The flock was rounded up today for a general check-up, and, more importantly, they all had a pedicure done. It also meant that I finally managed to help the feral girls with dry mud stuck between their hooves.
There are five older ewes that often get mud lodged in between their hooves, and they won’t let me catch them, so they end up limping and unable to put weight on their legs. It pains me to see them suffer like this over something so simple to fix. But sheep being sheep, they think you’re going to kill them and will avoid you like the plague, especially when they feel vulnerable.
Anyway, I’m trying out a new solution—they’ve got dog boots on! If this works, it will save me a lot of hide-and-seek trying to catch them, and the girls won’t feel any discomfort. I’ll be checking regularly to make sure it stays dry and clean.
A huge shoutout to Marion, Teun, and Jennifer for giving up their Sunday to help out. And, of course, thanks to Gavin and his dog, Lady, who helped with the rounding up.