Look at how well Board and train dogs Maui and Porter are heeling together now!
A glimpse of training with board and train dogs Grayson and Gemma! They are both Great Danes.
Board and Train Rocky came to us with dog aggression. Now he’s living his best life, running off leash and having fun with a friend!
When it’s wet and cold outside, you take it indoors. Good training session with day camper Edith and board and train dogs - Graham, Rocky and Delilah!
All work and no play doesn’t make for happy dogs. Playtime inside today!
Board and Train Sully is a heeling pro now! When Sully arrived for his board and train he fought and bit at anything he could on the leash. He had no idea all the fun outings he was missing. Here’s to new adventures Sully!
Sometimes you just need to be a dog! Service K9 Titus and Board and Train dogs Grayson and Athena enjoying a walk in the woods!
Board and Train dogs Wookie and Sevi heeling so nicely together! They were not too fond of new environments or strangers at first but have improved so much!
Look at what a good stay Board and Train Cesar has!
An awesome heeling trio! Board and Train dogs Freya, Oliver and Pepper!
It’s a good day to work inside! Board and train Freya. Freya took awhile to warm up, as one of her needs is confidence building, but as you can see she is willing to work now!
Congratulations USAF Veteran TSgt Chris Houseknecht and Service Dog Ginger!