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MASTITIS=👉 the biggest challenge to dairy Industry!

👉Mastitis is common problem in dairy cattle and buffalo. It's inflammation of udder and mammary tissues involving teat and inflammation may extend up to naval area in severe cases.


It is caused by many microorganisms including Bacteria, fungi etc.
Mostly occurs when teat or***ce is opened right after milking microbes enter through teat or***ce that remains open for about 25 to 45 minutes.

Mostly Gram positive bacteria may cause it like streptococcus and staphylococcus species Gram Negative also cause it mostly E.coli.


Mastitis is of different categories on the basis of severity and duration and its onset.

1. Clinical
2. Subclinical
3. Chronic

👉Clinical Mastitis:_

It's acute of mastitis showing clinical sigsn like inflammation, hot area around the teat and udder and swelling, animal feels pain on milking and color of milk is abnormal (changed number of leukocytes)

Subclinical mastitis:_

Less severe animal doesn't show marked signs of inflammation but actually mastitis is there.
But still animal milk is abnormal and it's confirmed on proper diagnosis (Surf field test)

Chronic mastitis:_

Mastitis if in start not treated well it becomes chronic and there is formation of connective tissue (Fibrosis). Mammary tissue is basically converted into connective tissue. In this condition, teat may get shorten than its original size. Milk is totally abnormal and ultimately teat becomes closed permanently as shown in above picture. It's difficult to treat chronic mastitis.


Mastitis is diagnosed mostly on basis of clinical signs like inflammation and milk color and consistency is observed.
For Subclinical mastitis, Surf field test is commonly practised in field. Another test is (CMT) California mastitis test and simple agglutination test is also performed.

👉Management to avoid Mastitis:_

1. Always keep animal bedding area clean
2. Prediping and post dipping solutions are used to avoid mastitis. Teat sealant also available
3. Milking machines should be thoroughly washed before and after milking
4. Proper CIP protocol should be followed if milking done through machines.
5. Proper milking machines pressure is also necessary.
6. Avoid animal from any kind of stress or teat injury.
7. Animal suffering from mastitis should be separately milked. And proper treatment must be ensured.
8. High CP content in feed may be helpful in getting mastitis so offer balanced feed.


Treatment is based on diagnosis and proper clinical signs.


PAPILLOMATOSIS👉Start : Tips Wart in fig cattle: learn how to eliminate them Wart in fig cattle: learn how to eliminate t...


👉Start : Tips Wart in fig cattle: learn how to eliminate them

Wart in fig cattle: learn how to eliminate them

Eliminating the wart in cattle of the fig tree is one of the great challenges of the Brazilian cattle rancher. Bovine papillomatosis is the scientific name for the virus.

The disease affects most of the animal's udder, head and neck. As it is an infectious disease, the initial indication is isolation to avoid contamination.

Animals of all ages can contract it, but young are the most affected.

In addition to the aesthetic appearance, which makes the animal look unhealthy, the warts of the fig tree bring great damage. This problem happens due to the head losses that the producer may have. This if you do not do the treatment right at the beginning of the manifestation.

If not treated properly, the tumor can become malignant, developing cancer in the animal. Other damages are the compromise of the leather, mastitis and insects.

Fig warts should be treated early

The incidence of the disease is so high that in the Northeast alone, 30% of the entire herd has already been contaminated.


To prevent, pay attention to the quality of the water offered to the herd. Unfortunately, the water that is so important in livestock is a focus of transmission, as well as fences.

Another aspect to be observed is the animal's immunity. When it is low, it is a prerequisite for the disease.

Warts can be of different colors, shapes and sizes. Ticks and flies are also vectors.

When you identify an animal with fig warts, isolate it. And do not use the same tools for milking and ironing. The use of these objects without sterilization can contaminate the rest of the herd.

Fighting wart in fig cattle

Currently, utopian vaccines and treatments are available on the market. However, they are of low efficiency and high investment. However, there are inexpensive ways to treat fig warts in your herd:

1– Draw 20 ml of blood from the animal's vein. Add 1ml of calcium and apply this blood again to the animal's muscle. This process must be done once a week, for a month. The fig tree wart will begin to dry and fall off.

