Many of you aren't aware but my mom has stage 4 lung cancer that has metastasized in the body in multiple places including the heart and now up to the brain. She isn't doing well and is facing her last days/weeks. I have been in California with her for about a year and a half. I just wanted to give a big thank you to my hubby who has been so supportive, loving, and helpful to me while I have been here. It hasnt been easy but having someone in your corner you can trust and count on is everything.
Many of you also don't know that matt moved here with me and Mike stayed in missouri with George because both of them work. He has been taking care of Mike and even though that kid is amazing in everyday, it isn't easy caring for an adult with Down syndrome by yourself.
I just want to ask that you say a prayer for my mom and send a public thank you to George Wagoner because I really don't know what I woukd have done without him.