With a heavy heart I had to say goodbye to the one who taught this dog person to love cats, my beloved Jinx (aka: Jinx Boo, Jinxy Boolicious, Mr. Hi-Jinx, Monsieur Boobéar, Professor Jinx). I had the great privilege to hang out with this coolest ever cat for 15 whole years. In true drama cat fashion my darling Jinx Boo chose New Years Eve 2024 as our last slow dance and snuggle together. What a blessing his life has been, he brought immense love, laughter, peace, comfort and healing to my life. I pray he felt the same about me. I already fiercely miss you, my dear friend. All of us do. It’s so quiet without the music of your constant purring and chatting at us, you were such a talker. Until we meet again, may you explore and play outdoors to your big heart’s content in peace and happiness with our dear Jeb and all our furry friends over the rainbow bridge. I will forever love you to the moon and back, Jinx Boo.♥️