2– Take a copper wire. Place it on the circumference of the animal's neck. Just like a necklace. Then with a very thin copper wand. Pierce the bovine ear after heating it, which will also make the warts dry and fall out.


Happy New year



MASTITIS=👉 the biggest challenge to dairy Industry!👉Mastitis is common problem in dairy cattle and buffalo. It's inflamm...

MASTITIS=👉 the biggest challenge to dairy Industry!

👉Mastitis is common problem in dairy cattle and buffalo. It's inflammation of udder and mammary tissues involving teat and inflammation may extend up to naval area in severe cases.


It is caused by many microorganisms including Bacteria, fungi etc.
Mostly occurs when teat or***ce is opened right after milking microbes enter through teat or***ce that remains open for about 25 to 45 minutes.

Mostly Gram positive bacteria may cause it like streptococcus and staphylococcus species Gram Negative also cause it mostly E.coli.


Mastitis is of different categories on the basis of severity and duration and its onset.

1. Clinical
2. Subclinical
3. Chronic

👉Clinical Mastitis:_

It's acute of mastitis showing clinical sigsn like inflammation, hot area around the teat and udder and swelling, animal feels pain on milking and color of milk is abnormal (changed number of leukocytes)

Subclinical mastitis:_

Less severe animal doesn't show marked signs of inflammation but actually mastitis is there.
But still animal milk is abnormal and it's confirmed on proper diagnosis (Surf field test)

Chronic mastitis:_

Mastitis if in start not treated well it becomes chronic and there is formation of connective tissue (Fibrosis). Mammary tissue is basically converted into connective tissue. In this condition, teat may get shorten than its original size. Milk is totally abnormal and ultimately teat becomes closed permanently as shown in above picture. It's difficult to treat chronic mastitis.


Mastitis is diagnosed mostly on basis of clinical signs like inflammation and milk color and consistency is observed.
For Subclinical mastitis, Surf field test is commonly practised in field. Another test is (CMT) California mastitis test and simple agglutination test is also performed.

👉Management to avoid Mastitis:_

1. Always keep animal bedding area clean
2. Prediping and post dipping solutions are used to avoid mastitis. Teat sealant also available
3. Milking machines should be thoroughly washed before and after milking
4. Proper CIP protocol should be followed if milking done through machines.
5. Proper milking machines pressure is also necessary.
6. Avoid animal from any kind of stress or teat injury.
7. Animal suffering from mastitis should be separately milked. And proper treatment must be ensured.
8. High CP content in feed may be helpful in getting mastitis so offer balanced feed.


Treatment is based on diagnosis and proper clinical signs.



👉What is a prolapse?
A prolapse is defined as: the falling down or slipping of a body part from its usual position. Vaginal or cervical prolapses are two types that occur in beef cows.

👉The complete uterine prolapse is most common at calving. This is when the uterus is completely expelled out behind the cow, and can hang down to the hocks when standing. This condition can be life threatening for the cow, and the uterus must be cleaned and reinserted as quickly as possible. The cow can go into shock quickly and die from blood loss.

👉A cervical prolapse is usually seen in older cows and occurs when the tissue around the birth canal becomes relaxed during the later stages of pregnancy. The increased pressure in the abdominal cavity will push the va**na or re**um out. If there is tissue trapped outside the birth canal, it can swell and become infected. The bladder can also be trapped in the expelled tissue, preventing the animal from urinating.

👉What causes a Uterine Prolapse?
A uterine prolapse is usually seen immediately or within hours of calving. A difficult calving that causes injury or irritation of the external birth canal, severe straining, or excessive pressure applied when pulling a calf can cause a uterine prolapse. Poor uterine tone or nutritional related problems with low blood calcium levels or animals in poor body condition can increase the incidence of uterine prolapses. Other causes can be a retained placenta, or a loose uterine attachment in the abdominal cavity, which could be a heritable.
What causes a Vaginal Prolapse?
Fat or over condition older cows are more prone to having va**nal prolapses. Calving twins or triplets can also cause a prolapse. Summer calving herds on high quality legume pasture are at higher risk.

👉How do I treat a uterine prolapse?
A uterine prolapse is an emergency situation, and it is critical for the cow to be treated quickly. Contact your veterinarian for assistance with this procedure. If the uterus is placed back improperly, internal haemorrhaging can occur, leading to death.

👉How do I treat a va**nal prolapse? The va**na must be re-attached to the muscles in the immediate area. Consult a veterinarian to help with this procedure.

👉What can I do to prevent prolapses?
With va**nal prolapses, it is important not to allow cows to become overly fat during the last trimester of pregnancy. Cull animals that have experienced a va**nal prolapse. Subsequent va**nal prolapses are typically worse than the first. Prolapses can also be an inherited trait. If there is a high incidence in the herd, check the bloodlines of the cows and bulls in the herd. Try to identify any common bloodlines, avoid these lines in the future. Do not keep replacement heifers or breeding bulls from known lines that have experienced prolapses.

👉If large calves are a possible cause of the prolapse, use low birth weight bulls in the breeding program, and provide a ration to keep the cow herd in good condition and not over conditioned.

👉When pulling a calf, do not use excessive traction.
Are there any long-term consequences of a prolapse?

👉With uterine prolapses, if a good clean job is done replacing the uterus, it is not necessary to cull the cow from the herd. Be aware that cows that have pr*****ed have a higher risk of prolapsing again compared to those who have never had this condition. If an infection has occurred when replacing the uterus, the cow may be slow to rebreed or may not rebreed at all.



👉The placenta is the membrane that connects the fetus with the dam. The button like structures of the placenta (cotyledons), connect with the caruncles of the uterus. It is through these unions (placentomas), that nutrients are transferred from the mother to the calf. After a normal calving, the placenta will be expelled within 30 minutes to 8 hours. If the placenta has not been released after 12 hours, the cow will have a condition known as retained placenta (RP).

👉Retained placenta by itself is not a problem; however it may lead to uterine contamination. For example, when the cow lies down, the placenta hangs further out of her body and touches dirty stalls and corrals loaded with bacteria. When the cow stands and walks, the contaminated tissue is pulled back into the uterus. A cow with RP is 5 to 7 times more likely to have metritis (uterine infection), and her pregnancy rate decreases by approximately 15 percent. Furthermore, cows with RP are more susceptible to suffer ketosis, displaced abomasums and being culled earlier. The cost of each RP is estimated at over $300.

👉Overall, the incidence of RP is 8 percent; however, it ranges from 3 percent to 40 percent across herds. If your herd has an incidence of RP above 10 percent, you should be looking closely into this problem. On the other hand, if the incidence of RP is too low in your herd, you should ensure that postpartum checks and/or record keeping are being done properly.

Several factors have been associated with increased risk of RP. The most important are listed below:

Mechanical factors: difficult birth (dystocia), twins, stillborn, abortion.
Nutritional factors: mineral and vitamin deficiency, low levels of calcium in blood.
Management factors: stress, obesity.
Infectious diseases: Brucellosis, Leptospirosis, IBR, BVD.
After a normal calving, the immune system recognizes the placenta as a foreign body and attacks it. The unions between cotyledons and caruncles are destroyed and the placenta is released. However, when the immune system is weakened, it fails to degrade those unions and RP occurs. There are several very important factors for a good immune response that should be taken into consideration to prevent RP:

👉Calcium blood levels: check the dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD).
Dietary minerals and vitamins: ensure the dry cow ration is properly balanced.
Body weight loss: during close-up of the dry period, provide easy access to fresh palatable food to stimulate appetite.
Quality silages: mold and mycotoxins impair the immune response.
Stress: avoid situations that stress animals close to calving such as pen movements, diet changes, and noises.
Treating cows immediately after calving with oxytocin, prostaglandin or calcium has shown poor results on RP prevention. However, once the cow has RP, there is something very important that you can do:

Prevent Metritis (Uterine Infection). Remember, clean and comfortable bedding is critical to ensure minimal bacterial contamination of the placenta and the uterus.

