔𝗬 𝗟𝗘𝗙𝗧 𝗧𝗢 𝗦𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗢𝗨𝗥 𝗦𝗛𝗘𝗟𝗧𝗘𝗥 & 𝗪𝗜𝗟𝗗𝗟𝗜𝗙𝗘 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗝𝗘𝗖𝗧! 📢📢This is an 𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗬: we need YOUR help NOW! With Valentine...


This is an 𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗥𝗚𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗬: we need YOUR help NOW! With Valentine's Day tomorrow, we’re down to the final 24 hours to raise $3,000 and keep our shelter and wildlife project alive. Time is running out!

Our expenses are overwhelming; from operational costs to food, medical care, and staff wages. But the most worrying part is that rent is due on March 1st, and without these donations, we risk losing EVERYTHING 💔

We’re in the fight of our lives to keep our rescues safe. Your support will directly ensure their shelter, health, and future. Without YOU, we cannot continue our mission.

𝗕𝗨𝗧 𝗜𝗳 𝘄𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝘁 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗴𝗼𝗮𝗹, 𝘄𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗸𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝘀, 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗲𝗳𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱!❤❤

Give some love like Antoine and Annabelle. PLEASE, donate NOW and share this urgent plea!
🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai

Adopt me! These kitties need homes and they’re ready to meet their families. We ask that each cat go to an indoor only h...

Adopt me! These kitties need homes and they’re ready to meet their families.

We ask that each cat go to an indoor only home in Vietnam or they can be indoor/outdoor in safer countries. Cat theft, traffic accidents, poisoning, diseases, and fighting are a big threat here and it’s extremely hard to find good homes that will keep them safe. We’re happy to export to Europe, the UK, or the US and their export adoption fee is around $600 depending on location.

We are still $2600 short of our fundraising goal before the 15th, so please help us to continue caring for so many adoptable cats along with all our other species in permanent sanctuary.

We’ve also got to raise an additional $3000 above our regular operating expenses to pay our 6 months rent 1 March. Can you help?

🐱 venmo:
🐱 revolut:
🐱 Momo: Tên tài khoản: Trần Tuyết Mai, Số tài khoản: 0905297096
🐱 VP Bank: 0938539243, Trần Tuyết Mai






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How you can help!

Vietnam Animal Aid and Rescue is a vegan animal rights organization that has a rescue shelter and farm sanctuary in Hoi An, Vietnam. We are part of a growing, global, non-speciesist animal rights movement that works to protect all sentient beings. Our mission is to end the pain and suffering of all species, through mass sterilization, vaccinations, education and improving veterinary care across Vietnam. We advocate for a fully vegan lifestyle and for abolition of all animal use and exploitation.

Since 2013, we have been rescuing, rehabilitating, and re-homing hundreds of cats and dogs and with our previous clinic ran veterinary training, community sterilization, and mobile clinic programs. We are now opening a new mixed practice clinic in Da Nang to service all species who need us and to use as our base for mass sterilization projects and veterinary training again. We advocate for a fully vegan lifestyle and for abolition of all animal use and exploitation. We will accomplish our mission through sterilization/vaccination and building the veterinary industry of Vietnam to provide adequate health care for all species, while also educating people about the power of veganism to save animals, curb climate change, and protect human health.

We are a small charitable organisation and rely on donations from individuals such as yourself. To donate, please visit:

Here are some other ways you can also help: