“Oh excuse me, the milk bar just pulled up, got to go!” -the sweetest boy. #fieryemberscattery #kittens #kittensofinstagram #kitten #mainecoon #mainecoonkitten #mainecoonsofinstagram #mainecoonlovers #mainecooncattery #mainecooncat #love #babykitten #cat #catlover #catsofinstagram #FelineFriends
Kitten Chorus at breakfast time! #fieryemberscattery #kitten #kittens #mainecoon #mainecoons #mainecooncat #mainecooncattery #catsofinstagram #catlover #catsfacebook #cattery #lovecats #meow #babykitty
Happiest girl. #fieryemberscattery #mainecooncattery #mainecoonkittens #mainecooncat #purrfection #purrfect #purring #catloversclub #catsofinstagram #catstagram #catsoffacebook #kittensofinstagram #catlovers
Our cats food
Many have asked us about what we feed our cats/kittens.
We do not feed any fish here.
We feed a lot of raw as well as Tiki Cat After Dark and Tiki Cat kitten. We also have nulo wet and weruva wet for cats that want some random change.
We have Nulo Dry cat/kitten food out at all times for grazing throughout the day for everyone.
All the cats get daily vitamins as well.
Every household/cattery will have their own opinion on what’s best for their cats and that’s perfectly fine! This is what we personally have found works great for ours. 😻
Having clean toys and blankets last only 5 minutes now that we are weaning … our human mommy says we are lucky we are cute! 💩😸 #fieryemberscattery #mainecoonlovers #kittensofinstagram #mainecoonsofinstagram #mainecoonkitten #mainecoon #mainecoonstagram #catlover #catloversclub #mainecooncattery #kittens #cutebabies
Sweet babies at just hours old #mainecoonkitten #mainecoonsofinstagram #mainecoonlovers #mainecooncattery #mainecooncat #kittensofinstagram #kittens #kitten #catloversclub #babykitty #fieryemberscattery
Summer got her birthing box set up today. She approved and instantly went to work in making it her own.
We need ideas on name themes for this litter.
Disney characters? Foods (5 year old daughter’s idea)? Famous music artists?
Any ideas?😻