👉Manual removal of the placenta is not advised. Postpartum, the uterine walls are thin and fragile, and manipulation of the uterus may cause harm. Trimming out the placenta may decrease the dirt caught by the placenta, however, the pulling force of the placenta's weight will be lost. Retained placenta ends up in metritis in 25 percent to 50 percent of cases. Metritis may require antibiotic treatment and rehydration; you should seek advice from your veterinarian to establish a metritis treatment protocol.

Cows with RP normally drop the placenta within a week. The best approach in a RP case is to watch the cow closely. It is very important to remember that if she is not sick - do not treat, and if she is sick, seek advice from your veterinarian.

👉👉ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION........👉(INFORMATIVE FOR FORMER AND VET STUDENTS)👉IntroductionArtificial insemination is the t...



Artificial insemination is the technique in which semen with living s***ms is collected from the male and introduced into female reproductive tract at proper time with the help of instruments. This has been found to result in a normal offspring. In this process, the semen is inseminated into the female by placing a portion of it either in a collected or diluted form into the cervix or uterus by mechanical methods at the proper time and under most hygienic conditions. The first scientific research in artificial insemination of domestic animals was performed on dogs in 1780 by the Italian scientist, Lazanno Spalbanzani. His experiments proved that the fertilizing power reside in the s***matozoa and not in the liquid portion of semen. Few further studies under research station conditions helped this technique to be used commercially allover the world including India.

Artificial insemination is not merely a novel method of bringing about impregnation in females. Instead, it is a powerful tool mostly employed for livestock improvement. In artificial insemination the germplasm of the bulls of superior quality can be effectively utilized with the least regard for their location in far away places. By adoption of artificial insemination, there would be considerable reduction in both ge***al and non-ge***al diseases in the farm stock.


The various symptoms of heat are

The animal will be excited condition. The animal will be in restlessness and nervousness.
The animal will be bellow frequency.
The animal will reduce the intake of feed.
Peculiar movement of limbo sacral region will b observed.
The animals which are in heat will lick other animals and smelling other animals.
The animals will try to mount other animals
The animals will standstill when other animal try to mount.. This period is known as standing heat. This extends 14-16 hours.
Frequent maturation (urination) will be observed.
Clear mucous discharge will be seen from the v***a, sometimes it will be string like the mucous will be seen stick to the near the pasts of valva.
Swelling of the valva will be seen.
11 Congestion and hyperemia of membrane.
The tail will be in raised position.
Milk production will be slightly decreased.
On Palpation uterus will be turgid and the cervix will be opened.

👉Advantages and disadvantages:

Artificial insemination (A.I.) is deposition of semen into the female ge***al tract by means of instruments.


There are several advantages by artificial insemination over natural mating or servicing.

There is no need of maintenance of breeding bull for a herd; hence the cost of maintenance of breeding bull is saved.
It prevents the spread of certain diseases and sterility due to ge***al diseases.
Eg: contagious abortion, vibriosis.
By regular examination of semen after collection and frequent checking on fertility make early detection of interior males and better breeding efficiency is ensured.
The progeny testing can be done at an early age.
The semen of a desired size can be used even after the death of that particular sire.
The semen collected can be taken to the urban areas or rural areas for insemination.
7 It makes possible the mating of animals with great differences in size without injury to either of the animal.
It is helpful to inseminate the animals that are refuse to stands or accept the male at the time of oestrum.
It helps in maintaining the accurate breeding and cawing records.
It increases the rate of conception.
It helps in better record keeping.
Old, heavy and injured sires can be used.
Disadvantages of A.I:

Requires well-trained operations and special equipment.
Requires more time than natural services.
Necessitates the knowledge of the structure and function of reproduction on the part of operator.
Improper cleaning of instruments and in sanitary conditions may lead to lower fertility.
If the bull is not properly tested, the spreading of ge***al diseases will be increased.
Market for bulls will be reduced, while that for superior bull is increased.

Various methods of collection of semen have been devised from time to time. The older unsatisfactory methods have gradually replaced by the new modern techniques.

👉There are three common methods.

