Long in coming Beau update! Over the last couple weeks Beau has been working hard on building trust. He has gotten really good at sending, switching directions, yielding his hip, and some basic leading. He is so soft, try so hard, so smart, and learns so fast. Despite all that, he has still been so guarded against touch. I felt like he said "I will do whatever you want as long as you don't touch me".
One day, one step at a time I have been working to break through that wall. It has been a slow process as frequently even once step closer has been enough to burst his bubble and send him jumping the other way.
Tonight though we had BREAKTHROUGH! After a couple days just barely being able to touch him with my fingertips, I was finally able to be close enough to him without him moving to rub him with my hand on his withers tonight. When I started rubbing for the first time and scratched that itch, his whole body seemed to melt as he finally understood. He understood that my hand can scratch his itches better than any stick can and that when I reach out it is for his good. I was able to rub all up his neck and shoulders on both sides. If he hadn't taken his own tag off tonight I would finally have been able to. After rubbing on him, when I set his rope down, he followed me off to the other side of the pen.
And it's been a long and slow road so far that has taught me a lot about patience. I feel like this was Beau's turning point and now he really can start to soar!