Nina To The Rescue

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Nina To The Rescue This page has been created to help El Salvador's neglected animals. Please be the help animals need.

There is an immediate need for donations to accomplish our mission to cure, spay, neuter and put animals up for adoption.

Humi 😍😍 en proceso de recuperación despues de haber sido esterilizada. Si deseas ayudarnos a rescatar y esterilizar más ...

Humi 😍😍 en proceso de recuperación despues de haber sido esterilizada.
Si deseas ayudarnos a rescatar y esterilizar más animalitos, por favor considera hacer una pequeña donación.
Humi ha sido rescatada de las calles por Evelyn Carpio. Gracias por ayudar a tantos animalitos 🐶🐶🐱🐱
PayPal: [email protected]

This kitten has been horrendously abu$3d. We have sent someone to pick him up, he will be arriving to the animal sanctua...

This kitten has been horrendously abu$3d. We have sent someone to pick him up, he will be arriving to the animal sanctuary Mi Casita Felina this afternoon.
We need help for his vet care and food. Donations are needed. Please help us in any way you can.

PayPal:[email protected]

We also have Venmo and Zelle.

Thank you 🌸🌸

Merry Christmas to every pet, dog lover, cat lover, animal lover. May we all have the will and wish to help animals in n...

Merry Christmas to every pet, dog lover, cat lover, animal lover. May we all have the will and wish to help animals in need this coming year. ❤❤☃️☃️

Thanks so much for your constant help

How do you justify this type of cru3lty?? Simply unjustifiable. A cat with a bb gn pellet, just for the amusement of som...

How do you justify this type of cru3lty?? Simply unjustifiable.
A cat with a bb gn pellet, just for the amusement of some.

The cat will be adopted by the wonderful person who took him to the vet.

If you'd like to contribute with our cause, please do so via our PayPal: [email protected]

Como se justifica este tipo de cru3ldad??
Es simplemente injustificable.
Un gatito con un bal!n en su pata, simplemente para la diversión de algunos.

El gatito será adoptado por la maravillosa persona que lo llevó a la veterinaria.

Si desea contribuir con nosotros, por favor hágalo por medio de nuestro PayPal: [email protected]

2 cats neutered = to 100 cats saved from the streets. The harsh and brutal reality of stray animals can be horrifying. E...

2 cats neutered = to 100 cats saved from the streets. The harsh and brutal reality of stray animals can be horrifying.

Easiest way to help...

Paypal: [email protected]

Thank you.


Boo!! 🎃 🎃

      Tomy was found as a stray, he had clearly been abandoned since he was well fed and clean. We searched for a month ...

Tomy was found as a stray, he had clearly been abandoned since he was well fed and clean. We searched for a month in other fb pages to see if he had been reported as lost. He had a collar with a rabies tag. The person who reported him temporarily named him "Rabit" because of the rabies tag he had on his collar 😊😊

Rabit, now Tomy, was adopted by Carolina Escalante and has truly been one of our most successful adoptions. Today is Tomy's first adoption anniversary and that deserves a ham cake with cookies on top and a whole lot of balloons 😄😄

Thank you Carolina and her family for making Tomy such a happy, healthy, loved doggo.

Manolo and the beautiful moon 😍😍🐹🐹

Manolo and the beautiful moon 😍😍🐹🐹


Duchess and George's rescue. Two of the most grateful dogs we've ever seen.
❤❤🐶🐶 Special thanks to their foster mom and to the other collaborators who sheltered them, helped cover part of the transportation, food and medicine. You all literally changed Duchess and George's world.

If you wish to help us rescue more animals from cruelty and suffering you can do so via PayPal: [email protected]

Or you can also help by liking, commenting or sharing our content.

Thank you!! Gracias!!

This post is one of our happiest ever!! Last week we were able to travel to El Salvador to take some donations we had be...

This post is one of our happiest ever!!
Last week we were able to travel to El Salvador to take some donations we had been collecting in previous weeks. Since we fly commercial our luggage allowance is not huge, but we were able to use our 150 pounds to take; 10 kennels, 2 creates, 6 carriers, 60 cans of cat food, 10 cans of dog food, 4 milk formula for kittens, treats, around 30 toys, collars, leashes, cones, flea treatment, 2 guinea pig beds, sand boxes, feeding bottles and 10 dog/cat dresses. **They were mostly donations by caring neighbors, family and friends**

Please continue to help us by sharing, commenting, donating and/or following us here on Facebook, Instagram (nina.totherescue) and Tiktok.

Thanks a million to all the amazing people who helped us in so many ways!! 🐶🐶🐱🐱❤❤🐈🐈🐶🐶

PayPal: [email protected]

     We'd like to share with you all some of the doggos we are currently helping 😊😊Every sentient being on this planet d...

We'd like to share with you all some of the doggos we are currently helping 😊😊

Every sentient being on this planet deserves respect.

Happy national dog day. Please help us by sharing ❤❤

Somewhere over a chair, there's a fully cat 😄😄😊😊

Somewhere over a chair, there's a fully cat

Osita needed ear surgery. Osita is a happy and loved dog but her family needed help with the veterinary expenses. We wer...

Osita needed ear surgery. Osita is a happy and loved dog but her family needed help with the veterinary expenses. We were able to partially help cover the cost of surgery. There is still a remaining balance due at the veterinary clinic. If you wish to make a donation you can easily do it via our PayPal account.

Thanks for your help.

PayPal: [email protected]

8 de Agosto, día internacional del gato. Los gatos de la calle viven un sufrimiento muchas veces silencioso, tienen vida...

8 de Agosto, día internacional del gato.

Los gatos de la calle viven un sufrimiento muchas veces silencioso, tienen vidas muy cortas y son de las criaturas menos toleradas por mucha gente.

Por favor, dese la oportunidad de conocerlos y ayudarlos. Son unos seres maravillosamente enigmaticos y sorprendentemente inteligentes.


August 8th, international cat day.

Stray cats tend to hide easily, therefore they often live a silent suffering. Stray cats also live shorter lives and sadly, they are some of the less tolerated creatures by many people.

Please give yourself the chance to understand them and help them. They are incredibly enigmatic and surprisingly intelligent animals.


From an unknown source, but what beautiful picture ❤❤🐶🐶

From an unknown source, but what beautiful picture ❤❤🐶🐶

Beware of dog (scratch) OWNER.

Beware of dog (scratch) OWNER.

With minimum donations this week we could only spay one female cat. However, we know that with only one surgery we've sa...

With minimum donations this week we could only spay one female cat. However, we know that with only one surgery we've saved many feline lives from suffering. Please help us continue with our mission of spaying and neutering, which equals to ending animal suffering 😊😊🐕🐕🐱🐱

Thank you ❤❤

PayPal: [email protected]



Happy 4th of July to out beloved nation ❤❤
God bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇲

Felipe was found in a dumpster as a young cat. He is now happily living at Mi casita felina  animal shelter. We are happ...

Felipe was found in a dumpster as a young cat. He is now happily living at Mi casita felina animal shelter.
We are happy to say that Felipe is NOT available for adoption 😊😊😜😜 he will live his life in the safety of the sanctuary.
Felipe has been neutered, vaccinated and dewormed.


Lovely findings 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Quien le dá buen trato a los animales demuestra haber tenido una buena educación.

Quien le dá buen trato a los animales demuestra haber tenido una buena educación.

    Coqueta was spayed one month ago. She is a TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) case. Coqueta is part of a colony of cats ...

Coqueta was spayed one month ago. She is a TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) case.
Coqueta is part of a colony of cats living at an abandoned car repair shop, she is fed everyday by one of our amazing volunteers Kathy Gomez. This beautiful cat will never again have to go through the anguish of giving birth as a stray cat.

Coqueta fue esterilizada hace un mes, ella es parte de una colonia de gatos que viven en un taller mecánico abandonado. Coqueta es alimentada diaríamente por una de nuestras queridas voluntarias Kathy Gomez.
Esta linda gatita nunca más va a tener que vivir la angustia de parír en situación de abandono.

  For our national dog rescue day celebration from yesterday we couldn't find a photo of our beloved Lulu. So today she ...

For our national dog rescue day celebration from yesterday we couldn't find a photo of our beloved Lulu. So today she gets her own post 😀😀😊😊

Lulu was adopted in Alexandria, Virginia. She is the most outgoing, full of energy (except from 8:00am to 2:00pm) during those hours she takes the longest nap 😄😄 We thank the Maza family for adopting Lulu.

El día de ayer no contabamos con una foto nuestra amada Lulu y no pudó ser agregada a nuestra celebración del día del perrito rescatado, asi que hoy hacemos una publicación especial para ella.

Lulu fue adoptada en Alexandria, Virginia. Es una perrita muy social y llená de energia (excepto de 8:00am a 12:00pm) durante esas horas ella toma una larga siesta. Agradecemos a la familia Maza por adoptar a la bella Lulu.