Use of artificial va**na
By Electro-stimulation method.
By massaging the ampulae of the duct us differences through re**al wall.
The ideal method of semen collection is use of artificial va**na which is safe for sire and the collector also.

👉The artificial va**na has the following parts:

A heavy hard rubber 2" lose, open at both ends with a nostle for air and water in and outlet.
Inner sleeve of rubber or rubber liner.
The semen receiving cone or rubber cone.
Semen collection tube made of glass or plastic graduate in cc and its fraction correct to 0.1 CC
Insulating bag Before using for semen collection all the parts are washed thoroughly and sterilized properly, and assembled as artificial va**na, the rubber liner is inserted into the hose; inverting both ends back by folding back from either side opening, and fastening with rubber bands. Now the space between the hard rubber hose and inner rubber liner forms a water tight compartment. The nostle at one end of the hose can be fixed .

Turning through the threaded nut up or down. The water jacket of the Artificial -va**na is- filled with hot water at a temperature of 45°C (113°F) by opening the nostle. The graduated semen collection tube is fixed to the narrow end of the artificial va**na hose, and fastened by a rubber band. The inner side of the rubber liner on the anterior side of the artificial va**na is lubricated with sterile jelly to a length of 3 to 4 inches. Air is blown through the nostle into the water jacket, to create pressure in if, and the same is exerted the rubber linear, to simulate natural va**na.

The temperature of the artificial va**na is to be checked, at each collection, and it should simulate natural va**na at mounting time. If the artificial va**na is to mount later. If it is too cold ej*****te may not be there after a thrust, or even if ej*****te is there; it may be contaminated with urine, and becomes unfit for use.


The cow or dummy is secured in service create. The artificial va**na assembled is held at 45° angle from the direction of p***s, and the thrust is that angle. The artificial va**na is held with the left hand by a right handed person; and when the bull mounts the cow, the sheath of the bull will be graphed by the operator, directing the gland p***s into the artificial va**na, and then the bull gives a thrust to ej*****te.

The operator should evince care so as not to touch the exposed past of the p***s. After the bull dismounts, the artificial va**na is taken off from p***s and the air vent is opened to release the pressure from the jacket.

The water from the jacket is also drained by opening the nostle. This allows the ej*****te to flow from the cone to the semen collection tube. The semen collection tube is detached from the cone, plugged with cotton wool, and taken to the laboratory for examination. The rubber cone and the semen collection tube can be protected from external contamination or heat or higher, by covering with an insulation bag with zip.

semen collection
Semen Collection


The discovery that bull semen could be successfully frozen and stored for indefinite periods has revolutionized AI in cattle. In 1949, British scientists discovered that addition of glycerol to the semen extender improved resistance of s***m to freezing. Glycerol acts to remove water from the s***m cell prior to freezing and prevents the formation of cellular ice crystals which would damage the s***m. There are two methods of freezing and storing semen: dry ice and alcohol (-100 degrees F) and liquid nitrogen (-320 degrees F). Liquid nitrogen is preferred because there is no evidence of fertility deterioration with age. Fertility gradually declines in semen stored in dry ice-alcohol.

Frozen semen can be stored indefinitely if proper temperature is maintained. A recent report told of a calf born from frozen semen stored for 16 years. Fresh, liquid semen can be successfully stored for 1 to 4 days at 40 degrees F. Semen is usually stored in glass ampoules. Other methods appear promising, particularly the French-straw. Several AI organizations have gone to this method exclusively. Artificial coloring is frequently added to semen extenders in order to distinguish one breed from another. Complete identification of the bull is required on each individual semen container.


There-are different methods insemination in different species of animals i.e. speculum method, va**nal method and recto va**nal method.




In cattle the safe and best method of insemination is “Recto va**nal method of insemination”. Cow which is in heat is well controlled placing it in a Travis. The inseminator will get ready by wearing a plastic apron, gumboots and gloves. The semen straw after thawing (keeping the semen straw in warm water for a minute to convert the freezed semen into liquid and the s***ms become motile) is loaded in a sterilized A.I. gum and is covered with a plastic sheath. The inseminator will insert the gloved left hand into the re**um after applying the soft soap or other lubricant on the glove and back racked the animal, and the hand is further inserted and will catch hold the cervix through re**al wall. The A.I gum loaded with semen straw is passed.

