Too funny just watching the action outside… without barking 🤣😂
Youngest and oldest household members working on “pick up everything”
It’s coming together ❤️🥰 I can hardly WAIT to compete with Magic in 2025: agility(priority), rally(when agility isn’t happening lol) … possibly Novice Obedience(Fall)
Astro(RiseXDream) and Rosemarie Stein ❤️🤩 in Oregon. Astro will be heading into the agility ring this summer.
These last two litters just simply fill me with joy. I’m beyond grateful to the ALL people who love RoseRidge puppies so deeply.
The NightSky(RiseXDream) and GoWithTheFlow(LiftXDream) owners have been particularly amazing 🤩 at staying in touch. I have such a clear picture of WHO each of these dogs IS - it’s extremely gratifying.
I see Leroy (DreamXLift) often for classes. I finally saw Loki, his brother a couple of weeks ago. I’m absolutely thrilled with how lovely 🥰 they are.
The snoozing configurations really do crack me up 😂 🤣
Another day another beach ❤️🐙
I wish I had this kind of energy in the morning lol 😝… off for a walk
Sound on for maximum tranquility ❤️
I DO need to take Christmas 🎄 pics but lol the entertainment channel 🤣😂 is still on
Beach time ❤️: Hudson(ThymdXTrue), Coal(RiseXTig), Bowie(RiseXRowdy) and Zinnia(JettXDream - Jett is a Tig daughter) First time meeting for the Bowie and the boys
Bugaboo(RiseXDream) and his kid ❤️❤️❤️
Bugaboo(RiseXDream) and his kid ❤️🥰