  A HUGE bunch of thanks to all our adopters who've rescued dogs from NTTR. Also a HUGE bunch of thanks to rescuers/adop...

A HUGE bunch of thanks to all our adopters who've rescued dogs from NTTR. Also a HUGE bunch of thanks to rescuers/adopters in general. You all make the world a better place and changed the life of a loving being.

Un millón de GRACIAS a todos las personas que han adoptado en NTTR. También un millón de gracias a todos los adoptantes en general. Ustedes realmente ayudan a que este mundo sea un mejor lugar y cambian por completo la vida de un amoros@ perrit@.


Last night on our way home we saw an opossum that had been recently struck by a car. It was already dead but since they are marsupials I immediately thought it may have babies in her pouch. There were 3 of the tiniest babies, they were the size of embryos, but, they were still moving.
I called the wildlife line to see what was the best thing to do, I explained to them how small they were and I was told that if they were moving I should bring them to the SPCA. I am not sure if they survived, but, I do know that if I didn't do anything I would've regret it. A police officer was driving by and he kindly helped me grab the dead mama, wrap it in a towel and put it in a box.
Please keep in mind that if we see an animal crossing the road and we have the possibility of breaking or stopping we should do so. Many times that animal is caring for babies or carrying babies.

     Archie, found stray when he was still a baby, nurtured back to health by one of our collaborators Carolina Ramirez ...

Archie, found stray when he was still a baby, nurtured back to health by one of our collaborators Carolina Ramirez from Salva Un Callejerito E.S.
Archie was neutered today. NTTR partially covered the surgery. Archie will soon be available for adoption ❤❤

Archie, encontrado en la calle cuando aún etra un bebé, nuestra gran amiga y colaboradora Carolina Ramirez de Salva un Callejerito E.S. lo cuidó y este día Archie tuvo su cirugia de castración. Pronto estará disponible para adopción.

Please continue to help us save lives.

Por favor continua ayudandonos a cambiar vidas.

PayPal: [email protected]


It is exceptionally difficult to help animals in a society that has such little tolerance and empathy for them. Please, be the ONE chance so many animals need.
Foster, donate, adopt.

Today Pedrito crossed the rainbow bridge.He was one of the first cats to arrive at Mi Casita Felina animal shelter. Pedr...

Today Pedrito crossed the rainbow bridge.
He was one of the first cats to arrive at Mi Casita Felina animal shelter. Pedrito was very loved by Mrs. Neydi and Mr. Edgar, they both made sure Pedrito had everything he needed until the very end. We will miss you Pedrito, but we are happy to know you that since you arrived at the shelter you had a beautiful life. ❤❤🌈🌈🐱🐱

Este día Pedrito cruzó el puente de arcoiris.
El fue uno de los primeros gatos en llegar al albergue Mi Casita Felina. Pedrito fue muy amado por la señora Neydi y Don Edgar, ellos se asegurarón que el tuviera todo lo que necesitó, incluso en sus úiltimos momentos.
Te extrañaremos Pedrito, pero nos hace felices el hecho de saber que desde que llegaste al albergue fuiste muy feliz. ❤❤🌈🌈🐱🐱

Please, rescue and be rescued. ❤❤🌷🌷

Please, rescue and be rescued. ❤❤🌷🌷

    Peluche has been adopted. Peluche was rescued by our awesome volunteer Saritha. He was one of 7 puppies rescued alon...

Peluche has been adopted. Peluche was rescued by our awesome volunteer Saritha. He was one of 7 puppies rescued along with their mother.
Peluche was adopted by Dayana Rodriguez and her family. They gladly provided all the documentation required by us to ensure a safe adoption. Dayana and her family have kept us updated in Peluche's adaptation process, he already received two of his vaccines and his vet stated he is doing well.
Huge thanks to Saritha, Dayana and her family for making Peluche's well being a priority.

Peluche ha sido adoptado.
Peluche fue rescatado por nuestra querida voluntaria Saritha. El es uno de 7 cachorros rescatados junto con su mamá. Peluche fue adoptado por Dayana Rodriguez y su familia, ellos amablemente sometieron toda la documentación requerida para asegurar que el una adopción segura.
Dayana nos ha mantenido al tanto del proceso de adaptación de Peluche, ya recibió dos de sus vacunas y su veterinario asegura que esta en muy buena salud.
Agradecemos mucho a Saritha, Dayana y toda su familia por hacer del bienestar de Peluche una prioridad.




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