Recto-va**nal method of insemination

Through the v***a to ‘va**na and cervix and observed with the hand in re**um that the A. I gum reaches the cervix, then the semen is deposited by injecting the gun, and after depositing the semen the gun is removed, the empty straw and sheath are disordered.


In this method spectrum is placed in the va**na of the cow, which provides passage outside to the site of insemination, then inseminating tube is passed through the speculum and semen is deposited at the cervix insemination method.


Hand is passed through the va**na and the inseminating tube is guided by hand to the site of insemination and semen is deposited. Here there is a risk of contamination and injury of female ge***alia.


Freezing of semen for successful preservation of s***matozoa, for long periods, is of great importance in livestock breeding and farm management. It has made it possible” to make available the use of outstanding proven sizes for larger number of cows, covering larger area, frozen semen shipment has become possible to different continents in the globe to any place connected with any service. Now a day if farmer wants to use of an outstanding size for inheritance of high milk yield, he can go in for frozen semen service provided his area is, covered by Artificial insemination, with supply of frozen semen.

At present frozen semen is used in most of the states in India. The technique of semen preservation in straws was developed in France . Freezing of semen is done with a special diluents, which has the following composition.
Sodium citrate dihydrate (angular) 2.4 y. 2.0 gm 8.0 ml 25.0%byvolume 50,000 units per 100 ml of semen Fructose Glycerol Egg Yolk Penicillin dilulent. Dihydro-streptomycin 50.0 mg per .100m1 of semen dilulent. Distilled water double glass distilled 100.Om1. The addition of glycerol to the dilulent makes the cells more resistant to the rigours of freezing and icy crystals, which form are smaller and smoother thus creating less damage to the s***matozoa. The addition of fructose to the diluent luprores s***m resistance to glycerol; and also provides nutrition.

Frozen semen is packed in single dose glass vials or plastic straws at +5°C. The final level of glycerol should be 7.0 to 7.6% during the freezing process. The antibiotics are added to inhibit bacteria and to kill pathetic organisms. The semen to be diluted in such a way that one ml. of extended semen will contain 20 million motile s***matozoa. The semen must be cooled carefully for s***matozoa to remain with life. The final temperature is lowered to -79°C or still lower. Quick freezing is done for a period of 3 to 5 minutes to -75°C with the help of atmosphere created by liquid nitrogen. In the slow freezing technique cooling is done at the rate of 1 °C per minute from +5°C to -15°C. From -15°C to -31 °C at the rate of 2°C per minute. From -31°C to 75°C at the rate of 4 to 5°C per minute. Thus taking 40 minutes in total, further cooling to -96°C can be done quickly as it is not critical after freezing. Before freezing the diluted semen in equilibreated for 3 to 5 hours or for the best 16 to 20, hours period in refrigerator at 5°C. Frozen semen facilitates the percent use of the semen diluted and frozen, and thus the delivery price is reduced, and it can be supplied with the gaps of months to the A.I technicians as against the supply of fluid semen every days or alternate days. Liquid nitrogen plays a vital role for storing the frozen semen straws, at a temperature of -196°C for longer periods.

👉Artificial insemination (AI) of cattle

Artificial insemination (AI) is the process of collecting s***m cells from a male animal and manually depositing them into the reproductive tract of a female. One can cite a number of potential benefits from the use of artificial insemination.

Increased efficiency of bull usage
During natural breeding, a male will deposit much more semen than is theoretically needed to produce a pregnancy. In addition, natural breeding is physically stressful. Both of these factors limit the number of natural mating a male can make. However, collected semen can be diluted and extended to create hundreds of doses from a single ej*****te. Also, semen can be easily transported; allowing multiple females in different geographical locations to be inseminated simultaneously, and semen can be stored for long periods of time, meaning that males can produce offspring long after their natural reproductive lives end.

