Welcome to Picky Ponies. We are a small business with the aim to help you feed your picky ponies their medicine without the worry that they’re not getting their full dose. If your horse doesn’t need to take any medicine, we sell our treats separately for your equines to love just the same.
Why choose to buy from our small business? Our treats are natural and handmade which your equines are guaranteed to love and we also take pride in all of our packaging being eco-friendly and easy to recycle! We would also love to have your support and ideas which will help more horses and people.
If you chose us, what will you receive in your treat box? If you chose our natural favourites box, you would receive 12 regular, un-iced natural horse treats in the shape of donuts. In our medicine ready box, you receive 12 un-iced natural circular treats. We have found that this shape works best for putting medicine on top,. In addition, you receive a bag of icing sugar to which you add a teaspoon of water, so you can put the mixture on your treats and place your medicine on top.
These boxes are £9.99 each with free and fast delivery which will fit through your letterbox.
You may be wondering why we decided to start our small business? Our older pony Tiff, who is shown eating his medicated treat in the second picture, has to have daily doses of Pergolide which he doesn’t like. We have tried everything to get Tiff to have his medication but these have never worked. Tiff has always gone off his food or simply refused whatever we’re giving him with his medication. We even resorted to trying to dissolve the medicine in water (even flavoured water) and syringing it into his mouth. All very messy and wasteful! This was until we tried putting his medication on top of our special, handmade treats. Now he gets his full dose, regularly and without fail. Everyday, Tiff has to have his medicine and we now know it is his the full medication dose he receives, but with a tasty treat too. No expensive, wasted medicine. Because the treats are tasty, Tiff is now reminding us his medicine is due!
We have also tried our natural un-iced treats on our other horses that are on our yard and they definitely gave them the seal of approval! We are confident your horses and ponies will love them too.