Welcome to PenDachs Dachshunds
PenDachs “All Natural Dachshunds” was born in 2006 with the addition of Dash. He was Marilyn’s first show dog. Over the years dogs have been added and removed from the breeding program tweaking as I go along to try to better the breed and what is produced here. In 2010, friend Amanda, took Kizzy and became a part of PenDachs as well.
We strive to focus on health, temperament, and conformation. It is our goal to have structurally correct smooth, standard, Dachshunds that can do the task that they were bred to do. In the past couple of years we have started working toward creating a smooth, standard, Dapple line as well. While there are a few standard, smooth, Dapples out there they are typically from imported lines and the structure is different from what you see in the AKC ring.
We hold a high regard for natural rearing. We follow a very modified vaccine schedule with our dogs and they are fed a raw meat and bones diet. While they are all house pets living with either Marilyn or Mandy, they are afforded plenty of fresh air, fresh water, and sunshine.
We typically only have a litter every year or two and dogs are NEVER sold via Facebook. Please do not inquire on this page about availability. If you’d like to speak to us about our breeding program we’d ask that you email us at [email protected]. You can also check our dogs our more on our website at www.pendachs.com
Take a look around and enjoy the photos!