「ChargeSpot x 愛護動物協會321毛孩充電慈善週」圓滿結束!多謝你哋踴躍參與,大力支持動物福利工作🤗
“ChargeSpot x SPCA – 321 Recharge Your Pet Charity Week” concluded with a great success. Thank you for your active participation in supporting animal welfare works!
Congratulations to the lucky winners🎉 All winners will soon be in touch via whatsapp and win a customized pet portrait gift by answering a simply question.
🏆 Natalie Lam
🏆 Wu Ho Yee
🏆 Lau Kit Ying
【ChargeSpot x 愛護動物協會 - 321毛孩充電慈善週⚡捐款兼送豐富禮品】
3月21至27日期間,ChargeSpot會將每張租借訂單的首小時收益全數撥捐 SPCA (HK) 香港愛護動物協會,支持協會推行動物福利工作。
凡於活動期間付費租借,更有機會免費得到由 BePawfect 贊助送出的手繪寵物肖像客製化產品,製作獨一無二的禮物🎁
獎品:20x20厘米掛畫1份(價值 $540)、玻璃面手機殼1份(價值 $340)、杯墊1份(價值 $220)
1. 讚好此專頁及此post
2. 於慈善週期間付費租借(享受免費租借優惠的用戶不符合領獎資格)
3. 歸還充電器後,填寫抽獎登記表:http://bit.ly/321PetWeek
1. 此活動的推廣期為2021年3月21日至27日。
2. 每個ChargeSpot帳戶有機會獲得一次中獎機會。
3. 若被抽中後未能答對必答問題,該參加者將會喪失領獎資格,本公司不會送出獎品。
4. 手繪寵物肖像客製化產品由BePawfect繪製及送出,該公司保留產品製作樣式的最終決定權。
5. 手繪寵物肖像客製化產品只限繪製單隻寵物的大頭像及淨色背景。得獎者需提供清晰寵物大頭照及選擇背景顏色,亦可選擇於產品加上寵物名字。
6. 手機殼製作不支援部分舊機型,如未能為得獎者製作合適機型的手機殼,本公司有權以其他禮品替代。
7. 繪製初稿會於收到寵物相片後40天內完成,確認後印刷需時約3星期。印刷成品可能出現少許色差。
8. 得獎者需於產品製作完成後2星期內到ChargeSpot觀塘辦事處領獎,屆時本公司會為得獎者及產品拍照作推廣宣傳之用,有關照片可能會於社交媒體發佈而不另作通知。
9. 本公司有權以任何禮品取代原有獎品,並保留隨時更改、取消及終止此抽獎活動的權利而不作事先通知。
10. 如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
【ChargeSpot x SPCA 321 Recharge Your Pet Charity Week - Donate and win prizes】
ChargeSpot power bank can power up your phones, and also charge up your love to animals!
In the week of March 21st to March 27th, ChargeSpot will donate all first hour rentals to SPCA to support animal welfare works, with an aim to raise awareness on safeguarding animal welfare. A small charity act will go a long way🥰
For those who pay to rent during the week will also get a chance to win a customized pet portrait gift sponsored by BePawfect!
Date of Charity Week: 21-27 Mar 2021
Prizes: 20x20cm Wall Portrait x 1pc (Value $540), Glass Phone Case x 1pc (Value $340), Coaster x 1pc (Value $220)
Winners will be randomly selected; Must answer a compulsory question to be eligible for the prize
Winners announcement: 30 Mar 2021 (Winners will be notified via Whatsapp on or before 2 Apr 2021)
How to win the prize:
1. Like our page and this post
2. Pay to rent during Charity Week (Users who enjoy free charging are not eligible for the prize)
3. Return the power bank and fill in registration form at http://bit.ly/321PetWeek
Terms and conditions:
1. The promotion period runs from 21 Mar 2021 to 27 Mar 2021.
2. Each ChargeSpot user will be given one chance to win one prize for the whole campaign.
3. If a winner cannot provide a correct answer to the compulsory question, he/she will be disqualified.
4. Customized pet portrait gifts are designed and produced by BePawfect who reserves the right to decide the layout of the final products.
5. Customized pet portrait gifts are limited to headshot of a single pet with a plain colour background. Winners will provide a clear headshot image of the pet and choose the favourite background colour. Pet’s name could be added.
6. Production of phone case for old phone models may not be supported. If no suitable phone cases are available, the prize will be replaced with alternative ones.
7. A draft design will be provided in 40 days upon receipt of pet’s image. It will take around 3 weeks to print upon confirmation of the draft. A little distortion on the colour of final production may occur.
8. When the final products are ready, winners are advised to pick up in 2 weeks at ChargeSpot’s office in Kwun Tong. The Organizer will take a snapshot of the winners with the prize for marketing and promotional use, and the pictures may be published on social media channels without prior notice.
9. ChargeSpot reserves the right to replace the prize with any alternative gifts. ChargeSpot accepts no liability for any change, withdrawal and termination. The promotion may be withdrawn or terminated by ChargeSpot at its discretion without prior notice.
10. In case of dispute, the decision of ChargeSpot shall be final and conclusive.
#充電器 #借電一掃搞掂 #愛護動物協會 #321毛孩充電慈善週 #充出寵愛 #手繪寵物肖像