Increased potential for genetic selection
Because artificial insemination allows males to produce more offspring, fewer males are needed. Therefore, one can choose only the few best males for use as parents, increasing the selection intensity. Furthermore, because males can have more offspring, their offspring can be used in a progeny test program to more accurately evaluate the genetic value of the male. Finally, individual farmers can use artificial insemination to increase the genetic pool with which his or her animals can be mated, potentially decreasing effects of inbreeding.

Decreased costs
Male animals often grow to be larger than females and can consume relatively larger amounts of feed. Also, male animals are often more strong, powerful, and potentially ill-mannered and thus require special housing and handling equipment.

Increased safety for animals and farmers
As mentioned, male animals can become large and aggressive. These factors mean that maintaining a bull on a farm may be dangerous. Also, because of the relatively larger size of adult males than females, natural mating is more likely to result accidents and injury to either the cow or the bull than is artificial insemination.

Reduced disease transmission
Natural mating allows for the transfer of venereal diseases between males and females. Some pathogens can be transmitted in semen through artificial insemination, but the collection process allows for the screening of disease agents. Collected semen is also routinely checked for quality, which can help avoid problems associated with male infertility.
Artificial insemination has some potential drawbacks, however, that must be considered. First, it can be more laborious. Male animals instinctively detect the females that are in the correct status for conception. With artificial insemination the detection work falls on the responsibility of the farmer. Poor detection results in decreased rates of fertility. Also, increasing the number of offspring per male has selective advantages only if the best males can be accurately determined. Otherwise this process only decreases the genetic variability in a population. Increasing the number of offspring per male always reduces the gene pool. The benefits of more intense selection must be balanced against the negative effects of decreased variation.

The technique of inseminating a cow is a skill requiring adequate knowledge, experience and patience. Improper AI techniques can negate all other efforts to obtain conception. Semen must be deposited within the tract of the cow at the best location and at the best time to obtain acceptable conception rates. Early methods of AI involved deposition of the semen in the va**na, as would occur in natural mating. Those methods are not satisfactory. Fertility is low and greater numbers of s***m are required. Another method which gained popularity was the "speculum" method. This method is easily learned, but proper cleaning and sterilizing of the equipment is necessary, making it more impractical to inseminate than with the rectova**nal technique which is the most widely used AI method today.

In the recto-va**nal technique a sterile, disposable catheter containing the thawed semen is inserted into the va**na and then guided into the cervix by means of a gloved hand in the re**um. The inseminating catheter is passed through the spiral folds of the cow's cervix into the uterus. Part of the semen is deposited just inside the uterus and the remainder in the cervix as the catheter is withdrawn. Expulsion of the semen should be accomplished slowly and deliberately to avoid excessive s***m losses in the catheter. The body of the uterus is short; therefore, care should be taken not to pe*****te too deeply which might cause physical injury. In animals previously inseminated, the catheter should not be forced through the cervix since pregnancy is a possibility. Since research data show little variation in conception rates when semen is placed in the cervix, uterine body or uterine horns, some people recommend incomplete pe*******on of the cervical canal and deposition of semen in the cervix.

The recto-va**nal technique is more difficult to learn and practice is essential for acceptable proficiency but the advantages make this method of insemination more desirable than other known methods. With practice, the skillful technician soon learns to thread the cervix over the catheter with ease. If disposable catheters are used and proper sanitation measures are followed, there is little chance of infection being carried from one cow to another.

Timing of Insemination for Maximum Conception
A frequent question concerning AI is: What time during estrus should cows be bred for greatest chance of conception? Since estrus may last from 10 to 25 hours there is considerable latitude in possible time of insemination. Much research work has been conducted on this subject.

Controlled investigations were conducted by Trim Berger and Davis at Nebraska in 1943. These and other studies show that conception rate is lower when cows are bred prior to mid estrus or later than 6 hours after cessation of estrus (standing heat in this case). Maximal conception is obtained when cows are inseminated between mid estrus and the end of standing estrus, with good results up to 6 hours after estrus.

Success in insemination timing is dependent upon a good heat detection program. In large herds, this means assigning individual responsibility for heat detection and a continued education program for labor. A successful heat detection program and subsequent proper timing of insemination will pay dividends in increasing reproductive efficiency.👈👈




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